LogisticsEntityContactInfoView (table) has no valid runnable code in method 'entityType' - dynamics-ax-2012-r2

Error executing code: LogisticsEntityContactInfoView (table) has no valid runable code in method 'entityType'.
Stack trace
(S)\Data Dictionary\Views\LogisticsEntityContactInfoView\Methods\entityType
(S)\Classes\Application\dbSynchronize - line 22
I encounter this error when I execute the synchronize database.
How to solve this error?

Have you fully compiled your AX 2012 installation?
If you installed a model other than the Foundation models, you must complete this task. If you do not complete this task, you will encounter errors when you run the Synchronize database task.
And remember....
Depending on your hardware, compilation can take an hour or more. It is critical to let compilation run until it is complete.


Am I missing something when using MassTransit and AmazonSQS in a large project?

I'm using MassTransit in a project with AmazonSQS and since I updated the packages to the latest version 7.3 I'm getting this exception
---> Amazon.SimpleNotificationService.AmazonSimpleNotificationServiceException: Rate exceeded
---> Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpErrorResponseException: Exception of type 'Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpErrorResponseException' was thrown.
Sometimes the exception is coming from SQS, the thing is when I was working with the version 6 I didn't have those exceptions.
This solution has three projects:
Two web applications (which produce the messages)
BackgroundService (which receive and process the messages)
I designed this system using CQRS pattern with several commands and for that reason it's creating 100 topics and I don't know if I need to consider some limits either from AWS or MassTransit
Someone can help me? Thanks

Azure Machine Learning throws error "Invalid graph: You have invalid compute target(s) in node(s)" while running the pipeline

I am facing a strange issue while dealing with Azure Machine Learning (Preview) interface.
I have designed a training pipeline, which was getting initiated on certain compute node (2 node cluster, with minimal configurations). However, it used to take lot of time for execution. So, I tried to create a new training cluster (8 node cluster, with higher config). During this process, I had created and deleted some of the training clusters.
But, strangely, since then, while submitting the pipeline I am getting error as "Invalid graph: You have invalid compute target(s) in node(s)".
Could you please advise on this situation.
I bet this was pretty frustrating. A common debugging strategy I have is to delete compute targets and create new ones. Perhaps this was another "transient" error?
The issue should have been fixed and will be rolled out soon. Meanwhile, as a temporary solution, you can refresh the page to make it work.

TDWALLETERROR(543): Teradata Wallet error. The helper process is already being traced

When I start my jobs using fast export they sometimes end with an error:
TDWALLETERROR(543): Teradata Wallet error. The helper process is already being traced
When I restart them, they work.
I'm using saved-key protection scheme.
Can someone explain to me why is that error occuring and how to fix it?
Looks like you have a trace activated in one of the scripts, run in the system.
Teradata has a shiffer code that attempts to validate if tracing is running during the wallet invocation - which triggers this error.

Managing external code errors

I am trying to run an external code in OpenMDAO 2 that outputs some minor error messages as part of it's run process in windows shell. These error messages does not affect the results of the code and the code runs itself normally. However OpenMDAO raises a fault and stops whenever it detects these error messages. Is it possible for OpenMDAO to ignore such situation and continue running the analysis? I have tried setting fail_hard option to false, but it doesn't seem to change the behavior except that OpenMDAO raises analysis error instead of run-time error.
We can implement a feature to let you specify allowable return codes.. as long as you can enumerate which return codes are not errors, I think this will solve your problem?

RocksDB cryptic error message

Does anyone understand what this RocksDB error refers to ?
/column_family.cc:275: rocksdb::ColumnFamilyData::~ColumnFamilyData():
Assertion `refs_ == 0' failed. Aborted (core dumped)
This is an assertion failure raised by RocksDB, and it intentionally terminates the execution of the program.
In general, assertions are used by programmers to ensure certain invariants in the program. Assertions have some runtime overhead, and therefore can be completely disabled. Often they are compiled into development or debug builds, but are omitted for production builds.
When an assertion fails, the program execution is intentionally aborted immediately by calling std::abort. This may lead to your OS writing a core dump (as it obviously did as the above message reveals), but if and where core dumps are written depends on the OS configuration.
In case of this specific assertion, the destructor of rocksdb::ColumnFamilyData raised the assertion because it requires its refs_ member to have a value of 0. refs_ is a reference counter and it makes sense to assert that no references are actually held when the object's destructor is called.
From just looking at the destructor code, it is unclear whether this is a bug in the RocksDB library itself, or an error caused by using it the wrong way, e.g. destroying column family objects when they are still in use by other objects.
For reference, here's the code part that raised the assertion (currently on line 365 in file rocksdb/db/column_family.cc):
ColumnFamilyData::~ColumnFamilyData() {
assert(refs_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) == 0);
If the error persists, it may be useful if you provide the code that uses RocksDB here. Otherwise it may be impossible to find the error source.
The core dump may also provide useful information, because it contains the stack trace of the code that actually invoked the object's destructor.
I noticed that all column_family.cc errors (core_dumped, memory_order_relaxed and etc) occur after incorrect rocksdb installation. In my vagrant script i found true way.
instead of use
i create script
cd /opt
git clone https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb.git
cd rocksdb
git checkout tags/v4.1
PORTABLE=1 make shared_lib
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/rocksdb
LD_LIBRARY_PATH add better to your environment path(.bash_rc or /etc/environment)
Assertion refs_ == 0 fails on ~ColumnFamilyData() means the reference count of a column family is not zero when the column family is deleted. Most likely you have some un-deleted column family handles before closing the DB. Note that all column family handles must be deleted before closing the DB. Otherwise the assertion will fail.
// Before delete DB, you have to close All column families by calling
// DestroyColumnFamilyHandle() with all the handles.
static Status Open(const DBOptions& db_options, const std::string& name,
const std::vector<ColumnFamilyDescriptor>& column_families,
std::vector<ColumnFamilyHandle*>* handles, DB** dbptr);
To fix such assertion failure, making sure you delete all column family handles before closing the DB.
