How can I pass UTM parameters from URL to an iframe? - iframe

i have a link google adword :
When visitor click the link above to navigate to mysite. And then he submit a Marketo form (non Marketo form for landing page on my site).
I follow this article to create Mkto form on my site: to make sure when it submit it will get values from url parameters.
My problem on here is : Normally, this form just submit to the server to handle register. Beside that, when this form submmited, i also need it submit to Marketo for tracking. That a reason, Marketo form will be submit via iframe.
When i submit marketo form, it will be target to this iframe.
So, i need pass the url parameter into iframe to make sure when submit form, hidden fields will automatic get values from url parameters. But on this iframe, as you can see, it haven't src. I had try to add this to iframe:
$("#mktoformhidden").src = window.location.href;
but it doesn't work well.
What's the iframe src should be on here?

I would do something like this! Just replace "URL HERE" with your iframe url and of course update the sizing that you need in BOTH loactions.
<iframe src="YOUR URL HERE" width="100%" height="500" type="text/html" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" style="border: 0"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
var iframeurl = 'YOUR URL HERE';
var params =;
var thisScript = document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1];
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.setAttribute('src', iframeurl + params);
iframe.setAttribute('width', '100%');
iframe.setAttribute('height', 500);
iframe.setAttribute('type', 'text/html');
iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', 0);
iframe.setAttribute('allowTransparency', 'true'); = '0';
thisScript.parentElement.replaceChild(iframe, thisScript);

My guess is that an iframe is not the best solution here. The iframe can create all sorts of cross site scripting and permission based concerns.
Why not just use the new forms functionality in Marketo so you can drop the form either on a landing page or embed on your site (they come with an embed source code).
Also, the munchkin tracking code automatically grabs "query" parameters so you can use those in smart lists or reporting.

Like sahutchi said, embedding the actual Marketo form into your site could be the way to go. I opted for the iframe approach to get Marketo to automatically fill in fields based on mkt_tok. This might be possible using Marketo forms, but I wasn't able to figure it out a month or two ago.
Here's a decent overview of ways that you can integrate Marketo forms with your site:
If you insist on doing it the iframe way, here's my setup to pass query string params down to the embedded iframe:
This is in
<div class="lazy-iframe" data-src="//" style="width: 960px; height: 1000px;">
And in some shared library (but you can have it on the same page, and simplify it a bit):
$(function() {
var $lazyIframe = $('.lazy-iframe');
if ($lazyIframe.length) {
var src = $lazyIframe.attr('data-src');
if (src) {
var $iframe = $('<iframe src="' + src + + '"></iframe>');
scrolling: 'no',
frameborder: 0
Given that is your CNAME to your Marketo domain.
In my email, I just link to, and Marketo will automatically add the mkt_tok for that email recipient to the end of that URL (becoming Then the iframe is constructed with the data-src URL and all of the parameters attached, and with no scrolling nor frameborder (up to you).


How do I send a parameter to an iframe on another page?

I'm trying to integrate TrackerRMS on my WORDPRESS website. On the main jobs page, I have an iframe that produces a listing of jobs.
<iframe frameborder="0"
Once displayed, there is a button on the page with a link to apply for that job is in this format:
The problem is that I need to be able to pass the number, 1234, into this iframe code, on the jobs-detail page.
<iframe frameborder="0"
What do I need to add to the second iframe code on the jobs-detail page to grab the jobcode number from the URL, and append it after the "reference|"?
Note again, this is a Wordpress site, so I'm just using a shortcode to insert raw HTML code onto the page.
Thank you.
Apparently this works, by adding this code to the jobs-detail page:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getQueryString (field, url) {
var href = url ? url : window.location.href;
var reg = new RegExp('[?&]' + field + '=([^&#]*)', 'i');
var string = reg.exec(href);
return string ? string[1] : null;
function loadSite() {
var site = "";
site += "?theme=purplehaze&fields=reference,title,location,worktype,description,linkregister&filters=reference|" + getQueryString("jobcode");
document.getElementById('trmsjobs').src = site;

