What Does OpenCL Upsample Do? - opencl

After reading the documentation for the OpenCL function upsample, I still have no idea what it does.
The documentation's description of the function is:
result[i] = ((gentype)hi[i] << 8|16|32) | lo[i]
What does that mean? What does upsample do?

Perhaps this is best explained through code rather than words (a snippet is worth 2^10 words, after all):
uchar hi = 0xAA;
uchar lo = 0xBB;
ushort x = upsample(hi, lo); // x = 0xAABB
There are overloads for signed versions which respect the signedness rules, and vector overloads too:
uchar2 hi = (uchar2)(0xAA, 0xBB);
uchar2 lo = (uchar2)(0x11, 0x22);
ushort2 x = upsample(hi, lo); // x = {0xAA11, 0xBB22}
Those don't do anything special as you might conceivably imagine, they just operate component-wise.
Mathematically, the description of the function makes sense, by "pushing" the hi argument to the most significant bits of the output so that it appears in the first 8 (short), 16 (int), 32 (long) bits. Below is an example using the ushort upsample(uchar hi, uchar lo) overload for illustration:
upsample(hi, lo) = (hi << 8) | lo
hi = 01010101
lo = 01101110
lo = 0000000001101110 (extended to result type ushort)
hi << 8 = 0101010100000000 (extended to result type ushort)
(hi << 8) | lo = 0101010100000000
| 0000000001101110
= 0101010101101110
^ ^
hi lo
Actually, thanks, I didn't know about this function, I could certainly make use of it myself. Cheers!


Converting a list of integers to a map of vertices containing the elements coordinates

This is what i have at the moment
(string -> int list)
let read filename = ....
this is working as intended, returning a list of integers from a textfile looking like this:
Yes you are correct, it is a sudoku board. This is what i have to work with:
type vertex = int * int (*Cells in the sudoku board*)
type gamma = int (*representing colors 1-9*)
(* [Vertex = Map.Make(Vertex)] *)
module Vertex = Map.Make(struct
type t = vertex
let compare = Stdlib.compare
(* [Gamma = Set.Make(Gamma)] *)
module Gamma = Set.Make(struct
type t = gamma
let compare = Stdlib.compare
The gamma set is for solving the sudoku board using graph coloring. I need help understanding how i can convert the list of integers to a suitable map for this kind of task. According to the structure i provided, so i can access each element in the map using it coordinates (x, y). Hope you understand, otherwise i will try to provide more info. I'm reaaally bad at OCaml but trying to learn. I'm sorry for body errors etc, first time posting here.
As far as I can understand your task, the text file contains a grid of digits with the initial disposition for sudoku. So you shouldn't interpret a line in the file as a single integer but rather as a list of integers. You can either change your read function so that it returns int list list instead of int list and then use List.fold_left over the list that will also count the position of an element in the list, but it is tedious. It is much easier to read the grid directly from the file, e.g.,
let read_matrix chan =
let rec loop i j grid =
match input_char chan with
| exception End_of_file -> grid
| '\n' -> loop (i+1) 0 grid
| '0'..'9' as c ->
loop i (j+1) ##
Vertex.add (i,j) (ascii_digit c) grid
| _ -> invalid_arg "invalid input" in
loop 0 0 Vertex.empty
where ascii_digit is defined as,
let ascii_digit c = Char.code c - Char.code '0'
The read_matrix function takes the channel as input so to read the grid from a file you can define,
let matrix_from_file file =
let chan = open_in file in
let r = read_matrix chan in
close_in chan;
Hint: you probably also don't want to include positions with 0 in your grid. It is easy to achieve, just add another case to the pattern in the loop function that will skip it, e.g.,
| '0' -> loop i (j+1) grid

Nim enumerate function like Python

Learning Nim and I like it resemblence of Python (but fast). In Python I can do this:
item_index = [(idx, itm) for idx, itm in enumerate(row)]
Im looking for a way to enumerate a Nim sequence so I would write this:
item_index = lc[(idx, itm) | (idx, itm <- enumerate(row))]
Does this functionality exist? I'm sure you could create it, maybe with a proc, template or macro it but I'm still very new, and these seem hard to create myself still. Here is my attempt:
iterator enumerate[T](s: seq[T]): (int, T) =
var i = 0
while i < len(s):
yield (i, s[i])
i += 1
I'm a newbie with nim, and I'm not really sure what you want, but...
If you use two variables in a for statement, you will get the index and the value:
for x, y in [11,22,33]:
echo x, " ", y
0 11
1 22
2 33

Why does this binary math fail when adding 00000001, but work correctly otherwise?

