What's the best method to let the users access the file in Openstack Swift? - openstack

We are one of the Openstack cloud user and use Swift to store lots of files in cloud. And our users (the end-users) will access these files. If the files are public, then the end-users can directly visit the object URL in web or mobile applications. However, some of files are private. Each end-user can only access his own private files.
The end-user may have two methods to access his private files:
A. The end-user always sends requests to our server. And our server will get the files from Swift, and then send them to the user. In this
method, Our server can be regarded as a file proxy. We have the
authentication of Openstack, and the user has the authentication of
our server. We should maintain our own user system.
One problem of this method is the scalability. Because each request
will be sent to our server, then the server will be the bottleneck if
many files are uploading or downloading at the same time. The high
scalability feature of Swift can't be used if we don't have enough
servers. Actually we really don't need lots of servers except file
B. The end-user directly sends requests to Swift. It may solve the huge file bandwidth problem. But he must have the authentication
method of Openstack. So we need thousands of Openstack accounts for
our users while we are only one of the user of Openstack! It seems
strange and is not feasible.
Are there any other methods to meet the requirement?

You could use your server to get the files (scenario A), but put that server "in the cloud". Then as access needs to scale up, you spin up additional servers under a load balancer. You, therefore, are distributing the load horizontally as needed.
An idea.
(Disclaimer: I am a Rackspace employee)

A third idea is to use swift's tempurl feature, when a client needs a file, you genenerate a signed url to the file, having checked checked if they are authorised, and the url they get enables them to download directly from swift,
so two problems are solved
1. User A can not get User B's files
2. Download is straight from swift, so your server does not become the bottleneck for downloads (only for authorization).


how to sync data between company's internal database and externally hosted application's database

My organisation (a small non-profit) currently has an internal production .NET system with SQL Server database. The customers (all local to our area) submit requests manually that our office staff then input into the system.
We are now gearing up towards online public access, so that the customers will be able to see the status of their existing requests online, and in future also be able to create new requests online. A new asp.net application will be developed for the same.
We are trying to decide whether to host this application on-site on our servers(with direct access to the existing database) or use an external hosting service provider.
Hosting externally would mean keeping a copy of Requests database on the hosting provider's server. What would be the recommended way to then keep the requests data synced real-time between the hosted database and our existing production database?
Trying to sync back and forth between two in-use databases will be a constant headache. The question that I would have to ask you is if you have the means to host the application on-site, why wouldn't you go that route?
If you have a good reason not to host on site but you do have some web infrastructure available to you, you may want to consider creating a web service which provides access to your database via a set of well-defined methods. Or, on the flip side, you could make the database hosted remotely with your website your production database and use a webservice to access it from your office system.
In either case, providing access to a single database will be much easier than trying to keep two different ones constantly and flawlessly in sync.
If a webservice is not practical (or you have concerns about availability) you may want to consider a queuing system for synchronization. Any change to the db (local or hosted) is also added to a messaging queue. Each side monitors the queue for changes that need to be made and then apply the changes. This would account for one of the databases not being available at any given time.
That being said, I agree with #LeviBotelho, syncing two db's is a nightmare and should probably be avoided if you can. If you must, you can also look into SQL Server replication.
Ultimately the data is the same, customer submitted data. Currently it is being entered by them through you, ultimately it will be entered directly by them, I see no need in having two different databases with the same data. The replication errors alone when they will pop-up (and they will), will be a headache for your team for nothing.

how to add simple security and measure performance of web service

So I'm making a app for a bank, but it doesnt manage very important data. I have two problems, it will run over a VERY large LAN network protected by all kinds of security(antivirus and firewalls) and the bandwidth in certain regions is as low as 56kbps.(Its a desktop app with a web server backend connected by web services)
From the security point of view all I want is to prevent someone from executing the web services from some other source or app results in change in the database . I'm thinking of each desktop app installed with a install code, this will be hashed and required as a parameter for every function call and will act as an authentication ticket? Is this good enough? Are they better SIMPLER means?
For performance, how do I measure or know if the web service will send and receive data at a decent rate?
Assuming you are on a windows domain. You could configure the server to use windows authentication and restrict the users which can access the web service.
For performance measuring - asp.net will show you a sample request and response if you hit the web service from a browser, you can work out the site of a message and use the bandwidth to calculate how long it should take. You could also call the web service and use the stopwatch class to measure the time it takes.
I would prefer assigning usernames and passwords. Either way, the user can disclose their code to someone else. And either the user or a recipient can access the app using other programs (there's no way to prevent someone extracting an install code). But if you assign usernames, they are more likely to take personal responsibility for what happens using the authorization.

