map function parameters onto nested list in Clojure - dictionary

I think there is a way to do this - I just can't find the exact syntax.
I want to map a function that takes three parameters on a list of tuples of size three. Something like:
(def mylist '((1 2 3)(3 4 5)))
(defn myfunc [a b c] (println "this is the first value in this tuple: " a))
(map myfunc mylist)
Can someone give me the precise syntax?

You just need a pair of square braces in there to destructure the nested list elements.
(defn myfunc
[[a b c]]
(println "this is the first value in this tuple: " a))
Be aware, however, that because map returns a lazy-seq, you may not get the side-effects you're after here, unless you force evaluation of the seq with doall, or inspect the seq in the REPL.
Documentation: Forms--Binding Forms (Destructuring)

d11wtq's answer is a very good one, and it's the right way to go, unless you already have a function you want to map.
So, if myfunc is external function, it's better to use apply rather than write additional wrapper:
(map (partial apply myfunc) mylist)


Working with nested input, but not flattening it

I have a function that will simplify something like:
(or x false) => x
Then function definition takes in the unevaluated expression as its parameter.
I am trying to nest my input like this now:
(or x (and true))
Everywhere I look I see articles about flattening nested input, but that won't work in this case because of the logical operator at the beginning of each list so the innermost list must be processed first, with the result being sent to the next outer list as an argument.
I know I need to call my function within it's own body with the result of the innermost list until I reach the outermost list, but I'm not sure of the way to go about that or what to research in Clojure on how to to this.
What you are describing is nearly exactly the semantics of expression evaluation in clojure :-) so the brief answer would be to run the code :-D though i suspect you are looking for a more interesting answer.
Here is a simple recursive version that works by
recursively simplify each nested expression
apply the simplification rules to the existing expression
This uses an overly-simple rule just as an example:
user> (defn my-eval [e]
(let [expanded-form (if (seq? e)
(map (fn [i]
(if (seq? i) ;; if this is a sequence,
(my-eval i) ;; eval the sequence and include the result here
i)) ;; otherwise use the value unchanged.
e)] ;; if it's not a seq with something in it, leve it unchanged
(if (and
(seq? expanded-form)
(= (first expanded-form) 'or)
(= 2 (count (remove false? expanded-form))))
(second (remove false? expanded-form))
First a base case test:
user> (my-eval '(or x (or y false)))
(or x y)
Then with a little recursion:
user> (my-eval '(or (or x false) (or y false)))
(or x y)

