server is getting wreird IP address from client - ip

I have a static local IP Address: 10.8.4., and the public IP Address of my machine is: 72.43.135.. when the server(sitting on different network from my workstation) gets a request from my machine, it sees my IP address from
and got 10.20.102.*.
why it the server not getting the IP as: 72.43.135.*?

If you define public and local, you will get to know that these terms might refere to the same network under some conditions. This could be a demilitarized zone (DMZ) for example.
What IP the destination server sees, depends on the interface you send the packets through and the routers it crosses.
Is there masquerading (NAT) ? - Is the main question. You can be on totally different networks but the routers might still forward your local IP, now this also depends on the routing table. Can a packet find its way back to your host? Is there a reversed route from the host to your machine?
The destination host is propably having 2 interfaces, 1 with IP 72.43.. one with a 10.8.. maybe it recieves through the 72 but sends back through the 10.8 because it has a different route back. Networking can be real voodoo! Trace your packets, ask your sysadmins..
(not talking about proxies here, they deliver different custom headers with different IPs)


why do I need network id and host id?

Here is what I think.
When I make request to some website, router through modem makes the request to the internet, (website) and gets the response. (how does it get response?) , webserver knows the router's ip address. Then router knows my private ip address and gives me back what I requested.
The question is , I heard that there's a subnet mask and I know what It does. Why do I need NETWORK ID at all? I read somewhere that it's used so that response could find the network from where request was done, but in above scenario, there's no network needed as web server knows router's ip address and gives it response.
Why do I need(does router need) NetworkId and HostId to know specifically?
There seems to be a lot of confusion here. Your router does not need a network ID, and, in this context, I do not understand what you mean by a host ID.
When I make request to some website, router through modem makes the request to the internet, (website) and gets the response. (how does it get response?) , webserver knows the router's ip address. Then router knows my private ip address and gives me back what I requested.
Eh, no. That is not how it works. When your computer makes a request to a website your computer will first think about what to do with the request.
Is the target directly connected? That means, if I AND the ip address with the netmask, is it the same as my own ip address ANDed with the netmask?
Do I have a specific route for this ip address?
otherwise, send it to the default gateway.
BTW: my own ip address ANDed with the netmask is my network. So a router may store this if it does not want to perform the calculation every time.
Your router will forward the packet to the destination. It does not make a request to the Internet. In the case of a home-NAT-router, it will modify some fields in the protocol header, but it will not make a request of its own.

FTP to external address from server on internal network

I am at a large University, with servers set up on the Univeristy network. The network has internal (10...) IP addresses, and external (129...) IP addresses. I have a ColdFusion-based business process which FTP's data from an external server.
The server on which the ColdFusion instance is based has several (about 10) IP addresses associated with it, both internal and external. It has one primary address, which has been, until recently, external.
Using Wireshark, we have been able see which IP is used, and it is never the primary, but other than that, does not seem to follow any logic.
We recently changed the primary IP for the server to an internal address, to comply with new University-wide security policies, and the FTP connection from Coldfusion stopped working. Using Wireshark, we've confirmed it is going out on one of the internal (10...*) IP addresses (not the primary).
Is there a way to control which IP ColdFusion uses for an FTP connection, either through system configuration, or programmatically?
Code for the FTP call:
var ftpService= new ftp(
username = partnerConfig.sftpLogin,
connection = "MyConnection",
password = partnerConfig.sftpPw,
fingerprint = partnerConfig.sftpFingerprint,
server = partnerConfig.sftpServer,
secure = "yes"
var result2=ftpService.listdir(directory = partnerConfig.inFolder, name="dirlist");
var result3=result2.getResult();
EDIT: My server guy tells me that this University is fairly unique in how it configures the subnets. NO firewall exceptions are allowed from the 10.* subnet. The "Public" IP's are not public by default, simply the ones which are capable of having exceptions.
FURTHER EXPLANATION: It comes down to the Rules and IP addresses the main IT org at the university set up. the 10.x.x.x IPs are never allowed access outside the university ("internal"). 129.x.x.x IP, may have firewall exceptions ("external"). If I type ipconfig (it's Windows), I see about 10 static IP addresses, half of which are 10.x.x.x, and half of which are 129.x.x.x. When the "primary" IP for the machine was a 129.x.x.x address, Coldfusion chose one of the OTHER 129.x.x.x addresses for the outgoing IP for the connection. With the "primary" IP switched to a 10.x.x.x IP, ColdFusion is choosing one of the OTHER 10.x.x.x addresses for the outgoing connection. My choices, as far as I can tell are 1) Switch the primary back to a 129.x.x.x for the server; 2) Move the site to a different server with a primary of 129.x.x.x, and keep other sites on the server in compliance with the new policy; 3)See if I can figure out how to control which IP Coldfusion chooses from the 10 static IPs on the server.
Our admin figured it out. We needed to add a static route to the server, so that whenever ColdFusion (or any application) tries to connect to the specific destination we were FTPing to, it goes through a specific outgoing IP address.
This was not something I was familiar with, but a quick search gives the basics:
You have an internal IP address and you are not sure what the external is? This sound like a network bridge issue. What you are looking for is FTP proxy or some tool that associates an externally assigned IP to an internally assigned IP for port 22 (or whatever you set your port to). Look at:
FTP reverse proxy
It sounds like your IPs (even internally may not be static)...or maybe it just feels that way. Make sure your internal IP is static.
Read about FTP port forwarding: Here are some port forwarding guides.
Other keywords FTP bridge, FTP one-to-one mapping, among others.
Good luck.
I had a similar question regarding the cfmail tag:
Force cfmail tag to send from a specfic server IP address
Unfortunately, I didn't get an answer that worked. ColdFusion seems to pick (seemingly at random) which source IP address is used.

