Entity Framework query joins and group by issue - asp.net

Please correct the query
SELECT a.MENU_ID, a.menu_label, a.menu_value
WHERE a.menu_id = b.menu_id AND b.urole_id = c.granted_role
AND c.user_id = '3' AND a.menu_master <> '0'
AND a.menu_status = 'Active'
GROUP BY a.menu_id, a.menu_label, a.menu_value
query is working fine there is some issue when rewrite in Entity framework
check the following query
List<TBL_IMS_MENU> listSubMenu = (from m in db.TBL_IMS_MENU
equals ra.MENU_ID
equals rp.GRANTED_ROLE
where rp.USER_ID == UserID
group m by m.MENU_ID
into g select g).ToList();
if I used Var instead of List then how to fire loop?

I think you need to remove your join statements - and just use the where like you do in raw SQL query:
var qry = (from a in db.TBL_IMS_MENU
where c.USER_ID == UserID
where a.MENU_ID == b.MENU_ID
where a.menu_status == "Active"
where a.menu_master != "0"
select a)
.GroupBy(c => c.menu_id)
.ThenBy(c => c.menu_label)
.ThenBy(c => c.menu_value)

Try something like this:
var listSubMenu = (from m in db.TBL_IMS_MENU
equals ra.MENU_ID
equals rp.GRANTED_ROLE
where rp.USER_ID == UserID
group m by new { m.MENU_ID, m.menu_label, m.menu_value }
into g select g).ToList();
foreach(var groupItem in listSubMenu)
// go through groups like this - groupItem.Key.MENU_ID
foreach(var menuItem in grouItem)
//go through each item in group like this - menuItem.GRANTED_ROLE


Core EF Outer Join,Count & Group

I'm trying to convert this SQL Query into Core EF:
SELECT w.IdShippingBatch, w.BookingNumber, COUNT(c.IdShippingOrder) AS ShippingOrders, w.CreatedOn, w.ModifiedOn
FROM dbo.Shipping`enter code here`Batch AS w LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.ShippingOrders AS c ON w.IdShippingBatch = c.IdShippingBatch
WHERE (w.IdCompany = 2) AND (w.IdDealer = 1)
GROUP BY w.IdShippingBatch, w.BookingNumber, w.CreatedOn, w.ModifiedOn
I have tried multiple solutions, including several here. My latest attempt looks like:
var data = (from w in _context.ShippingBatch
join c in _context.ShippingOrders on w.IdShippingBatch equals c.IdShippingBatch into t1
where w.IdCompany == idCompany && w.IdDealer == idDealer
from t2 in t1.DefaultIfEmpty()
group t2 by new { w.IdShippingBatch, w.BookingNumber, w.CreatedOn, w.ModifiedOn } into t3
select new ShippingBatchDTO
IdShippingBatch = t3.Key.IdShippingBatch,
BookingNumber = t3.Key.BookingNumber,
ShippingOrders = t3.Count(),
CreatedOn = t3.Key.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn = t3.Key.ModifiedOn
I have also tried adding t3.count(m => m.something != null), but that throws an error.
One major point of EF is to map the relationship between entities so that you can leverage LINQ and let EF compose an SQL query rather than trying to replace SQL with LINQ-QL.
If your ShippingBatch is mapped with a collection of ShippingOrders...
var batches = _context.ShippingBatch
.Where(x => x.IdCompany == idCompany && x.IdDealer == idDealer)
.Select(x => new ShippingBatchDTO
IdShippingBatch = x.IdShippingBatch,
BookingNumber = x.BookingNumber,
ShippingOrders = x.ShippingOrders.Count(),
CreatedOn = x.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn = x.ModifiedOn
If your ShippingBatch does not have a collection of ShippingOrders, but your ShippingOrder reference an optional ShippingBatch.
var batches = _context.ShippingOrder
.Where(x => x.ShippingBatch != null
&& x.ShippingBatch.IdCompany == idCompany
&& x.ShippingBatch.IdDealer == idDealer)
.GroupBy(x => x.ShippingBatch)
.Select(x => new ShippingBatchDTO
IdShippingBatch = x.Key.IdShippingBatch,
BookingNumber = x.Key.BookingNumber,
ShippingOrders = x.Count(),
CreatedOn = x.Key.CreatedOn,
ModifiedOn = x.Key.ModifiedOn
That should hopefully get you moving in the right direction. If not, expand your question to include details of what you are seeing, and what you expect to see along with definitions for the applicable entities.