I've tried everything I can think of and cannot seem to get the below binary math logic to work. Not sure why this is failing but probably indicates my misunderstanding of binary math or C. The ultimate intent is to store large integers (unsigned long) directly to an 8-bit FRAM memory module as 4-byte words so that a micro-controller (Arduino) can recover the values after a power failure. Thus the unsigned long has to be assembled from its four byte words parts as it's pulled from memory, and the arithmetic of assembling these word bytes is not working correctly.
In the below snippet of code, the long value is defined as four bytes A, B, C, and D (simulating being pulled form four 8-bit memory blocks), which get translated to decimal notation to be used as an unsigned long in the arrangement DDDDDDDDCCCCCCCCBBBBBBBBAAAAAAAA. If A < 256 and B, C, D all == 0, the math works correctly. The math also works correctly for any values of B, C, and D if A == 0. But if B, C, or D > 0 and A == 1, the 1 value of A is not added during the arithmetic. A value of 2 works, but not a value of 1. Is there any reason for this? Or am I doing binary math wrong? Is this a known issue that needs a workaround?
unsigned long fourByte_word_toDecimal(uint8_t byte0 = B00000000, uint8_t byte1 = B00000000, uint8_t byte2 = B00000000, uint8_t byte3 = B00000000){
return (byte0 + (byte1 * 256) + (byte2 * pow(256, 2)) + (byte3 * pow(256, 3)));
// ---- MAIN
void setup() {
uint8_t addressAval = B00000001;
uint8_t addressBval = B00000001;
uint8_t addressCval = B00000001;
uint8_t addressDval = B00000001;
uint8_t addressValArray[4];
addressValArray[0] = addressAval;
addressValArray[1] = addressBval;
addressValArray[2] = addressCval;
addressValArray[3] = addressDval;
unsigned long decimalVal = fourByte_word_toDecimal(addressValArray[0], addressValArray[1], addressValArray[2], addressValArray[3]);
// Print out resulting decimal value
In the code above, the binary value should result as 00000001000000010000000100000001, AKA a decimal value of 16843009. But the code evaluates the decimal value to 16843008. Changing the value of addressAval to 00000000 also evaluates (correctly) to 16843008, and changing addressAval to 00000010 also correctly evaluates to 16843010.
I'm stumped.
The problem is that you're using pow(). This is causing everything to be calculated as a binary32, which doesn't have enough precision to hold 16843009.
>>> numpy.float32(16843009)
The fix is to use integers, specifically 65536 and 16777216UL.
Do not use pow() for this.
The usual way to do this is with the shift operator:
uint32_t result = uint32_t(byte3 << 24 | byte2 << 16 | byte1 << 8 | byte0);

