How to prepare my data fo a factorial repeated measures analysis? - r

Currently, my dataframe is in wide-format and I want to do a factorial repeated measures analysis with two between subject factors (sex & org) and a within subject factor (tasktype). Below I've illustrated how my data looks with a sample (the actual dataset has a lot more variables). The variable starting with '1_' and '2_' belong to measurements during task 1 and task 2 respectively. this means that 1_FD_H_org and 2_FD_H_org are the same measurements but for tasks 1 and 2 respectively.
id sex org task1 task2 1_FD_H_org 1_FD_H_text 2_FD_H_org 2_FD_H_text 1_apv 2_apv
2 F T Correct 2 69.97 68.9 116.12 296.02 10 27
6 M T Correct 2 53.08 107.91 73.73 333.15 16 21
7 M T Correct 2 13.82 30.9 31.8 78.07 4 9
8 M T Correct 2 42.96 50.01 88.81 302.07 4 24
9 F H Correct 3 60.35 102.9 39.81 96.6 15 10
10 F T Incorrect 3 78.61 80.42 55.16 117.57 20 17
I want to analyze whether there is a difference between the two tasks on e.g. FD_H_org for the different groups/conditions (sex & org).
How do I reshape my data so I can analyze it with a model like this?
ezANOVA(data=df, dv=.(FD_H_org), wid=.(id), between=.(sex, org), within=.(task))
I think that the correct format of my data should like this:
id sex org task outcome FD_H_org FD_H_text apv
2 F T 1 Correct 69.97 68.9 10
2 F T 2 2 116.12 296.02 27
6 M T 1 Correct 53.08 107.91 16
6 M T 2 2 73.73 333.15 21
But I'm not sure. I tryed to achieve this wih the reshape2 package but couldn't figure out how to do it. Anybody who can help?

I think probably you need to rebuild it by binding the 2 subsets of columns together with rbind(). The only issue here was that your outcomes implied difference data types, so forced them both to text:
dt<-read.table(file="dt.txt",header=TRUE,sep=" ") # this was to bring in your data
ddply(dt,.(id,sex,org),summarize, task=1, outcome=as.character(task1), FD_H_org=X1_FD_H_org, FD_H_text=X1_FD_H_text, apv=X1_apv),
ddply(dt,.(id,sex,org),summarize, task=2, outcome=as.character(task2), FD_H_org=X2_FD_H_org, FD_H_text=X2_FD_H_text, apv=X2_apv)
id sex org task outcome FD_H_org FD_H_text apv
1 2 F T 1 Correct 69.97 68.90 10
7 2 F T 2 2 116.12 296.02 27
2 6 M T 1 Correct 53.08 107.91 16
8 6 M T 2 2 73.73 333.15 21
3 7 M T 1 Correct 13.82 30.90 4
9 7 M T 2 2 31.80 78.07 9
4 8 M T 1 Correct 42.96 50.01 4
10 8 M T 2 2 88.81 302.07 24
5 9 F H 1 Correct 60.35 102.90 15
11 9 F H 2 3 39.81 96.60 10
6 10 F T 1 Incorrect 78.61 80.42 20
12 10 F T 2 3 55.16 117.57 17
EDIT - obviously you don't need plyr for this (and it may slow it down) unless you're doing further transformations. This is the code with no non-standard dependencies:


How can this R code be sped up with the apply (lapply, mapply ect.) functions?

I am not to proficient with the apply functions, or with R. But I know I overuse for loops which makes my code slow. How can the following code be sped up with apply functions, or in any other way?
sum_store = NULL
for (col in 1:ncol(cazy_fams)){ # for each column in cazy_fams (so for each master family eg. GH, AA ect...)
for (row in 1:nrow(cazy_fams)){ # for each row in cazy fams (so the specific family number e.g GH1 AA7 ect...)
