Use script files from another project inside same solution -

I'm trying to use some script files between different projects. I have one solution with four projects. In the project "A" I have some scripts like Jquery, Javascript Plugins, etc, and i want to use them on the project "B", by adding a scriptmanager, or anything that works. What can i do this?
I'm using Visual Studio 2010.
Here is a printscreen with my environment.
Hello, after doing what #CStick says, a have now the scripts in my other project, so a can't add them to a ScriptManager. The problem is path not found on code. It cant find the script cause they're placed in the other project. What can i do to solve it?

I know this is old, but for future reader i post an answer.
You will have to use "Link project file" for this.
From the target project, right click on the folder you what the file to be
Select add -> Existing file
Browse to the file you need then click on the arrow at the right of the add button and select add as a link
After this you can modify the file in booth project, but the fille will be only in the source physical location until you publish the project.
This can cause problem for client side file, like script file, on debug because you cant view the file because it's not physically in the target project.
You can use MsBuild to copy the source file on the target directory on build.
(See this answer)
In short, you will create a .targets file then add a reference in your project file.


Cannot rebuild ASP.NET Web Applicaiton missing solution file

I am taking over an ASP.NET Web Application using C# and all the code (including C# source) was given to me without the solution file (something.sln) so whenever opening the Web Application in Visual Studio 2017 I have to open by "Folder..." instead of by "Project/Solution...". Once open, I am able to make the necessary changes to the code behind files such as Default.aspx.cs or somethingElse.aspx.cs, but when I try to test the code changes by going to Run > Start Without Debugging, I couldn't find the Run menu option; I see the Build Solution button but it's disabled (greyed out).
Every time I try navigating directly to my site at The code changes I made did not get compiled neither.
So how do I get the Run or Build menu option enabled?
The easiest way to correct this issue is probably to create a new, empty ASP.NET WebForms project (and a new solution file as well if necessary) and copy your code files into it. You can then tell Visual Studio to "include" those files in the project.
You may (or may not) need to make the odd other minor adjustment too but those basic steps should get you started.
Not sure if this is related, but adding the sln file to the git ignore removed its visibility from VisualStudio. I had to open the project csproj file in VisualStudio.
THen on close, the prompt was asking me to save a new SLN file with the same solution name i was looking for. I was then able to go to the directory with the original solution in it, and then I was able to open it again in Visual Studio.
For all those who come to this post in the future, I would check your gitignore files and see if they ignored the sln file.

Directory not published

I have a little problem and I don't find any solutions.
In my web application, I have a directory in the solution with some xls files.
When I make a publication, I hoped that the directory is in the source files rendered. But the directory isn't there and I have to copy/paste it manually.
The problem is that I forget to do it regularly. Can I tell to visual studio to add this directory to the sources?
Thanks for help.
Right click on the files in Solution Explorer and select Properties. Then in the Properties grid, set the build action to Content. This will copy the files to the build output.

recover project in visual studio 2010

i have 4 project in my solution, framework , domain objects,business objects and website ...
but this morning website project couldnt be loaded... when i tried firsttime to open solution... "The solution file has been modified outside the enviroment" message seemed and press reload then error is project file is corrupted... how can it happen... how can i fix this...
One way... if its from some source control , get the latest and leave the changed part by you.
If you dont have any source control then you can have the two options
- Create a new solution and add all your projects to it and rebuild it. Check for the errors.
- If your code is completely corrupted and files are unreadable, that is unrecoverable,
then you must have to follow this
copy the projects dlls out of bin
use red gate reflector and extract
all the class file in new project
Now for aspx.cs you can create a new
project add all aspx file in that new project and also the
new cs files generated by the reflector addin. Do it for all pages. When done , right click on Project of web app(if its), then choose convert to web application. Also check the Page header of each page that they are using the same class files.
I know this is little bit tough , but will recover almost that much code, when your app was last compiled.
Note : Also you will have to maintain the hierarchy of the project as the reflector add in (FileGenerator on Codeplex) might miss the actual project hierarchy.
You can open your solution file (.sln) in notepad and check for the consistency of the document.
The sln file will be in a hierarchical structure (like we have an xml).
You can also open csproj files of different projects that you have in the solution check the xml of the csproj.

