Wordpress Disable User Account? - wordpress

I want to disable a user's account. When the user's account is disabled then the user should not able to login.
How can I disable user's accounts?

Well you could just delete it. Alternatively, go to the Users dashboard panel and change the user's role to "-- No role for this site --"

A quick Google search gave me the following plugin:
Disable Users
Once installed and activated, a checkbox appears on the user profile settings (only for admins). When checked, the users account will be disabled and they will be unable to login with the account. If they try to login, they are instantly logged out and redirected to the login page with a message that notifies them their account is disabled.
I think it's what you are looking for!

You can create a temporary user or disable user using the following plugin:
Temporary access for users
Temporary Access for users plugins creates the temporary user. If the admin wants to create a temporary user for some limited period of time like give temporary login to a user then this plugin is helpful to you.


How do I have an admin link work for an authenticated user (people tab for admins) [Drupal]

I need to have a link that has /admin/people on it successfully have access for an authenticated user. I already tried contextual links and the bypass permission settings.
If you navigate to /admin/people/roles you should be able to edit/create custom permission.

Create limited super admin on multisite (Wordpress)

Is it possible to create a user on a multisite that has access to all the sites in the network, but has limited permissions to for example install plugins and view/edit certain settings? The only thing I want this user to be able to do is to jump in between sites and be able to edit the content of these, without having to log in and out with different accounts on each of the sites.
The most optimal solution would be if I could create a new user role based on the super admin role, and then deactivate permissions from there. But from what I see in the admin interface of the network, I seem to only be able to give a user the super admin role and no other role, except for if I create a user on any of the specific "sub sites" in the network.
Any ideas for how to do this?
I totally misunderstood how this works. I just figured out that I have to do the following:
Create a user on the network. From what I understand, I should not assign the Super Admin role to this user if I don't want the user to have access to the network settings.
Go to Users > Add New on the sites where I want this user to have access and enter the email or username of the user in the input field under Add Existing User.
Choose the Role that this user should have on the specific site.
Click Add Existing User
The user can now login to either one of the sites where the user was added and can switch in between the sites in the admin bar, without having access to the network admin area.
For now I selected the Editor role for this user to limit access to plugins and other settings that only the admin should have access to. If I want to modify the capabilities of the user I could either do it manually or just install a plugin like User Role Editor to do this.

WordPress: can not delete user from wp-admin

I need to delete user from my site.
So i go to :-
And select user to delete and click into Delete and go me to page to move user article to another user.
I select another user to move deleted user article to him, But i cannot see delete or any thing to click to delete
Why !!
Why won’t WordPress let you delete the admin account?
Because under Settings –> General there is a field where you enter an email address. That email address is the administrative email address contact. You cannot delete the account that the administrator email account is assigned to.
So, take one more step and switch the admin email address to match the one you setup with the new admin account. Then, you can go back to the Users screen and delete the admin account without any trouble.
FYI – If you have not created another User account and assigned it administrator rights, you won’t be able to delete the default admin account either. In WordPress, there always has to be at least one admin account, so you have to create the new admin account first, and then delete the old default administrator account.
**** Make sure you aren't logged in as the same account you are trying to delete too.
make sure your current role is an administrator.[or any high role]
Go to users.php page again, then put cursor over the user you want to delete to make Edit and Delete link come out. And click delete.
here a screenshot https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-u1yQRMUtcMs/VHQce3dcDVI/AAAAAAAAADU/Vvx1mEGcoNs/w1044-h355-no/deluser.png

Drupal 6 - Content profile and user management

I have developed a system using Drupal 6. I have implemented user registration with content profile. Which means there is a functionality called company registration. It is creating a content profile with companies and a user account also after click register.
Once the profile and user account created both will be in pending status and I have implemented a functionality where the site admin can approve (using rules.) Once approved the content profile is accessible via front end.
But though the users status change rule is written (rule to change the pending user role to active member) the user is unable to login. Currently after approving the content profile the admin again need to go to the user account and activate it.
Can anybody help me to get this resolved please?
My advice would be to use Triggers with this, so that when a content profile is approved, the linked user profile will also be approved. You should be able to write an "Advanced" trigger for this.

forcefully log out a specific user among all online users

In my site administrator can view list all other online users.
Administrator can also disable any account from that list.
Everything was going fine so far. But now I decided to log out the user which is being disabled. How can I do a log out operation for a particular user from the above specified online user list?
NOTE: I'm using default membership schema for my SQL Server database.
You cannot logout a user from outside of their session. See Programatically logout an ASP.NET user for a possible workaround.