How to understand clojure's lazy-seq

I'm trying to understand clojure's lazy-seq operator, and the concept of lazy evaluation in general. I know the basic idea behind the concept: Evaluation of an expression is delayed until the value is needed.
In general, this is achievable in two ways:
at compile time using macros or special forms;
at runtime using lambda functions
With lazy evaluation techniques, it is possible to construct infinite data structures that are evaluated as consumed. These infinite sequences utilizes lambdas, closures and recursion. In clojure, these infinite data structures are generated using lazy-seq and cons forms.
I want to understand how lazy-seq does it's magic. I know it is actually a macro. Consider the following example.
(defn rep [n]
(lazy-seq (cons n (rep n))))
Here, the rep function returns a lazily-evaluated sequence of type LazySeq, which now can be transformed and consumed (thus evaluated) using the sequence API. This API provides functions take, map, filter and reduce.
In the expanded form, we can see how lambda is utilized to store the recipe for the cell without evaluating it immediately.
(defn rep [n]
(new clojure.lang.LazySeq (fn* [] (cons n (rep n)))))
But how does the sequence API actually work with LazySeq?
What actually happens in the following expression?
(reduce + (take 3 (map inc (rep 5))))
How is the intermediate operation map applied to the sequence,
how does take limit the sequence and
how does terminal operation reduce evaluate the sequence?
Also, how do these functions work with either a Vector or a LazySeq?
Also, is it possible to generate nested infinite data structures?: list containing lists, containing lists, containing lists... going infinitely wide and deep, evaluated as consumed with the sequence API?
And last question, is there any practical difference between this
(defn rep [n]
(lazy-seq (cons n (rep n))))
and this?
(defn rep [n]
(cons n (lazy-seq (rep n))))
That's a lot of questions!
How does the seq API actually works with LazySeq?
If you take a look at LazySeq's class source code you will notice that it implements ISeq interface providing methods like first, more and next.
Functions like map, take and filter are built using lazy-seq (they produce lazy sequences) and first and rest (which in turn uses more) and that's how they can work with lazy seq as their input collection - by using first and more implementations of LazySeq class.
What actually happens in the following expression?
(reduce + (take 3 (map inc (rep 5))))
The key is to look how LazySeq.first works. It will invoke the wrapped function to obtain and memoize the result. In your case it will be the following code:
(cons n (rep n))
Thus it will be a cons cell with n as its value and another LazySeq instance (result of a recursive call to rep) as its rest part. It will become the realised value of this LazySeq object and first will return the value of the cached cons cell.
When you call more on it, it will in the same way ensure that the value of the particular LazySeq object is realised (or reused memoized value) and call more on it (in this case more on the cons cell containing another LazySeq object).
Once you obtain another instance of LazySeq object with more the story repeats when you call first on it.
map and take will create another lazy-seq that will call first and more of the collection passed as their argument (just another lazy seq) so it will be similar story. The difference will be only in how the values passed to cons are generated (e.g. calling f to a value obtained by first invoked on the LazySeq value mapped over in map instead of a raw value like n in your rep function).
With reduce it's a bit simpler as it will use loop with first and more to iterate over the input lazy seq and apply the reducing function to produce the final result.
As the actual implementation looks like for map and take I encourage you to check their source code - it's quite easy to follow.
How seq API can works with different collection types (e.g. lazy seq and persistent vector)?
As mentioned above, map, take and other functions work in terms of first and rest (reminder - rest is implemented on top of more). Thus we need to explain how first and rest/more can work with different collection types: they check if the collection implements ISeq (and then it implement those functions directly) or they try to create a seq view of the collection and coll its implementation of first and more.
Is it possible to generate nested infinite data structures?
It's definitely possible but I am not sure what the exact data shape you would like to get. Do you mean getting a lazy seq which generates another sequence as it's value (instead of a single value like n in your rep) but returns it as a flat sequence?
(defn nested-cons [n]
(lazy-seq (cons (repeat n n) (nested-cons (inc n)))))
(take 3 (nested-cons 1))
;; => ((1) (2 2) (3 3 3))
that would rather return (1 2 2 3 3 3)?
For such cases you might use concat instead of cons which creates a lazy sequence of two or more sequences:
(defn nested-concat [n]
(lazy-seq (concat (repeat n n) (nested-concat (inc n)))))
(take 6 (nested-concat 1))
;; => (1 2 2 3 3 3)
Is there any practical difference with this
(defn rep [n]
(lazy-seq (cons n (rep n))))
and this?
(defn rep [n]
(cons n (lazy-seq (rep n))))
In this particular case not really. But in the case where a cons cell doesn't wrap a raw value but a result of a function call to calculate it, the latter form is not fully lazy. For example:
(defn calculate-sth [n]
(println "Calculating" n)
(defn rep1 [n]
(lazy-seq (cons (calculate-sth n) (rep1 (inc n)))))
(defn rep2 [n]
(cons (calculate-sth n) (lazy-seq (rep2 (inc n)))))
(take 0 (rep1 1))
;; => ()
(take 0 (rep2 1))
;; Prints: Calculating 1
;; => ()
Thus the latter form will evaluate its first element even if you might not need it.

Racket Code: Higher-Order Functions

I'm trying to implement higher level functions in my Racket code, specifically with regards to this function:
(define (indivisible e L)
(map (remove 0 ((map ((lambda (x y) (modulo x y))) L e)))))
Essentially, I'm trying to remove all the elements that are divisible by e from the list. However, it keeps giving me an error that says that "the expected number of arguments did not match the given number (0 vs 2)". Why is this so?
Several places you have two sets of parentheses. Unless the parentheses are a part of a special form or macro, eg. let, it represent an application. Ie.
((lambda (x y) (modulo x y)))
Here the form (lambda ...) is evaluated and become a function. The second set of parentheses calls this function with no arguments. Since you have two arguments, x and y and not supplying any in your application it signals an error.
Another place where you do the same is around (map ....). Since I know map always evaluates to a list or null it looks kind of strange that you call it as a function ((map ...)).
If you are more familiar with algol languages like python, what you are doing is like someFunc(arg1 args2)() where you clearly see someFunc needs to return a function wince it's immediately called afterwards. The same in Scheme looks like ((some-func arg1 arg2)).
remove removes the first argument from the second argument list. It does not return a function so the outer map won't work.
To solve this I think you are looking for filter. You only need to make a predicate that is #f for the elements you don't want and you're done.