Autofill an external form in an iframe from... another form

I'd like to point your kind attentions to my question, topic should be similar to this post.
In a WP website i have two columns:
Column n.1 There is a CF7 form that is autofilled by an url from a CRM and injects data to a GSheet.
Column n.2 There is an iframe for booking an appointment with an external calendar tool that should pick data from the form (i have no way to edit form, but just the iframe link, for example:
Is there the possibility for this link to "pick" the data from the form or also from the crm url? Do you think that is possible or am I a fool?
Many thanks for your help :)
You should look into using JavaScripts postMessage() functionality to pass data to/from iFrames.
Use something like this on the WordPress page
// This will get the value of the input and send it to the iFrame on the fly
$('#form-id input:not([type=submit])').each(function() {
var val = $(this).val();
Then on the iFrame page:
// Create browser compatible event handler.
var eventMethod = window.addEventListener ? "addEventListener" : "attachEvent";
var eventer = window[eventMethod];
var messageEvent = eventMethod == "attachEvent" ? "onmessage" : "message";
// Listen for a message from the WP page
eventer(messageEvent, function(e) {
if ( < 1) return;
// jQuery
// Pure JS
}, false);
If the forms on different domains I think this is the only method for doing this.

Google AdWords click conversion is "unverified"

I've got an online store build on ASP.NET web forms. When a customer goes to the checkout page, there is a form, where they have to provide their details, like postage address etc. After they filled the form in they have to click "Pay now" button to be prompted to go to Paypal checkout page.
I need to track those clicks for the Google AdWords conversion statistics.
The usual code for tracking clicks would look like:
// some data
goog_report_conversion = function(url) {
window.google_conversion_format = "3";
var opt = new Object();
opt.onload_callback = function() {
if (typeof(url) != 'undefined') {
window.location = url;
But because of the way the website was implemented, the destination link is being generated dynamically, so I couldn't pass it as as argument for "goog_report_conversion".
So I've slightly changed the conversion function to this:
// some data
goog_report_conversion = function(id) {
window.google_conversion_format = "3";
var opt = new Object();
opt.onload_callback = function() {
if (typeof(id) != 'undefined') {
// I use custom function to trigger click on the actual button
event_fire(document.getElementById(id), 'click');
And I have this HTML structure:
<span class="GeneralFormButton" onClick="goog_report_conversion('submit_all')">Pay Now</span>
<input type="button" name="submit_all" value="Pay Now" onclick="this.disabled=true; this.value='Plase wait';__doPostBack('submit_all','')" id="submit_all" style="display: none;" />
Where <span> is being used to trigger the conversion function and then to emulate "click" on the actual submit button.
It works well and the customer is redirected to Paypal. However, the conversion isn't tracked and in Google AdWords account my "Pay with Paypal" option is marked as "Unverified" (It's been going for a way longer than 24 hors)
I tested what data is sent to google on submit:*correct conversion id*/?random=1459744659796
&label=*correct conversion label*
The conversion id and label are correct, the rest of the data seems to be okay too, but the conversion is still not tracked. I just can't figure out why.
Where did I go wrong and what do you think needs to be changed?
Thanks very much in advance
It turned out that the form was never completed and sent before, therefore Google couldn't verify the code. While I was testing for response data I sent the form and the code got verified.

