Entity Framework & RIA Services - CRUD on Link Table - ef-code-first

After many hours, countless failures, I decided to change my Entity Model to include a link table in the model for each many-to-many relationship. This worked for me because RIA Services doesn't support many-to-many relationships.
Regardless, I'm able to build, but do not have any idea how to manage these relationships within the application itself. Should I create methods on the Domain Service, that are hidden from the client and used to perform CRUD operations on the link table objects?
An example would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

I guess you already know http://m2m4ria.codeplex.com/ that adds many to many support to wcf ria services, however if you want to manage it by yourself, you better send it to the client and treat them like any other entities. You will not have Entity A with a collection of B entities and entities B with a collection of A entitities but rather:
public class A
int Id {get; set;}
ICollection<A_To_B> B_Entities {get; private set;}
public class A_To_B
int Id {get; set;}
A EntityA {get; set;}
int id_A {get; set;}
B EntityB {get; set;}
int id_B {get; set;}
public class B
int Id {get; set;}
ICollection<A_To_B> A_Entities {get; private set;}
in your domain service add methods to correctly expose all of these entities and don't forget to properly decorate them (relationship is straight 1:m)

This is indeed a nuisance.
I've not tried m2m4ria and do it manually on the client, ie. I expose the bridge table in the domain service. Sometimes it turns out to be a good idea anyway if the bridge table is later elevated to carry more data.
To ease the pain of managing the bridge table on the client I've written some helper you might want to consider yourself.
public interface ILinkEntity
where LinkEntity : Entity, ILinkEntity
where SourceEntity : Entity, ILinkedSourceEntity
where TargetEntity : Entity
SourceEntity Source { get; set; }
TargetEntity Target { get; set; }
public interface ILinkedSourceEntity
where SourceEntity : Entity, ILinkedSourceEntity
where LinkEntity : Entity, ILinkEntity
where TargetEntity : Entity
EntityCollection Links { get; }
ObservableCollection Targets { get; set; }
public static class ManyToManyHelper
public static void UpdateLinks(this ILinkedSourceEntity source, EntitySet set)
where SourceEntity : Entity, ILinkedSourceEntity
where LinkEntity : Entity, ILinkEntity, new()
where TargetEntity : Entity
if (!(source is SourceEntity)) throw new Exception("Expected source to be a SourceEntity.");
var toAdd = (
from target in source.Targets
where source.Links.FirstOrDefault(le => le.Target.Equals(target)) == null
select target
foreach (var target in toAdd) source.Links.Add(new LinkEntity() { Source = source as SourceEntity, Target = target });
var toRemove = (
from link in source.Links
where source.Targets.FirstOrDefault(te => te.Equals(link.Target)) == null
select link
foreach (var link in toRemove)
// This can happen when the entities had not yet been added to the context.
public static void UpdateTargets(this ILinkedSourceEntity source)
where SourceEntity : Entity, ILinkedSourceEntity
where LinkEntity : Entity, ILinkEntity, new()
where TargetEntity : Entity
if (source.Targets == null)
source.Targets = new ObservableCollection();
foreach (var link in source.Links) source.Targets.Add(link.Target);
I have this in a file called ManyToManyUtils and it should live somewhere where your domain entities can reference them (so typically in the domain client project).
I then augment the respective auto-generated domain entities to support those interfaces, eg. like this:
public partial class Question : ILinkedSourceEntity
EntityCollection ILinkedSourceEntity.Links
get { return QuestionCategories; }
public ObservableCollection Categories { get; set; }
ObservableCollection ILinkedSourceEntity.Targets
get { return Categories; }
set { Categories = value; }
public partial class QuestionCategory : ILinkEntity
Question ILinkEntity.Source { get { return Question; } set { Question = value; } }
Category ILinkEntity.Target { get { return Category; } set { Category = value; } }
public partial class Category
So in this example each Question can be in many categories. Category as a domain entity needs not to be modified.
I usually augment domain entity classes with properties frequently anyway, so I often already have those partial classes.
Now I can bind views against those new collection properties. However, I still need to call the helper update methods to sync the bridge table with those helper collection properties.
So after each load or refresh from the domain services you have to call:
And after each edit by the user (eg from a SelectionChanged handler in the view, or - if you are happy with the consequences - just before you call SaveChanges), call:
That way, the nastiness is factored out as much as possible.