# Isolating the row that pertains to the current cazy family being looked at for every dataframe in the list
filt_fam = lapply(family_summary, function(sample){
sample[as.character(sample$Family) %in% paste(colnames(cazy_fams[col]),cazy_fams[row,col], sep = ""),]
row_cat =, filt_fam) # concatinating the lapply list output int a dataframe
if (nrow(row_cat) > 0){
fam_sum = aggregate(proteins ~ Family, data=row_cat, FUN=sum) # collapsing the dataframe into one row and summing the proteins count
sum_store = rbind(sum_store, fam_sum) # storing the results for that family
} else if (grepl("NA", paste(colnames(cazy_fams[col]),cazy_fams[row,col], sep = "")) == FALSE) {
Family = paste(colnames(cazy_fams[col]),cazy_fams[row,col], sep = "")
proteins = 0
sum_store = rbind(sum_store, data.frame(Family, proteins))
} else {
family_summary is just a list of 18 two column dataframes that look like this:
Family proteins
CE0 2
CE1 9
CE4 15
CE7 1
CE9 1
CE14 10
GH0 5
GH1 1
GH3 4
GH4 1
GH8 1
GH9 2
GH13 2
GH15 5
GH17 1
with different cazy families.
cazy_fams is just a dataframe with each coulms being a cazy class (eg. GH, AA ect...) and ech row being a family number, all taken from the linked website:
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10 10 10
11 11 11 11 11 11
12 12 12 12 12 12
13 13 13 13 13 13
14 14 14 14 14 14
15 15 15 15 15 15
The reason behind the else if (grepl("NA", paste(colnames(cazy_fams[col]),cazy_fams[row,col], sep = "")) == FALSE) statment is to deal with the fact not all classes have the same number of family so when looping over my dataframe I end up with some GHNA and AANA with NA on the end.
The output sum_store is this:
Family proteins
GH1 54
GH2 51
GH3 125
GH4 29
GH5 40
GH6 25
GH7 0
GH8 16
GH9 25
GH10 19
GH11 5
GH12 5
GH13 164
GH14 3
GH15 61
A dataframe with all listed cazy families and the total number of apperances across the family_summary list.
Please let me know if you need anything else to help answer my question.

Write a function in R - calculate value from historical records and add to future records

I have the following dataset
Date<-c('1998-11-11', '1992-12-01','2010-06-17', '2001-10-3','2019-4-01', '2020-4-23','2021-2-01', '1995-12-01',
'1994-7-11', '2023-3-01','2022-06-17', '1982-10-3','1898-4-01', '2027-4-23','1927-2-01', '2028-12-01',
'1993-5-21', '2013-2-09','2020-01-17', '1987-4-3','1881-5-01', '2024-5-23')
df<,Rate, Date)
Name Rate Date
1 A 12 1998-11-11
2 A 13 1992-12-01
3 B 4 2010-06-17
4 C 8 2001-10-3
5 B 7 2019-4-01
6 C 3 2020-4-23
7 D 6 2021-2-01
8 B 8 1995-12-01
9 C 5 1994-7-11
10 A 4 2023-3-01
11 D 7 2006-06-17
12 C 5 1982-10-3
13 B 9 1898-4-01
14 C 4 2027-4-23
15 A 7 1927-2-01
16 D 2 2028-12-01
17 C 7 1993-5-21
18 B 3 2013-2-09
19 A 9 2020-01-17
20 D 13 1987-4-3
21 C 14 1881-5-01
22 B 12 2024-5-23
I want to write a function in R to do the following :
Find the Standard Deviation for each type of Name (A, B, C, D) of historical data. Historical data is any records with Date < Dec'2018. Future records would not be used to calculate the SD for type of Name. I want to then add the SD of the historical data to the future Rates of respective type of Name(A, B, C, D). Future Rates are the one with Date > Dec'2018. Could anyone please help me to write this function?
