Find second highest value on a raster stack in R - r

In R I can easily compute the max/min value of each cell in a georeferenced raster stack using the max/min commands.
r1 <- raster(nrows=10, ncols=10)
r1[]= runif(ncell(r1))
r2[]= runif(ncell(r1))+0.2
r3[]= runif(ncell(r1))-0.2
r4[]= runif(ncell(r1))
However, I have been trying to find a way to find the second highest values across a stack. In my case, each raster on the stack denotes performance of a particular model across space. I would like to compare the first vs second best values to determine how much better is the best model from its runner up without having to convert my stack to a matrix and then back into a raster. Any ideas or suggestions??

You'll probably want to use calc(), adapting the code below to your precise situation. Just to show that it works as advertised, I've separately plotted layers formed by taking the highest, second highest, third, and fourth highest values found in each cell of the 4-layer RasterStack object.
zz <- range(cellStats(rs, range))
plot(calc(rs, fun=function(X,na.rm) X[order(X,decreasing=T)[1]]), main="1st",zlim=zz)
plot(calc(rs, fun=function(X,na.rm) X[order(X,decreasing=T)[2]]), main="2nd",zlim=zz)
plot(calc(rs, fun=function(X,na.rm) X[order(X,decreasing=T)[3]]), main="3rd",zlim=zz)
plot(calc(rs, fun=function(X,na.rm) X[order(X,decreasing=T)[4]]), main="4th",zlim=zz)
Or, more compactly and efficiently, just construct a new raster stack holding the reordered values and then plot its layers:
zz <- range(cellStats(rs, range))
rs_ord <- calc(rs, fun=function(X,na.rm) X[order(X,decreasing=T)])
plot(rs_ord[[1]], main="1st", zlim=zz)
plot(rs_ord[[2]], main="2nd", zlim=zz)
plot(rs_ord[[3]], main="3rd", zlim=zz)
plot(rs_ord[[4]], main="4th", zlim=zz)


Calculating the distance between points and the closest raster cell of a certain value in R

I am currently trying to calculate the distance a set of points and their closes raster cell of a certain value. So far I have tried to convert the raster file into Points, but I keep getting an error message:
Cannot allot Vector of this size. Is there any other way how I can go around this. My datasets are very large (20.000 Points and a raster layer of an entire country).
so far I have tried:
water_points <- rasterToPoints(land_cover , fun = function(x) {x == 405}) #405 are cells that contain water
then I would continue like this:
df$water_dist <- gDistance(df, water_points)
I have also tried to use rastertoPolygons but it seems to show the same problem
Thank you very much

How to extract specific values with point coordinates from Kriging interpolations made in R?

By using R version 3.4.2 and the library "geoR", I made kriging interpolations for different variables (bellow I give an example of my process). I also made a matrix with the coordinates for 305 trees with distinct marks (species, DBH, Height) that are within the same space for the interpolations, as seen in the image attached ( I've been looking for ways to extract the nearest value from each variable for each tree and save the corresponding values in a data.frame or matrix, but haven't been successful, and I can't find specific answers to this.
One thing I've been looking at is trying to convert the Kriging result into a Raster (.tif) and proceed from there. But Kriging interpolations are made out of vector data, so is it even posible?
I'd be glad to receive any sort of help, thank you in advance!
P.S. I'm doing this so that I can latter use the data for spatial point patern analysis.
PG<-read.csv("PGF.csv", header=T, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
loci<-expand.grid(x=seq(-5, 65, length=100), y=seq(-5, 85, length=100))
names(loci)<-c("x", "y")
mix<-cbind(rep(1,10000), loci$x, loci$y, loci$x*loci$y)
pH1.mod<-lm(pH1~y*x, data=PG, x=T)<-cbind(pH1.mod$x[,3], pH1.mod$x[,2], pH1.mod$residuals)
#Transform to geographic data
pH1.vario<-variog(pH1.geo, max.dist=35)
#Cross validation
pH1.valcruz<-xvalid(pH1.geo, model=pH1.vario.mod)
pH1.krig<-krige.conv(pH1.geo, loc=loci, krige=krige.control(obj.model=pH1.vario.mod[[1]]))
#Predictive model
pH1a.yhat<-mix %*% pH1.mod$coefficients + pH1.krig$predict
#Exchange Kriging prediction values
contour(pH1.krig2, add=TRUE)
#Tree matrix####:
CoA<-read.csv("CoAr.csv", header=T)
points(xa,ya, col=4)
TreeDF<-(, ya, CoA$Species, CoA$DBH, CoA$Height, stringsAsFactors = TRUE))
m<-(cbind(xa, ya, 1:305))
I tried to find the value of a point in space (trees [1:305]) through the minimum distance to a predicted value using the following code, (I suggest not running this since it takes too long):
for(i in 1:2){print(c(2:10000)[as.matrix(dist(rbind(m[i,], as.matrix(pH1.krig2$predict))))[i,2:10000]==min(as.matrix(dist(rbind(m[i,],as.matrix(pH1.krig2$predict))))[i,2:10000])])}
In the following link aldo_tapia's answer was the approach needed for this problem. Thank you to everyone!
The process is as follows:
Use extract() function from raster package:
r <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(loci, data.frame(predict = pH1.krig$predict))
gridded(r) <- T
r <- as(r,'RasterLayer')
pts <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(CoA[,c('X','Y')],CoA)
pH1.arb <-extract(r, pts)
to this I just added the values through cbind to the tree data frame since they are in order.
COA2<-cbind(CoA, pH1val=pH1.arb)
I will repeat the process for each variable.