How to specify default property values for owned entity types in Entity Framework Core 2.0?

I have a simple POCO type, say something like
public class OwnedEntity {
public string stringProperty { get; set; }
public decimal decimalProperty { get; set; }
public bool boolProperty { get; set; }
public int intProperty { get; set; }
and an actual entity with an OwnedEntity reference
public class SomeEntity {
public string Id { get; set; }
public OwnedEntity OwnedEntity { get; set; }
I set up the relationship like described in the documentation using EF Core's Fluent API:
protected override void OnModelCreating (ModelBuilder builder) {
base.OnModelCreating (builder);
builder.Entity<SomeEntity> ().OwnsOne (e => e.OwnedEntity);
I can't find anything on how to define default-values for all the properties of OwnedEntity. I tried to initialize the properties like this:
public class OwnedEntity {
public string stringProperty { get; set; } = "initial"
public decimal decimalProperty { get; set; } = -1M;
public bool boolProperty { get; set; } = false;
public int intProperty { get; set; } = -1;
but with no effect. Same goes with the [DefaultValueAttribute] (but that was to expect since it's explicitly mentioned).
There's a bit of information on how to handle initial values for regular entities:
.Property(e => e.SomeIntProperty)
But since I'm facing an Owned Entity Type, I can't access the type via Entity<T>.
Is there a way of doing what I'm looking for?
Some things worth mentioning:
I have a solid amount of specific entities where most of them are using the OwnsOne relation
Declaring all OwnedEntity-properties in a base class is not an option since not all the entities have those properties
I`m using EF Core 2.0.3 and ASP.NET Core MVC 2.0.4
Originally, I wanted to have newly created SomeEntity instances to come with preset properties for all of the 'embedded' SomeEntity.OwnedEntity properties.
But looking at how my associated controller works, it all makes sense... I have the following methods for the 'Create' operation:
public IActionResult Create () {
return View (nameof (Create));
public async Task<IActionResult> Create (SomeEntity model) {
context.Add (model);
await context.SaveChangesAsync ();
// redirect etc.
Which means that no object is created for the [HttGet] overload of Create and all the HTML inputs linked to properties (via asp-for) are initially empty. Okay. So I guess the proper way of doing this is to manually create a new instance of SomeEntity and pass it to the Create view like this:
public IActionResult Create () {
return View (nameof (Create), new SomeEntity());
Is this the right approach then or are there some more things to keep in mind?
Assuming you understand what EF Core Default Values are for, and just looking for equivalent of Entity<T>().Property(...) equivalent.
The owned entities are always configured for each owner type by using the ReferenceOwnershipBuilder<TEntity,TRelatedEntity> class methods. To access this class you either use the result of OwnsOne method, or use the OwnsOne overload taking second argument of type Action<ReferenceOwnershipBuilder<TEntity,TRelatedEntity>>.
For instance, using the second approach:
builder.Entity<SomeEntity>().OwnsOne(e => e.OwnedEntity, ob =>
ob.Property(e => e.stringProperty)
ob.Property(e => e.decimalProperty)
// etc.