ADC transfer function

I took over the project from someone who had gone a long time ago.
I am now looking at ADC modules, but I don't get what the codes mean by.
ADC: AD7609 ( 18bit/8 channel)
Instrumentation Amp : INA114
Process: Reading volts(0 ~ +10v) --> Amplifier(INA114) --> AD7609.
Here is codes for that:
After complete conversion of 8 channels which stored in data[9]
Convert data to micro volts??
//convert to microvolts and store the readings
// unsigned long temp[], data[]
temp[0] = ((data[0]<<2)& 0x3FFFC) + ((data[1]>>14)& 0x0003);
temp[1] = ((data[1]<<4)& 0x3FFF0) + ((data[2]>>12)& 0x000F);
temp[2] = ((data[2]<<6)& 0x3FFC0) + ((data[3]>>10)& 0x003F);
temp[3] = ((data[3]<<8)& 0x3FF00) + ((data[4]>>8)& 0x00FF);
temp[4] = ((data[4]<<10)& 0x3FC00) + ((data[5]>>6)& 0x03FF);
temp[5] = ((data[5]<<12) & 0x3F000) + ((data[6]>>4)& 0x0FFF);
temp[6] = ((data[6]<<14)& 0x3FFF0) + ((data[7]>>2)& 0x3FFF);
temp[7] = ((data[7]<<16)& 0x3FFFC) + (data[8]& 0xFFFF);
I don't get what these codes are doing...? I know it shifts but how they become micro data format?
transfer function
//store the final value in the raw data array adstor[]
adstor[i] = (signed long)(((temp[i]*2000)/131072)*10000);
131072 = 2^(18-1) but I don't know where other values come from
AD7609 datasheet says The FSR for the AD7609 is 40 V for the ±10 V range and 20 V for the ±5 V range, so I guessed he chose 20vdescribed in the above and it somehow turned to be 2000???
Does anyone have any clues??
-------------------Updated question from here ---------------------
I don't get how 18bit concatenated value of data[0] + 16bit concatenated value of data[1] turn to be microvolt after ADC transfer function.
+---+---+--- +---+---+---+---+---+---++---+---+---++---+---+---++
analog volts | 1.902v | 1.921v | 1.887v | 1.934v |
digital value| 12,464 | 12,589 | 12,366 | 12,674 |
I just make an example from data[3:0]
1 resolution = 20v/2^17-1 = 152.59 uV/bit and 1.902v/152.59uv = 12,464
Now get thru concatenation:
temp[0] = ((data[0]<<2)& 0x3FFFC) + ((data[1]>>14)& 0x0003) = C2C0
temp[1] = ((data[1]<<4)& 0x3FFF0) + ((data[2]>>12)& 0x000F) = 312D3
temp[2] = ((data[1]<<6)& 0x3FFC0) + ((data[3]>>10)& 0x003F) = 138C
Then put those into transfer function and get microvolts
adstor[i] = (signed long)(((temp[i]*2000)/131072)*10000);
adstor[0]= 7,607,421 with temp[0] !=1.902*e6
adstor[1]= 30,735,321 with temp[1] != 1.921*e6
adstor[2]= 763,549 with temp[2]
As you notice, they are quite different from the analog value in table.
I don't understand why data need to bit-shifting and <<,>> and added up with two data[]??
Please note that the maximum 18-bit value is 2^18-1 = $3FFFF = 262143
For [2] it appears that s/he splits 18-bit word concatenated values into longs for easier manipulation by step [3].
[3]: Regarding adstor[i] = (signed long)(((temp[i]*2000)/131072)*10000);
To convert from raw A/D reading to volts s/he multiplies with the expected volts and divides by the maximum possible A/D value (in this case, $3FFFF) so there seems to be an error in the code as s/he divides by 2^17-1 and not 2^18-1. Another possibility is s/he uses half the range of the A/D and compensates for that this way.
If you want 20V to become microvolts you need to multiply it by 1e6. But to avoid overflow of the long s/he splits the multiplication into two parts (*2000 and *10000). Because of the intermediate division the number gets small enough to be multiplied at the end by 10000 without overflowing at the expense of possibly losing some least significant bit(s) of the result.
P.S. (I use $ as equivalent to 0x due to many years of habit in certain assembly languages)

pointer & array conflict

int*p ,b = 5;
p = &b;
denotes a ONE DIMENSIONAL array, then what is the output given by following statement
is it an address? if it is an address then tell me which element it belongs,please explain clearly
p = &b
This doesn't denote an array! As I explained here, they're not the same thing. b is just an integer value. If you declare b as int b[] = {1, 2, 3}; then p will point to b's first element.
This will print p's value, and since p is a pointer and points to b, this will print b's address. printf("%d", &b); will give the same result.
By the way, if b was an array, b[5] would be translated into *(p + 5), so you can read (and write) values by adding the number of elements to the beginning of the array. And b[5] == p[5] == *(b + 5) == *(p + 5)!!! But not because arrays and pointers are the same thing, just because an array's name translates to its first element's address.
As a side note, compilers always use pointers notation (*(base + offset)) when compiling to assembly.
The p pointer does not denote a one-dimensional array. It is simply a pointer to an integer. It may point to the first element of an array, like when you do int* p = new int[6], but that's something entirely different; in that case you allocate space for a new array of six integers and you store the address of the first one (or, the beginning of the array) in p.
If you print p it will print the memory address it stores. If p "denotes an array" (emphasis on quotes) then you will print the address of the first element of the array.
int*p ,b = 5;
p = &b;
is exactly equivalent to:
int b = 5;
int *p = &b;
p ends up being a pointer to int. Now its true that this code will have much the same effect on what ends up in p (although b has a completely different type and value) as this:
int b[1] = {5};
int *p = b; // or int *p = &b[0];
certainly in either case p points to an int which you may treat as a simple int, or as the first (and only) element in a one-dimensional array of size one. So, what follows is legal and gives meaningful results in both cases:
printf("%d is stored at %p\n", *p, p);
but that's pretty much where the similarity ends.
address of the first element of the array. (if b was an array)
use p++ to scroll through the array