How to pass a SQL query to Entity Framework

I am creating a report and need to pass a query from SQL Server to Entity Framework.
The query is:
contas_receber.id, pessoa.nome, contas_receber.vencimento,
contas_receber.valor_pago, contas_receber.observacao, pessoa.estado
pessoa ON contas_receber.pessoa_id = pessoa.id
classificacoes ON classificacoes.id = pessoa.classificacao_id
servicos ON servicos.id = contas_receber.servico_id
produto ON produto.id = contas_receber.venda_id
(contas_receber.quitado = 0)
AND (CAST(contas_receber.vencimento AS date) >= #datavenc1)
AND (CAST(contas_receber.vencimento AS DATE) <= #datavenc2)
AND (classificacoes.id = #idclassificacao OR #idclassificacao IS NULL)
AND (servicos.id = #idservico OR #idservico IS NULL)
AND (servicos.plano = #tiposervico OR #tiposervico IS NULL)
AND (produto.id = #idproduto OR #idproduto IS NULL)
AND (pessoa.status_financeiro = #statusfinanceiro OR #statusfinanceiro IS NULL)
AND (pessoa.estado = #estado OR #estado IS NULL)
How would you stay in Entity Framework?
what I've done so far:
var contas = from c in _context.ContasReceber
join p in _context.Pessoas on c.PessoaId equals p.Id
join cl in _context.Classificacoes on p.ClassificacaoId equals cl.Id
join ps in _context.PlanosServicos on c.ServicoId equals ps.Id
join pr in _context.Produtos on c.IdVenda equals pr.Id
join tp in _context.TiposProdutos on pr.TiposProdutosId equals tp.Id
where c.Vencimento >= Inicial && c.Vencimento <= Final && (cl.Id == classificacoes || classificacoes is null)
The courses are different because the seats are different, but the sense is the same. My biggest problem is in the conditional whare, when you have to verify that the variable is null
The Database class represents the underlying database and provides various methods to deal with the database. The Database.SqlQuery() method returns a value of any type.
//Example refer this link
using (var ctx = new SchoolDBEntities())
string studentName = ctx.Database.SqlQuery<string>("Select studentname from Student
where studentid=1").FirstOrDefault();

Count resulted records using linq to sql

i use linq to sql query for retrive records from database.
i use a query,for binding a gridview.
protected void grdBind()
EventManagerDataContext db = new EventManagerDataContext();
var z = (from x in db.EMR_EVENTs
join y in db.EMR_CLIENTs on x.ClientID equals y.ClientID
where y.ClientID==x.EventID
select x.EventID).Count();
var q = from a in db.EMR_CLIENTs
join b in db.EMR_EVENTs on a.ClientID equals b.ClientID
join c in db.EMR_ACCOUNTs on a.ClientID equals c.ClientID
join d in db.EMR_SUBSCRIPTIONs on c.Account_ID equals d.Account_ID
join f in db.EMR_SUBSCRIPTION_KINDs on d.Subscription_kind_ID equals f.Subscription_kind_ID
select new
Customer = a.Name,
Events = z,
TurnOver = f.Monthly_Fee,
StartDate = d.Start_Date,
EndDate = d.End_Date,
CreteDate = d.Create_Date,
ClientID = a.ClientID,
EventID = b.EventID,
SubscriptionID = d.Subscription_ID,
grid.DataSource = q.ToList();
grid.PageSize = int.Parse(drpPageSize.SelectedValue);
and i recieve this output for that,
i recieve this output for this query but i don't want this output ,
i want like this output.
clientname events
ketan 18
monika 12
and others records so on means i recieve here client name 9 times and he created events but i want some of events and client name only one time
means i want only one name of client and total number of events,i am new to linq to sql.
so what is the changes in code..?
when you are using join syntax in query you do not need to use 'where'
then change your query to :
var z = (from x in db.EMR_EVENTs
join y in db.EMR_CLIENTs on x.ClientID equals y.ClientID
select x.EventID).Count();
i found solution .here
ans also use with this.useful link
here is my solution.
EventManagerDataContext db = new EventManagerDataContext();
var q = from a in db.EMR_CLIENTs
join b in db.EMR_EVENTs on a.ClientID equals b.ClientID into z
join c in db.EMR_ACCOUNTs on a.ClientID equals c.ClientID
join d in db.EMR_SUBSCRIPTIONs on c.Account_ID equals d.Account_ID
join f in db.EMR_SUBSCRIPTION_KINDs on d.Subscription_kind_ID equals f.Subscription_kind_ID
select new
Customer = a.Name,
Events =z.Where(b =>b.ClientID==a.ClientID).Count(),
TurnOver = f.Monthly_Fee,
StartDate = d.Start_Date,
EndDate = d.End_Date,
CreteDate = d.Create_Date,
ClientID = a.ClientID,
SubscriptionID = d.Subscription_ID,
grid.DataSource = q.ToList();

