Synchronise 2 youtube videos on Drupal site - drupal

I want to allow 1 user to point to a youtube video (possibly upload it through the youtube api) on a Drupal site.
And then other users can add videos linked to that video (separate nodes?).
The difficulty is that the videos should be synchronised. So when a user uploads a video to match the original one, he should be able to somehow indicate how this is synchronised with the original one. For instance 4seconds vid1 = 1second vid2
Any ideas, module suggestions, UI ideas are very much appreciated.
I have found this post on video synchronisation with youtube api, but I need a method that would allow the user to actually easily give in the synchronisation. And then synchronise with different starting times.

Best to create a custom module for that. Give the user a form with the youtube id and a sync time then use the youtube api from there. No need for drupal specific code - tho you could create seperate nodes for each video, relate them with node reference fields and store any data in the variables table - butI'd probably create my own table for this.


Client to post video wordpress dynamic

I am a newly minted WordPress developer. One of my clients runs a small private institution. To help their students, they post video and PDF material. In my opinion, I would rather give the user another role than give them admin access. For example, I need to create a layout for the video page and when my client posts a video, it needs to be dynamically added to the page. Would it be possible to make my life easier with a plugin? That way, I will not have to help them in the future. I have already done it for the PDF part. It does not work to add video as the post.
Thanks in advance.
I found the plugin that works well for my needs. Attached is the plugin URL for future reference (

Is there any way to stop Telegram from showing pages from my site as Instant View version?

I run a blog and distribute my posts in a Telegram channel. One day, I got surprised that links started showing as "Instant View" versions, since I never managed to support this technology (and, tbh, I don't like it either). Later, I discovered that readers that I don't know submitted IV templates to Telegram, and eventually one of them was approved.
I searched for any way to stop Telegram converting my posts into IV version, without success. Is there any (a meta tag, a form, whatever) to ask Telegram to disable IV in links from my domain?
Instant views are implemented via a set of hardcoded XPath rules, so you can change the markup of your website (like, class/id names) or paths (/blog/a1.html → /kek/a1). It can break the rules, and IV won't be shown.
One more trick is to integrate an iframe into the body of articles (or to the end). The reason is that iframes are not supported by the IV engine (the exclusion is embedded youtube). You can set 1×1 size, to make it invisible to users.
Another trick is to integrate an image with src tag leading to some nonexistent path. Telegram server won't be able to fetch the resource, and IV generation will be failed.
No. You can't disable instant view for your blog or site. That's just how Telegram instant view works. It will cache hundreds of sites and crop the content of the articles. You can read more about it here:
Currently, there's a contest for instant view templates. The goal is to get as many sites working with instant view as possible.

MVC page design using caching for best performance and UX

I have a album page (using ASPNET MVC + MongoDB) which has following parts:
#1 List of thumbnails displayed as a grid
Note: I load few fields for each video in the video album: url, length, caption, tags. If user hovers over thumbnail I show some of them.
#2 Then I have related albums
#3 Then I have List details
#4 Then I have current video details (including description which can be 5K characters)
#5 Then all comments of the current video.
As you can see list of thumbnails, related albums, list details are same for all videos.
But video details, video comments are different for each videos.
Option 1: url redirect user for each click (will cause reloading of common pieces)
Option 2: ajax to load comments and VIDEO details & update page (more coding)
Is there a way to leverage caching common pieces?
Please share your thoughts.
If it is in scope I would probably also look into using one of the many framework for creating a Single Page Application, like Backbone (which I happen to like like a lot).
If it is only a caching solution that you are looking for, MVC has an OutputCache attribute that can be applied to a Controller or to single Actions and allows fine tune and managing of caching behvaiours server side, client side, parameter based etc. etc.

Flex 3: Project Architecture & SEO

I've got a Flex 3 project. One of the problems I have is that not very much of its content is indexed by Google. Currently, I pull data from a mySQl database, so the Googlebot doesn't see most of the site.
My goal is to increase the amount of content indexed by Google, improve the SEO, and improve SERPs.
I thought that instead of pulling the data from the database that I would change the project's architecture and create separate "pages". So, in my case, I would compile each puzzle separately and upload it to the server in its own directory. This way the info in each puzzle would get indexed.
The negative is that if I add a puzzle, I'd have to add a link to it in all of the puzzles that are already on the server. I would have to add the link, re-compile each puzzle and upload it to the server. Is there a way to get around this problem? Also, if I wanted to communicate some data from one puzzle to another in the future, I wouldn't be able to do so.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
The usual way to achieve this goal is to develop a hidden parallel site in HTML.
On the first page you will have your flash and, hidden by javascript, a list of links to the other pages. These links will be parsed by the robots. Ideally, the href pages are virtual (look for "url rewriting"). On each "fake" page, your server-side language will print on the page a content or links from your database AND the flash. The flash will be provided with a string explaining where it is and what it's supposed to show.
Ex: The URL rewriting sends this request to The page should display the Flash with FlashVar "uri=category1/content7". The Flash knows which content it has to display so when an user comes from google, following this link, he will find the content he was looking for.
Every linking and content for SEO should be in HTML, don't trust robots capability of reading Flash.
have a look at Adobe's reference on deep-linking.
you can generate a website's sitemap.xml with a cron process (daily), such that the URLs encode the state of the application you need. This URL will encode whatever content you need to retrieve from the db, with just one index.html page.
good luck!

How to play audio podcast file from libsyn rss feed? (drupal)

Got an established libsyn rss feed, got a new drupal website for the podcast. Libsyn provides a player but not correct aesthetic. I can upload and play mp3 files with audio module and mp3player module, and like the mp3 player's output, a simple flash player, but I don't want to be manually moving the podcast audio files (mp3) over every week. Looked at importing automatically with Feeds, but it's not working and besides that's creating extra files unnecessarily on the drupal site.
Just want to use the mp3player modulee's flash player in a drupal page, which feeds the latest mp3 file from a libsyn rss feed. Don't really need to store or play multiple episodes, just the latest episode.
How would you do it?
Create a content type for my podcasts with a title and a field for the URL of the MP3
Use FeedAPI and map the title to the title of the node
Map the file URL to the URL field
Use Contemplate to set the URL field to display as [swf file="token_for_URL_field"], which will use the SWF Tools module and whatever player I've selected to play the file
So you need these modules CCK, Contemplate, FeedAPI, and SWF Tools, and that should do the trick.
Why don't you have your own site be the master and libsyn get it from you? Do they not allow an import feature, with which you'd keep your existing RSS through them. Then you can have total control over your site and push the content to all kinds of other great podcasting networks.
Realize I may have no idea about libsyn works.
When you say feeds didn't work, how did it fail? Are you using feed mapper? You may need to write a custom plug-in for feed mapper to get it to do the right thing with the video files. Feed api supports expiring imported feed items so you should be able to get it to automatically delete old ones. I'm not sure whether the video files will be automatically deleted when the nodes are. If not, you should be able to make this happen by implementing nodeapi's delete op for the content type you are using to store your imported rss items.
Alternatively, maybe you could just harvest the video's url on libsyn, and have the player use that. I don't know whether there's a good player which supports using a field's data for the location of the source it should play.
Also, if you haven't already, I'd encourage you to post your question on since that's read by lots of drupal experts.
