Clang + AVR Compilation error: '=w' in asm - arduino

I got this error below and I can not find a solution. Does anybody know how
to fix this error?
rafael#ubuntu:~/avr/projeto$ clang -fsyntax-only -Os -I /usr/lib/avr/include -D__AVR_ATmega328P__ -DARDUINO=100 -Wno-ignored-attributes -Wno-attributes serial_tree.c
In file included from serial_tree.c:3:
In file included from /usr/lib/avr/include/util/delay.h:43:
/usr/lib/avr/include/util/delay_basic.h:108:5: error: invalid output
'=w' in asm
: "=w" (__count)
1 error generated.

util/delay.h is a Header from avr-libc, and the feature which you are using (some of the delay stuff) is using inline asm to implement it. avr-libc is written to be used with avr-gcc and uses features from avr-gcc like machine dependent constrains in inline asm. llvm does not recognize constraint "w", thus you have to use a different approach like using avr-gcc or porting that code to llvm.
avr-gcc also implements built-in function __builtin_avr_delay_cycles to implement wasting a specified number of clock cycles. If llvm is properly mimicking avr-gcc, then you can use that function as a starting point.


Frama-C aborted Invalid user input

I am very new to Frama-c and I got an issue when I am trying to open a C source file.
The error shows as
"fatal error: event.h: No such file or directory. Compilation terminated".
[kernel] Parsing FRAMAC_SHARE/libc/__fc_builtin_for_normalization.i (no preprocessing)
[kernel] Parsing WorkSpace/bipbuffer.c (with preprocessing)
[kernel] user error: failed to run: gcc -E -C -I. -dD -D__FRAMAC__ -nostdinc -D__FC_MACHDEP_X86_32 -I/usr/share/frama-c/libc -o '/tmp/bipbuffer.ce6d077.i' '/home/xxx/WorkSpace/bipbuffer.c' you may set the CPP environment variable to select the proper preprocessor command or use the option "-cpp-command".
[kernel] user error: stopping on file "/home/xxx/WorkSpace/bipbuffer.c" that has errors. Add'-kernel-msg-key pp' for preprocessing command.
So bascially I am trying to open a C source file but it returns an error like this. I aslo tried other very simple C files like hello world and other slicing functions, it works well.
I thought it was because I didn't have the dependencies of 'event.h' but it still return these errors after I installed the libevent dependencies. I am not sure if I need to manually set some path of the dependencies for frama-c
Here is part of the C file (Source link: that I would like to open:
#include "stdio.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
/* for memcpy */
#include <string.h>
#include "bipbuffer.h"
static size_t bipbuf_sizeof(const unsigned int size)
return sizeof(bipbuf_t) + size;
int bipbuf_unused(const bipbuf_t* me)
if (1 == me->b_inuse)
/* distance between region B and region A */
return me->a_start - me->b_end;
return me->size - me->a_end;
Compilers and other tools working with C source code need to know where to find header files. There are some standard places where they look automatically, but Frama-C has fewer of those than (and different ones from) a normal compiler.
You need to find out where event.h is installed, then pass something like -cpp-extra-args "-I /path/to/directory/" to Frama-C. Pass the directory name only, not including the name event.h itself.
In addition to Isabelle Newbie's answer, I'd like to point out that the Chlorine version of Frama-C, whose beta has been recently announced, features a new option -json-compilation-database that attempts to read the arguments to be passed to the pre-processor from a compilation database.
Such database can be generated directly by cmake, but there are solutions for make-based project such as the one you refer to, in particular bear, which intercepts the commands launched by make to build the database.
Here's a detailed summary of how you could proceed, using the new -json-compilation-database option from Frama-C 17 Chlorine, plus an extra script (which is not in the beta, but will be available in the final 17 release, and can be downloaded here):
Get the source files you want to analyze with Frama-C, run ./configure, and if possible try to disable optional dependencies from external libraries; for instance, some code bases include optional dependencies based on availability of libraries/system features, but have fallback options (resorting to standard C library or POSIX functions). The more you give Frama-C, the better the chances of analyzing it well, so if such external libraries are not essential, excluding them might help get a more "POSIXy" code, which should help. This is typically visible in config.h files, in macros commonly named HAVE_*.
Compile and install Build EAR or some equivalent tool to obtain a compile_commands.json file.
Run bear make (or cmake with flag CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS) to get the compile_commands.json file.
Run the aforementioned in the directory containing compile_commands.json to obtain the list of C sources used during compilation.
Run Frama-C (17 Chlorine or newer), giving it the list of sources found in the previous step, plus option -json-compilation-database . to parse the compile_commands.json and, hopefully, get the appropriate preprocessing flags.
