Adding QTreeView to QMainWidow - strange behavior - qt

Using the TreeModel from this tutorial:
this version works (shows the tree):
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow mainWin;
QFile file("default.txt");;
TreeModel model(file.readAll());
QTreeView *treeView = new QTreeView(mainWin.splitter);
return app.exec();
class MainWindow: public QMainWindow {
QSplitter* splitter;
MainWindow() : QMainWindow() {
splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, this);
and this one doesn't work:
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication app(argc, argv);
MainWindow mainWin;;
return app.exec();
class MainWindow: public QMainWindow {
QSplitter* splitter;
MainWindow() : QMainWindow() {
splitter = new QSplitter(Qt::Horizontal, this);
QFile file("default.txt");;
TreeModel model(file.readAll());
QTreeView *treeView = new QTreeView(splitter);
What happens here? Is there some API misuse / undefined behavior?

I assume that with "doesn't work" you mean that the tree view stays empty.
You create the TreeModel model on the stack. That means it will be destroyed at the end of the block. In the first case, that's not a problem, because main() won't be exited before the application quits (i.e. app.exec() returns).
In the second case it is a problem, as the model will be destroyed right away at the end of the MainWindow constructor, i.e. right away, before the window is even visible.
You must create the model either on the heap (don't forget about memory management then - pass the main window (this) as parent) or make it a member variable.


How to check if the application has been minimized

Whenever the application window is minimized or maximized i want to link that signal with a function.
This is the code.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication application(argc, argv);
Renderer w(model ); // This is QWidget;
QObject::connect(&w, &QWindow::windowStateChanged, [&](Qt::WindowState state) {
// how will i define the QObject::connect
return application.exec();
What would be the parameters for the QObject::connect function ?
You cannot use the connect function to connect to different slots based on the given value. You can however simply call the functions based on the value by checking the value in your lambda.
At least, you could if you had the signal. However, your connect suggests that w is - or inherits - a QWindow. You can obviously only connect to signals your class provides. As your Renderer is a QWidget, you have to check that class.
The documentation of QWidget tells us, that there is no windowStateChanged signal, but it states:
When the window state changes, the widget receives a changeEvent() of type QEvent::WindowStateChange.
So therefor we can create our own signal and connect to that. This can look similar to the following working example:
#ifndef RENDERER_H
#define RENDERER_H
#include <QWidget>
#include <QEvent>
class Renderer : public QWidget {
void stateChanged(bool isMaximized);
void changeEvent(QEvent *e)
if(e->type() == QEvent::WindowStateChange) {
emit stateChanged(windowState() & ~Qt::WindowMaximized);
#endif // RENDERER_H
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication application(argc, argv);
Renderer w; // This is QWidget;
QObject::connect(&w, &Renderer::stateChanged, [&](bool maximized) {
qDebug() << "Maximized?" << maximized;
return application.exec();
I was able to solve by using QApplication::focusWindow()
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication application(argc, argv);
Renderer w; // This is QWidget;
QObject::connect(QApplication::focusWindow(), &Renderer::stateChanged, [&](bool maximized) {
qDebug() << "Maximized?" << maximized;
return application.exec();

QWidget::show() with a set parent

Is it expected behaviour that QDialog::show() does not show the window if a parent has been set?
Background: I want to use QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName() to react to one of the dialogs signals, which means the parent-object needs to own it. Without the line marked as "This is the line in question" I get a runtime-message "QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_child_accepted()". But with the line, the child dialog no longer appears.
#include <QtCore/QDebug>
#include <QtWidgets/QApplication>
#include <QtWidgets/QDialog>
#include <QtWidgets/QPushButton>
#include <QtWidgets/QVBoxLayout>
class Parent : public QDialog
Parent(QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = Qt::WindowFlags())
: QDialog{parent, f}
b.setText(tr("Show child"));
connect(&b, &QPushButton::clicked, [&]() {;
c.setParent(this); // This is the line in question
private slots:
void on_child_accepted()
qDebug() << "I got called";
QPushButton b;
QDialog c;
QVBoxLayout l;
#include "main.moc"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Parent w;;
return a.exec();
This test fails on Qt 5.11 for Windows, from the MSYS2 64-bit build.
Any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
The dialog did actually appear, but not where you think it did: it is a non-window child widget of your window - it was transparent and yet it obscured most of the "Show Dialog" button, consuming all mouse events, and furthermore it was already shown since all children are shown when the parent is shown - so the button appeared to be non-functional for both of those reasons.
Setting a widget's parent clears its Qt::Window flag. Setting the dialog's background helps visualize the problem. Thus, you need to make the dialog a window after setting its parent.
The following reproduces your bug, and also demonstrates the fix.
#include <QtWidgets>
class Parent : public QDialog {
QVBoxLayout layout{this};
QDialog child;
QPushButton cShow{tr("Show child")}, cNonWindow{tr("Renew non-window child")},
cWindow{tr("Renew window child")};
Q_SLOT void on_child_accepted() {}
void reChild(bool makeWindow) {
new (&child) QDialog;
child.setStyleSheet("QWidget { background: blue }");
if (makeWindow) {
} else {
Q_ASSERT(!child.isWindow());; // The child gets shown when we're shown
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(this, &Parent::updateChild, Qt::QueuedConnection);
void updateChild() {
if (!child.isWindow()) child.move(50, cWindow.y() + cWindow.height() / 2);
this->update(); // Work around a refresh bug (affects OS X on 5.11 at least)
Parent(QWidget *parent = nullptr, Qt::WindowFlags f = {}) : QDialog{parent, f} {
connect(&cShow, &QPushButton::clicked, [&]() {; });
connect(&cNonWindow, &QPushButton::clicked, [&] { reChild(false); });
connect(&cWindow, &QPushButton::clicked, [&] { reChild(true); });
for (auto *w : {&cShow, &cNonWindow, &cWindow}) layout.addWidget(w);;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Parent w;;
return a.exec();
#include "main.moc"