Below is the function I am working on
with(mutate(df,timediff = as.yearmon(Date) - as.yearmon(Sys.Date()) ),
tapply(df$Rate, Name, function(x){
ifelse(timediff < 0 ,
x + sd(x),
}, simplify=FALSE) )

R - Skip columns in pmax command if they do not exist

I'd like to use the pmax command to create a new column. My code Looks like this:
Master <- Master %>%
mutate(RAM = pmax(RAM1, RAM2, RAM3, RAM4, RAM5, RAM6, RAM7, RAM8, RAM9, RAM10,
RAM11, RAM12, RAM13, RAM14, RAM15, RAM16, RAM17, RAM18,
RAM19, RAM20, RAM21, RAM22, RAM23, RAM24, RAM25, RAM26,
RAM27, RAM28, RAM29, RAM30, RAM31, RAM32, RAM33, RAM34,
RAM35, RAM36, RAM37, RAM38, RAM39, RAM40, RAM41, RAM42,
RAM43, RAM44, RAM45, RAM46, RAM47, RAM48, RAM49, RAM50,
RAM51, RAM52, RAM53, RAM54, RAM55, RAM56, RAM57, RAM58,
RAM59, RAM60, RAM61, RAM62, RAM63, RAM64, RAM65, RAM66,
RAM67, RAM68, RAM69, RAM70, RAM71, RAM72, RAM73, RAM74,
RAM75, RAM76, RAM77, RAM78, RAM79, RAM80, RAM81, RAM82,
RAM83, RAM84, RAM85, RAM86, RAM87, RAM88, RAM89, RAM90,
RAM91, RAM92, na.rm =T))
In my current data base, however, only the columns RAM1 to RAM8 exist. In this case, I want R to skip all the other columns mentioned in the Statement and to only use column RAM1 to RAM8 (it is okay if R displays an error message, but I don't want the program to interrupt running the code).
Any ideas how to do so?
One way to do this would be as follows:
Set up some data to make a reproducible example
Master <- data.frame(Other=100,RAM1=1:10, RAM2=1:10, RAM3=1:10, RAM4=1:10,
RAM5=1:10, RAM6=1:10, RAM7=1:10, RAM8=rnorm(10)+5)
Master[5,5] <- NA
Select required columns of the dataframe:
Master[colnames(Master) %in% paste0("RAM",1:92)]
Use to run pmax using the selected columns as arguments, and adding the argument na.rm=TRUE
Master$RAM <-, c(Master[colnames(Master) %in% paste0("RAM",1:92)], na.rm=TRUE))
Sample output:
#1 100 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6.262954 6.262954
#2 100 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4.673767 4.673767
#3 100 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6.329799 6.329799
#4 100 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6.272429 6.272429
#5 100 5 5 5 NA 5 5 5 5.414641 5.414641
#6 100 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 3.460050 6.000000
#7 100 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 4.071433 7.000000
#8 100 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4.705280 8.000000
#9 100 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4.994233 9.000000
#10 100 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 7.404653 10.000000

How to only include specific cases of the expressionset (Eset) in our survival analysis (KM curves) in R?

I have a question regarding KM analysis.
I have ExpressionSet like this of the first 10 cases:
ExpressionSet (storageMode: lockedEnvironment)
assayData: 6 features, 6 samples
element names: exprs
protocolData: none
sampleNames: 1 2 ... 6 (6 total)
varLabels: age_at_diagnosis last_follow_up_status ... lymph_nodes_removed (9 total)
varMetadata: labelDescription
featureData: none
experimentData: use 'experimentData(object)'
This is my expression of eset:
1 2 3 4 5 6
a 8.676978 9.653589 9.033589 8.814855 8.736406 9.274265
b 5.298711 5.378801 5.606122 5.316155 5.303613 5.449802
c 5.430877 5.199253 5.449121 5.309371 5.438538 5.347851
d 6.075331 6.687887 5.910885 5.628740 6.392422 5.908698
e 5.595625 6.010127 5.683969 5.479983 6.013500 5.939949
f 5.453928 5.454185 5.501577 5.471941 5.525027 5.531743
and here is the pData:
age Status MEN group grade size stage LNP LNR time mn doc
1 52.79 d post 4 2 18 2 1 12 3.865753 pos 0
2 32.61 d pre 3 3 16 2 5 23 1.679452 neg 1
3 66.83 a post 4 3 15 3 8 17 5.616438 pos 0
4 71.21 a post 4 3 21 2 1 12 1.169863 pos 1
5 76.84 d-d.s. post 4 3 50 2 3 24 3.602740 pos 1
6 60.77 a post 4 2 23 2 0 2 1.367123 pos 0
I know how to generate a KM curves for the whole dataset here is my code; I only give you a data of the first 10 cases as it's a limitation of space in stack website:
c <- Surv(as.numeric(ab$time), ab$doc)
plot(survfit( c ~ as.factor(ab$mn)))
So, my question is how can I modify this code to just for cases that are ab$mn == 'neg'
Thanks in advance,
I would follow the advice of Terry Therneau regarding how to use the Surv function, which is not to build Surv-objects outside the coxph function. This will also let you use the subset-parameter that is a handy feature of coxph:
plot(survfit( Surv(as.numeric(time), doc) ~ as.factor(mn), data=ab, subset = mn == 'neg' ))

extract rows with common characters in a column by comparing two data.frame

How can compare two data.frame (df1 and df2) and extract the rows with common gene names
df1 =
logp chr start end CNA Genes No.of.genes
25.714.697 1 90100868 90212160 gain Iqca,Ackr3 2
2.213.423 1 175422136 176019087 loss Rgs7,Fh1,Kmo,Opn3,Chml,Wdr64,Gm25560,Exo1,Gm23805,Pld5,B020018G12Rik 11
5.607.005 2 145619035 147312698 gain Slc24a3,Rin2,Naa20,Crnkl1,4930529M08Rik,Insm1,Ralgapa2,Xrn2,Nkx2-4,Nkx2-2,Gm22261 11
3.756.075 2 141246149 141653989 loss Macrod2 1
4.852.608 2 41586450 41739605 loss Lrp1b 1
590.684 2 86729423 86860061 loss Olfr1089,Olfr1090,Olfr1093,Olfr1093,Olfr141,Olfr1094,Olfr1094,Olfr1095 8