IP Comparison between 2 Locations

can one location have more than 1 IP address? I have 2 IP addresses and need to know if they originate from the same source. Thanks
You're missing clear definitions of "location" and "source" in your question but lets go with the assumption that you mean "physical machine" for both (as it's obvious that multiple machines will have different addresses and that a single machine can change its IP address over time).
In that case, the answer is yes. The operating system may bind as many IP addresses to a physical network port (and a single MAC -- the physical addressing used by Ethernet) as it wishes.
Binding multiple IP addresses was the standard way of doing "virtual web hosting" before HTTP/1.1 arrived with the "Host" header. The provider would use DNS to map different host names to different IPs on the same network (usually the same subnet as well) and then assign all of them to the same interface. The webserver would get address information from an incoming connection and based on the local IP address would know which virtual host was being accessed.
This led to a higher-than-typical use of public IP addresses but the practice is now gone with the proliferation of HTTP/1.1.
I'm not sure how Windows presents it, but Linux will present a physical interface with multiple IP addresses as multiple logical interfaces such as "eth0", "eth0:1", "eth0:2", etc. Each logical interface has a unique IP address even though they share the same physical interface.
This is hard to tell. Especially it is hard to tell if these IP addresses are from different times. Today I may have a different IP address than tomorrow.
Even they are from the same time, a load balancer im my internal equipment might send my packets over the fail-over line if the 1st one is overloaded or broken down.
One network adapter normally has only one IP address at once and a typical end user only has one network connection active, but even then the IP address can change. The user could switch from wireless to wired and back or a power outage might reset the ISP's DHCP server (assigning everyone a new IP address).
If you want to identify the user even if his IP address changes, you need to identify the user by his session id, stored in cookies. As two users can have the same IP address (a whole company could be behind a NAT), you should never rely on IP addresses for identification.

TURN server XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS IP different from its own public IP

Suppose I am running a TURN server bound to a public IP (say When the server creates a relay port for a create allocation request, is it ever the case that the server would send back an IP address that is different from whatever it is bound to ( in this case) in the XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS attribute? I'm not familiar enough with networking to know all possible scenarios, and the RFC 5766 doesn't really say anything specific (as far as I can tell).
Phrased another way, is the IP address in the XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS redundant? In all cases I have considered, the client only needs to know the port allocated, and could completely ignore the IP of XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS. As long as the client knows the relay port, it can always send relay data to the TURN server public IP (it already knows the IP since it had to connect initially...) at the relay port.
Any comments?
If you server is not behind a NAT (on the public internet with a public IP address assigned to it), then the IP address returned in XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS will be the same. (It will always be the same as the IP address assigned to its NIC).
I assume the reason you are considering ignoring XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS is related to you other question suggesting the TURN server will actually be behind a NAT/firewall. I think you'll find that the IP address is predictable. But the Firewall/NAT your server sits behind has the possibility of messing up the port allocations. Make sure you understand how the TURN server does port assignments, and that your firewall does port forwarding correctly.
One bit of nomenclature clarification. Your server isn't "bound" to a public or a private IP. Your server socket binds to an interface that has an IP address assigned and associated to it.
Actually, you guys both overlooked a situation when the relay IP address and different from listening IP address, on the TURN server. The TURN Server may be listening on, say, address, but it may be allocating the relayed endpoint on two other public addresses - like and The real relayed IP address is returned in XOR-RELAYED-ADDRESS and it may be very different from the listening address.

Fundamental principle about data transfer on the internet

Let's assume I open my PC browser in a LAN at my home and type, the browser or another running service find the foo's IP address and send it through ISP to the foo's server.
Now the server knows I sent a request and generate a HTML page or something to respond my request. How its respond arrives to browser in a LAN?
IP packets contain the IP address of the source (i.e. the sender). So the server knows who initiated the request, and can then send its response to that IP address (no DNS lookup involved).
One common complexity is in a LAN behind a router using NAT (network address translation); this is the case in most residential settings. Although all the clients in the LAN have different local IP addresses, the router modifies all the IP packets so that they all have the same IP address (the router's external address). Therefore all the response traffic all gets sent back to that single IP address. The router is able to distinguish and send the packets back to the correct local client based on TCP/UDP port number.
Browser opens connection to the server and sends the request; server responds through the same connection.
Its nicely explained at:
