Mean of time - hh:mm:ss - group by a variable - r

Need to calculate the mean of Time by Country. Time is a Date variable - hh:mm:ss.
This command with(df,tapply(as.numeric(times(df$Time)),Country,mean))
is not returning the correct mean in hh:mm:ss.
Country Time
1 Germany 2:26:21
2 Germany 2:19:19
3 Brazil 2:06:34
4 USA 2:06:17
5 Eth 2:18:58
6 Japan 2:08:35
7 Morocco 2:05:27
8 Germany 2:13:57
9 Romania 2:21:30
10 Spain 2:07:23
Andorra Australia Brazil Canada China
0.09334491 0.09634259 0.09578125 0.09634645 0.09481192
Eritrea Ethiopia France Germany Great Britain
0.09709491 0.09010031 0.10025463 0.09713349 0.09524306
Ireland Italy Japan Kenya Morocco
0.09593750 0.09520255 0.09579630 0.08934854 0.09400463
New Zeland Peru Poland Romania Russia
0.09664931 0.09809606 0.09638889 0.09875000 0.09327932
Spain Switzerland Uganda United States Zimbabwe
0.09314236 0.09620949 0.10068287 0.09399016 0.09892940

I see you've discovered the agony of working with date and time values in R...
Is this what you had in mind?
df$nTime <- difftime(strptime(df$Time,"%H:%M:%S"),
df.means <- aggregate(df$nTime,by=list(df$Country),mean)
df.means$Time <- format(.POSIXct(df.means$x,tz="GMT"), "%H:%M:%S")
Group.1 x Time
# 1 Brazil 7594.000 02:06:34
# 2 Eth 8338.000 02:18:58
# 3 Germany 8392.333 02:19:52
# 4 Japan 7715.000 02:08:35
# 5 Morocco 7527.000 02:05:27
# 6 Romania 8490.000 02:21:30
# 7 Spain 7643.000 02:07:23
# 8 USA 7577.000 02:06:17
The first line adds a column nTime which is the time, in seconds, since midnight.
The second line calculates the means.
The third line converts back to H:M:S.
The problem you were having is the strptime(...), when forced to convert to numeric, returns the number of second between 1970-01-01 and the indicated time today. So, a really big number. This code just subtracts out the number of second from 1970-01-01 and 00:00:00 today.

Are you trying to do this -
dades$Time <- strptime(dades$Time,'%H:%M:%S')
by(dades$Time, dades$Country, mean)
If I didn't understand your question, can you please post sample output.


Using apply function to calculate the mean of a column

After splitting a data frame into multiple data frames by country,I wanted to be able to calculate the mean of the column centralization in each country's data frame that i split. I used tapply which worked and I tried to use sapply() but the weird thing is that all mean values of the country follows the mean value of the first country. I cannot figure out why and I am asked to use sapply as an exercise so I would like to know how i can improve on my code. Any pointer would be appreciated. (it might be a dumb mistake)
INPUT/my code:
strikes.df = read.csv(""),strikes.df$country){
for (i in 1:l){
return([[i]]$centralization %>% mean)
#using tapply()
0.374644 0.374644 0.374644 0.374644 0.374644
Finland France Germany Ireland Italy
0.374644 0.374644 0.374644 0.374644 0.374644
Japan Netherlands New.Zealand Norway Sweden
0.374644 0.374644 0.374644 0.374644 0.374644
Switzerland UK USA
0.374644 0.374644 0.374644
Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark
0.374644022 0.997670495 0.749485177 0.002244134 0.499958552
Finland France Germany Ireland Italy
0.750374065 0.002729909 0.249968231 0.499711882 0.250699502
Japan Netherlands New.Zealand Norway Sweden
0.124675342 0.749602699 0.375940378 0.875341821 0.875253817
Switzerland UK USA
0.499990005 0.375946785 0.002390639
i am given instruction to use sapply after using split; thats why the only thing that occured to me is using for loops.
Better use sapply on the unique country names. Actually there's no need to split anything.
sapply(unique(strikes.df$country), function(x)
mean(strikes.df[strikes.df$country == x, "centralization"]))
# Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France
# 0.374644022 0.997670495 0.749485177 0.002244134 0.499958552 0.750374065 0.002729909
# Germany Ireland Italy Japan Netherlands New.Zealand Norway
# 0.249968231 0.499711882 0.250699502 0.124675342 0.749602699 0.375940378 0.875341821
# Sweden Switzerland UK USA
# 0.875253817 0.499990005 0.375946785 0.002390639
But if you depend on using split as well, you may do:
sapply(split(strikes.df$centralization, strikes.df$country), mean)
# Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France
# 0.374644022 0.997670495 0.749485177 0.002244134 0.499958552 0.750374065 0.002729909
# Germany Ireland Italy Japan Netherlands New.Zealand Norway
# 0.249968231 0.499711882 0.250699502 0.124675342 0.749602699 0.375940378 0.875341821
# Sweden Switzerland UK USA
# 0.875253817 0.499990005 0.375946785 0.002390639
Or write it in two lines:
s <- split(strikes.df$centralization, strikes.df$country)
sapply(s, mean)
If splitting the whole data frame is required, do
s <- split(strikes.df, strikes.df$country)
sapply(s, function(x) mean(x[, "centralization"]))
foo <- function(x) mean(x[, "centralization"])
sapply(s, foo)
Using the gapminder::gapminder dataset as example data this can be achieved like so:
The example code computes mean life expectancy (lifeExp) by continent.
# sapply: simplifies. returns a vector
sapply(split(gapminder::gapminder, gapminder::gapminder$continent), function(x) mean(x$lifeExp, na.rm = TRUE))
#> Africa Americas Asia Europe Oceania
#> 48.86533 64.65874 60.06490 71.90369 74.32621
# lapply: returns a list
lapply(split(gapminder::gapminder, gapminder::gapminder$continent), function(x) mean(x$lifeExp, na.rm = TRUE))
#> $Africa
#> [1] 48.86533
#> $Americas
#> [1] 64.65874
#> $Asia
#> [1] 60.0649
#> $Europe
#> [1] 71.90369
#> $Oceania
#> [1] 74.32621