5.721.239 3 25408115 25519319 gain Nlgn1 1
4.295.527 3 92005564 92134972 gain Pglyrp3,Prr9 2
4.257.749 3 15244004 15897870 gain Gm9733,Gm9733,Gm9733,Gm9733,Sirpb1a,Sirpb1a,Sirpb1a,Sirpb1a,Sirpb1b,Sirpb1b,Sirpb1b,Sirpb1b,Sirpb1c,Sirpb1c,Sirpb1c,Sirpb1c 16
418.259 3 154861710 155490219 loss Tnni3k,Tnni3k,Fpgt,Gm26456,Lrriq3 5
2.284.327 4 134885344 137474898 gain Rhd,Rhd,Tmem50a,D4Wsu53e,Syf2,Runx3,Clic4,Srrm1,Ncmap,Rcan3,Nipal3,Stpg1,Gm25317,Grhl3,Gm23106,Ifnlr1,Il22ra1,Myom3,Srsf10,Pnrc2,Pnrc2,Cnr2,Fuca1,Hmgcl,Gale,Lypla2,Pithd1,Tceb3,Rpl11,Gm26001,Id3,E2f2,Asap3,Tcea3,Zfp46,Hnrnpr,Htr1d,Luzp1,Kdm1a,4930549C01Rik,Lactbl1,Ephb2,C1qb,C1qc,C1qa,Epha8,Zbtb40,Gm23834,Gm23834,Wnt4,Cdc42,Gm13011,Gm13011,Cela3b,Cela3b,Hspg2 56
1.017.899 4 108176679 108417038 gain Echdc2,Zyg11a,Zyg11b,Selrc1,Fam159a,Gpx7 6
2.229.929 4 80406963 83998058 gain Tyrp1,Lurap1l,Mpdz,n-R5s187,Nfib,Zdhhc21,Cer1,Frem1,Ttc39b,Gm23412,Snapc3,Psip1,Ccdc171,Gm25899,Gm25899 15
279.458 4 110534756 110628705 gain Agbl4 1
1.103.167 4 121565222 124833802 gain Ppt1,Cap1,Mfsd2a,Mycl,Trit1,Bmp8b,Bmp8b,Oxct2b,Ppie,Hpcal4,Nt5c1a,Heyl,Pabpc4,Gm25788,Gm22154,Bmp8a,Bmp8a,Oxct2a,Macf1,Ndufs5,Akirin1,Rhbdl2,Mycbp,Rragc,Gm22983,Pou3f1,Utp11l,Gm24480,Fhl3,Sf3a3,Inpp5b,Mtf1,n-R5s192 33
1.781.441 4 139917291 140083763 loss Klhdc7a,Igsf21 2
6.829.744 6 147086557 147179673 gain Mansc4,Klhl42 2
1.070.905 6 63350920 64077379 loss Grid2 1
3.132.886 7 17188025 18205037 gain Psg29,Ceacam5,Ceacam14,Gm5155,Ceacam11,Ceacam13,Ceacam12,Igfl3,Igfl3 9
591.926 7 26773232 26976928 gain Cyp2a5,Cyp2a5,Cyp2a5,Cyp2a22,Cyp2a22,Cyp2a22 6
4.170.656 7 20654493 24128503 gain Nlrp4e,Nlrp5,Gm10175,Zfp180,Zfp112 5
2.494.001 7 38898625 38991306 loss Gm21142,Gm25671 2
13.222.294 7 67330026 67943164 loss Mef2a,Lrrc28,Gm23233,Ttc23,Synm 5
1.330.269 7 7171339 10865583 loss Zfp418,Clcn4-2,Zik1,Nlrp4b 4
3.414.431 8 49942996 51497632 loss Gm23986 1
3.059.542 9 21959210 22072123 gain Epor,Rgl3,Ccdc151,Prkcsh,Elavl3,Zfp653 6
5.277.845 10 80335500 80575991 gain Reep6,Adamtsl5,Plk5,Mex3d,Mbd3,Uqcr11,Uqcr11,Tcf3,Gm25044,Gm25044,Gm25044,Gm25044,Onecut3,Atp8b3,Rexo1,Klf16 16
26.812.338 10 100597718 100692256 loss 1700017N19Rik 1
6.998.267 11 60393963 60504695 gain Lrrc48,Atpaf2,Gid4,Drg2,Myo15 5
2.624.723 11 75676344 76212635 gain Crk,Ywhae,Doc2b,Rph3al,1700016K19Rik,Fam101b,Vps53,Glod4,Fam57a,Gemin4 10
11.851.916 11 97742687 97853778 gain Pip4k2b,Cwc25,1700001P01Rik,Rpl23,SNORA21,Snora21,Lasp1 7
3.553.325 11 74899198 75121318 loss Tsr1,Srr,Smg6,Gm22733 4