"Add as Link" for JavaScript files returning 404 in debug

Using a Visual Studio 2010 web application, I have several projects that share some JavaScript/css files. The most logical way for them to share these files is to place the files in a single folder and each project has them included with the "Add as Link" option. However, if I add the files this way when I'm debugging using either the Visual Studio Development server or debugging using a local IIS web server all requests for these files return 404 Not Found errors. If I publish the site then the files are copied but that obviously doesn't help with debugging.
Is there something I'm missing or is this a failing on VS's part?
To overcome this problem some time ago I created a 'MSBuild.WebApplication.CopyContentLinkedFiles' nuget package. This package adds MsBuild target which copies all content files added as link to project folder during build.
Note: if you use source control then it is better to add copied files (from Web Application folder) to ignore list.
I wouldn't really call that a failing, since you asked for that behavior in the first place: linked items in Visual Studio projects are actual links to external files. Those files can reside anywhere on the disk and are not copied into the project folder.
You might want to copy those files locally yourself during a pre-build event. That way, the files will remain synchronized and you won't duplicate them until your first compile.
The problem seems to be that the website runs right from your source folders, rather than from the bin folder. This means that the file will be missing, whether or not it is copied to the output folder.
It's probable that running from a local or remote web server would not have this problem, though I didn't get that working, and I'd rather not add IIS to my local machine if I don't have to.
Adding a pre-build copy command did work. Note that the current directory will be the bin folder. (You can use cd to echo the current directory to the build window if you want to see it):
If the file is in another solution, your command will look something like (three ..s: one to get out of each of bin, project, and solution folders):
copy ..\..\..\OtherSolution\OtherProject\Scripts\MyJSFile.js ..\Scripts\
If it's in the same solution, but a different project:
copy ..\..\OtherProject\Scripts\MyJSFile.js ..\Scripts
One minor issue is that the link to the file will collide with the new copy of the file, even if you don't add it to your project. As long as you make the link first, it seems to work. If you copied the file first, you'll have to manually delete the copy, and then refresh the solution explorer before before being able to add the link.
Select the link in Solution Explorer and then look at properties window and set Copy To Output Directory to Copy Always. Linked items are set to Do Not Copy by default.
BTW, you can copy many files as links very easily directly from Solution Explorer when using VSCommands 2010 extension.
See this blog post about a simple addition to your project file.

How to get Visual Studio 'Publish' functionality to include files from post build event?