Qml signal is not taking effect in C++

I've created a Qt Quick 2.5 app and connected signals and slots to my C++ module,
I only can send signals from C++ and activate QML slots, but I can't receive QML signals on Qt side.
Here is main.cpp:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
return app.exec();
here is my QML code which holds the signal:
MouseArea {
id: mainButtonMouseArea
objectName: "mainButtonMouseArea"
anchors.fill: parent
signal signalClicked()
onClicked: {
I always get the console message from QML when I click on the MouseArea.
Here is my c++ constructor:
AlfredApp::AlfredApp(QObject* viewRootObject, QObject* parent)
: QObject(parent), d(new Private)
d->viewRootObject = viewRootObject;
d->viewMainButton = viewRootObject->findChild<QObject*>("mainButton");
d->viewMainButtonIcon = viewRootObject->findChild<QObject*>("mainButtonIcon");
d->viewMainButtonMouseArea = viewRootObject->findChild<QObject*>("mainButtonMouseArea");
// Signals/Slots connection
connect(d->viewMainButtonMouseArea, SIGNAL(signalClicked()),
this, SLOT(mainButtonClicked()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(signalListening()),
d->viewMainButtonIcon, SLOT(listening()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(signalProcessing()),
d->viewMainButtonIcon, SLOT(processing()));
Here is my slot that never gets called:
void AlfredApp::mainButtonClicked()
qDebug() << "Main Button Clicked";
BTW, are there some qml code examples that have slots/function that respond normally to C++ signals
Just for testing, could you connect the signal and the slot in main.cpp?
Something like this:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
QObject *rootObj = engine.rootObjects().first();
QObject *item = rootObj->findChild<QObject*>("mainButtonMouseArea");
AlfredApp alfredapp(rootObj);
QObject::connect(item, SIGNAL(signalClicked()),
&alfredapp, SLOT(mainButtonClicked()));
return app.exec();
This should work. If not, try the idea suggested by #hyde.
Here you have the sample code.

QDialog exec() can not exit process

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QDialog dlg;
return a.exec();
That's all my code, but when I close the window, The process isn't exit, it seems that drop in the loop a.exec().
Generally speaking, calling any exec is a bad idea, other than QCoreApplication::exec() or QDrag::exec(). The presence of exec() and waitForXxx() methods is an enticing trap for the unwary. Those methods are "easy" to use, but that ease comes at a price of hard to track bugs. Don't use them.
You should simply show the dialog:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QMessageBox msg;
return a.exec();
If you wish to wait for the dialog to be accepted or rejected, you should use the dialog's clickedButton slot. QMessageBox has a long-standing bug that makes the accepted and rejected signals useless :(
#include <QtGui>
#include <QtWidgets>
#include <functional>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication app(argc, argv);
QMessageBox msg;
auto onClick = [&msg]() {
auto role = msg.buttonRole(msg.clickedButton());
if (role == QMessageBox::NoRole)
if (role == QMessageBox::YesRole) {
auto label = new QLabel("I'm running");
QObject::connect(&msg, &QMessageBox::buttonClicked, onClick);
QObject::connect(&msg, SIGNAL(buttonClicked(QAbstractButton*)),
new FunctorSlot{onClick, &msg}, SLOT(call()));
return app.exec();
#include "main.moc"
For Qt 4, you need the following helper:
// Qt 4 only
struct FunctorSlot : public QObject {
std::function<void()> callable;
template <typename Fun>
FunctorSlot(Fun && fun, QObject * parent = {}) :
QObject{parent}, callable{std::forward<Fun>(fun)} {}
Q_SLOT void call() {
Possible solution:
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QDialog dlg;
QTimer::singleShot( &dlg, 0, SLOT(exec()) );
return a.exec();
It will work well. First - application event loop will be started. Then dialog event loop will be executed. After closing of dialog, both dialog and application loop will be finished. Application loop will be terminated automatically (by default), when last window is closed.
But, as noted by #thuga - there are no reason to call exec(). It is enough to call show() method.

Qt Login Dialog Box before Main Window

How do I have the user first login before getting to the main window in my QT app? I'm new to QT and have looked through the documentation and have not found anything very helpful. Thank you.
I would make this in the following way. Let's assume, that my login dialog is a QDialog:
class Login : public QDialog
In my application, I create an instance of my Login dialog and if it is accepted, i.e. closed with OK button, I open my main window:
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QMainWindow mw;
Login login;
if (login.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) {;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;
LoginWindow l; // create login-widget
connect(&l, SIGNAL(loggedIn), &w, SLOT(show()); // connect to mainwindow show(); // show login-window instead of
// mainwindow at start
return a.exec();
You might want to :
1 - exec the loop only if the dialog is accepted, otherwise you application continues to run
2 - create the mainwindow only if accepted, cause it might be a heavy interface, which takes time to initialize
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
Dialog_Login dialog;
if(dialog.exec() == QDialog::Accepted){
MainWindow w;
return a.exec();
else return 0;
You need to create the QApplication instance in parrallel with the login dialog.