How to select greater number and lower number using LINQ To SQL in C#

I have a TABLE in SQL Database there is a columns in
TABLE ID,Subject,Body,Status,TimeDate in the 400 row data and each i have take a Id as a P_Key and Identity Specification is Yes.
Here is Id = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 etc..
I want to select greater Id from table based on saved old id like i have saved ID 12 in im getting same id like this with Linq Query below:
public static int CheckId()
DataClassesDataContext con = new DataClassesDataContext(Globals.con);
var q = from v in con.TABLE
where v.Id== 12 & v.Status == Active
select v.Id;
foreach (var val in q)
return Convert.ToInt32(val);
return 0;
the i can return a greater id then 12. and there is also one issue. if there is greater ID is Missing from DB example Id 13 is missing then i will get Id 14 in that case. please let me know how can i get id like this i want from db using linq query.
Use Min
return con.<TABLE>
.Where(v=>v.ID > 12)
I made a sample for you
List<Int32> test = new List<Int32>{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14,13,15,16};
var min = test.Where(x=>x>12).Min();
Gives result 13 only, even when 14 is the first bigger
In Your case
//get a table object
Table table = new Table() //if you want whole row.
table = con.Table.Where(x=>x.id>12).MIN();
Based on the code you already have:
DataClassesDataContext con = new DataClassesDataContext(Globals.con);
var q = from v in con.TABLE
where v.Id > 12 & v.Status == Active
orderby v.Id
select v.Id;
return q.Take(1); // to return the whole row
// or
return q.Take(1).Id; // to return only the Id
This would return the first row meeting the criterias (id > 12, status = active). Add error handling code as needed.

How do I create a followup LINQ .join() if an additional filter item is presented?

If I have a lystId, I want to include the MemberProductLyst object and filter by the LystId.
Any suggestions for the proper way to implement the follow up Lamba code inside of the
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lystId)) {} block below the initial query???
products = (from p in dc.Products
join t in dc.Tags on p.TagId equals t.TagId
join pi in dc.ProductImages on p.ProductId equals pi.ProductId
join i in dc.Images on pi.ImageId equals i.ImageId
where p.IsActive == true
where t.TagId == new Guid(brandId)
orderby p.CreatedOn descending
select new ProductItem
productImage = i.FileName,
productId = p.ProductId,
description = p.Description,
name = p.Name,
adImage = t.AdImage
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lystId))
//Include MemberProductLyst table to Filter by lystId if LystId is available
var memberLysts = from mpl in dc.MemberProductLysts
where mpl.LystId == new Guid(lystId)
select new { mpl.LystId, mpl.ProductId };
products = (IQueryable<ProductItem>)products.Join(memberLysts, p => p.productId, mpl => mpl.ProductId, (p, mpl) => new {ProductItem = p, MemberProductLyst = mpl });
It largely depends on the intent of your Join, but I suspect this may yield the results you're looking for:
products = products.Where(
p => memberLysts.Any(mpl => mpl.ProductId == p.productId));