I am currently attempting to use Visual Studio 2010 'Publish' and MSDeploy functionality to handle my web deployment needs but have run into a roadblock with regards to customizing the package depending on my build configuration.
I develop in a 32bit environment but need to create a release package for a 64bit environment, so in the 'Release' configuration I have a post build event that copies the 64bit version of a third-party dll into the bin directory overwriting the 32bit version. When I use the 'Publish' functionality, even though the correct 64bit dll is being copied to the bin directory, it doesn't get included in the package.
Is there a way to get the 'Publish' to include files that have been copied into the bin directory during a post build event?
I answered a similar but different question at How do you include additional files using VS2010 web deployment packages?.
In your scenario you are using post build event, I would recommend dropping the post build event and implement your actions using your own MSBuild targets instead of post build event. Below you'll find the text of the other answer.
From: How do you include additional files using VS2010 web deployment packages?
Great question. I just posted a very detailed blog entry about this at Web Deployment Tool (MSDeploy) : Build Package including extra files or excluding specific files.
Here is the synopsis. After including files, I show how to exclude files as well.
Including Extra Files
Including extra files into the package is a bit harder but still no bigee if you are comfortable with MSBuild, and if you are not then read this. In order to do this we need to hook into the part of the process that collects the files for packaging. The target we need to extend is called CopyAllFilesToSingleFolder. This target has a dependency property, PipelinePreDeployCopyAllFilesToOneFolderDependsOn, that we can tap into and inject our own target. So we will create a target named CustomCollectFiles and inject that into the process. We achieve this with the following (remember after the import statement).
This will add our target to the process, now we need to define the target itself. Let’s assume that you have a folder named Extra Files that sits 1 level above your web project. You want to include all of those files. Here is the CustomCollectFiles target and we discuss after that.
<Target Name="CustomCollectFiles">
<_CustomFiles Include="..\Extra Files\**\*" />
<FilesForPackagingFromProject Include="%(_CustomFiles.Identity)">
<DestinationRelativePath>Extra Files\%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension)</DestinationRelativePath>
Here what I did was create the item _CustomFiles and in the Include attribute told it to pick up all the files in that folder and any folder underneath it. Then I use this item to populate the FilesForPackagingFromProject item. This is the item that MSDeploy actually uses to add extra files. Also notice that I declared the metadata DestinationRelativePath value. This will determine the relative path that it will be placed in the package. I used the statement Extra Files%(RecursiveDir)%(Filename)%(Extension) here. What that is saying is to place it in the same relative location in the package as it is under the Extra Files folder.
Excluding files
If you open the project file of a web application created with VS 2010 towards the bottom of it you will find a line with.
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets" />
BTW you can open the project file inside of VS. Right click on the project pick Unload Project. Then right click on the unloaded project and select Edit Project.
This statement will include all the targets and tasks that we need. Most of our customizations should be after that import, if you are not sure put if after! So if you have files to exclude there is an item name, ExcludeFromPackageFiles, that can be used to do so. For example let’s say that you have file named Sample.Debug.js which included in your web application but you want that file to be excluded from the created packages. You can place the snippet below after that import statement.
<ExcludeFromPackageFiles Include="Sample.Debug.xml">
By declaring populating this item the files will automatically be excluded. Note the usage of the FromTarget metadata here. I will not get into that here, but you should know to always specify that.
I found a workaround for the problem by using the ExcludeFilesFromDeployment element within the project file. I got the idea from Web Deployment: Excluding Files and Folders
So if you need to package project files as they exist in your project directory after a successful build and associated post build steps then do the following.
Edit "Package/Publish Web" project settings and
select Items to deploy to be "All files in this project folder"
Unload the project
Right click on the unloaded project and select to edit the project config
Locate the PropertyGroup element associated to the configuration setting e.g. "Release"
Within the PropertyGroup element add in the following elements and exclude files and folders you don't want in the package
Save and reload your project
This solves my problem for the time being but if there is a better solution then please let me know, as this is not ideal due to the hackery involved, but then again perhaps this is an uncommon deployment scenario?
Select your files or folders and Change Build action as Content from Properties Window.
I know its a old question but none of these worked for me .
In 2017 VS I just right clicked on the extra folder to be published and select publish it worked.
Adding the bin folder (and it's contents) to the project caused the files to be copied to the publish output directory.
For me, my issue was that I needed to place a proprietary software license file in the bin/ folder, but did not want to copy it manually each deployment.
This was using Visual Studio 2015 Professional
I know this is an old conversation but I came upon it while trying to do the same thing and I thought it would be helpful to add what I found here.
Nearly all the articles about including extra files in your publication use this method of adding the CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackageDependsOn or CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForMSDeployDependsOn items in the PropertyGroup and they all same something like "I added this to the end of the file ..."
This is what I did and spent an afternoon trying to find why nothing was happening until I realised there was already a PropertyGroup section at the top of the file. When I put my CopyAllFilesToSingleFolderForPackageDependsOn into that section it worked fine.
Hope this saves someone time some day