309.751 11 105624215 107309569 loss Tanc2,Cyb561,Ace,Ace,Kcnh6,Dcaf7,Taco1,Map3k3,Limd2,Strada,Ccdc47,Ddx42,Ftsj3,Psmc5,Gm23645,Smarcd2,Tcam1,Gh,Gh,Gh,Gh,Gh,Cd79b,Scn4a,2310007L24Rik,Icam2,Ern1,Snord104,Gm22711,Tex2,Milr1,Gm25889,Polg2,Ddx5,Cep95,Smurf2,Bptf,Nol11,Pitpnc1 39
2.642.471 11 30118384 30155192 loss Sptbn1 1
10.304.184 12 114641806 116183315 gain Ighv1-73,Ighv1-83,Zfp386,Zfp386,Zfp386,Zfp386,Zfp386,Zfp386,Zfp386,Zfp386,Vipr2 11
1.414.343 12 116239354 117192837 loss Wdr60,Esyt2,Ncapg2,Gm25112,Gm24354,Ptprn2 6
2.875.469 14 10676764 10768859 loss Fhit 1
7.743.121 14 52237972 52331429 loss Rab2b,Gm23758,Tox4,Mettl3,Sall2 5
2.689.596 14 43932587 45325020 loss Ang5,Ang6,Ear2,Ear2,Ptgdr,Ptger2,Txndc16,Gpr137c,Ero1l 9
1.912.962 14 119385279 119496386 loss Hs6st3 1
950.029 14 118589508 118681878 loss Abcc4 1
4.105.345 14 3004822 8437757 loss Flnb,Dnase1l3,Abhd6,Rpp14,Rpp14,Pxk,Pdhb,Kctd6,Acox2,Fam107a,Oit1,4930452B06Rik 12
1.870.555 16 33446020 33668062 loss Zfp148,Slc12a8 2
3.148.258 17 5087550 8333690 gain Arid1b,Tmem242,Zdhhc14,Snx9,Synj2,Serac1,Gtf2h5,Tulp4,n-R5s26,Tmem181a,Dynlt1a,Dynlt1b,Tmem181b-ps,Tmem181b-ps,Dynlt1c,Tmem181c-ps,Dynlt1f,Sytl3,Ezr,Rsph3b,Tagap1,Rnaset2b,Rnaset2b,Gm25119,Rps6ka2,Ttll2,Gm9992,Gm26057,Fndc1,Tagap,Rsph3a,Gm22416,Rnaset2a,Rnaset2a,Fgfr1op,Ccr6,Mpc1,Sft2d1 38
50.819.398 17 40052632 40331607 gain Gm7148,Pgk2,Crisp3,Crisp1 4
4.099.936 17 14074943 15508274 loss Dact2,Smoc2,Thbs2,Gm23352,Wdr27,1600012H06Rik,Phf10,Gm3417,9030025P20Rik,Gm3448,Gm3435,Tcte3,Ermard,Dll1,Fam120b,Psmb1,Tbp 17
12.022.555 17 30590875 31053645 loss Glo1,Dnah8,Gm24661,Gm24661,Gm24661,Gm24661,Gm24661,Gm24661,Gm24661,Gm24661,Glp1r,Umodl1 12
5.135.466 17 36160573 36277761 loss Gm22453,Rpp21,Trim39 3
4.254.769 17 27372278 27593833 loss Grm4,Hmga1,Nudt3 3
5.565.997 18 87905985 87999255 loss Gm24987,Gm24987 2
df2 =
Recursive_level logp chr start end CNA Genes No.of.Gene
1 1.416.541 1 68580000 68640000 loss Erbb4 1
1 7.876.897 1 173840000 174010000 loss Mndal,Mnda,Ifi203,Ifi202b 4
1 6.280.751 1 173500000 173660000 loss BC094916,Pydc4,Pyhin1 3
1 7.369.317 1 115900000 116280000 loss Cntnap5a 1
2 128.766 2 146170000 146660000 gain 4930529M08Rik,Insm1,Ralgapa2 3
1 5.777.222 2 76720000 76800000 loss Ttn 1
2 1.448.913 3 15360000 16000000 loss Sirpb1a,Sirpb1a,Sirpb1a,Sirpb1a,Sirpb1b,Sirpb1b,Sirpb1b,Sirpb1b,Sirpb1c,Sirpb1c,Sirpb1c,Sirpb1c 12
1 3.845.977 4 119500000 125160000 gain AA415398,AA415398,AA415398,AA415398,AA415398,Foxj3,Guca2a,Guca2b,Hivep3,Edn2,Foxo6,Scmh1,Slfnl1,Ctps,Cited4,Kcnq4,Nfyc,Mir30c-1,Mir30e,Rims3,Exo5,Zfp69,Smap2,Col9a2,Zmpste24,Tmco2,Rlf,Ppt1,Cap1,Mfsd2a,Mycl,Trit1,Bmp8b,Bmp8b,Oxct2b,Ppie,Hpcal4,Nt5c1a,Heyl,Pabpc4,Bmp8a,Bmp8a,Oxct2a,Macf1,Ndufs5,Akirin1,Rhbdl2,Mycbp,Rragc,Pou3f1,Utp11l,Fhl3,Sf3a3,Inpp5b,Mtf1,n-R5s192,1110065P20Rik,Yrdc,Maneal,Cdca8,Rspo1,Gnl2,Dnali1,Snip1,Meaf6,Zc3h12a 66