R: Convert correlation matrix to edge list

I want to create a network graph of my data, where the weight of the edges is defined by the correlation coefficient in a correlation matrix. The connection is defined by being statistically significant or not.
Since I want to play around with some parameters I need to have this information in an edge list rather than in matrix form, but I'm struggling as to how to convert this. I have tried to used igraph as shown below, but I cannot figure out how to get the information on which correlations are significant and which are not into the edge list. I guess weight could be set to zero to code that info, but how do I combine a correlation matrix and a p-value matrix?
g <- graph.adjacency(a,weighted=TRUE)
df <-
It'd be great if you could provide a minimal reproducable example, but I think I understand what you're asking for. You'll need to make a graph from a matrix using graph_from_adjacency_matrix, but make sure to input something in the weighted parameter, because otherwise the elements in the matrix represent number of edges (less than 1 means no edges). Then you can create an edge list from the graph using as_data_frame. Then perform whatever calculation you want, or join any external data you have, then you can convert it back to a graph by using graph_from_data_frame
cor_mat <- cor(mtcars)
cor_g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(cor_mat, mode='undirected', weighted = 'correlation')
cor_edge_list <- as_data_frame(cor_g, 'edges')
only_sig <- cor_edge_list[abs(cor_edge_list$correlation) > .75, ]
new_g <- graph_from_data_frame(only_sig, F)
For the ones who still need this, here is the answer
g <- graph.adjacency(a, mode="upper", weighted=TRUE, diag=FALSE)
e <- get.edgelist(g)
df <-,E(g)$weight))

R: How do I loop through spatial points with a specific buffer?