Ideally, this should suffice, but in practice, this is rarely enough. In particular due to the presence of external libraries and non-C99, non-POSIX functions, the following steps are always needed.
6. Inclusion of external libraries
At this step, Frama-C will complain about the lack of event.h. You'll have to include the headers of this library yourself. Note: copying headers directly from your /usr/include is not likely to work, due to several architecture-specific definitions, especially files such as bits/*.h..
Instead, consider downloading the external libraries and preparing them (e.g. running ./configure at least). Then manually add the extra include directory via -cpp-extra-args="-I <path/to/your/sources/for/libevent.h>/include".
7. Inclusion of missing non-POSIX headers
Some other headers may be missing, in particular GNU- or BSD-specific sources (e.g. sysexits.h). Get these headers and add them when necessary. The error message in this case comes from the preprocessor (gcc) and is similar to this:
memcached.c:51:10: fatal error: sysexits.h: No such file or directory
#include <sysexits.h>
compilation terminated.
8. Definition of missing non-POSIX types and constants
At this point, all necessary headers should be available, but parsing with Frama-C may still fail. This is due to usage of non-POSIX type definitions (e.g. caddr_t, struct ling), non-POSIX constants (e.g. MAXPATHLEN, SOCK_NONBLOCK, NI_MAXSERV). Error messages typically resemble the following:
[kernel] memcached.c:3261: Failure: Cannot resolve variable MAXPATHLEN
Constants are often easy to provide manually, by grepping what's available in your /usr/include.
Type definitions, on the other hand, may require some copy-pasting at the right places, especially if they depend on other types which are also missing. This step is hardly automatizable, but relatively straightforward once you get used to some specific error messages.
For instance, the following error message is related to a missing type definition (caddr_t):
[kernel] Parsing memcached.c (with preprocessing)
[kernel] memcached.c:1074:
syntax error:
Location: line 1074, between columns 38 and 47, before or at token: c
1072 *hdr++ = 0;
1073 *hdr++ = 0;
1074 assert((void *) hdr == (caddr_t)c->msglist[i].msg_iov[0].iov_base + UDP_HEADER_SIZE);
1075 }
Note that the token just before c is (caddr_t), which has never been defined (it is often defined as either void * or char *).
The following error message is related to an incomplete type, i.e., a struct used somewhere but never defined:
[kernel] memcached.c:5811: User Error:
variable `ling' has initializer but incomplete type
It means that variable ling's type, which is struct linger (non-POSIX), has never been defined. In this case, we can copy it from our /usr/include/bits/socket.h:
struct linger
int l_onoff; /* Nonzero to linger on close. */
int l_linger; /* Time to linger. */
Note: if there are POSIX constants/definitions missing from Frama-C's libc, consider notifying its developers, or proposing pull requests in Frama-C's Github.
9. Fixing incompatible and missing function prototypes
Parsing is likely to succeed after the previous step, but it may still fail due to incompatible function prototypes. For instance, you may get:
[kernel] User Error: Incompatible declaration for usleep:
different integer types int and unsigned int
First declaration was at assoc.c:238
Current declaration is at items.c:1573
This is the consequence of a warning emitted earlier:
[kernel:typing:implicit-function-declaration] slabs.c:1150: Warning:
Calling undeclared function usleep. Old style K&R code?
It means that function usleep is called, but it does not have a prototype, therefore Frama-C uses the pre-C99 convention of "implicit int": it generates such a prototype, but later in the code, an actual declaration of usleep is found, and its type is not int. Hence the error.
To prevent this, you need to ensure usleep's prototype is properly included. Since it is not POSIX.1-2008, you need to either define/undefine the appropriate macros (see unistd.h), or add your own prototype.
At the end, this should allow Frama-C to parse the files and build an AST.
However, there are several missing prototypes yet; we were just lucky that none conflicted with actual declarations. Ideally, you'll consider the parsing stage done when there are no more messages such as implicit-function-declaration and similar warnings.
Some of the missing prototypes in memcached, such as getsubopt, are POSIX and should be integrated into Frama-C's standard library. Others might make part of a small library of non-standard stubs, to be reused for other software.
Contributing with results for future reuse
Successful conclusion of the parsing stage for such open source libraries is enough to consider them for integration into this repository of open source case studies, so that future users can start their analyses without having to redo all of these steps. (The repository is oriented towards Eva, but not exclusively: parsing is useful for all of Frama-C plug-ins.)

