OCaml - Map - how to "check" key and value? - dictionary

How to create a Map that I will have a key: (int * int) and when it comes to key it is my_own_type ?

Here's a small example:
module IPMap = Map.Make(struct type t = int * int let compare = compare end)
let mymap = IPMap.add (0, 0) (my_value : my_own_type) IPMap.empty
let mymap' = IPMap.add (1, 2) (t: my_own_type) mymap
Note: you don't have to write (t: my_own_type). You can just write t. I'm including it just for emphasis.
When you create a map module like IPMap, you only need to specify the type of the keys. You can have as many different maps with different value types as you like.
Note 2: OCaml maps are immutable. I worry that you haven't fully grappled with this issue yet. (Apologies if I'm wrong.)


How to make composite key for a hash map in go

First, my definition of composite key - two ore more values combine to make the key. Not to confuse with composite keys in databases.
My goal is to save computed values of pow(x, y) in a hash table, where x and y are integers. This is where I need ideas on how to make a key, so that given x and y, I can look it up in the hash table, to find pow(x,y).
For example:
pow(2, 3) => {key(2,3):8}
What I want to figure out is how to get the map key for the pair (2,3), i.e. the best way to generate a key which is a combination of multiple values, and use it in hash table.
The easiest and most flexible way is to use a struct as the key type, including all the data you want to be part of the key, so in your case:
type Key struct {
X, Y int
And that's all. Using it:
m := map[Key]int{}
m[Key{2, 2}] = 4
m[Key{2, 3}] = 8
fmt.Println("2^2 = ", m[Key{2, 2}])
fmt.Println("2^3 = ", m[Key{2, 3}])
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
2^2 = 4
2^3 = 8
Spec: Map types: You may use any types as the key where the comparison operators == and != are fully defined, and the above Key struct type fulfills this.
Spec: Comparison operators: Struct values are comparable if all their fields are comparable. Two struct values are equal if their corresponding non-blank fields are equal.
One important thing: you should not use a pointer as the key type (e.g. *Key), because comparing pointers only compares the memory address, and not the pointed values.
Also note that you could also use arrays (not slices) as key type, but arrays are not as flexible as structs. You can read more about this here: Why have arrays in Go?
This is how it would look like with arrays:
type Key [2]int
m := map[Key]int{}
m[Key{2, 2}] = 4
m[Key{2, 3}] = 8
fmt.Println("2^2 = ", m[Key{2, 2}])
fmt.Println("2^3 = ", m[Key{2, 3}])
Output is the same. Try it on the Go Playground.
Go can't make a hash of a slice of ints.
Therefore the way I would approach this is mapping a struct to a number.
Here is an example of how that could be done:
package main
import (
type Nums struct {
num1 int
num2 int
func main() {
powers := make(map[Nums]int)
numbers := Nums{num1: 2, num2: 4}
powers[numbers] = 6
fmt.Printf("%v", powers[input])
I hope that helps
Your specific problem is nicely solved by the other answers. I want to add an additional trick that may be useful in some corner cases.
Given that map keys must be comparable, you can also use interfaces. Interfaces are comparable if their dynamic values are comparable.
This allows you to essentially partition the map, i.e. to use multiple types of keys within the same data structure. For example if you want to store in your map n-tuples (it wouldn't work with arrays, because the array length is part of the type).
The idea is to define an interface with a dummy method (but it can surely be not dummy at all), and use that as map key:
type CompKey interface {
isCompositeKey() bool
var m map[CompKey]string
At this point you can have arbitrary types implementing the interface, either explicitly or by just embedding it.
In this example, the idea is to make the interface method unexported so that other structs may just embed the interface without having to provide an actual implementation — the method can't be called from outside its package. It will just signal that the struct is usable as a composite map key.
type AbsoluteCoords struct {
x, y int
type RelativeCoords struct {
x, y int
func foo() {
p := AbsoluteCoords{x: 1, y: 2}
r := RelativeCoords{x: 10, y: 20}
m[p] = "foo"
m[r] = "bar"
fmt.Println(m[AbsoluteCoords{x: 10, y: 20}]) // "" (empty, types don't match)
fmt.Println(m[RelativeCoords{x: 10, y: 20}]) // "bar" (matches, key present)
Of course nothing stops you from declaring actual methods on the interface, that may be useful when ranging over the map keys.
The disadvantage of this interface key is that it is now your responsibility to make sure the implementing types are actually comparable. E.g. this map key will panic:
type BadKey struct {
nonComparableSliceField []int
b := BadKey{nil, []int{1,2}}
m[b] = "bad!" // panic: runtime error: hash of unhashable type main.BadKey
All in all, this might be an interesting approach when you need to keep two sets of K/V pairs in the same map, e.g. to keep some sanity in function signatures or to avoid defining structs with N very similar map fields.
Playground https://play.golang.org/p/0t7fcvSWdy7