operation between two lists

In common lisp there is map, which lets you do this kind of thing:
(map (lambda (x y) (/ x y)) (list 2 4 6 8 10 12) (list 1 2 3 4 5 6))
returning (2 2 2 2 2 2)
However now I am working at ACL2 and there is no such a thing as map.
So in my mind the only choice left I have is doing recursion to calculate what I want, unless there is another simpler and/or more efficient way of doing it.
... Which is exactly my question. Is there a better way of doing it than to create a recursive function called something like divide-two-lists? It just feels like something that a lisp-based language should naturally do instead of having you to create another function specifically just for it, hence why I am asking.
You could pretty easily write your own map. From the GNU Emacs guide:
(defun mapcar* (function &rest args)
"Apply FUNCTION to successive cars of all ARGS.
Return the list of results."
;; If no list is exhausted,
(if (not (memq nil args))
;; apply function to cars.
(cons (apply function (mapcar 'car args))
(apply 'mapcar* function
;; Recurse for rest of elements.
(mapcar 'cdr args)))))
(mapcar* 'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3 4))
⇒ ((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
I'm unfamiliar with acl2, so you might have to change some functions (e.g. memq), or deal differently with how apply or &rest arguments work, but this is the meat of the code.
ACL2 is based on first order logic. In first order logic, statements like
(define (P R A) (R A))
are not allowed because R is being used as both a parameter and a function.
It is theoretically possible to get around this limitation by literally defining your own language within first order logic that includes the constructs for higher order logic. Otherwise, you are correct, your best option is to define something like divide-two-lists every single time you want to use a map function.
That's tedious, but it is how ACL2 was meant to be used.
This isn't exactly suitable to your question, but it's related, and so I mention it in case it helps someone else who is looking at your question.
Consider the book "std/util/defprojection", which provides a macro that lets you map a function across a list.

Functional Programming: what is an "improper list"?