Need to customize the linker in CodeBlocks

I am using CodeBlocks to compile Arduino projects. The default linker command is the following:
$avr-gcc -o bin/Release/test2.elf .objs/cores/CDC.o .objs/cores/HardwareSerial.o .objs/cores/HID.o .objs/cores/IPAddress.o .objs/cores/main.o .objs/cores/new.o .objs/cores/Print.o .objs/cores/Stream.o .objs/cores/Tone.o .objs/cores/USBCore.o .objs/cores/WInterrupts.o .objs/cores/wiring.o .objs/cores/wiring_analog.o .objs/cores/wiring_digital.o .objs/cores/wiring_pulse.o .objs/cores/wiring_shift.o .objs/cores/WMath.o .objs/cores/WString.o .objs/libraries/libraries.o .objs/test2.o -Wl,--gc-sections -Os -mmcu=attiny84 -lc -lm
The Arduino IDE uses a different approach. It uses avr-ar to create a single library and then performs a link on it:
/usr/bin/avr-ar rcs build-attiny84at1/libcore.a build-attiny84at1/WInterrupts.o build-attiny84at1/wiring_analog.o build-attiny84at1/wiring.o build-attiny84at1/wiring_digital.o build-attiny84at1/wiring_pulse.o build-attiny84at1/wiring_shift.o build-attiny84at1/CDC.o build-attiny84at1/HardwareSerial.o build-attiny84at1/HID.o build-attiny84at1/IPAddress.o build-attiny84at1/main.o build-attiny84at1/new.o build-attiny84at1/Print.o build-attiny84at1/Stream.o build-attiny84at1/Tone.o build-attiny84at1/USBCore.o build-attiny84at1/WMath.o build-attiny84at1/WString.o
/usr/bin/avr-gcc -mmcu=attiny84 -Wl,--gc-sections -Os -o build-attiny84at1/test.elf build-attiny84at1/sketch.o build-attiny84at1/test.o build-attiny84at1/libcore.a -lc -lm
My problem is the CodeBlocks link statement results in code that is substantially larger. The only difference I can see between the two is that the Arduino way creates a single library first. When I compared the disassembly (.lss file) of the two, the Arduino one had a nice tight file with the source code interspersed. In contrast, the CodeBlocks one had a lot of mystery code, and there were none of my source code statements.
Is there a way to get CodeBlocks to create a library via avr-ar first, and then link with that? That seems to be my problem, or am I missing something?

blackfin gcc-toolchain linking error math function like atan2 :undefined reference to ... within watan2.o

