Interactive Data Language - Array manipulation - idl-programming-language

I have two arrays of the same length in IDL. I want to combine the two arrays pairwise so that I can then print the two arrays as columns to file. Is this possible?

You can combine two arrays (with same length n) like this :
combined = [[array1], [array2]]
so that combined is n x 2.
Although you can write your data without creating a third array:
openw, lun, 'path_to_file.ext', /get_lun
foreach elem, array1, index do begin
printf, lun, elem, array2[index]
free_lun, lun


Julia: Apply 1 dimensional Julia function to multi-dimensional array

I'm a "write Fortran in all languages" kind of person trying to learn modern programming practices. I have a one dimensional function ft(lx)=HT(x,f(x),lx), where x, and f(x) are one dimensional arrays of size nx, and lx is the size of output array ft. I want to apply HT on a multidimensional array f(x,y,z).
Basically I want to apply HT on all three dimensions to go from f(x,y,z) defined on (nx,ny,nz) dimensional grid, to ft(lx,ly,lz) defined on (lx,ly,lz) dimensional grid:
ft(lx,y,z) = HT(x,f(x,y,z) ,lx)
ft(lx,ly,z) = HT(y,ft(lx,y,z) ,ly)
ft(lx,ly,lz) = HT(z,ft(lx,ly,z),lz)
In f95 style I would tend to write something like:
for k=1:nz
for j=1:ny
for k=1:nz
for i=1:lx
for j=1:ly
for i=1:lx
I know idiomatic Julia would require using something like mapslices. I was not able to understand how to go about doing this from the mapslices documentation.
So my question is: what would be the idiomatic Julia code, along with proper type declarations, equivalent to the Fortran style version?
A follow up sub-question would be: Is it possible to write a function
FT = HTnD((Tuple of x,y,z etc.),f(x,y,z), (Tuple of lx,ly,lz etc.))
that works with arbitrary dimensions? I.e. it would automatically adjust computation for 1,2,3 dimensions based on the sizes of input tuples and function?
I have a piece of code here which is fairly close to what you want. The key tool is Base.Cartesian.#nexprs which you can read up on in the linked documentation.
The three essential lines in my code are Lines 30 to 32. Here is a verbal description of what they do.
Line 30: reshape an n1 x n2 x ... nN-sized array C_{k-1} into an n1 x prod(n2,...,nN) matrix tmp_k.
Line 31: Apply the function B[k] to each column of tmp_k. In my code, there are some indirections here since I want to allow for B[k] to be a matrix or a function, but the basic idea is as described above. This is the part where you would want to bring in your HT function.
Line 32: Reshape tmp_k back into an N-dimensional array and circularly permute the dimensions such that the second dimension of tmp_k ends up as the first dimension of C_k. This makes sure that the next iteration of the "loop" implied by #nexprs operates on the second dimension of the original array, and so on.
As you can see, my code avoids forming slices along arbitrary dimensions by permuting such that we only ever need to slice along the first dimension. This makes programming much easier, and it can also have some performance benefits. For example, computing the matrix-vector products B * C[i1,:,i3] for all i1,i3can be done easily and very efficiently by moving the second dimension of C into the first position of tmp and using gemm to compute B * tmp. Doing the same efficiently without the permutation would be much harder.
Following #gTcV's code, your function would look like:
using Base.Cartesian
ht(x,F,d) = mapslices(f -> HT(x, f, d), F, dims = 1)
#generated function HTnD(
) where {N}
F_0 = F
Base.Cartesian.#nexprs $N k->begin
tmp_k = reshape(F_{k-1},(size(F_{k-1},1),prod(Base.tail(size(F_{k-1})))))
tmp_k = ht(xx[k], tmp_k, newdims[k])
F_k = Array(reshape(permutedims(tmp_k),(Base.tail(size(F_{k-1}))...,size(tmp_k,1))))
return $(Symbol("F_",N))
A simpler version, which shows the usage of mapslices would look like this
function simpleHTnD(
) where {N}
for k = 1:N
F = mapslices(f -> HT(xx[k], f, newdims[k]), F, dims = k)
return F
you could even use foldl if you are a friend of one-liners ;-)
fold_HTnD(xx, F, newdims) = foldl((F, k) -> mapslices(f -> HT(xx[k], f, newdims[k]), F, dims = k), 1:length(xx), init = F)

Iterate through all possibilities in Julia

If I want to do something on each pair of letters, it could look like this in Julia:
for l1 in 'a':'z'
for l2 in 'a':'z'
w = l1*l2
# ... do something with w ...
I want to generalise this to words of any length, given a value n specifying the number of letters desired. How do I best do this in Julia?
You can use:
for ls in Iterators.product(fill('a':'z', n)...))
w = join(ls)
# ... do something with w ...
In particular if you wanted to collect them in an array you could write:
join.(Iterators.product(fill('a':'z', n)...))
or flatten it to a vector
vec(join.(Iterators.product(fill('a':'z', n)...)))
Note, however, that in most cases this will not be needed and for larger n it is better not to materialize the output but just iterate over it as suggested above.