1 1.446.699 4 73900000 74180000 gain Frmd3 1
1 2.262.305 4 72740000 72880000 gain Aldoart1 1
1 1.234.215 4 80820000 84340000 gain Tyrp1,Lurap1l,Mpdz,n-R5s187,Nfib,Zdhhc21,Cer1,Frem1,Ttc39b,Snapc3,Psip1,Ccdc171,Bnc2 13
1 123.671 4 108480000 108760000 gain Zcchc11,Prpf38a,Orc1,Cc2d1b,Zfyve9 5
1 1.418.261 4 139400000 147600000 loss Ubr4,Iffo2,Aldh4a1,Tas1r2,Pax7,Klhdc7a,Igsf21,Arhgef10l,Rcc2,Padi4,Padi3,Padi1,Padi2,Sdhb,Atp13a2,Mfap2,Crocc,Necap2,Spata21,Szrd1,Fbxo42,Rsg1,Arhgef19,Epha2,Fam131c,Clcnka,Clcnka,Clcnkb,Clcnkb,Hspb7,Zbtb17,Spen,Fblim1,Tmem82,Slc25a34,Plekhm2,Ddi2,Rsc1a1,Agmat,Dnajc16,Casp9,Cela2a,Cela2a,Ctrc,Efhd2,Fhad1,Tmem51,Kazn,Prdm2,Pdpn,Lrrc38,1700012P22Rik,Aadacl3,9430007A20Rik,Dhrs3,Vps13d,Tnfrsf1b,Tnfrsf8,Zfp600,Zfp600,Rex2 61
1 8.113.817 6 129740000 129800000 gain Klri2 1
1 15.569.108 6 41360000 41480000 loss Prss3,Prss3,Prss1,Prss1 4
1 2.037.683 6 63480000 63700000 loss Grid2 1
2 14.694 7 38260000 38280000 gain Pop4 1
1 14.946 7 35780000 38280000 gain Zfp507,Tshz3,Zfp536,Uri1,Ccne1,1600014C10Rik,Plekhf1,Pop4 8
1 7.192.011 7 47500000 47620000 loss Mrgpra2b,Mrgpra3 2
1 1.722.108 7 26000000 26200000 loss Cyp2b13,Cyp2b9 2
1 12.683.495 7 11350000 11680000 loss Zscan4f 1
1 1.360.954 10 80900000 81100000 gain Timm13,Lmnb2,Gadd45b,Gng7,Diras1,Slc39a3,Sgta,Thop1,Creb3l3 9
1 267.959 11 97880000 98000000 gain Fbxo47,Plxdc1,Arl5c 3
1 1.872.174 11 75860000 76420000 gain Rph3al,1700016K19Rik,Fam101b,Vps53,Glod4,Fam57a,Gemin4,Rnmtl1,Nxn,Timm22,Abr 11
1 2.811.352 12 113560000 114920000 gain Ighv14-3,Ighv13-1,Ighv13-1,Ighv13-1,Ighv13-1,Ighv13-1,Ighv6-4,Ighv6-4,Ighv6-4,Ighv6-4,Ighv6-4,Ighv6-5,Ighv6-5,Ighv6-5,Ighv6-5,Ighv6-5 16
1 1.979.667 12 115860000 115980000 loss Ighv1-83 1
1 2.098.521 12 17420000 21160000 loss Nol10,Odc1,Hpcal1,5730507C01Rik,Asap2 5
1 21.864.853 13 12580000 12650000 loss Ero1lb 1
1 3.233.185 13 61500000 62780000 loss Ctsm,Cts3,Zfp808 3
1 5.640.895 14 53540000 53780000 gain Trav12-2,Trav12-3,Trav13-2,Trav14-2,Trav15-2-dv6-2,Trav3-3,Trav9-4,Trav9-4,Trav9-4,Trav9-4,Trav4-4-dv10,Trav5-4,Trav6-7-dv9,Trav7-6,Trav7-6,Trav7-6,Trav16,Trav13-4-dv7,Trav14-3,Trav3-4 20
1 2.942.081 14 86300000 97240000 gain Diap3,Tdrd3,Rps3a2,Pcdh20,Pcdh9,Klhl1 6
1 4.662.806 14 9840000 9880000 loss Fhit 1
1 3.638.346 14 43740000 44640000 loss Ear1,Ear1,Ear10,Ear10,Ang5,Ang6,Ear2,Ear2 8
1 1.709.546 14 35320000 37400000 loss Grid1,n-R5s46,Ccser2,Rgr,Lrit1,Lrit2,Cdhr1,2610528A11Rik,Ghitm 9
