GLM prediction in r - r

I spilt the data set into train and test as following:
splitdata<-split(sb[1:nrow(sb),], sample(rep(1:2, as.integer(nrow(sb)/2))))
sb is the name of original data set, so it is 50/50 train and test.
Then I fitted a glm using the training set.
fitglm<- glm(num_claims~year+vt+va+public+pri_bil+persist+penalty_pts+num_veh+num_drivers+married+gender+driver_age+credit+col_ded+car_den, family=poisson, train)
now I want to predict using this glm, say the next 10 observations.
I have trouble to specify the newdata in predict(),
I tried:
this will give a number of predictions that is equal to the number of samples in training set.
and finally, how to plot these predictions with confidence intervals?
Thank you for the help

If you are asking how to construct predictions on the next 10 in the test set then:
pred10<-predict(fitglm,newdata=data.frame(test)[1:10, ], type="response",
Edit 9 years later:
#carsten's comment is correct regarding how to construct a confidence interval. If one has a non-linear link function for a glm-object, fitglm then this is a reasonably general method to recover the inverse of the link function and construct a two-sided 95% CI on the response scale: <- predict(fitglm, newdata=newdata, <- predict(fitglm, newdata=newdata,
CI.pred.upper <- family(fitglm)$linkinv( # that information is in the model 1.96*$ )
CI.pred.lower <- family(fitglm)$linkinv( # that information is in the model$fit - 1.96*$ )


I am having trouble with plotting this logistic regression model

Please help me with plotting this model. I tried just using the plot function but I'm not sure how to incorprate the testing dataset. Please help/Thank You.
TravelInsurance <- read.csv(file="TravelInsurancePrediction.csv",header=TRUE)
Training <- sample(c(1:1987),1500,replace=FALSE)
Test <- c(1:1987)[-Training]
TrainData <- TravelInsurance[Training,]
TestData <- TravelInsurance[Test,]
years= TravelInsurance$Age
logreg = glm(TravIns~ EMPTY+years+Grad+Income+Fam+CD+FF,family = binomial)
Too long for a comment.
Couple of things here:
You divide your dataset into train and test but then build the
model using the full dataset??
Passing vectors is not a good way to use glm(...), or any of the R modeling functions. Better to pass the data frame and reference the columns in the formula.
So, with your dataset,
logreg <- glm(TravIns~ EMPTY+years+Grad+Income+Fam+CD+FF,family = binomial, data=TrainData)
pred <- predict(logreg, newdata=TestData, type='response')
As this is a logistic regression, the responses are probabilities (that someone buys travel insurance?). There are several ways to assess goodness-of-fit. One visualization uses receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.
roc(TestData$TravIns, pred, plot=TRUE)
The area under the roc curve (the "auc") is a measure of goodness of fit; 1.0 is prefect, 0.5 is no better than random chance. See the docs: ?roc and ?auc

the questions about predict function in randomForestSRC package

In common with other machine learning methods, I divided my original data set (7-training data set: 3-test data set).
Here is my code.
data(pbc, package="randomForestSRC")
data <- na.omit(pbc)
train <- sample(1:nrow(data), round(nrow(data) * 0.70))
data.grow <- rfsrc(Surv(days, status) ~ .,
data[train, ],
ntree = 100,
data.pred <- predict(data.grow,
data[-train , ],
What I have a question is that predict function in this code.
Originally, I wanted to construct a prediction model based on random survival forest to predict the diseae development.
For example, After I build the prediction model with training data set, I wanted to know the probability of disease development with test data which has no information about disease incidence for each individual becuase I would like to know the probability of diease development based on the subject's general characteristics such as age, bmi, sex, something like that.
However, unlike my intention to build a predicion model as I said above, "predict" function in this package didn't work based on the data which has no status information (event/censored).
"predict" function must work with outcome information (event/censored).
Therefore, I cannot understand what the "predict" function means.
If "precict" function works only with oucome information, then how can I make a predction for disease development based on the subject's general characteristics in the future?
In addition, if the prediction in this model is constructed with the outcome information, what the meaning is "predct" in the random survival forest model.
Please let me know what the "predict" function in this package means is.
Thank you for reading my long question.
The predict for this type of model, i.e. predict.rfsrc, works much like you'd expect it to if you've used predict with glm, lm, RRF or other models.
The predict statement does not require you to know the outcome for the prediction data set. I am trying to understand why you thought that it did.
Your example rfsrc statement does not work because it refers to columns that are not in the example data set.
I think the best plan is that I will show you using a reproducible example, below. If you have further questions you can ask me in a comment.
# Train a RFSRC model
mtcars.mreg <- rfsrc(Surv(mpg, cyl) ~., data = mtcars[1:30,],
tree.err=TRUE, importance = TRUE)
# Simulate new data
new_data <- mtcars[31:32,]
# predict
predicted <-predict(mtcars.mreg, new_data)
Sample size of test (predict) data: 2
Number of grow trees: 1000
Average no. of grow terminal nodes: 4.898
Total no. of grow variables: 9
Analysis: RSF
Family: surv-CR
Test set error rate: NA
event.1 event.2 event.3
[1,] 0.4781338 2.399299 14.71493
[2,] 3.2185606 4.720809 2.15895