So my problem is quite difficult to describe so I hope I can make my question as clear as possible.
I use the rLiDAR package to load a .las file into R and afterwards convert it into a SpatialPointsDataFrame using the sp package.
So my SpatialPointsDataFrame is quite dense.
Now I want to define a buffer of 0.5 meters and loop (iterate) with him (the buffer) through the points, choosing always the point with the highest Z value within the buffer, as the next point to jump to.This should be repeated until there isn't any point within the buffer with an higher Z value as the current. All values (or perhaps the X and Y values) of this "found" point should then be written into a list/dataframe and the process should be repeated until all such highest points are found.
Thats the code I got so far:
>PointCloud<- data.frame(rLAS)
>coordinates(PointCloud) <- c("X", "Y")
Well I googled extensively but I could not find any clues how to proceed further...
I dont even know which packages could be of help, I guess perhaps spatstat as my question would probably go into the spatial point pattern analysis.
Does anyone have some ideas how to archive something like that in R? Or is something like that not possible? (Do I perhaps have to skip to python to make something like this work?)
Help would gladly be appreciated.
If you want to get the set of points which are the local maxima within a 0.5m radius circle around each point, this should work. The gist of it is:
Convert the LAS points to a SpatialPointsDataFrame
Create a buffered polygon set with overlapping polygons
Loop through all buffered polygons and find the desired element within the buffer -- in your case, it's the one with the maximum height.
Code below:
rLAS <- readLAS("Test.las",short=FALSE)
PointCloud <- data.frame(rLAS)
coordinates(PointCloud) <- c("X", "Y")
Finish creating the SpatialPointsDataFrame from the LAS source. I'm assuming the field with the point height is PointCloud$value
pointCloudSpdf <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(data=PointCloud,xy)
Use rgeos library for intersection. It's important to have byid=TRUE or the polygons will get merged where they intersect
bufferedPoints <- gBuffer(pointCloudSpdf,width=0.5,byid=TRUE)
# Save our local maxima state (this will be updated)
localMaxes <- rep(FALSE,nrow(PointCloud))
for (buff in 1:nrow(bufferedPoint#data)){
i <- i+1
bufPolygons <- bufferedPoints#polygons[[i]]
bufSpPolygons <- SpatialPolygons(list(bufPolygons))
bufSpPolygonDf <-patialPolygonsDataFrame(bufSpPolygons,bufferedPoints#data[i,])
ptsInBuffer <- which(!,spPolygonDf)))
# I'm assuming `value` is the field name containing the point height
localMax <- order(pointCloudSpdf#data$value[ptsInBuffer],decreasing=TRUE)[1]
localMaxes[localMax] <- TRUE
localMaxPointCloudDf <- pointCloudSpdf#data[localMaxes,]
Now localMaxPointCloudDf should contain the data from the original points if they are a local maximum. Just a warning -- this isn't going to be super fast if you have a lot of points. If that ends up being a concern you may be smarter about pre-filtering your points using a smaller grid and extract from the raster package.
That would look something like this:
Make the cell size small enough so that each 0.5m buffer will intersect at least 4 raster cells -- err on smaller since we are comparing circles to squares.
numRows <- extent(pointCloudSpdf)#ymax-extent(pointCloudSpdf)#ymin/0.2
numCols <- extent(pointCloudSpdf)#xmax-extent(pointCloudSpdf)#xmin/0.2
emptyRaster <- raster(nrow=numRows,ncol=numCols)
rasterize will create a grid with the maximum value of the given field within a cell. Because of the square/circle mismatch this is only a starting point to filter out obvious non-maxima. After this we will have a raster in which all the local maxima are represented by cells. However, we won't know which cells are maxima in the 0.5m radius and we don't know which point in the original feature layer they came from.
r <- rasterize(pointCloudSpdf,emptyRaster,"value",fun="max")
extract will give us raster values (i.e., the highest value for each cell) that each point intersects. Recall from above that all the local maxima will be in this set, although some values will not be 0.5m radius local maxima.
rasterMaxes <- extract(r,pointCloudSpdf)
To match up the original points with the raster maxes, just subtract the raster value at each point from that point's value. If the value is 0, then the values are the same and we have a point with a potential maximum. Note that at this point we are only merging the points back to the raster -- we will have to throw some of these out because they are "under" a 0.5m radius with a higher local max even though they are the max in their 0.2m x 0.2m cell.
potentialMaxima <- which(pointCloudSpdf#data$value-rasterMaxes==0)
Next, just subset the original SpatialPointsDataFrame and we'll do the more exhaustive and accurate iteration over this subset of points since we should have thrown out a bunch of points which could not have been maxima.
potentialMaximaCoords <- coordinates(pointCloudSpdf#coords[potentialMaxima,])
# using the data.frame() constructor because my example has only one column
potentialMaximaDf <- data.frame(pointCloudSpdf#data[potentialMaxima,])
potentialMaximaSpdf <-SpatialPointsDataFrame(potentialMaximaCoords,potentialMaximaDf)
The rest of the algorithm is the same but we are buffering the smaller dataset and iterating over it:
bufferedPoints <- gBuffer(potentialMaximaSpdf, width=0.5, byid=TRUE)
# Save our local maxima state (this will be updated)
localMaxes <- rep(FALSE, nrow(PointCloud))
for (buff in 1:nrow(bufferedPoint#data)){
i <- i+1
bufPolygons <- bufferedPoints#polygons[[i]]
bufSpPolygons <- SpatialPolygons(list(bufPolygons))
bufSpPolygonDf <-patialPolygonsDataFrame(bufSpPolygons,bufferedPoints#data[i,])
ptsInBuffer <- which(!, spPolygonDf)))
localMax <- order(pointCloudSpdf#data$value[ptsInBuffer], decreasing=TRUE)[1]
localMaxes[localMax] <- TRUE
localMaxPointCloudDf <- pointCloudSpdf#data[localMaxes,]

hist2d subrange selection in R

I would like to performs some statistical analysis in a definite zone of a very big table created with hist2d function of R. Is there any elegant way to cut a definite zone of the 2-d histogram and to put it in a table with R? thanx
I'm not entirely clear on what you mean by "cut a definite zone", but as per the documentation on hist2d, the function returns the counts for each cell in a matrix. So you can easily extract the specific cells you want by subsetting:
y <- rnorm(2000, sd=1)
x <- rnorm(2000, sd=4)
# separate scales for each axis, this looks circular
tmp <- gplots:::hist2d(x,y)
So just take the appropriate subset of tmp$counts.