Balanced tree for functional symbol table

I'm doing exercises of "Modern Compiler Implementation in ML" (Andrew Appel). One of which (ex 1.1 d) is to recommend a balanced-tree data structure for functional symbol table. Appeal mentioned such data structure should rebalance on insertion but not on lookup. Being totally new to functional programming, I found this confusing. What is key insight on this requirement?
A tree that’s rebalanced on every insertion and deletion doesn’t need to rebalance on lookup, because lookup doesn’t modify the structure. If it was balanced before a lookup, it will stay balanced during and after.
In functional languages, insertion and rebalancing can be more expensive than in a procedural one. Because you can’t alter any node in place, you replace a node by creating a new node, then replacing its parent with a new node whose children are the new daughter and the unaltered older daughter, and then replace the grandparent node with one whose children are the new parent and her older sister, and so on up. You finish when you create a new root node for the updated tree and garbage-collect all the nodes you replaced. However, some tree structures have the desirable property that they need to replace no more than O(log N) nodes of the tree on an insertion and can re-use the rest. This means that the rotation of a red-black tree (for example) has not much more overhead than an unbalanced insertion.
Also, you will typically need to query a symbol table much more often than you update it. It therefore becomes less tempting to try to make insertion faster: if you’re inserting, you might as well rebalance.
The question of which self-balancing tree structure is best for a functional language has been asked here, more than once.
Since Davislor already answered your question extensively, here are mostly some implementation hints. I would add that choice of data structure for your symbol table is probably not relevant for a toy compiler. Compilation time only starts to become an issue when you compiler is used on a lot of code and the code is recompiled often.
Sticking to a O(n) insert/lookup data structure is fine in practice until it isn't.
Signature-wise, all you want is a key-value mapping, insert, and lookup:
signature SymTab =
type id
type value
type symtab
val empty : symtab
val insert : id -> value -> symtab -> symtab
val lookup : id -> symtab -> value option
A simple O(n) implementation with lists might be:
structure ListSymTab : SymTab =
type id = string
type value = int
type symtab = (id * value) list
val empty = []
fun insert id value [] = [(id, value)]
| insert id value ((id',value')::symtab) =
if id = id'
then (id,value)::symtab
else (id',value')::insert id value symtab
fun lookup _ [] = NONE
| lookup id ((id',value)::symtab) =
if id = id' then SOME value else lookup id symtab
You might use it like:
- ListSymTab.lookup "hello" (ListSymTab.insert "hello" 42 ListSymTab.empty);
> val it = SOME 42 : int option
Then again, maybe your symbol table doesn't map strings to integers, or you may have one symbol table for variables and one for functions.
You could parameterise the id/value types using a functor:
functor ListSymTabFn (X : sig
eqtype id
type value
end) : SymTab =
type id = X.id
type value = X.value
(* The rest is the same as ListSymTab. *)
And you might use it like:
- structure ListSymTab = ListSymTabFn(struct type id = string type value = int end);
- ListSymTab.lookup "world" (ListSymTab.insert "hello" 42 ListSymTab.empty);
> val it = NONE : int option
All you need for a list-based symbol table is that the identifiers/symbols can be compared for equality. For your balanced-tree symbol table, you need identifiers/symbols to be orderable.
Instead of implementing balanced trees from scratch, look e.g. at SML/NJ's RedBlackMapFn:
To create a structure implementing maps (dictionaries) over a type T [...]:
structure MapT = RedBlackMapFn (struct
type ord_key = T
val compare = compareT
Try this example with T as string and compare as String.compare:
$ sml
Standard ML of New Jersey v110.76 [built: Sun Jun 29 03:29:51 2014]
- structure MapS = RedBlackMapFn (struct
type ord_key = string
val compare = String.compare
[library $SMLNJ-BASIS/basis.cm is stable]
[library $SMLNJ-LIB/Util/smlnj-lib.cm is stable]
[autoloading done]
structure MapS : ORD_MAP?
- open MapS;
Opening the structure is an easy way to explore the available functions and their types.
We can then create a similar functor to ListSymTabFn, but one that takes an additional compare function:
functor RedBlackSymTabFn (X : sig
type id
type value
val compare : id * id -> order
end) : SymTab =
type id = X.id
type value = X.value
structure SymTabX = RedBlackMapFn (struct
type ord_key = X.id
val compare = X.compare
(* The 'a map type inside SymTabX maps X.id to anything. *)
(* We are, however, only interested in mapping to values. *)
type symtab = value SymTabX.map
(* Use other stuff in SymTabT for empty, insert, lookup. *)
Finally, you can use this as your symbol table:
structure SymTab = RedBlackSymTabFn(struct
type id = string
type value = int
val compare = String.compare

