Only tracking code in index page? - google-analytics

I'm using Google Analytics for the first time. I have been waching some videos about how to set up Google Analytics for a website. I'm a little bit confused. In the videos they paste the tracking code only once like in the index.php. Is this really enough? Can Google Analytics track all the activities on all other pages in my website? I thought there should be a unique tracking code for each page on the website or am I thinking wrong here!? Preciate some explanation. Thanks!

Basicaly it is enough. You have to put google analytics code to all pages you want to track. You can do it by putting it into for example index.php which is shared by each page. Google analytics will handle all the activities on all pages and you will see results in admin section (reports and other staff).


Getting [not set] in Google Analytics only in one view

Thanks in advance,
I'm trying to fix the not set value in the google analytics google ads report.
I followed some of the posts around the web and stack-overflow, but with no luck.
the funny thing is that the not set is only appearing in the Master-view in google analytics.
I have 3 views:
All website Data
in the All website data all is working great. Iv tried to see if some of the settings are not the same, but couldn't find the reason.
any Idea why this is happening
You have to set link from Google Ads to that view in Google Analytics Property settings (for your Ads Account ID listed).
In this moment only 'All website data' is linked.

How to add Google Analytics code to single page website

I have added Google Analytics code to many websites but this time I created a website with a single page. I would like to be able to track analytics for each part of the page, e.g. #bio, #testimonials, etc.
Can someone please help me with this? Thank you.

how to display traffic site in page with google analytics

i'm starter in google analytics, i create user for web site and get js code and past code in the all page in website. i want showing traffic webbsite in my site with google analytics data, example total visitor, today visitor, lastMonth visitor, last yearvisitor and ...,but I do not know how to implement it, please help me. thanks all Persian Link
EmbeddedAnalytics - No programming necessary. Simply define you chart and paste a snippet of code in your page where you want the chart to display.

Track a link on a page, but not a pageview in Google analytics

I have a several web pages with a graphic banner to be used in an iframe on affiliates website. But what is happening is that those iframe pages are bloating our pageviews in Google Analytics. I want to track the link of the banner, but not count the webpage as a page view.
I have a noindex and follow in the meta information, but I am taking that this is not enough because the pages are still being tracked as a pageviews.
Is there something that I am overlooking?
Any insight would be great!
Thanks in advance.
Are you embedding your GA tracking code in your iFrame? To begin with, I don't think you want to do this. But if you want to track the number of clicks, and do this within Google Analytics, I presume you would have to make your link a Redirect and then create a custom event in the redirect.

google analytics tracking in iframe feeding to different partners

our partners sites leverages our iframes in their own websites. I was wondering if there is a way to track the analytics on the iframes.
The problem is, if we also utilize these iframes on our own website, how do i avoid duplicate tracking where a visit is counted on our domain's analytics and also counted again in iframes? is there a way to get around it?
Adding the Google Analytics code to the iframe should work just fine. The easiest way to avoid duplicate tracking is probably to add a query parameter like ?partner=foo to the URLs that your partners use. You can check for your own site's value and not run the Google Analytics code at all, and also pass the partner ID to Google so that you can break down the reports by partner.
Use ?utm_source=foo as the partner parameter, and Google Analytics will pick it up without you doing anything. Filter out your own impressions with
if ( location.href.indexOf("utm_source=mysite") < 0 )
// Google Analytics code here
or you can set up a filter on your Google Analytics profile to filter them out.
You can also add utm_nooverride=1 to your iframe source tag. This will make sure that the page that called your iframe on the 3rd party site will not get credit for the referral, but rather the initial source (AdWords campaign, search query, etc.).
<iframe src="mypage.html?utm_nooverride=1" width="1" height="1"></iframe>