I've a problem with the classic math function linking of my bare metal program with blackfin tool chain linker. I tried many things but I cannot see why the libm.a does't provide the definitions for the function it use. Do I need to add an extra library? if yes which one?
I've put my linker verbose lign with linked libraries and the example linking error I got.
bfin-elf-ld -v -o test_ad1836_driver -T --just-symbol ../../icc_core/icc queue.o ezkit_561.o heap_2.o port.o tasks.o test_ad1836_driver.o list.o croutine.o user_isr.o bfin_isr.o app_c.o context_sl_asm.o cycle_count.o CFFT_Rad4_NS_NBRev.o fir_decima.o fir_decima_spl.o math_tools.o -Ttext 0x3c00000 -L /opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bfin-elf/lib -lbffastfp -lbfdsp -lg -lc -lm
argv[0] = 'bfin-elf-ld'
bindir = '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/'
tooldir = '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/../bfin-elf/bin/'
linker = '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/../bfin-elf/bin/ld.real'
elf2flt = '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/../bfin-elf/bin/elf2flt'
nm = '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/../bfin-elf/bin/nm'
objdump = '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/bfin-elf-objdump'
objcopy = '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/bfin-elf-objcopy'
ldscriptpath = '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/../bfin-elf/bin/../lib'
Invoking: '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/../bfin-elf/bin/ld.real' '-v' '-o' 'test_ad1836_driver' '-T' '' '--just-symbol' '../../icc_core/icc' 'queue.o' 'ezkit_561.o' 'heap_2.o' 'port.o' 'tasks.o' 'test_ad1836_driver.o' 'list.o' 'croutine.o' 'user_isr.o' 'bfin_isr.o' 'app_c.o' 'context_sl_asm.o' 'cycle_count.o' 'CFFT_Rad4_NS_NBRev.o' 'fir_decima.o' 'fir_decima_spl.o' 'math_tools.o' '-Ttext' '0x3c00000' '-L' '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bfin-elf/lib' '-lbffastfp' '-lbfdsp' '-lg' '-lc' '-lm' ''
GNU ld version 2.17
/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bfin-elf/lib/libm.a(w_atan2.o): In function `atan2':
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/blackfin-toolchain-2010R1/gcc-4.3/newlib/libm/math/w_atan2.c:96: undefined reference to `__eqdf2'
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/blackfin-toolchain-2010R1/gcc-4.3/newlib/libm/math/w_atan2.c:96: relocation truncated to fit: R_BFIN_PCREL24 against undefined symbol `__eqdf2'
/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bfin-elf/lib/libm.a(e_sqrt.o): In function `_ieee754_sqrt':
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/blackfin-toolchain-2010R1/gcc-4.3/newlib/libm/math/e_sqrt.c:110: undefined reference to `__muldf3'
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/blackfin-toolchain-2010R1/gcc-4.3/newlib/libm/math/e_sqrt.c:110: undefined reference to `__adddf3'
/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bfin-elf/lib/libm.a(s_atan.o): In function `atan':
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/blackfin-toolchain-2010R1/gcc-4.3/newlib/libm/math/s_atan.c:169: undefined reference to `__muldf3'
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/blackfin-toolchain-2010R1/gcc-4.3/newlib/libm/math/s_atan.c:170: undefined reference to `__muldf3'
/usr/src/packages/BUILD/blackfin-toolchain-2010R1/gcc-4.3/newlib/libm/math/s_atan.c:172: undefined reference to `__muldf3'
Add -lgcc. You need the functions to compare, add and multiply C double type values, respectively, __eqdf2, __adddf3 and __muldf3.
Usually, I'd recommend using the compiler driver (gcc) instead of linking directly with ld, even for firmware/kernel type outputs, because the former will take care of the necessary startup files and compiler runtime libraries.
Hi I think I know the problem, blackfin is not really compatible with the maths std lib. It is why in the VDSP version the maths functions are re implemented. To solve my problem, I did convert the VDSP maths lib to gcc and it compile fine now.
Actually I found a better answer,
blackfin does in fact support std math. I just had some library flag in the wrong order.
For the linker, use the following lib flag order and it should work:
/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bin/../bfin-elf/bin/ld.real' '-v' '-o' .... '-L' '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/lib/gcc/bfin-elf/4.3.5/' '-lgcc' '-L' '/opt/uClinux/bfin-elf/bfin-elf/lib' '-lbfdsp' '-lg' '-lm' '-lbffastfp' '-lc'

