I came across an interesting presentation on page 32, and I started out to replicate and understand a code presented
The code from the presentation is as follows:
#Unicredit banks code
# Quantile function of lognormal-GPD severity distribution
qlnorm.gpd = function(p, theta, theta.gpd, u)
Fu = plnorm(u, meanlog=theta[1], sdlog=theta[2])
x = ifelse(p<Fu,
qlnorm( p=p, meanlog=theta[1], sdlog=theta[2] ),
qgpd( p=(p - Fu) / (1 - Fu) , xi=theta.gpd[1], mu=theta.gpd[2], beta=theta.gpd[3]) )
# Random sampling function of lognormal-GPD severity distribution
rlnorm.gpd = function(n, theta, theta.gpd, u)
r = qlnorm.gpd(runif(n), theta, theta.gpd, u)
nSim = 1000000 # Number of simulated annual losses
H = 1500 # Threshold body-tail
lambda = 791.7354 # Parameter of Poisson body
theta1 = 2.5 # Parameter mu of lognormal (body)
theta2 = 2 # Parameter sigma of lognormal (body)
theta1.tail = 0.5 # Shape parameter of GPD (tail)
theta2.tail = H # Location parameter of GPD (tail)
theta3.tail = 1000 # Scale parameter of GPD (tail)
sj = rep(0,nSim) # Annual loss distribution inizialization
freq = rpois(nSim, lambda) # Random sampling from Poisson
for(i in 1:nSim) # Convolution with Monte Carlo method
sj[i] = sum(rlnorm.gpd(n=freq[i], theta=c(theta1,theta2), theta.gpd=c(theta1.tail, theta2.tail, theta3.tail), u=H))
However I get this error which I cannot resolve:
Error: min(p, na.rm = TRUE) >= 0 is not TRUE
Many thanks to Shadow.
I dont know how to change function reference. Is it as easy as qgpd.fExtremes to qgpd.evir?
Thanks to Shadow again to pointing this out.
For anyone who wishes to change reference to function from different package (In the above example from fExtremes to evir its as simple as adding evir:::(function).
evir:::qgpd( p=(p - Fu) / (1 - Fu) , xi=theta.gpd[1], mu=theta.gpd[2], beta=theta.gpd[3]) )
The reason you get an error here is that the packages fExtremes and evir both implement different versions of the function qgpd. In the evir version, p can be less than 0, while the fExtremes package only implements qgpd for p>=0.
The easiest solution to this is to change the qgpd function call to evir:::qgpd.
I hope you are well and having a nice day. I am attempting to code an MH algorithm for a multiple linear regression model. I am following a tutorial online for simple linear regression using an MH algorithm and I plan on applying the principles myself to my multiple linear regression model, but I am running into a problem figuring our how to specify prior distributions for the parameters. Below, is the code.
trueA <- 5
trueB <- 0
trueSd <- 10
sampleSize <- 31
# create independent x-values
x <- (-(sampleSize-1)/2):((sampleSize-1)/2)
# create dependent values according to ax + b + N(0,sd)
y <- trueA * x + trueB + rnorm(n=sampleSize,mean=0,sd=trueSd)
likelihood <- function(param){
a = param[1]
b = param[2]
sd = param[3]
pred = a*x + b
singlelikelihoods = dnorm(y, mean = pred, sd = sd, log = T)
sumll = sum(singlelikelihoods)
This is the portion where I am running into problems. In the tutorial, the author now specifies that they define prior distributions for the parameters. In this case, I would like to specify uninformative prior distributions for the slopes, coefficients, and standard deviation. The author says that they used uniform/normal distributions.