Could somebody explain what an "improper list" is?
Note: Thanks to all ! All you guys rock!
I think #Vijay's answer is the best one so far and I just intend to Erlangify it.
Pairs (cons cells) in Erlang are written as [Head|Tail] and nil is written as []. There is no restriction as to what the head and tail are but if you use the tail to chain more cons cells you get a list. If the final tail is [] then you get a proper list. There is special syntactic support for lists in that the proper list
is written as
and the improper list
is written as
so you can see the difference. Matching against proper/improper lists is correspondingly easy. So a length function len for proper lists:
len([_|T]) -> 1 + len(T);
len([]) -> 0.
where we explicitly match for the terminating []. If given an improper list this will generate an error. While the function last_tail which returns the last tail of a list can handle improper lists as well:
last_tail([_|T]) -> last_tail(T);
last_tail(Tail) -> Tail. %Will match any tail
Note that building a list, or matching against it, as you normally do with [Head|Tail] does not check if the tail is list so there is no problem in handling improper lists. There is seldom a need for improper lists, though you can do cool things with them.
I think it's easier to explain this using Scheme.
A list is a chain of pairs that end with an empty list. In other words, a list ends with a pair whose cdr is ()
(a . (b . (c . (d . (e . ())))))
;; same as
(a b c d e)
A chain of pairs that doesn't end in the empty list is called an improper list. Note that an improper list is not a list. The list and dotted notations can be combined to represent improper lists, as the following equivalent notations show:
(a b c . d)
(a . (b . (c . d)))
An example of a usual mistake that leads to the construction of an improper list is:
scheme> (cons 1 (cons 2 3))
(1 2 . 3)
Notice the dot in (1 2 . 3)---that's like the dot in (2 . 3), saying that the cdr of a pair points to 3, not another pair or '(). That is, it's an improper list, not just a list of pairs. It doesn't fit the recursive definition of a list, because when we get to the second pair, its cdr isn't a list--it's an integer.
Scheme printed out the first part of the list as though it were a normal cdr-linked list, but when it got to the end, it couldn't do that, so it used "dot notation."
You generally shouldn't need to worry about dot notation, because you should use normal lists, not improper list. But if you see an unexpected dot when Scheme prints out a data structure, it's a good guess that you used cons and gave it a non-list as its second argument--something besides another pair or ().
Scheme provides a handy procedure that creates proper lists, called list. list can take any number of arguments, and constructs a proper list with those elements in that order. You don't have to remember to supply the empty list---list automatically terminates the list that way.
Scheme>(list 1 2 3 4)
(1 2 3 4)
Courtesy: An Introduction to Scheme
The definition of a list in Erlang is given in the manual - specifically Section 2.10
In Erlang the only thing you really need to know about improper lists is how to avoid them, and the way to do that is very simple - it is all down to the first 'thing' that you are going to build your list on. The following all create proper lists:
A = [].
B = [term()].
C = [term(), term(), term()].
In all these cases the syntax ensures that there is a hidden 'empty' tail which matches to '[]' sort of at the end....
So from them the following operations all produce a proper list:
X = [term() | A].
Y = [term() | B].
Z = [term() | C].
They are all operations which add a new head to a proper list.
What makes is useful is that you can feed each of X, Y or Z into a function like:
func([], Acc) -> Acc;
func([H | T], Acc) -> NewAcc = do_something(H),
func(T, [NewAcc | Acc]).
And they will rip through the list and terminate on the top clause when the hidden empty list at the tail is all that is left.
The problem comes when your base list has been improperly made, like so:
D = [term1() | term2()]. % term2() is any term except a list
This list doesn't have the hidden empty list as the terminal tail, it has a term...
From here on downwards is mince as Robert Virding pointed out in the comments
So how do you write a terminal clause for it?
What makes it infuriating is that there is no way to see if a list is improper by inspecting it... print the damn thing out it looks good... So you end up creating an improper base list, doing some stuff on it, passing it around, and then suddenly kabloowie you have a crash miles from where the error is and you pull your hair and scream and shout...
But you should be using the dialyzer to sniff these little beasts out for you.
Following Robert's comment I tried printing out an improper list and, lo and behold, it is obvious:
(arrian#localhost)5>A = [1, 2, 3, 4].
(arrian#localhost)5> B = [1, 2, 3 | 4].
(arrian#localhost)6> io:format("A is ~p~nB is ~p~n", [A, B]).
A is [1,2,3,4]
B is [1,2,3|4]
I had spent some time hunting an improper list once and had convinced myself it was invsible, well Ah ken noo!
To understand what an improper list is, you must first understand the definition of a proper list.
Specifically, the "neat discovery" of lists is that you can represent a list using only forms with a fixed number of elements, viz:
;; a list is either
;; - empty, or
;; - (cons v l), where v is a value and l is a list.
This "data definition" (using the terms of How To Design Programs) has all kinds of
nice properties. One of the nicest is that if we define the behavior or meaning of a function on each "branch" of the data definition, we're guaranteed not to miss a case. More significantly, structures like this generally lead to nice clean recursive solutions.
The classic "length" example:
(define (length l)
(cond [(empty? l) 0]
[else (+ 1 (length (rest l))]))
Of course, everything's prettier in Haskell:
length [] = 0
length (f:r) = 1 + length r
So, what does this have to do with improper lists?
Well, an improper list uses this data definition, instead:
;; an improper list is either
;; - a value, or
;; - (cons v l), where v is a value and l is an improper list
The problem is that this definition leads to ambiguity. In particular, the first and second cases overlap. Suppose I define "length" for an improper list thusly:
(define (length l)
(cond [(cons? l) (+ 1 (length (rest l)))]
[else 1]))
The problem is that I've destroyed the nice property that if I take two values and put them into an improper list with (cons a b), the result has length two. To see why, suppose I consider the values (cons 3 4) and (cons 4 5). The result is (cons (cons 3 4) (cons 4 5)), which may be interpreted either as the improper list containing (cons 3 4) and (cons 4 5), or as the improper list containing (cons 3 4), 4, and 5.
In a language with a more restrictive type system (e.g. Haskell), the notion of an "improper list" doesn't make quite as much sense; you could interpret it as a datatype whose base case has two things in it, which is probably not what you want, either.
I think possibly it refers to a "dotted pair" in LISP, e.g. a list whose final cons cell has an atom, rather than a reference to another cons cell or NIL, in the cdr.
Wikipedia suggests that a circular list also counts as improper. See
and search for 'improper' and check the footnotes.
I would say the implication of an improper list is that a recursive treatment of the list will not match the typical termination condition.
For example, say you call the following sum, in Erlang, on an improper list:
sum([H|T]) -> H + sum(T);
sum([]) -> 0.
Then it will raise an exception since the last tail is not the empty list, but an atom.
In Common Lisp improper lists are defined as:
dotted lists that have a non-NIL terminating 'atom'.
(a b c d . f)
circular lists
#1=(1 2 3 . #1#)
A list is made up of cells, each cell consisting of two pointers. First one pointing to the data element, second one to the next cell, or nil at the end of the list.
If the second one does not point to a cell (or nil), the list is improper. Functional languages will most probably allow you to construct cells, so you should be able to generate improper lists.
In Erlang (and probably in other FP languages as well) you can save some memory by storing your 2-tuples as improper lists:
2> erts_debug:flat_size({1,2}).
3> erts_debug:flat_size([1|2]).
In Erlang a proper list is one where [H|T].
H is the head of the list and T is the rest of the list as another list.
An improper list does not conform to this definition.
In erlang, a proper list is a singly linked list. An improper list is a singly linked list with the last node not being a real list node.
A proper list
[1, 2, 3] is like
An improper list
[1, 2 | 3] is like