Moving a ASP.NET application to the cloud

I am new to cloud computing, so please bear with me here. I have an existing ASP.NET application with SQL Server 2008 hosted on a Virtual Private Server. Here's what it briefly does:
The front end accepts user's requests and adds them to a DB table
A Windows Service running in the background picks up the request, processes it and sets a flag.
The Windows Services also creates a file for the user to download.
User downloads file
I'd like to move this web application with the service to the cloud. The architecture I envision is that I'll have 1 Web server in which I will install the front end and the windows service. I'll also have a cloud files server for file storage. The windows service should somehow create a file and transfer it to the cloud file server (I assume this is possible?)
My questions:
Does the architecture look like I am going in the right direction?
I know Amazon has been providing cloud services for a long time. If I want to do minimal changes to my application, should I go with Amazon, Rackspace, Azure or some other provider?
I understand that I would not only pay for file storage and web server but also for the bandwidth of users downloading the file and the windows servic uploading the file to the cloud server. Can I assume these costs are negligible? Should I go with VPS + Cloud Files combination to begin with?
Any other thoughts/suggestions?
The scenario you describe is very close to the one we cover in this guide. You can also download the documents here.
The web site should be fairly staright forwrad to move. The key things to consider:
- Authentication
- Session management
- Bandwidth use and latency considerations (e.g. big ViewState, etc)
The Windows Service will have to be refactored into a "Worker". This is covered in the guide above with more detail for very similar purposes.
The guide comes with full samples showing how to do it.
Hope it helps

How to ensure HTTP upload came from authentic executable

We are in the process of writing a native windows app (MFC) that will be uploading some data to our web app. Windows app will allow user to login and after that it will periodically upload some data to our web app. Upload will be done via simple HTTP POST to our web app. The concern I'm having is how can we ensure that the upload actually came from our app, and not from curl or something like that. I guess we're looking at some kind of public/private key encryption here. But I'm not sure if we can somehow just embed a public key in our win app executable and be done with it. Or would that public key be too easy to extract and use outside of our app?
Anyway, we're building both sides (client and server) so pretty much anything is an option, but it has to work through HTTP(S). However, we do not control the execution environment of win (client) app, plus the user that is running the app on his/her system is the only one that stands to gain something by gaming the system.
Ultimately, it's not possible to prove the identity of an application this way when it's running on a machine you don't own. You could embed keys, play with hashes and checksums, but at the end of the day, anything that relies on code running on somebody else's machine can be faked. Keys can be extracted, code can be reverse-engineered- it's all security through obscurity.
Spend your time working on validation and data cleanup, and if you really want to secure something, secure the end-user with a client certificate. Anything else is just a waste of time and a false sense of security.
About the best you could do would be to use HTTPS with client certificates. Presumably with WinHTTP's interface.
But I'm not sure if we can somehow just embed a public key in our win app executable and be done with it.
If the client is to be identifying itself to the server, it would have to be the private key embedded.
Or would that be too easy to extract and use outside of our app?
If you don't control the client app's execution environment, anything your app can do can be analysed, automated and reproduced by an attacker that does control that environment.
You can put obfuscatory layers around the communications procedure if you must, but you'll never fix the problem. Multiplayer games have been trying to do this for years to combat cheating, but in the end it's just an obfuscation arms race that can never be won. Blizzard have way more resources than you, and they can't manage it either.
You have no control over the binaries once your app is distributed. If all the signing and encryption logic reside in your executable it can be extracted. Clever coders will figure out the code and build interoperable systems when there's enough motivation to do so. That's why DRM doesn't work.
A complex system tying a key to the MAC address of a PC for instance is sure to fail.
Don't trust a particular executable or system but trust your users. Entrust each of them with a private key file protected by a passphrase and explain to them how that key identify them as submitters of contents on your service.
Since you're controlling the client, you might as well embed the key in the application, and make sure the users don't have read access to the application image - you'll need to separate the logic to 2 tiers - 1 that the user runs, the other that connects to the service over HTTP(S) - since the user will always have read access to an application he's running.
If I understand correctly, the data is sent automatically after the user logs on - this sounds like only the service part is needed.

How to implement copy protection in website product?

My company has a website product (ASP.NET) which is sold to customers. It means we don't host the website. They install it on their server and run it in the intranet.
I need to implement some sort of copy protection mechanism so that not everyone ends up installing the website. It has following aspects:
It has to be completely software based (no dongles).
Hiding usage information in registry or some folder in c:\ (basically outside virtual directory) is not an option for a website
Please can you suggest any scheme/method?
One suggestion is to use some kind of web service running, of course you need to have a main server to do so. In this server you can have some of your clients servers data (IP of the authorized servers, CPU and Motherboard ID's, and other important data).
This web service has to run some important logic of the program and return a value to the authorized servers. If the data of autorization sent by the client doesn't match, the server do will not execute the routine.
Of course I assume that this side of the logic is included in a DLL in the application and not in plain code.
A technique that worked well for a buddy of mine was to install a web bug on an administrative page which would report back to their server. You can monitor when and where the application is installed. It could be easily removed, but won't by most customers.
Simple, easy to do, and works relatively well.
Something you could try. Compile binaries for each client, obfuscate the code, lock the site down to a single domain. If its an internal app the domain might be something like "productname.clientname.internal". The app checks the domain of all the incoming requests, refuses anything that doesn't match.
As already pointed out by jeffamaphone: people will find ways around it, but it's enough to 'slow down' those not super determined.
[disclaimer]I sell the product I am recommending.[/disclaimer]
Take a look at DeployLX. You can add licensing to your web based application to require one of a couple different options.
Hardware based locking so it can only be used on one machine.
Domain based locking so it's tied to a specific domain name.
IP based locking to tie it to an IP address.
License server locking to that your app checks in periodically with a centralized web service.
It's pretty flexible and should let you create a balance between protection and not frustrating your users.