I found an example using Poisson regression, which looks like:
LogPriorFunction <- function(param){
beta0 <- param[1]
beta1 <- param[2]
beta0prior <- dnorm(beta0, 0, sqrt(100), log=TRUE)
beta1prior <- dnorm(beta1, 0, sqrt(100), log=TRUE)
return(beta0prior + beta1prior) # Logarithm of prior distributions
But I am having trouble adapting it to the simple linear regression. Here is my attempt:
prior <- function(param){
a = param[1]
b = param[2]
sd = param[3]
aprior = dnorm(a, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)
bprior = dnorm(b, 0, 1000, log=TRUE)
sdprior = 1/rgamma(sd, shape = .001, scale = .001)
return(aprior + bprior + sdprior) # Logarithm of prior distributions
The rest of the code is:
posterior <- function(param){
return (likelihood(param) + prior(param))
proposalfunction <- function(param){
return(rnorm(3,mean = param, sd= c(0.1,0.5,0.3)))
run_metropolis_MCMC <- function(startvalue, iterations){
chain = array(dim = c(iterations+1,3))
chain[1,] = startvalue
for (i in 1:iterations){
proposal = proposalfunction(chain[i,])
probab = exp(posterior(proposal) - posterior(chain[i,]))
if (runif(1) < probab){
chain[i+1,] = proposal
chain[i+1,] = chain[i,]
startvalue = c(4,0,10)
chain = run_metropolis_MCMC(startvalue, 10000)
burnIn = 5000
acceptance = 1-mean(duplicated(chain[-(1:burnIn),]))
Finally, along with specifying the priors, I keep getting the warning message:
Error in if (runif(1) < probab) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning message:
In if (runif(1) < probab) { :
the condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
I am not sure if this is related to my incorrectly specifying the prior distributions, as the author of the article gets similar results from the MH algorithm as running a simple linear regression model using the lm() function. Any help would with these issues would be greatly appreciated. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you.
As a reference, here is the link to the article:
Finally, here is a link to the article from where I tried to emulate the priors, but does Poisson regression and not linear regression:
I am trying to write my own logistic regression function in R. The goal is to get a function that gives the same results as the glm() function where family = binomial. I have some problems with ordinal data. I tried to factorize it before (as usually done in the case where the glm() function is used). However, the results of my function and of the glm() function are not the same. Does anyone know how to solve the problem with the ordinal data? Thanks in advance :) You can find my code below.
manual_logistic_regression = function(X,y,threshold = 1e-10, max_iter = 100)
#A function to find logistic regression coefficients
#Takes three inputs:
#A function to return p, given X and beta
#We'll need this function in the iterative section
calc_p = function(X,beta)
beta = as.vector(beta)
return(exp(X%*%beta) / (1+ exp(X%*%beta)))
#### setup bit ####
#initial guess for beta
beta = rep(0,ncol(X))
#initial value bigger than threshold so that we can enter our while loop
diff = 10000 # has to be bigger than threshold
#counter to ensure we're not stuck in an infinite loop
iter_count = 0
#### iterative bit ####
while(diff > threshold ) #tests for convergence
#calculate probabilities using current estimate of beta
p = as.vector(calc_p(X,beta)) #p is changing due to the new beta in each iteration
#calculate matrix of weights W
W = diag(p*(1-p)) #varianz von Y, weil Y 1 oder 0 ist
#calculate the change in beta
beta_change = solve(t(X)%*%W%*%X) %*% t(X)%*%(y - p)
#update beta
beta = beta + beta_change
#calculate how much we changed beta by in this iteration
#if this is less than threshold, we'll break the while loop
diff = sum(beta_change^2)
#see if we've hit the maximum number of iterations
iter_count = iter_count + 1
if(iter_count > max_iter) {
stop("Not converging.")
#make it pretty
coef = c("(Intercept)" = beta[1], x1 = beta[2], x2 = beta[3], x3 = beta[4], x4 = beta[5])
#I used the following data sample. I want to regress admit on great, gpa and rank.
mydata <- read.csv("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/data/binary.csv")
## view the first few rows of the data
#institutions with a rank of 1 have the highest prestige, while those with a rank of 4 have the lowest.
mydata$rank <- factor(mydata$rank)
mylogit <- glm(admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, data = mydata, family = "binomial")
rank<- factor(mydata$rank)
class(rank) # make sure that it is really a factor
manual_logistic_regression(cbind(1,mydata$gre, mydata$gpa, rank),mydata$admit)
I am trying to obtain estimated constrained coefficients using RSS. The beta coefficients are constrained between [0,1] and sum to 1. Additionally, my third parameter is constrained between (-1,1). Utilizing the below I can obtain a nice solution using simulated variables but when implementing the methodology on my real data set I keep arriving at a non-unique solution. In turn, I'm wondering if there is a more numerically stable way to obtain my estimated parameters.