Pointer to a record in OCaml

I am implementing binary search trees in OCaml, trying to use as much imperative programming as possible.
I have the following data type:
type tKey = Key of int;;
type tBST = Null | Pos of node ref
and node = {mutable key : tKey; mutable left : tBST; mutable right : tBST};;
I am having trouble with this function:
let createNode k tree =
tree := Pos ({key = k; left = Null; right = Null});;
Error: This record expression is expected to have type node ref
The field key does not belong to type ref
A binary search tree can be either Null (means empty tree) or a Pos. A tree Pos is a pointer to a node, and a node is a structure of a key and 2 other trees (left and right).
My main goal here is to have a tree that is modified after functions are over. Passing tree by reference so when createNode is over, the tBST I passed as parameter is modified.
Question: is actually possible to do what I am trying in OCaml? if so, how could I change my function createNode and/or data type to make this happen?
Thank you very much.
It is possible, but you need to create the Pos node with a reference explicitly:
Pos (ref {key = k; (*...*)})
Whether what you are trying to do is recommended practice in a language like Ocaml is a different story, though.
The question has already been answered. I would just like to add a side note: The use of ref seems superfluous in this case.
A value of type tBST is either Null or a mutable pointer. If it is Null it will remain Null. If it is non-Null, it will remain non-Null, but the actual pointer might change. That might well be what you intended, but I have my doubts. In particular, what tBST does not do, is to emulate C-style pointers (which are either null or really point somewhere). I suspect, though, that that was your intention.
The idiomatic way to emulate C-style pointers is to just use the built-in option type, like so:
type tBST = node option
A value of type node option is either None or Some n, where n is a pointer to a value of type node. You use tBST for mutable fields (of the record node), so you would effectively have mutable C-style pointers to nodes.
Here is what you probably had in mind:
type tree = node option ref
and node = {
mutable left: tree;
mutable key: int;
mutable right: tree;
let t0 : tree = ref None;;
let t1 : tree = ref (Some { left = ref None; key = 1; right = ref None; }) ;;
let create_node key tree =
tree := Some { left = ref None; key; right = ref None; }
No need to have a separate type for key but you can if you want it, and with the latest OCaml there no runtime overhead for it.

OCaml: how to use user defined types as key for Map.Make?

I have the following code which I intend to create a Map with self defined types variable and location. I understand that the key type should be ordered (some comparator function). How shall I add these rules to make this work? Also, I find the code ugly here. Do I really need the ;; at the end of a type and module?
type variable = string;;
type location = int;;
module LocationMap = Map.Make(variable);;
module EnvironmentMap = Map.Make(location);;
This is the rest of my code:
type variable = Variable of string
type location = Location of int
module LocationMap = Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
module EnvironmentMap = Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
(*file read function*)
let read_file filename =
let lines = ref [] in
let chan = open_in filename in
while true do
lines := input_line chan :: !lines
with End_of_file ->
close_in chan;
List.rev !lines
(*get the inputs*)
let inputs = read_file Sys.argv.(1) in
for i = 0 to List.length inputs - 1 do
Printf.printf "%s\n" (List.nth inputs i)
This has a syntax error. I am not sure why.
I make this work with the following edit:
type variable = Variable of string
type location = Location of int
module LocationMap = Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
module EnvironmentMap = Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
(*file read function*)
let read_file filename =
let lines = ref [] in
let chan = open_in filename in
while true do
lines := input_line chan :: !lines
with End_of_file ->
close_in chan;
List.rev !lines
(*get the inputs*)
let () =
let inputs = read_file Sys.argv.(1) in
for i = 0 to List.length inputs - 1 do
Printf.printf "%s\n" (List.nth inputs i)
Sorry for the long list of questions, what does let () = do here? Is it true that when I define a function with let, I do not need in?
When applying the Map.Make functor, you need to supply a struct containing your type and a compare function:
module LocationMap =
Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
module EnvironmentMap =
Map.Make(struct type t = location let compare = compare end)
You never need to use ;; in compiled code. It's only required when using the toplevel, to tell it when it should evaluate what you've typed in so far.
Some people do use ;; in compiled code, but you never need to do this and I personally never do. There is always a way to get the same effect without using ;;.
The let compare = compare binds the pre-existing OCaml function compare (the infamous polymorphic comparison function) to the name compare inside the struct. So, it creates a Map that uses polymorphic compare to do its comparisons. This is often what you want.
I created a file containing your definitions (without ;;) and the above code, then compiled it with ocamlc -c. There were no syntax errors. I'm positive you don't need to use ;;, as I've written many many thousands of lines of code without it.
Note that I'm not saying that if you remove ;; from syntactically correct OCaml code, the result is always syntactically correct. There are a few idioms that only work when you use ;;. I personally just avoid those idioms.
Update 2
A let at top level of a module is special, and doesn't have an in. It defines a global value of the module. OCaml treats every source file as a module (for free, as I like to say), with a name that's the same as the source file name (capitalized).
You can actually have any pattern in let pattern = expression. So let () = ... is completely normal. It just says that the expression has unit type (hence the pattern matches).

