I have created a loop to show some products on my wordpress site and they seem to be working fine they reel out the products however if I place one of custom fields after the loop it doesn't show. I know its not an issue with the custom field itself as it works fine if I put it above the loop. Does anyone know where I could be going wrong?
Here is my code:
You are calling setup_postdata() within your loops, therefore overwriting the $post object.
When you are calling the_field('monoblock_valves_text'); after the foreach loop, it's trying to get that custom field out of the last post of the loop, while it clearly needs to get it from the actual post/page showing.
You need to store the old $post object before the loop, and restore it after the loop, as such:
$old_post = $post;
foreach($products_mono_posts as $post):
// Rest of code
$post = $old_post;
I have function that update post content automatically based from custom field like this:
function update_content(){
$mycustomfield = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'customfield', true);
$post = array();
$post['ID'] = get_the_ID();
$post['post_content' ] = $mycustomfield ;
$post['post_title' ] = $mycustomfield ;
// Update the post into the database
wp_update_post( $post );
We update only custom field to make content. For now, we launch this function manually on save_post hook, but the articles are so many and we need now a cron to automate this function: process 4 posts every hour until all posts are completed, then start over.
How to make this, thank you
WordPress actually has a built-in psuedo cron system called WP Cron. It doesn't function exactly like a proper server cron, but can perform a similar function in many cases. You can find documentation on it here:
However thinking about your use case and looking at your function above, I'm wondering what the purpose of your cron is? It looks from that function like all you're doing is taking some content already in your database and putting it somewhere else. Why? Why not simply display your custom field in the correct spot? Or better yet, use the fields as intended?
Even if that is necessary - maybe I don't understand fully from the example above - I think your initial inclination to run this on save_post is much more correct. Unless there's some information external to your site that's changing, the only time these values will change is when you save the post. So what is the purpose of running it on a schedule?
I'm new to WP development. I need to write a hook to check if the currently logged in user is viewing a post listed within a specific category, and then redirect user if they're lacking certain meta data.
I tried creating this function:
however inside that function I was unable to get the post object (I have tried everything I found on the web!)
global $post; // This object is not valid at this time
global $wp; // $wp->request is empty
$_REQUEST; // This var is giving me an empty array! Is this normal??? :(
Could you kindly suggest, what hook is best to use in this case, and how to get the post object? Many thanks!
Use 'wp' hook instead of 'init'.
Maybe this would work for you.
What is difference between these WordPress functions, and how to implement it?
the_post_navigation(); get_the_post_navigation();
the_archive_title(); get_the_archive_title();
the_post_pagination(); get_the_post_navigation();
the_archive_description(); get_the_archive_description();
I already googled for this, but I'm still not getting it right.
All the functions that starts with get_ are only returning the "result" of the function : If you put this function in a php page and watch this page in a browser, nothing will be displayed.
If you want the result to be displayed, you have to add echo before the function and this is exactly what the function that starts with the_ are doing.
You may ask yourself why sometimes we want only the result to be returned by the function and not displayed. It's because sometime, we have to do some additional operations with the result before displaying it.
$content = get_the_content();
$content = str_replace('Hello', 'Bye', $content);
echo $content;
If not operation are needed so you only need to do:
You also ask "How to implemenent it ?". To implement the function, you will have to add it in some specific php files. For example, for the get_the_post_navigation() function you will have to add it in the single.php file in your theme folder. You will need basics on php.
I'm in need of some help.
I want to display the category image on the current category page, and I have googled this, and each answer I find uses the same code.
They all use get_woocommerce_term_meta to retrieve the ID of the thumbnail used so that you can then use wp_get_attachment_url to get the image address.
All sounds great, but whenever I try this code it returns nothing, and I think that it is because get_woocommerce_term_meta is deprecated.
Does anyone know of a way round this, so I can get the image address when I have the category ID?
This is the code that I have in place:
global $wp_query;
$cat = $wp_query->get_queried_object();
$thumbnail_id = get_woocommerce_term_meta($cat->term_id, 'thumbnail_id', true);
echo $cat->term_id."<br />";
echo $thumbnail_id;
$image_src = wp_get_attachment_url($thumbnail_id);
$cat->term_id returns the correct ID of the category, but $thumbnail_id returns 0.
The code is in header.php.
get_woocommerce_term_meta() may be deprecated however it hasn't yet been removed. The issue is elsewhere in your setup.
With that said we can resolve the deprecation issue quite easily. Simply replace usages of get_woocommerce_term_meta() with the new native WordPress function get_term_meta().
get_woocommerce_term_meta() will simply pass its arguments on to the new function anyway so we can be sure the problem isn't with the deprecated function.
Likely causes of the issue:
Key used to save the image isn't the same as the key being used to retrieve
Not passing in correct term ID
No image set
I am having trouble debugging a situation, and I think some better background information on how these systems work would be very helpful. I know that the use of the function query_posts() is strongly discouraged. But let's just assume that there is nothing I can do to remove it from the code. Specifically the query is changed to pull posts of a post_type (a post_type specific to the theme I am using). This is what the query looks like after it has been changed:
Then the loop begins and it can successfully grab the titles for each post. But when I call get_the_category() it returns an empty array, even though all of the posts have categories. I verified that it was an empty array with var_dump.
I am do not have a super strong understanding of how these systems work, so the emphasis on not using query_posts has me worried. Is there any possible interaction between query_posts and get_the_category() that could cause it to not work correctly?
Why not using WP_Query()? Im not sure it is cause by query_posts, but query_posts() alters Wordpress Main Loop (global $wp_query).
You can use the WP_Query method like this, by replacing with your query_posts loop
$newLoop = new WP_Query('posts_per_page=10&paged=0&post_type=project');
if ( $newLoop->has_posts() ) {
while ( $newLoop->has_posts() ) { $newLoop->the_post();
the_title(); // Your title
var_dump ( get_the_category() ); // this should not be empty if category assigned to current post
If you still want to go with query_posts try one of the methods below:
Try passing post id manually:
get_the_category( get_the_ID() ); // Must be in loop
Or try adding this:
// after endwhile of query_posts