k = 2
a = diff(c(0, sort(runif(k-1)), 1))
n = 1e4
x = matrix(rnorm(k*n), nc = k)
a2 = -0.5
y = a2 * (x %*% a) + rnorm(n)
f = function(u){sum((y - u[3] * (x %*% u[1:2]))^2)}
g = function(v){
v1 = v[1]
v2 = v[2]
u = vector(mode = "double", length = 3)
# ensure in (0,1)
v1 = 1 / (1 + exp(-v1))
# ensure add up to 1
u[1:2] = c(v1, 1 - sum(v1))
# ensure between [-1,1]
u[3] = (v2^2 - 1) / (v2^2 + 1)
res = optim(rnorm(2), function(v) f(g(v)), hessian = TRUE, method = "BFGS")
rbind(Est = res$par, SE = sqrt(diag(solve(res$hessian))))
Hats off to http://zoonek.free.fr/blosxom/R/2012-06-01_Optimization.html
Since there has been no direct answer to your question so far, I'd like to show a way how to implement a parameter-constrained model in Stan/RStan. You should give this a try using your real data.
Doing Bayesian inference has the advantage of giving you posterior probabilities for your (constrained) model parameters. Point estimates including confidence intervals can then be easily calculated.
First off, we load the library and set RStan to store the compiled model and use multiple cores (if available).
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE);
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores());
We now define our Stan model. In this case, it's very simple, and we can make use of RStan's simplex data type for vectors of non-negative values that sum to one.
model <- "
data {
int<lower=1> n; // number of observations
int<lower=0> k; // number of parameters
matrix[n, k] X; // data
vector[n] y; // response
parameters {
real a2; // a2 is a free scaling parameter
simplex[k] a; // a is constrained to sum to 1
real sigma; // residuals
model {
// Likelihood
y ~ normal(a2 * (X * a), sigma);
Stan supports various constrained data types; I'd recommend taking a lot at the Stan manual for more complex examples.
Using the sample data from your original question, we can run our model:
# Sample data
k = 2;
a = diff(c(0, sort(runif(k-1)), 1));
n = 1e4;
x = matrix(rnorm(k * n), nc = k);
a2 = -0.5;
y = a2 * (x %*% a) + rnorm(n);
# Fit stan model
fit <- stan(
model_code = model,
data = list(
n = n,
k = k,
X = x,
y = as.numeric(y)),
iter = 4000,
chains = 4);
Running the model will only take a few seconds (after the parser has internally translated and compiled the model in C++), and the full results (posterior distributions for all parameters conditional on the data) are stored in fit.
We can inspect the contents of fit using summary:
# Extract parameter estimates
pars <- summary(fit)$summary;
# mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25%
#a2 -0.4915289 1.970327e-04 0.014363398 -0.5194985 -0.5011471
#a[1] 0.7640606 2.273282e-04 0.016348488 0.7327691 0.7527457
#a[2] 0.2359394 2.273282e-04 0.016348488 0.2040952 0.2248482
#sigma 1.0048695 8.746869e-05 0.007048116 0.9909698 1.0001889
#lp__ -5048.4273105 1.881305e-02 1.204892294 -5051.4871931 -5048.9800451
# 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#a2 -0.4916061 -0.4819086 -0.4625947 5314.196 1.0000947
#a[1] 0.7638723 0.7751518 0.7959048 5171.881 0.9997468
#a[2] 0.2361277 0.2472543 0.2672309 5171.881 0.9997468
#sigma 1.0048994 1.0095420 1.0187554 6492.930 0.9998086
#lp__ -5048.1238783 -5047.5409682 -5047.0355381 4101.832 1.0012841
You can see that a[1]+a[2]=1.
Plotting parameter estimates including confidence intervals is also easy:
The simplest way to solve optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints will most likely be through the "augmented Lagrangian" approach. In R this is, for example, realized in the alabama package.