2 3.387.282 14 84060000 85740000 loss Pcdh17 1
1 2.140.909 14 68280000 86300000 loss Adam7,Adamdec1,Adam28,Stc1,Nkx2-6,Nkx3-1,Slc25a37,Synb,Entpd4,SYNB,Loxl2,R3hcc1,Chmp7,Tnfrsf10b,Tnfrsf10b,Tnfrsf10b,Tnfrsf10b,Rhobtb2,Pebp4,Egr3,Bin3,Ccar2,9930012K11Rik,9930012K11Rik,Pdlim2,Sorbs3,Ppp3cc,Slc39a14,Piwil2,Polr3d,Mir320,Phyhip,Bmp1,Sftpc,Lgi3,Reep4,Hr,Nudt18,Fam160b2,Dmtn,Fgf17,Npm2,Xpo7,Dok2,Gfra2,Fndc3a,Cysltr2,Rcbtb2,Rb1,Lpar6,Itm2b,Med4,Nudt15,Sucla2,Htr2a,Esd,Lrch1,5031414D18Rik,Lrrc63,Lcp1,Cpb2,Zc3h13,Siah3,Spert,Cog3,Slc25a30,Tpt1,Snora31,Gtf2f2,Kctd4,Gpalpp1,Nufip1,Rps2-ps6,Tsc22d1,Serp2,Lacc1,Ccdc122,Enox1,n-R5s48,Dnajc15,Epsti1,Fam216b,Tnfsf11,Akap11,Dgkh,Vwa8,Zfp957,Rgcc,Naa16,Mtrf1,Kbtbd7,Zbtbd6,Wbp4,Elf1,Sugt1,Lect1,Pcdh8,Olfm4,Pcdh17 99
1 3.810.267 14 109680000 111240000 loss n-R5s50,Slitrk6 2
1 3.924.724 15 77460000 77560000 loss Apol10a,Apol10a,Apol10a,Apol10a,Apol11a,Apol11a,Apol11a,Apol11a,Apol7c 9
1 7.728.161 16 44780000 44920000 gain Cd200r1,Cd200r1,Cd200r4,Cd200r4,Cd200r2,Cd200r2 6
1 348.511 17 73500000 76640000 gain Galnt14,Ehd3,Xdh,Memo1,Dpy30,Spast,Slc30a6,Nlrc4,Yipf4,Birc6,Ttc27,Ltbp1,Rasgrp3,Fam98a 14
1 1.052.043 17 36120000 36540000 gain Rpp21,Trim39 2
1 1.325.386 17 90420000 90540000 loss Nrxn1 1
1 4.438.061 17 38300000 38360000 loss Olfr137,Olfr137 2
1 125.062 17 30380000 30920000 loss Btbd9,Glo1,Dnah8,Glp1r 4
1 2.998.359 19 13860000 13900000 gain Olfr1502 1
2 3.307.524 19 30910000 30970000 loss Prkg1 1
When i tried
df2[mapply(function(x, y) length(intersect(x,y))>0,
strsplit(df1$Gene, ','), strsplit(df2$Gene, ',')),]
i got out
logp chr start end CNA Genes No.of.genes
39 2.689.596 14 43932587 45325020 loss Ang5,Ang6,Ear2,Ear2,Ptgdr,Ptger2,Txndc16,Gpr137c,Ero1l 9
But i can find many rows with at least one common Gene
We could split up the "Genes" column in each datasets with strsplit, then compare the corresponding list elements with mapply, check if there is any intersect and use that index to subset the "df2"
df2[mapply(function(x,y) any(x %in% y),
strsplit(df1$Gene, ','), strsplit(df2$Gene, ",")),]
# chr start end Gene
#1 1179 3360 gain Recl,Bcl,Trim3,Pop4
#3 7180 9229 loss Sox1
#4 8159 8360 loss Sox1
#5 9154 10588 loss Pekg
Or use intersect and length
df2[mapply(function(x, y) length(intersect(x,y))>0,
strsplit(df1$Gene, ','), strsplit(df2$Gene, ',')),]
If we need to find whether a single "Gene" of first dataset is found in any of the rows of second data (using the updated dataset)
df2[sapply(strsplit(df2$Gene, ','), function(x)
any(sapply(strsplit(df1$Gene, ','), function(y) any(x %in% y)))),]
