Force range in R Kaplan-Meier time component - r

I have a numeric time variable and I want to observe my data using R's Kaplan-Meier implementation. The common way is:
km <- survfit(Surv(time,event)~1)
But I have specific range of time that I want processed say 1-3,4-6, and so on but my method returns an error.
km <- survfit(Surv(time=c(c(1,3),c(4,6),c(7,9)),event)~1)
Is this possible with another code or do I have to change the time variable to suit my needs (ie recode into categories)?

The time variable you provide should include the survival times of the individual observations in your dataset.
Not sure if I understand your question correctly, but if you want the KM-estimates for specific timepoints you can get those by using the times argument in the summary function for survfit:
summary(km, times=c(1,3,4,6,7,9))
Of course you could also plot the KM-curve using plot(km) to visualize it.


Can I use xgboost global model properly, if I skip step_dummy(all_nominal_predictors(), one_hot = TRUE)?

I wanted to try xgboost global model from:
On smaller scale it works fine( Like wmt data-7 departments,7ids), but what if I would like to run it on 200 000 time series (ids)? It means step dummy creates another 200k columns & pc can't handle it.(pc can't handle even 14k ids)
I tried to remove step_dummy, but then I end up with xgboost forecasting same values for all ids.
My question is: How can I forecast 200k time series with global xgboost model and be able to forecast proper values for each one of the 200k ids.
Or is it necessary to put there step_ dummy in oder to create proper FC for all ids?
Ps:code should be the same as one in the link. Only in my dataset there are 50 monthly observations for each id.
For this model, the data must be given to xgboost in the format of a sparse matrix. That means that there should not be any non-numeric columns in the data prior to the conversion (with tidymodels does under the hood at the last minute).
The traditional method for converting a qualitative predictor into a quantitative one is to use dummy variables. There are a lot of other choices though. You can use an effect encoding, feature hashing, or others too.
I think that there is no proper answer to the question "how it would be possible to forecast 200k ts" properly. Global Models are the way to go here, but you need to experiment to find out, which models do not belong inside the global forecast model.
There will be a threshold, determined mostly by the length of the series, that you put inside the global model.
Keep in mind to use several global models, with different feature recipes.
If you want to avoid step_dummy function, use lightgbm from the bonsai package, which is considerably faster and more accurate.

Interpolate a high frequency time series

I have a physical time series in a range of 2 year sample data with a frequency of 30 minutes, but there are multiple and wide lost data intervals as you can see there:
I tried with the function na.interp from forecast package with a bad result (shown above):
sapply(dataframeTS[2:10], na.interp)
Im looking for a more useful method.
Here is more info about the pattern I want to capture, concretely the row data. This subsample belongs to May.
You might want to try the **imputeTS** package. It's an R package dedicated to time series missing value imputation.
The na_seadec(), na_seasplit(), na_kalman() methods might be interesting here
There are many more algorithm options - you can find a list in this Paper about the package.
In this specific case I would try:
Be aware, that it might be you need to give the seasonality information correctly with the time series. (you have to create a time series (ts object) and set the frequency parameter)
Still might be that it won't work out at all, you will have to try.
(if you can provide the data I'll also give it a try)

Applying univariate coxph function to multiple covariates (columns) at once

First, I gathered from this link Applying a function to multiple columns that using the "function" function would perhaps do what I'm looking for. However, I have not been able to make the leap from thinking about it in the way presented to making it actually work in my situation (or really even knowing where to start). I'm a beginner in R so I apologize in advance if this is a really "newb" question. My data is a data frame that consists of an event variable (tumor recurrence) and a time variable (followup time/time to recurrence) as well as recurrence risk factors (t-stage, tumor size,age at dx, etc.). Some risk factors are categorical and some are continuous. I have been running my univariate analysis by hand, one at a time like this example univariateageatdx<-coxph(survobj~agedx), and then collecting the data. This gets very tedious for multiple factors and doing it for a few different recurrence types. I figured there must be a way to code such that I could basically have one line of code that had the coxph equation and then applied it to all of my variables of interest and spit out a result that had the univariate analysis results for each factor. I tried using cbind to bind variables (i.e x<-cbind("agedx","tumor size") then running cox coxph(recurrencesurvobj~x) but this of course just did the multivariate analysis on these variables and didn't split them out as true univariate analyses.
I also tried the following code based on a similar problem that I found on a different site, but it gave the error shown and I don't know quite what to make of it. Is this on the right track?
f <- as.formula(paste('regionalsurvobj ~', paste(colnames(nodcistradmasvssubcutmasR)[6-9], collapse='+')))
I then ran it has coxph(f)
Gave me the results of a multivariate cox analysis.
**edit: I just fixed the error, I needed to use the column numbers I suppose not the names. Changes are reflected in the code above. However, it still runs the variables selected as a multivariate analysis and not as the true univariate analysis...
If you want to go the formula-route (which in your case with multiple outcomes and multiple variables might be the most practical way to go about it) you need to create a formula per model you want to fit. I've split the steps here a bit (making formulas, making models and extracting data), they can off course be combined this allows you to inspect all your models.
#example using transplant data from survival package
#make new event-variable: death or no death
#to have dichot outcome
transplant$death <- transplant$event=="death"
#making formulas
univ_formulas <- sapply(c("age","sex","abo"),function(x)as.formula(paste('Surv(futime,death)~',x))
#making a list of models
univ_models <- lapply(univ_formulas, function(x){coxph(x,data=transplant)})
#extract data (here I've gone for HR and confint)
univ_results <- lapply(univ_models,function(x){return(exp(cbind(coef(x),confint(x))))})

How to interpret the values in auto arima plot and store it in a dataframe

I want to use forecasting to my data and I have used the auto arima method and got graph.
The following is my code,
fit <- auto.arima(a)
LH.pred <- forecast(fit,h=30)
I want to interpret the graphs as values and store it in a data frame, so that I can make calculations based on the forecasting.
Can anybody let me know how to take the values from the graph and store it in a data frame?
Also when I used the auto arima method, the days just got converted to days count from 1-1-1970. I want to convert back to normal dates. Can anybody plese help in that too?
Taking the values from the graph is not really necessary. The graph consists of two parts. The first one is the time series 'a' used to build 'fit'. It is still stored in 'fit' as 'fit$x'. The second part is the forecast. You can take it from 'LH.pred' using ''.

function for removing nonsignificant variables at one step in R

I am trying to automate logistic regression in R.
Basically, my source code will generate a new equation everyday as the input data is updated,
(Variables, data format etc are same) and print out te significant variables with corresponding coefficients.
When I use step function, sometimes the resulting coefficients are not significant. Therefore, I want to update my set of coefficients and get rid of all the ones that are not significant enough.
Is there a function or automated way of doing it?
If not, the only way I can think of is writing a script on another language that takes the coefficients and corresponding P value and checking significance, and rerunning R accordingly. But even for that, do you know how can I get only P values and coefficients of variables. I can either print whole summary of regression result with "summary" function. I can't reach only P values.
Thank you very much
It's a bit hard for me without sample code and data, but you can subset based on variable values like this,
newdata <- data[ which(data$p.value < 0.5), ]
You can inspect your R object using str, see ?str to figure out how to select whatever you want to use in your subset $p.value or $residuals.
If this doesn't answer your question try submitting some sample code and data.