# function and gradient
fn = function(u){sum((y - u[3] * (x %*% u[1:2]))^2)}
gr = function(u) numDeriv::grad(fn, u)
# constraint sum(u) == 1
heq = function(u) sum(u) - 1
# constraints 0 <= u[1],u[2] <= 1; -1 <= u[3] <= 1
hin = function(u) c(u[1], u[2], 1-u[1], 1-u[2], u[3]+1, 1-u[3])
sol_a = alabama::auglag(c(0.5, 0.5, 0), fn, gr, hin=hin, heq=heq)
## $par
## [1] 1.0000000 0.3642904 -0.3642904
## $value
## [1] 10094.74
## ...
## $hessian
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 15009565054 9999999977 9999992926
## [2,] 9999999977 10000002578 9999997167
## [3,] 9999992926 9999997167 10000022569
For other packages containing an "augmented Lagrangian" procedure see the CRAN Task View on optimization.
I am trying to obtain estimated constrained coefficients using RSS. The beta coefficients are constrained between [0,1] and sum to 1. Additionally, my third parameter is constrained between (-1,1). Utilizing the below I can obtain a nice solution using simulated variables but when implementing the methodology on my real data set I keep arriving at a non-unique solution. In turn, I'm wondering if there is a more numerically stable way to obtain my estimated parameters.
k = 2
a = diff(c(0, sort(runif(k-1)), 1))
n = 1e4
x = matrix(rnorm(k*n), nc = k)
a2 = -0.5
y = a2 * (x %*% a) + rnorm(n)
f = function(u){sum((y - u[3] * (x %*% u[1:2]))^2)}
g = function(v){
v1 = v[1]
v2 = v[2]
u = vector(mode = "double", length = 3)
# ensure in (0,1)
v1 = 1 / (1 + exp(-v1))
# ensure add up to 1
u[1:2] = c(v1, 1 - sum(v1))
# ensure between [-1,1]
u[3] = (v2^2 - 1) / (v2^2 + 1)
res = optim(rnorm(2), function(v) f(g(v)), hessian = TRUE, method = "BFGS")
rbind(Est = res$par, SE = sqrt(diag(solve(res$hessian))))
Hats off to http://zoonek.free.fr/blosxom/R/2012-06-01_Optimization.html
Since there has been no direct answer to your question so far, I'd like to show a way how to implement a parameter-constrained model in Stan/RStan. You should give this a try using your real data.
Doing Bayesian inference has the advantage of giving you posterior probabilities for your (constrained) model parameters. Point estimates including confidence intervals can then be easily calculated.
First off, we load the library and set RStan to store the compiled model and use multiple cores (if available).
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE);
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores());
We now define our Stan model. In this case, it's very simple, and we can make use of RStan's simplex data type for vectors of non-negative values that sum to one.
model <- "
data {
int<lower=1> n; // number of observations
int<lower=0> k; // number of parameters
matrix[n, k] X; // data
vector[n] y; // response
parameters {
real a2; // a2 is a free scaling parameter
simplex[k] a; // a is constrained to sum to 1
real sigma; // residuals
model {
// Likelihood
y ~ normal(a2 * (X * a), sigma);
Stan supports various constrained data types; I'd recommend taking a lot at the Stan manual for more complex examples.
Using the sample data from your original question, we can run our model:
# Sample data
k = 2;
a = diff(c(0, sort(runif(k-1)), 1));
n = 1e4;
x = matrix(rnorm(k * n), nc = k);
a2 = -0.5;
y = a2 * (x %*% a) + rnorm(n);
# Fit stan model
fit <- stan(
model_code = model,
data = list(
n = n,
k = k,
X = x,
y = as.numeric(y)),
iter = 4000,
chains = 4);
Running the model will only take a few seconds (after the parser has internally translated and compiled the model in C++), and the full results (posterior distributions for all parameters conditional on the data) are stored in fit.
We can inspect the contents of fit using summary:
# Extract parameter estimates
pars <- summary(fit)$summary;
# mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25%
#a2 -0.4915289 1.970327e-04 0.014363398 -0.5194985 -0.5011471
#a[1] 0.7640606 2.273282e-04 0.016348488 0.7327691 0.7527457
#a[2] 0.2359394 2.273282e-04 0.016348488 0.2040952 0.2248482
#sigma 1.0048695 8.746869e-05 0.007048116 0.9909698 1.0001889
#lp__ -5048.4273105 1.881305e-02 1.204892294 -5051.4871931 -5048.9800451
# 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#a2 -0.4916061 -0.4819086 -0.4625947 5314.196 1.0000947
#a[1] 0.7638723 0.7751518 0.7959048 5171.881 0.9997468
#a[2] 0.2361277 0.2472543 0.2672309 5171.881 0.9997468
#sigma 1.0048994 1.0095420 1.0187554 6492.930 0.9998086
#lp__ -5048.1238783 -5047.5409682 -5047.0355381 4101.832 1.0012841
You can see that a[1]+a[2]=1.