ApplicationUser has a list of ApplicationUser

I have built a new Web Application that uses the template Visual Studio provides and included MVC and Web API. The default authorization mechanism is Identity and the database interaction is done using Entity Framework with Code-first method of creating the database.
I have three requirements:
A user can have a list of Children objects
I do not want to use a "relationship" object
All users already exist on the AspNetUsers table, because they all need to be able to login, so I do not want another table to maintain user data
In theory, multiple parents could have reference to multiple children, but for this example, we will just consider it a one-to-many relationship.
In my application, I need to have an ApplicationUser have a list of ChildUsers as a collection of ApplicationUser such as shown below.
public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public string AddressLine1 { get; set; }
public string AddressLine2 { get; set; }
public string City { get; set; }
public string State { get; set; }
public string PostalCode { get; set; }
public string ShirtSize { get; set; }
public ICollection<ApplicationUser> Children { get; set; }
I want these users to be accessible as shown above (a collection of ApplicationUser), not a collection of Relationship object that ties them together such as:
public class Relationship
public String ParentId { get;set; }
public String ChildId { get;set; }
Can a new table be created and exist on the database without having a code-first model for it to know how to create a relationship table?
What are available solutions to this problem?
After some research, and experimentation, I have found bits and pieces of guidance to arrive at a solution that works.
In order for an intermediate table to be created to maintain the relationship, the ApplicationDbContext OnModelCreating function needs to know what it should look like. I have told it to create a new table that is not bound to an object by using the modelBuilder shown in the code below. Unfortunately, I do not have the links to the articles that guided me to this.
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<ApplicationUser>
public ApplicationDbContext()
: base( "DefaultConnection", throwIfV1Schema: false )
public static ApplicationDbContext Create()
return new ApplicationDbContext();
protected override void OnModelCreating( DbModelBuilder modelBuilder )
base.OnModelCreating( modelBuilder );
.HasMany( p => p.ChildUsers )
.Map( m =>
m.MapLeftKey( "Father_Id" );
m.MapRightKey( "Son_Id" );
m.ToTable( "father_son_relation" );
} );
Additionally, when you need to add Children to the parent ApplicationUser, you will need to do some tweaking as you are about to insert so that it updates the database correctly. I definitely want the UserManager to do the creation of the user for me, but that means that when I go to add the user to my list of Children with the code below, it tries to add it again and throws an exception because it already exists.
var result = await UserManager.CreateAsync( user, model.Password );
var myUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
var users = AppDbContext.Users.Where( u => u.Id == myUserId ).Include( u => u.ChildUsers );
var u2 = users.First();
u2.ChildUsers.Add( user );
await AppDbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
After finding this question, I researched the EntityStates and found that adding the following line before calling SaveChanges resolved the exception and it no longer attempts to add it again.
AppDbContext.Entry( user ).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
TADA!!! Now to select them from the database using EF, you can then use the following code:
AppDbContext.Users.Where( u => u.Id == myUserId ).Include( u => u.Children ).First();
Since I am only getting one level of Children this will work ok, after that you risk circular references.
Comments and ideas to improve the code are welcome.

EntityFramework model building

I have a class Employee that looks like the following:
public class Employee
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Manager { get; set; }
I have another class Manager that extends this class and adds no other functionality:
public class Manager : Employee
In my DbContext derived class I have:
public DbSet<Employee> Employees { get; set; }
public DbSet<Manager> Managers { get; set; }
I want employee's with Employee.Manager == 1 to be added to the Managers DbSet and the employee's with Employee.Manager == 0 to be added to the Employees DbSet.
The database table is structured in this way and I need to be able to do something like this, because I have another class which has a foreign key to an employee and one to a manager.
How can I accomplish this or is there another way to solve my problem?
In order For Code First to use your custom discriminator column, you must modify the default behavior using the Fluent API.
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Map(e => e.Requires("Manager").HasValue(0))
.Map<Manager>(m => m.Requires("Manager").HasValue(1));
A couple things to note:
There is only one DbSet<Employee> in this scenario. A DbSet<Manager> will not work. An Employee retrieved from the database can be identified as a manager by checking the Manager value, and a var manager = new Manager() will automatically be assigned the correct discriminator.
ALL types which inherit from Employee must be given a value for the Discriminator in this modelBuilder. If you skip an inherited class, you will receive runtime errors when accessing any class in the hierarchy.