R- delete the tail word

Can someone teach me how to delete tail word ,thanks.
1 North Africa
2 Algeria
3 Canary Islands (Spain)[153]
4 Ceuta (Spain)[154]
1 North Africa
2 Algeria
3 Canary Islands
4 Ceuta
I'm sad with my poor English.
It seems that you want to trim a trailing name in parentheses, along with anything which follows to the end of the string. We can use sub for this purpose:
df <- data.frame(id=c(1:4),
places=c("North Africa", "Algeria", "Canary Islands (Spain)[153]", "Ceuta (Spain)[154]"),
df$places <- sub("\\s*\\(.*\\).*$", "", df$places)
id places
1 1 North Africa
2 2 Algeria
3 3 Canary Islands
4 4 Ceuta

How do I get the sum of frequency count based on two columns?

Assuming that the dataframe is stored as someData, and is in the following format:
ID Team Games Medal
1 Australia 1992 Summer NA
2 Australia 1994 Summer Gold
3 Australia 1992 Summer Silver
4 United States 1991 Winter Gold
5 United States 1992 Summer Bronze
6 Singapore 1991 Summer NA
How would I count the frequencies of the medal, based on the Team - while excluding NA as an variable. But at the same time, the total frequency of each country should be summed, rather than displayed separately for Gold, Silver and Bronze.
In other words, I am trying to display the total number of medals PER country, with the exception of NA.
I have tried something like this:
counts <- ddply(olympics, .(olympics$Team, olympics$Medal), nrow)
names(counts) <- c("Country", "Medal", "Freq")
But this just gives me a massive table of every medal for every country separately, including NA.
What I would like to do is the following:
Australia 2
United States 2
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
We can use count
df1 %>%
filter(! %>%
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# Team n
# <fct> <int>
#1 Australia 2
#2 United States 2
You can do that in base R with table and colSums
colSums(table(someData$Medal, someData$Team))
Australia Singapore United States
2 0 2
someData = read.table(text="ID Team Games Medal
1 Australia '1992 Summer' NA
2 Australia '1994 Summer' Gold
3 Australia '1992 Summer' Silver
4 'United States' '1991 Winter' Gold
5 'United States' '1992 Summer' Bronze
6 Singapore '1991 Summer' NA",

Summarize data using doBy package at region level

I have a dataset Data as below,
Region Country Market Price
EUROPE France France 30.4502
EUROPE Israel Israel 5.14110965
EUROPE France France 8.99665
AFME SL SL 54.1729685
AFME SA SA 115.0733685
I would like to summarize the data at Region level and get the SUM of Price at every Region Level.
I want the ouput to be Like below.
Data Output
Region Country Price
EUROPE France 30.4502
EUROPE Israel 5.14110965
EUROPE France 8.99665
EUROPE RUSSIA 11.6843732
Europe 56.27233285
APAC BURMA 63.5881232
APAC CHINA 2.6877232
APAC INDIA 60.9004
Apac 127.1762464
AFME BAHARAIN 54.1729685
AFME SA 115.0733685
AFME 169.246337
LA BRAZIL 56.8606917
LA 56.8606917
I have used summaryBy function of doBy package, i have tried the code below.
myfun1 <- function(x){c(s=Sum(x)}
DB= summaryBy(Data$Price ~Region + Country , data=Data, FUN=myfun1)
Anyhelp on this regard is very much appreciated.
You can do this by using dplyr to generate a summary table:
totals <- data %>% group_by(Region) %>% summarise(Country="",Price=sum(Price))
And then merging the summary with the rest of the data:
summary <- rbind(data[-3], totals)
Then you can sort by Region to put the summary with the region:
summary <- summary %>% arrange(Region)
Region Country Price
1 AFME SL 54.1730
2 AFME SA 115.0734
3 AFME 169.2463
4 APAC CHINA 2.6877
5 APAC INDIA 60.9004
6 APAC BURMA 63.5881
7 APAC 127.1762
8 EUROPE France 30.4502
9 EUROPE Israel 5.1411
10 EUROPE France 8.9967
11 EUROPE RUSSIA 11.6844
12 EUROPE 56.2723
13 LA BRAZIL 56.8607
14 LA 56.8607
You have to split data by Region factor and sum Price for each factor
lapply(split(data, data$Region), function(x) sum(x$Price))
Or, if you need to present result as you have shown:
totals = lapply(split(data, data$Region), function(x) rbind(x,data.frame(Region=unique(x$Region), Country="", Market="", Price=sum(x$Price)))), totals)

Create a moving sum of past levels of a variable, summed over for each level of 3 other variables, in R

I have a data.frame of the following structure (panel data), with 16 levels of time(quarters) 14 levels of geo (countries) and 20 levels of citizen, each of them repeating accordingly in the dataframe.
time geo citizen X
2008Q1 Belgium Afghanistan 22
2008Q1 Belgium Armenia 10
2008Q1 Belgium Bangladesh 25
2008Q1 Belgium Democratic Republic of the Congo 55
2008Q1 Belgium China (including Hong Kong) 5
2008Q1 Belgium Eritrea 8
I would like to create a new column lets say MOVSUM where it will sum variable X for each level of citizen and geo and time for the previous 4 quarters, so that I would have for each quarter, t, how many X's of each citizen in each geo were available during t-4 to t-1 quarters.
Thanks in advance