CMake, Qt, gcc and precompiled headers

I'm (once again) struggling with the creation of precompiled headers in conjunction with gcc and Qt on the Apple platform.
When now creating my precompiled header I use a code section (based on good old "PCHSupport_26.cmake") to extract the compile flags as follows:
SET(_args ${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${${_flags_var_name}})
LIST(APPEND _args "-I${_item}")
LIST(APPEND defines ${_defines_global})
STRING(TOUPPER "COMPILE_DEFINITIONS_${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}" _defines_for_build_name) GET_DIRECTORY_PROPERTY(defines_build ${_defines_for_build_name})
LIST(APPEND _defines ${_defines_build})
FOREACH(_item ${_defines})
LIST(APPEND _args "-D${_item}")
ENDFOREACH(_item ${_defines})
Unfortunately the above compiler flags miss two important parameter that CMake does generate when using the build-in compiler rules:
and when compiling with the generated precompiled header, I get errors as follows:
file.h: not used because QT_DEBUG is defined.
I would need your help with the following:
Is the above way to retrieve the compiler flags correct ?
Is there a better, easier, simpler way to do this ?
If you are using XCode simply:
I'm trying myself to use precompiled headers with raw gcc on linux through CMake but I haven't still figured it out. It look like it's working but I don't see any speed improvements.
I managed to use pch in gcc finally with the macro you can find here:

how to compile MPI and non-MPI version of the same program with automake?

