send xml file via HTTP Post redirect to another server [closed] - servlets

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Closed 9 years ago.
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After receiving a post request in servlet, I have to do a redirection to another server and at the same time I have to pass an xml file in the redirection request.
For example, I have to do a redirection from my servlet to "" and pass an xml file in the request.
I tried the following, but it didn't work.
response.sendRedirect - it is creating only get requests, so not able to send xml
HttpClient or URLConnection - it is creating a new request, not doing the actual redirection
Intermediate jsp - forwarded the request to a intermediate jsp and did a submit from jsp.
It is sending the xml in parameter and not in InputStream
Please let me know how to achieve this.

A redirect (either HTTP or HTML) can only operate on a URL, rather than a form submission, which offers built in support for uploading files via the "multipart/form-data" form encoding, and so you would have to encode your file within the URL itself, which would severely limit you given that the lowest-common-denominator (Internet Explorer) URL maximum length is around 2000 characters. If your files are smaller than that, then you could encode your file as a URL query parameter. Otherwise, it's probably not possible, but I will stand corrected if others know of a way to achieve it.


JWT signature is different between response and request headers [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm implementing an authentication API that uses JWT which is then stored in a cookie. The cookie is set correctly in the response header and it seems so in the request header. The problem is the signature of the access_token in the response and the one in the request are different. Therefore, upon validation, it fails.
As you can see in the image above, they're different. I'm confused why it's changed in the request header. Is this an intended behavior? If so, how do I put it back to its original signature? This is how I'm setting the cookie
atCookie := new(http.Cookie)
atCookie.Name = "access_token"
atCookie.Value = "my-access-token"
This is how I read it
I'm using I think I followed everything from the documentation. I'm using Echo as the framework. I've been trying to figure this out for hours it would nice if someone can help me.
Turns out I just needed to set the cookie path.
atCookie.Path = "/"
Not sure if this correct though but it's able to save the cookie in the browser. It wasn't sending any cookie to the server at all. The Cookie header value is a mess as it's littered with cookies from other tabs so it added to the confusion.
The logs that you're showing come from a request to your login endpoint. You send one access token in a cookie to that endpoint, perform login, then issue a new access token and set it in the response header. I think this is a perfectly normal behaviour.

Set up Rmonkey API key, secret, client id,redirect uri...still not working [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I followed the directions on this page to set up my Mashery Survey Monkey account. I set my API key and secret options using their values on the app. I used my client ID, which I assume is my "display name" to set sm_client_id. I then used smlogin(), and was directed to a page with the following error:
The authorization request failed:
Invalid client_id and/or redirect_uri
What else could I be doing wrong?
BTW, I tried this setting the app both as Public and Private. Same problem each time.
You should first create your app at
After creating your app, go to the settings section. From there you should use the Client ID/API Key from that page (located in the credentials section at the bottom) and the redirect URI from the top of the page (that you set yourself) and that should work.
You need to make sure your redirect URI is a page you host that will accept the code and exchange it for an access token. If you're just using this for yourself, and the SDK allows it, you can just use the access token provided from the credentials section.

Why would a server disallow HTTP HEAD? [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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I found out that there are servers that respond with HTTP 405 to HEAD requests (or another status code including 404 which is confusing IMO, but that's not important now) even though GET requests are responded with HTTP 200. HTTP 405 is defined as...
405 Method Not Allowed
The method specified in the Request-Line is not allowed for the
resource identified by the Request-URI. The response MUST include an
Allow header containing a list of valid methods for the requested
Alright, I looked at the Allow header and found out that I can use GET to get the resource (even though I only wanted to find out whether the resource exists). Problem solved.
However, my question is... Why would a server disallow the HEAD method? What is the advantage? Are there possible security reasons?
I think it is because they're getting a log full of "the requested resource can only be accessed via SSL" errors when their HTTPS-only site gets tons of HEAD requests via HTTP. I think they're conflating "method" with "protocol" and so thinking the 405 makes sense.
See this post for an example of someone asking about the issue and being told to give a 405.

Does HTTP URL parameter order matter for caching? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Are the two URLs equivalent with respect to browser caching and website seo?
1 -
2 -
If the resource for the first URL is cached and the browser needs to find the resource for the second URL can it use the cached resource? I want to know about the caching because I can ensure all internal links use the same parameter order to increase cache performance.
Also, if my server treats these URLs as the same resource, which URL will be indexed by Google? With consideration to SEO, will this count as duplicate content? If so, I could use a 301 response to redirect to the correct URL. (This should also fix the caching problem.)
If the resource for the first URL is cached and the browser needs to find the resource for the second URL can it use the cached resource?
That is not certain. It depends on each browser implementation. But if you always use the same parameter order, then it is not an issue in the first place.
Also, if my server treats these URLs as the same resource, which URL will be indexed by google?
Both will be indexed by Google, but if you use canonical links or if you configure parameters in Google Webmaster Tools, then they can be treated as one when displaying search results (i.e., Google will give the preference to one URL and it will collect the PageRank and other signals from the other).
With consideration to seo, will this count as duplicate content? If so, I could use a 301 response to redirect to the correct URL.
Yes, it will be considered as duplicate content, because the URLs are different. Using a redirect in this case is shooting flies with a canon (IMHO), but it would work.

Can a URL really be considered to be the only key for an HTTP response? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The question can be seen as both practical and theoretical.
I am designing a system involving a HTTP client (Flash Player application) and an HTTP server "backend". There are registered users each with their own private image library. Images can be uploaded and of course subsequently retrieved.
Since users authenticate with cookies carrying session identifiers, it suddenly became clear to me (and hence the question) that I can provide the following kind of URL for an authenticated client to retrieve an image ('asset' in my terminology). Note that asset identifiers are unique even across users, i.e. no two users will both have an asset with ID of say, 555. Also, an asset identifier is assumed to be REALLY persistent, i.e. the ID is non-reusable. The URL I was thinking of is:
Brackets denote variable value, i.e. obviously these and the 'asset_id' are not to be taken verbatim here, they denote the actual asset identifier. The HTTP request "to" the above URL is expected to carry a cookie header with the user session identifier, which uniquely authenticates and authorizes the user as the owner of the asset requested.
I am very much after permanent URLs ("Cool URIs don't change" as Tim Berners-Lie said once), but obviously, since the asset resources are private to the user that uploads/owns them, they are not to be cached by any intermediate proxies, only user agents.
Can we consider the URL above as a good way to identify a user asset? My worry is that the response will vary depending on whether a valid session identifier cookie header is supplied or not, and so there is not a one-to-one relationship between the URL and the response. But there is not much one can do, is it? Server HAS to check that the user is authorized to retrieve the asset, right? If you guys have any better suggestions for a solution here, I am also anxious to hear it. Thanks.
you've said it all, I wouldn't change a thing about your strategy :-) If an unauthorized user tries to access some asset, simply give him a 403 http code ... that's the correct and expected response in that case
Just becaues a URL doesn't change doesn't mean that every request to that URL must be successful (or even return the same object/asset).
You can easily use that as an identifier and simply tell un-authenticated clients that they are 401 Not Authorized or even that they can't access it at all: 403 Forbidden.
