How to run js-test-driver IE9 and document mode IE8 - js-test-driver

How to run js-test-driver IE9 and document mode IE8 ?
Is it possible to do anything like this with meta tags or is there any config switch for this? We dont want to run in compability mode.
<meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=8" >

This can be done by modifing the registry by setting FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION feature that defines the default emulation mode for Internet Explorer to 8888 (0x22B8).
It is descibed at
Note that your browser will use IE8 document mode always.


IE11 Compatibility Mode uses IE7, but need IE8

within a web app IE11 renders the site using ie7 mode.
But it should use ie8 mode.
The web app uses correct header:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
Any compatibility setting in IE11 always let him use IE7 mode.

HTML5 lining up in Firefox and Chrome but not at all in IE
This link works in both Firefox and Chrome. I am not sure why it won't line up correctly in IE. I am trying to convert from old style tables/td's/tr's and this will be great if I can find out why it isn't lining up in explorer.
Sounds like your site is being viewed in compatibility mode in IE. This can depend on the DOCTYPE of your document.
To cause IE to display using the default mode of the current version, use the following META tag
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" >
This will not fix the site for IE7 (for example). If you wish to do that, then you will likely need to create custom CSS rules for older browsers

Web Server tomcat is not loading the ie related css

I have an issue with css.
I have a css file which has ie specific css clauses..Like
.ie7 #div
.ie #table
These css is working good in my local on tomcat server.
But the same css is not loading in IE in my dev system which is also running on tomcat.
When I debug the ie is not recognizing the ie specific css clauses. Also I found out that
the IE is not recognizing even the section and header tags.
Please let me know what can be the work around.
Thanks for your time and help.
Assuming you're running IE9..
Make sure you don't have Compatibility Mode turned on, and make sure you have a valid doctype as the very first line to trigger Standards Mode:
<!DOCTYPE html>
If it still doesn't work, then add this meta tag:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
Concerning this point:
Also I found out that the IE is not recognizing even the section and
header tags.
In older versions of IE, you need this to make the HTML5 semantic tags work properly:

ASP.NET Force IE8 to use IE7 or IE8 Compatability View

I've tried the following and all it does is change the Document Mode, not the Browser Mode:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7">
My particluar page only works when the browser mode is either IE7 or IE8 Compat View.
The code you posted should work.
Please ensure the following:
The meta tag is right at the top of the header, as first element after the <title></title>.
Restart IE and open your page without manually setting the Browser- or Document Mode from the Developer Tools. Setting these manually can overwrite IE's behavior and causes it to ignore the compatibility tag.

IE not rendering CSS properly when the site is located at networkdrive

This is kinda weird problem we came across with my friend. We located our site at network drive and tried to open it from there. All other browsers render this page just fine but IE (btw. why it's always IE? :) ) can't understand inline-block statement. But if I copy our file to my local drive there is no problem, IE renders everything just like other browsers.
I tested this with IE7-9b.
This sounds like that problem - where IE switches rendering modes depending on where the page is located.
It's insane.
See this answer. <-- IE8 by default (updated!)
http://localhost/mysite/mypage.php <-- IE8 by default (updated!)
http://machinename/mysite/mypage.php <-- IE7 by default
http://192.168.100.x/mysite/mypage.php <-- IE7 by default <-- IE8 by default
So, because you're accessing your site via "network drive", IE is going into IE7 mode, and IE7 does not support inline-block properly, hence your site does not render properly.
You can request IE8 to render your page in IE8 mode by adding this to your page:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />
Or, to request IE8 to use the most recent version of it's rendering engine (think IE9), you should use this:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
Or, to use Chrome Frame instead if it's available:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge,chrome=1" />
Use an admin account. IE may Denies access to network drive if not admin.