Elixir loop over a matrix

I have a list of elements and I am converting it into a list of lists using the Enum.chunk_every method.
The code is something like this:
matrix = Enum.chunk_every(list_1d, num_cols)
Now I want to loop over the matrix and access the neighbors
Simply if I have the list [1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3] it is converted to a 3X3 matrix like:
[[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [1,2,3]]
Now how do I loop over this matrix? And what if I want to access the neighbors of the elements? For example the neighbors of 5 are 2,4,6 and 2.
I can see that recursion is a way to go but how will that work here?
There are many ways to solve this, and I think that you should consider first what is your use case (size of the matrix, number of matrices, number of accesses...) and adapt your data structure accordingly.
Nevertheless, here is a simple implementation (in Erlang shell, I let you adapt to elixir):
1> L = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [1,2,3]].
2> Get = fun(I,J,L) ->
V = lists:nth(I,lists:nth(J,L)),
_:_ -> {error,out_of_bound}
3> Get(1,2,L).
4> Get(2,3,L).
5> Get(2,4,L).
6> Neighbor = fun(I,J,L) ->
[ V || {I1,J1} <- [{I,J-1},{I-1,J},{I+1,J},{I,J+1}],
{ok,V} <- [Get(I1,J1,L)]
7> Neighbor(2,2,L).
8> Neighbor(1,2,L).
Remark: I like list comprehension, you may prefer to use lists:map in this case. This code is not efficient since it parses 4 time the list to get the neighbors. The only advantage is that it is "straight". so it should be easy to read.

Applying a function to the edges of a multidimensional array in R

How best can I apply a function to the edges of a multidimensional array in R, without hard-coding the number of dimensions in advance. In a two dimensional array, I could, for instance:
myarray[1,] = f(myarray[1,])
myarray[M,] = f(myarray[M,])
myarray[,1] = f(myarray[,1])
myarray[,N] = f(myarray[,N])
But what if I want to have a function do this for an array of any dimension? In particular, how can I handle the indexing in a relatively painless way? (Assume that have multiple applications of the function taking place at corners is not a problem.)
If I flatten the array, I can do this, but I'd prefer a vectorized approach. Alternatively, I could just hard code this for arrays of every dimension up to, some dimension and fail on higher, but I'd prefer something prettier, if possible.
Here's a solution that should be able to handle an arbitrary number of dimensions. The basic idea is that
For each dimension, apply() is called with the function of choice
Each result of that function is turned into a list of length one
This should make apply() return a list of results for each dimension
The first and last list items for each dimension are stored in the results vector
This would be very time consuming for arrays with large dimensions and/or time consuming functions of choice, since the function is applied to a potentially large number of values that are not used. But it should allow for arbitrary functions and arbitrary results of those functions. Here it goes:
## Set up array
## Determine number of dimensions in array
## Set up results vector (a list)
## Iterating over the number of dimensions, apply a function
for(ii in seq_len(ndim)){
## Store first and last results in myAns vector
## If result is length 1, only store the single result
} else {
Did you have something like this in mind?
> ary <- array(1:27, c(3,3,3))
> apply(ary, MARGIN = 3, function(x) {
+ lastColMean <- mean(x[, ncol(x)])
+ lastRowMean <- mean(x[nrow(x), ])
+ data.frame(lastColMean, lastRowMean)
+ })
lastColMean lastRowMean
1 8 6
lastColMean lastRowMean
1 17 15
lastColMean lastRowMean
1 26 24

Creating a vector in MATLAB with a pattern

How do I create a vector like this:
a = [a_1;a_2;...,a_n];
aNew = [a;a.^2;a.^3;...;a.^T].
Is it possible to create aNew without a loop?
So you want different powers of a, all strung out into a vector? I would create an array, where each column of the array is a different power of a. Then string it out into a vector. Something like this...
aNew = bsxfun(#power,a,1:T);
aNew = aNew(:);
This does what you want, in a simple, efficient way. bsxfun is a more efficient way of writing the expansion than are other methods, such as repmat, ndgrid and meshgrid.
The code I wrote does assume that a is a column vector, as you have constructed it.
The idea is to use meshgrid to create two arrays of size n x T:
[n_mesh, t_mesh] = meshgrid(a, 1:T);
Now n_mesh is an array where each row is a duplicate of a, and t_mesh is an array where each column is 1:T.
Now you can use an element-wise operation on them to create what you need:
aNew = n_mesh .^ t_mesh;