Using <iframe> as source with clmtrackr

I am working with the example for clmtrackr here. I am trying to use an <iframe> as a source of video for the code (as opposed to using a tag, and doing this returns no results.
The example code :
<div id="container">
<video id="video" width="368" height="288" autoplay="" loop="">
<source src="./media/franck.ogv" type="video/ogg">
<canvas id="canvas" width="368" height="288"></canvas>
var videoInput = document.getElementById('video');
var ctracker = new clm.tracker();
function positionLoop() {
var positions = ctracker.getCurrentPosition();
// do something with the positions ...
// print the positions
var positionString = "";
if (positions) {
for (var p = 0;p < 10;p++) {
positionString += "featurepoint "+p+" : ["+positions[p][0].toFixed(2)+","+positions[p][1].toFixed(2)+"]<br/>";
document.getElementById('positions').innerHTML = positionString;
var canvasInput = document.getElementById('canvas');
var cc = canvasInput.getContext('2d');
function drawLoop() {
cc.clearRect(0, 0, canvasInput.width, canvasInput.height);
Has anyone attempting this yet? Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you,
In most cases, this is not possible because of security measures built into the browser/DOM.
clmtrackr needs to access the pixels of the video file, and to do that, it needs direct access to the <video> element, which in your case is inside the iframe. In order to do that, you would need to reach into the DOM elements inside the iframe to find the video element and pass it to clmtrackr. However, it is not possible to do that unless the iframe is being served from the same domain as the outside page.
Presumably, if the iframe is coming from your own site, then you already have a way to access the source URL of the video file and can create your own element. Then you don't need the iframe. So I'm assuming you're trying to access another video hosting site, like YouTube.
Now, to be thorough, even if you could access the video element inside the iframe or if you could somehow infer the url of the video file and create your own element, clmtrackr cannot access the pixels unless that video file is, once again, coming from the same domain. This is another security measure.
The exception is if the video is served with CORS headers, as described here:
and here:
Unfortunately, few video hosting services serve their videos with CORS headers.

hide iframe url in HTML source code

How to hide iframe url From HTML source code?
<iframe src="" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="728" height="90"></iframe>
You can use javascript to load the source, and it will not be visible in iframe url in page source code.
For example with jQuery:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function(e) {
<iframe src="" />
Example here.
You can combine it with $.post to get the value serverside:
$.post('get-iframe-src.php', function(data) {
You can even load iframe itself to some element like:
$.post('get-iframe.php', function(data) {
etc. solutions are many, this is just one of.
You can't. If the URL isn't in the HTML, how would the browser know where to get it?
One thing you could try is to obscure it to make it slightly harder for someone to find it. You could have the src attribute be blank and then when the document is ready fetch the URL value from the server in a separate AJAX request and update the iframe tag to include that value in the src.
This would be a fair amount of work, however, and wouldn't really accomplish anything. The only thing it would prevent is somebody finding it by viewing the page source. They can still look at the "current version" of the HTML in any web browser's debugging tools. (Right click on an element and inspect it, which is nearly ubiquitous at this point.) Or any other normal traffic-sniffing tools will see it plain as day.
Ultimately, if the web browser needs to know a piece of information, then that information needs to be visible on the client-side.
There's no way to fully block source viewing. But there are a couple ways to disable right-clicking:
1) Javascript:
<script language="JavaScript">
var message="Your message goes here.";
function click(e) {
if (document.all) {
if (event.button == 2) {
return false;
if (document.layers) {
if (e.which == 3) {
return false;
if (document.layers) {
// -->
2) Add the following into your tag: oncontextmenu="return false"
I decided for solution that does not use javascript, because most of the time it will be possible to read the "hidden" content.
Moreover, changing iframe SRC with javascript, will keep URL hidden when checking the source. However, inspecting the code will show the real URL.
My code is in PHP; however, I believe that the logic can be translated to other programming languages. This is how it works:
I kept the iframe tag as usual:
<iframe src="dash_url.php"></iframe>
The trick is inside the iframe_url.php, where I validate the referer. If it is valid, page is redirected to iframe URL. If it is not, than URL will be a message.
$iframe_url = "";
$Referer = #$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"];
$RefererHost = #explode(":", explode("/", explode("//", $Referer)[1])[0])[0];
if ($RefererHost == $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]) {
header("Location: " . $iframe_url);
} else {
echo "Invalid URL";
If visitor inspects the page or checks the source, iframe tag will show SRC as dash_url.php.