Try to further understanding the interface/module of OCaml

I understand in OCaml there are concepts of interfaces and module.
And I understand how to use them now.
However, what I don't understand is how to fully utilise them.
For example, in Java, let's say we have a interface Map and we also have Hashtable and HashMap that implement Map.
In code, I can do like:
Map m = new Hashtable();
m.put("key", value);
Someday, if I change my mind, I can change to Hashmap very quickly by changing Map m = new Hashtable(); to Map m = new HashMap();, right?
But how can I easily do that in Ocaml?
For example, I have MapSig and 'HashMap:MapSigand "Hashtable:MapSig in OCaml.
How can I change the implementation easily?
I don't think I can because in OCaml I have to do like:
let m = Hashtable.create ();;
Hashtable.put m key value;;
if I want to use HashMap instead, I have to replace every Hashtable with HashMap in the code, right?
I am not only seeking a way to make a alias to modules. I also consider the validity of implementations, i.e., whether the implementation follow the desired interface.
For example, in above Java example, only if HashMap has implemented Map interface, I can replace Hashtable with HashMap. otherwise, Java compiler will complain.
but if I do module M = Hashtable in OCaml, and if HashMap does not follow MapSig and I replace Hashtable with HashMap, what will happen? I think compiler won't complain, right?
Here's an example that shows what I think you're asking for:
# module type HASH = sig type t val hash : t -> int end ;;
module type HASH = sig type t val hash : t -> int end
# module I = struct type t = int let hash i = i end ;;
module I : sig type t = int val hash : 'a -> 'a end
# module J = struct type t = int end ;;
module J : sig type t = int end
# module M : HASH = I ;;
module M : HASH
# module N : HASH = J ;;
Error: Signature mismatch:
Modules do not match: sig type t = int end is not included in HASH
The field `hash' is required but not provided
The extra ": HASH" specifies that the module must match the HASH signature (and it also restricts it to that signature).
Just as a side comment, I believe the OCaml module system is world famous for its expressivity (at least in module system circles). I'm still a beginner at it, but it is worth studying.
Since 3.12.1 OCaml allows this syntax for opening and aliasing modules:
let foo .... =
let module HashTable = HashMap in (* magic is here *)
let h = HashTable.create () in
So u just need to rename module what you are using where you are using it.
The most direct correspondence between your Java example and OCaml is using a functor (what OCaml calls a static function from a module to a module). So suppose you have the following implemented in OCaml:
module type Map = sig
(* For simplicity assume any key and value type is allowed *)
type ('k, 'v) t
val make : unit -> ('k, 'v) t
val put : ('k, 'v) t -> ~key:'k -> ~value:'v -> unit
module Hashtable : Map = struct ... end
module HashMap : Map = struct ... end
Then you would write a functor like this:
module MyFunctor(Map : Map) = struct
let my_map =
let map = Map.make () in
Map.put map ~key ~value;
Then you would instantiate a module using the functor:
module MyModule = MyFunctor(Hashtable)
And voila, changing the implementation is a one-line diff because both the module implementations conform to the Map signature:
module MyModule = MyFunctor(HashMap)