I have a C++ code that can be compiled with MPI support depending on a
certain preprocessor flag; missing the appropriate flag, the sources
compile to a non-parallel version.
I would like to setup the so that it compiles both the
MPI-parallel and the sequential version, if an option to
./configure is given.
Here's the catch: MPI has its own C++ compiler wrapper, and insists
that sources are compiled and linked using it rather than the standard
C++ compiler. If I were to write the Makefile myself, I would have to
do something like this:
myprog.seq: myprog.cxx
$(CXX) ... myprog.cxx
myprog.mpi: myprog.cxx
$(MPICXX) -DWITH_MPI ... myprog.cxx
Is there a way to tell automake that it has to use $(MPICXX) instead
of $(CXX) when compiling the MPI-enabled version of the program?
I have the same problem, and I've found that there's no really good way to get autotools to conditionally use MPI compilers for particular targets. Autotools is good at figuring out which compiler to use based on what language your source is written in (CC, CXX, FC, F77, etc.), but it really isn't good at figuring out whether or not to use MPI compiler for a particular target. You can set MPICC, MPICXX, etc., but you essentially have to rewrite all your Makefile rules for your target (as you've done above) if you use the compiler this way. If you do that, what's the point of writing an automake file?
Someone else suggested using MPI like an external library, and this is the approach I'd advocate, but you shouldn't do it by hand, because different MPI installations have different sets of flags they pass to the compiler, and they can depend on the language you're compiling.
The good thing is that all the currently shipping MPI compilers that I know of support introspection arguments, like -show, -show-compile or -show-link. You can automatically extract the arguments from the scripts.
So, what I did to deal with this was to make an m4 script that extracts the defines, includes, library paths, libs, and linker flags from the MPI compilers, then assigns them to variables you can use in your Here's the script:
This makes MPI work the way automake expects it to. Incidentally, this is the approach CMake uses in their FindMPI module, and I find it works quite well there. It makes the build much more convenient because you can just do something like this for your targets:
bin_PROGRAMS = mpi_exe seq_exe
# This is all you need for a sequential program
seq_exe_SOURCES = seq_exe.C
# For an MPI program you need special LDFLAGS and INCLUDES
mpi_exe_SOURCES = mpi_exe.C
There are similar flags for the other languages since, like I said, the particular flags and libraries can vary depending on which language's MPI compiler you use.
lx_find_mpi.m4 also sets some shell variables so that you can test in your file whether MPI was found. e.g., if you are looking for MPI C++ support, you can test $have_CXX_mpi to see if the macro found it.
I've tested this macro with mvapich and OpenMPI, as well as the custom MPICH2 implementation on BlueGene machines (though it does not address all the cross-compiling issues you'll see there). Let me know if something doesn't work. I'd like to keep the macro as robust as possible.
I am sorry that having automake use MPI is so difficult. I have been struggling with this for many months trying to find a good solution. I have a source tree that have one library and then many programs in sub-folders that use the library. Some of the folders are mpi programs, but when I try to replace CXX with the MPI compiler using in
I get
CXX was already defined in condition TRUE, which includes condition USE_MPI ... ... `CXX' previously defined here
I don't have a rule that specifies the compiler, so maybe there is a way to do that.
bin_PROGRAMS = check.cmr
check_ccmr_SOURCES = check_gen.cpp
check_ccmr_LDADD = -L$(LIBDIR)
check_ccmr_LDFLAGS = $(MPILIB)
If you have disabled the subdir-objects option to automake, something like this might work:
AC_ARG_ENABLE([seq], ...)
AC_ARG_ENABLE([mpi], ...)
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_SEQ], [test $enable_seq = yes])
AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_MPI], [test $enable_mpi = yes])
AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile seq/Makefile mpi/Makefile])
SUBDIRS += seq
SUBDIRS += mpi
ALL_SOURCES = src/foo.c src/ src/baz.cpp
include $(top_srcdir)/
bin_PROGRAMS = seq
include $(top_srcdir)/
bin_PROGRAMS = mpi
The only thing stopping you from doing both of these in the same directory is the override of $(CXX). You could, for instance, set mpi_CPPFLAGS and automake would handle that gracefully, but the compiler switch makes it a no-go here.
A possible workaround for not using different sources could be:
myprog.seq: myprog.cxx
$(CXX) ... myprog.cxx
myprog-mpi.cxx: myprog.cxx
#cp myprog.cxx myprog-mpi.cxx
myprog.mpi: myprog-mpi.cxx
$(MPICXX) -DWITH_MPI ... myprog-mpi.cxx
#rm -f myprog-mpi.cxx
for Automake:
myprog-bin_PROGRAMS = myprog-seq myprog-mpi
myprog_seq_SOURCES = myprog.c
myprog-mpi.c: myprog.c
#cp myprog.c myprog-mpi.c
myprog_mpi_SOURCES = myprog-mpi.c
BUILT_SOURCES = myprog-mpi.c
CLEANFILES = myprog-mpi.c
Here is the solution that I came up with for building a two static libraries - one with MPI (libmylib_mpi.a) and one without (libmylib.a). The advantage of this method is that there is no need for duplicate source files, a single for both variants, and capability to use subdirs. You should be able to modify this as needed to produce a binary instead of a library. I build the non-MPI library as normal, then for the MPI variant, I leave _SOURCES empty and use _LIBADD instead, specifying an extension of .mpi.o for the object files. I then specify a rule to generate the MPI object files using the MPI compiler.
Overall file / directory structure is something like
# test for MPI, define MPICXX, etc. variables, and define HAVE_MPI as a condition that will evaluate to true if MPI is available and false otherwise.
AX_MPI([AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_MPI], [test "1" = "1"])],[AM_CONDITIONAL([HAVE_MPI], [test "1" = "2"])]) #MPI optional for xio
There is probably a more efficient way to do the conditional check than I have listed here (I'm welcome to suggestions).
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects
lib_LIBRARIES = libmylib.a
libmylib_a_SOURCES = src/mylib_1.cpp src/mylib_2.cpp ...
#conditionally generate libmylib_mpi.a if MPI is available
lib_LIBRARIES += libmylib_mpi.a
libmylib_mpi_a_SOURCES = #no sources listed here
#use LIBADD to specify objects to add - use the basic filename with a .mpi.o extension
libmylib_mpi_a_LIBADD = src/mylib_1.mpi.o src/mylib_2.mpi.o ...
AM_CPPFLAGS = -I${srcdir}/include
include_HEADERS = include/mylib.h
# define a rule to compile the .mpi.o objects from the .cpp files with the same name
src/%.mpi.o: ${srcdir}/src/%.cpp ${srcdir}/include/mylib.h
$(MPICXX) $(DEFS) $(DEFAULT_INCLUDES) $(INCLUDES) $(AM_CPPFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(AM_CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -DWITH_MPI=1 -c $(patsubst %.mpi.o,$(srcdir)/%.cpp,$#) -o $#
#define a rule to clean the .mpi.o files
-rm -f src/*.mpi.o
MPI installations do (usually) ship with compiler wrappers, but there is no requirement that you use them -- MPI does not insist on it. If you want to go your own way you can write your own makefile to ensure that the C++ compiler gets the right libraries (etc). To figure out what the right libraries (etc) are, inspect the compiler wrapper which is, on all the systems I've used, a shell script.
At first sight the compiler wrappers which ship with products such as the Intel compilers are a little daunting but stop and think about what is going on -- you are simply compiling a program which makes use of an external library or two. Writing a makefile to use the MPI libraries is no more difficult than writing a makefile to use any other library.