Plotting parameter estimates including confidence intervals is also easy:
The simplest way to solve optimization problems with equality and inequality constraints will most likely be through the "augmented Lagrangian" approach. In R this is, for example, realized in the alabama package.
# function and gradient
fn = function(u){sum((y - u[3] * (x %*% u[1:2]))^2)}
gr = function(u) numDeriv::grad(fn, u)
# constraint sum(u) == 1
heq = function(u) sum(u) - 1
# constraints 0 <= u[1],u[2] <= 1; -1 <= u[3] <= 1
hin = function(u) c(u[1], u[2], 1-u[1], 1-u[2], u[3]+1, 1-u[3])
sol_a = alabama::auglag(c(0.5, 0.5, 0), fn, gr, hin=hin, heq=heq)
## $par
## [1] 1.0000000 0.3642904 -0.3642904
## $value
## [1] 10094.74
## ...
## $hessian
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 15009565054 9999999977 9999992926
## [2,] 9999999977 10000002578 9999997167
## [3,] 9999992926 9999997167 10000022569
For other packages containing an "augmented Lagrangian" procedure see the CRAN Task View on optimization.
In R, how does the function ar.yw estimate the variance? Specifically, where does the number "var.pred" come from? It does not seem to come from the usual YW estimate of the variance, nor the sum of squared residuals divided by df (even though there is disagreement about what the df should be, none of the choices give an answer equivalent to var.pred). And yes, I know that there are better methods than YW; just trying to figure out what R is doing.
temp <- arima.sim(n=10, list(ar = 0.5), sd=1)
fit <- ar(temp, method = "yule-walker", demean = FALSE, aic=FALSE, order.max=1)
## R's estimate of the sigma squared
## YW estimate
sum(temp^2)/10 - fit$ar*sum(temp[2:10]*temp[1:9])/10
## YW if there was a mean
sum((temp-mean(temp))^2)/10 - fit$ar*sum((temp[2:10]-mean(temp))*(temp[1:9]-mean(temp)))/10
## estimate based on residuals, different possible df.
Need to read the code if it's not documented.
Which says: "In ar.yw the variance matrix of the innovations is computed from the fitted coefficients and the autocovariance of x." If that is not enough explanation, then you need to look at the code:
#[1] ar.yw.default* ar.yw.mts*
#see '?methods' for accessing help and source code
# there are two cases that I see
x <- as.matrix(x)
nser <- ncol(x)
if (nser > 1L) # .... not your situation
r <- as.double(drop(xacf))
z <- .Fortran(C_eureka, as.integer(order.max), r, r,
coefs = double(order.max^2), vars = double(order.max),
coefs <- matrix(z$coefs, order.max, order.max)
partialacf <- array(diag(coefs), dim = c(order.max, 1L,
var.pred <- c(r[1L], z$vars)
order <- if (aic)
(0L:order.max)[xaic == 0L]
else order.max
ar <- if (order)
coefs[order, seq_len(order)]
else numeric()
var.pred <- var.pred[order + 1L]
var.pred <- var.pred * n.used/(n.used - (order + 1L))
So you now need to find the Fortran code for C_eureka. I think I'm finding it here: https://svn.r-project.org/R/trunk/src/library/stats/src/eureka.f This is the code that aI think is returning the var.pred estimate. I'm not a time series guy and It's your responsibility to review this process for applicability to your problem.
subroutine eureka (lr,r,g,f,var,a)
c solves Toeplitz matrix equation toep(r)f=g(1+.)
c by Levinson's algorithm
c a is a workspace of size lr, the number
c of equations
c estimate the innovations variance
var(l) = var(l-1) * (1 - f(l,l)*f(l,l))
if (l .eq. lr) return
d = 0.0d0
q = 0.0d0
do 50 i = 1, l
k = l-i+2
d = d + a(i)*r(k)
q = q + f(l,i)*r(k)
50 continue