Many-to-Many Relationship, junction table not recognized

I would like to set up a many to many relationship in ASP.NET MVC4.
The goal is to extend the default UserProfile class with a list of Timeline objects, which belong to the user.
A Timeline could be shared by multiple users, so the Timeline class should have an list of UserProfile objects aswell.
Timeline class:
namespace MvcApplication1.Models
public class Timeline
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Color { get; set; }
public List<UserProfile> Users { get; set; }
public class TimelineContext : DbContext
public DbSet<Timeline> Timelines { get; set; }
public DbSet<UserProfile> UserProfiles { get; set; }
// Added the following because I saw it on:
// http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/548945/Generating-Many-to-Many-Relation-in-MVC4-using-Ent
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasMany(c => c.Users)
.WithMany(s => s.Timelines)
.Map(mc =>
UserProfile class (default class with an added property):
public class UsersContext : DbContext
public UsersContext()
: base("DefaultConnection")
public DbSet<UserProfile> UserProfiles { get; set; }
public DbSet<Timeline> Timelines { get; set; }
// Added the following because I saw it on:
// http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/548945/Generating-Many-to-Many-Relation-in-MVC4-using-Ent
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasMany(c => c.Timelines)
.WithMany(s => s.Users)
.Map (mc =>
public class UserProfile
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public List<Timeline> Timelines { get; set; }
I have a connection table with foreign keys:
When creating an instance of Timeline, the Users list is null:
Timeline timeline = db.Timelines.Find(id); // timeline.Users = null
Can somebody please enlighten me, how should I set this up working?
I'm totally new to ASP.NET MVC4.
Edit 1: I understand I should not extend UserProfile but create another class to store users. Once the many-to-many relationship works, I will refactor and go into that direction.
But first I would like to know why is it not working.
Edit 2:
The double context also caused problems, two databases were created for the two contexts and the pure join table was empty in one of them.
I suggest that you work through this article about the options how you can load navigation properties with Entity Framework. This is very basic knowledge which is important for every kind of relationship, not only many-to-many relationships.
Looking at that article you will find then that this line...
Timeline timeline = db.Timelines.Find(id);
...does not load any related entities. So, it's expected that timeline.Users is null, even if the entities are related in the database.
If you want to load the Users you can use eager loading:
Timeline timeline = db.Timelines.Include(t => t.Users)
.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Id == id);
This is a single database query. Or to enable lazy loading you have to mark your navigation properties as virtual:
public virtual List<UserProfile> Users { get; set; }
public virtual List<Timeline> Timelines { get; set; }
You can then use your original code:
Timeline timeline = db.Timelines.Find(id); // first query
var users = timeline.Users; // second query
This will run two separate queries. The second is performed as soon as you access the navigation property for the first time.
BTW: Is there a reason why you have two context classes - TimelineContext and UsersContext? "Normally" you need only one context.
I'm not a fan of messing with the working of the internal userprofile. I would suggest creating your own user class, linking it to the simplemembershipprovider and adding functionality there. At max you'll extend the accountclasses a little to add more fields to register with, but that's about it.
Follow this extremely handy guide to get things working and let me know if you encounter an error.

Code First Generic Repository with existing Database tables

I have a Generic Repository class using code first to perform data operations.
public class GenericRepository<T> where T : class
public DbContext _context = new DbContext("name=con");
private DbSet<T> _dbset;
public DbSet<T> Dbset
set { _dbset = value; }
_dbset = _context.Set<T>();
return _dbset;
public IQueryable<T> GetAll()
return Dbset;
I have an entity class Teacher, which maps to an existing table "Teacher" in my database, with exactly the same fields.
public class Teacher
public Teacher()
// TODO: Add constructor logic here
public int TeacherID { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
I have the following code below which binds data from Teacher to a repeater control.
GenericRepository<Teacher> studentrepository = new GenericRepository<Teacher>();
rptSchoolData.DataSource = studentrepository.GetAll().ToList();
But I get an exception exception "The entity type Teacher is not part of the model in the current context". Do I have to do any additional work when using an existing database for code first?
You must create a context class that derives from DbContext. The class should have properties of type DbSet<T> which will give EF enough information to create and communicate with a database with default naming and association conventions. It will use properties like Student.Teacher (if any) to infer foreign key associations:
public class MyContext: DbContext
public DbSet<Teacher> Teachers { get; set; }
public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }
If the defaults are not what you want, or when you've got an existing database that you want to match with the names and associations in your model you can do two (or three) things:
Override OnModelCreating to configure the mappings manually. Like when the tables in the database have those ugly prefixes (to remind people that they see a table when they see a table):
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Map(e => e.ToTable("tblTeacher"));
(Less favorable) Use data annotations to do the same.
Turn it around and use Entity Framework Powertools to reverse-engineer a database into a class model including fluent mappings and a DbContext-derived context. Maybe easier to modify an existing model than to start from scratch.