R squared of predicted values

I have a basic issue considering predict function and its R squared value.
data<- datasets::faithful
# Linear model
model<- lm (eruptions~., data=data)
summary (model)[[9]] # R squared ajusted
# Creating test data to predict eruption values using the previous model<- data.frame(waiting= rnorm (80, mean = 70, sd = 14 ))
pred<- predict (model, # Predict eruptions based and the previou model
# New dataset with predicted values
newdata<- data.frame (eruptions = model.pred, waiting =
# Linear model to predicted values
new.model<- lm (eruptions~., data = newdata)
summary (new.model)[[9]] ## R-squared from predicted values
The R-squared of data set with predicted values is 1. It seems obvious that if the predicted values are based on the same variables used in the predict function, the fit measured by R-squared is perfect (=1). But, my interest would be measure how good is my model to test other datasets, for example in the code. Am I using predict function correctly?
Thanks in advance
Pass your new variables as the "newdata" argument of the predict() function.
Type ?predict in an R console to get its R Documentation:
An optional data frame in which to look for variables with
which to predict. If omitted, the fitted values are used.

The Effect of Specifying Training Data as New Data when Making Random Forest Predictions in R

While using the predict function in R to get the predictions from a Random Forest model, I misspecified the training data as newdata as follows:
RF1pred <- predict(RF1, newdata=TrainS1, type = "class")
Used like this, I get extremely high accuracy and AUC, which I am sure is not right, but I couldn't find a good explanation for it. This thread is the closest I got, but I can's say I fully understand the explanation there.
If someone could elaborate, I will be grateful.
Thank you!
EDIT: Important to note: I get sensible accuracy and AUC if I run the prediction without specifying a dataset altogether, like so:
RF1pred <- predict(RF1, type = "class")
If a new dataset is not explicitly specified, isn't the training data used for prediction. Hence, shouldn't I get the same results from both lines of code?
EDIT2: Here is a sample code with random data that illustrates the point. When predicting without specifying newdata, the AUC is 0.4893. When newdata=train is explicitly specified, the AUC is 0.7125.
# Generate sample data
train <- data.frame(x1=sample(0:1, 100, replace=T), x2=rpois(100,10), y=sample(0:1, 100, replace=T))
# Build random forest
model <- randomForest(x1 ~ x2, data=train)
pred1 <- predict(model)
pred2 <- predict(model, newdata = train)
# Calculate AUC
ROCRpred1 <- prediction(pred1, train$x1)
AUC <- as.numeric(performance(ROCRpred1, "auc")#y.values)
AUC # 0.4893
ROCRpred2 <- prediction(pred2, train$x1)
AUC <- as.numeric(performance(ROCRpred2, "auc")#y.values)
AUC # 0.7125
If you look at the documentation for predict.randomForest you will see that if you do not supply a new data set you will get the out-of-bag (OOB) performance of the model. Since the OOB performance is theoretically related to the performance of your model on a different data set, the results will be much more realistic (although still not a substitute for a real, independently collected, validation set).

How to do the CV test to examine the classification error of LDA in R

Please give me a simple example. I am in worry! I have tried the errorest function and do it as the example as it give for 10-fold cv of LDA. But when I used my own data, it just said the predict is not numeric. I don't know why! Thank you!
The R code is like this. I want to do the binary LDA so I generate the data:
#generate x1 and x2.
#Logistic model with parameter{1,4,-2},4,-2)
#pass througn an inv-logit function
#Simulate binary response
# The "probability of respoonse is a vector"
Then I use the LDA to get the model:
Finally I want to use the CV with th original data and see the error. I do this which is wrong:
mypredict.lda <- function(object, newdata)
predict(object, newdata = newdata)$class
errorest(y ~ ., data=data.frame(da), model=lda,estimator ="cv", predict= as.numeric(mypredict.lda))
What should I do to get the error with CV?
So we start with all your previous code setting up fake data
#generate x1 and x2.
#Logistic model with parameter{1,4,-2},4,-2)
#pass througn an inv-logit function
#Simulate binary response
#Now we do the LDA[,1],V2=Xtilde[,2])
Below, we divide the data into two parts; a training set and a test set. If you want to do a 10 fold cross validation, you would use 0.9 instead of 0.8 (0.8 corresponds to 80% train, 20% test, which is five-fold cross validation)
train.model = lda(y[inds] ~ V1+V2, data=df.train)
From the trained model, we predict on the test set. Below, I determine the predicted values, and then assess the accuracy of the predictions. Here, I use a ROC curve, but you can use whatever metric you'd like, I guess. I didn't understand what you meant by error.
preds=as.numeric(predict(train.model, df.test)$class)
aucCurve=performance(prediction(preds,actual), "tpr", "fpr")
The area under this ROC curve is a measure of predictive accuracy. Values closer to 1 mean you have good predictive capability.
auc=performance(prediction(preds,actual), "auc")
Hopefully this helped, and isn't horribly incorrect. Other folks please chime in with corrections or clarifications.
