How to view fetched commits in TortoiseGit? - fetch

After fetching (not pulling) remote commits in TortoiseGit, how do I view them?
I am probably just missing something very simple but there is no "In Commits" panel in the sync window, I cannot view those commits in the Log dialog etc.

While there is a discussion about showing all local vs. remote branches (Issue 1847), you still have a checkbox "All branches" in the log viewer, which can show you remote commits that you just fetched.


How do I know who changed my Cloud Function

Yesterday, on a beautiful Saturday, I was resting. When suddenly the phone rings and the "system has stopped working".
When I observed the "cloud functions" one of them had an upload that I did not do, probably another member of the team.
After all, I was resting!
Now, my manager wants the deployment history for all functions.
How to know and where to get this information?
Entering the "cloud function" I can even see that there was the deploy, but it does not say "which user did it".
There are audit logs kept for all user actions. You can determine who updated the function by:
Go to Logging > Logs Explorer
In the Query Builder text box, add the following search term:
Click the Run Query button and then filter down by the date and time of when it was deployed and you'll see the user's email in the principal_email property.
#Brian's answer is good. But here's another way to check Audit logs and see all operations happening on Cloud Functions:
Go to Navigation Menu > Home > Activity
Go to Filter Categories on the right part of the screen and make sure all Activity types are selected (checking only Data Access and configuration works fine as well).
Click Resource type and uncheck all but don't click OK yet.
Type to filter "Cloud Function" then check it.
Click OK.
In logs for the functions you have the information about deployment it should look something like that:
I would start with reviewing this information (it is on the Console -> Project -> Functions -> logs)
Down the rabbit hole, we can go into (Console -> Project -> Functions -> click on the three dots and go "Detailed usage statistics").
not really sure what you can dig in there though
Go to the Logs explorer and paste the below to find the updaed users of the cloud function.
resource.type = "cloud_function"
resource.labels.function_name = "your_cloud_function_name"
Hope this helps!!

How can I judge whether deep freeze is in frozen programatically?

Two problem here:
Just like the title, when Faronics' deep freeze is running at my computer, how can I find whether it is in frozen state programatically?
Deep freeze seriously influence my software update scheme, Is there any good idea to handle it?
Any answer is appreciated. thanks!
You can query windows event log for checking Deep Freeze frozen or thawed state.
When Deep Freeze is in Frozen state it will create an event log under
Event Logs > Windows > Application
Event Data : Frozen
When Deep Freeze is in Thawed state it will create an event log under
Event Logs > Windows > Application
Event Data : Thawed
I found it by searching the registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Faronics\Deep Freeze 6\DF Status
This will be either Frozen or Thawed as a string.
An oddity is the fact that it says Deep Freeze 6 in the registry but i have version 8 installed.
First Question:
Hold down the shift key and double-click the Deep Freeze icon. Alternatively, you can press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+F6.
Enter your password and click OK.(ask the shop owner)
If you have not yet entered a password you should be able to click OK without entering a password.
The Boot Options dialog is displayed. That will tell you if it's active.
Second Question:
Deep Freeze is not optimized to handle updates. I've tried a few different solutions similar to Deep Freeze and found that Drive Vaccine was the most user friendly in terms of implementing updates. Something to keep in mind, as I know the handling of updates has been many people's biggest complaint about Deep Freeze.

SSRS Report Viewer Error

From my application, the user clicks a button that launches a new window that contains the Report Viewer control and from there the user chooses the parameters from dynamically generated dropdown lists. When they click the View Report button it will occasionally throw the following error:
"The report execution {random ID code that changed with each error} has expired or cannot be found. (rsExecutionNotFound)"
After doing some Google research, I've tried:
Trimming all white space from the report path.
Extending the session time out on the server.
Making sure the time zones were the same on both the SSRS server and the SQL server.
Remove the session variable that equals "Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportHierarchy".
None of these solutions have fixed the problem. I have not been able to figure out what causes the error to show up. It seems to get thrown at random times.
Has anyone run into this error and figured out what causes it/how to fix it?
You should look into the log file on the reporting server to obtain more detailed info. The log file is created in [PROGRAM_FILES]\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\LogFiles. If you can isolate the conditions and reproduce the problem then you can more than likely find more info on what is causing the issue. I would bet this is an issue when a report is requested and your application's session has not expired but the session between you app, the reportviewer, and ssrs has expired. You can increase that value.

Print Management / AIF

I have setup the AIF so that when an invoice is created, it gets added to the queue. I know that this doesn't work when Printing to Screen. So I had adjusted the print management settings for that customer to Print to Archive. However, the document still doesn't get added to the AIF queue.
After some investigation, I've found out why. Even though I have "Use Print Management" ticked in the Posting box for posting an Invoice, Under the Printer Setup I have "Send To" set to screen still, when I change this to Print Archive my document gets added to the AIF queue.
So my question is, why is this the case? Why doesn't it pick up what I have set in Print Management for that customer?
I attempted to recreate your issue, but it worked for me just as you would have expected. Perhaps your customer print management isn't set up correctly.
To change my test customer's print management settings, I went to the customer in the customer master form, click Setup -> Print management. Expanded Module -> Account -> Documents -> Sales order invoice. Right-clicked on Original and clicked Override. Then I overrode the default printer destination for that customer.
Follow those steps if you haven't already, and let me know if that works. If not, there may be some other problem.
Are your printers configured as AOS printers? See Classes\SalesFormLetter\checkAOSPrintersPrintManagement
Does this have the same issues in your test environments? Try resetting your usage data. There is a usePrintManagement variable packed in the invoicing process.
If you can debug this, it should be fairly easy to step through and see if print management is actually getting used.

No eventlogs from BizTalk

I've got a new production computer and installed my BizTalk app on there. The problem is that I don't see any messages in the event log, nor from my BizTalk app or BizTalk Server itself. The only message that appears in the event log is the following:
The following BizTalk host instance has initialized successfully.
BizTalk host name: BizTalkServerApplication
Windows service name: BTSSvc$BizTalkServerApplication
The source of that message is BizTalk Server. And no messages at all, even no logs about errors which I suppose already took place.
Just a quick thought incase you are still having problems.
I tried to write to the event log with a source type that didnt already exist and my BizTalk Host user account didn’t have permissions to create a new source type. This meant I never saw the entry in the event log.
E.g. (from example #Bill Osuch)
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("MyBiztalkApp", "oh i did something");
Make sure either the MyBiztalkApp source exists or that your user has permissions on the event log to create it.
Also, if you have a lot of messages going through BizTalk you will probably want to implement your own logging so your event log doesn’t fill up. We used Log4Net for our implementation and a database to store messages.
If you're not getting any errors (suspended messages) as the messages process, you're not going to see anything in the app log. You could try adding an Expression shape to your orchestration and manually writing out some debug info:
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("event type", "whatever...");
Does your application actually use the BiztalkServerApplication host? Check in the Biztalk Administration Console if all the host instances are indeed running. Is your application fully started? Messages are "put on hold" if your receive location is disabled for example.
To check this functionality, write to event log after every operation or shape in BizTalk orchestration.
Suppose you have to assigned a value to xpath of node in a map after transformation so in message assignment shape after you assign some value, you can write eventlog to admin console.
Ex. Suppose we have already initialized - "orderType" as "PO" in our expression shape and now we have to assign the value of "orderType" to the xpath of a node in our map then-
Shape- MessageAssignment(Under constructMessage Shape after transformation of map)
xpath(msgGetOrderReq, "/[local-name()='CustomerOrders' and namespace-uri()='']/[local-name()='ordertype' and namespace-uri()='']") = ordertype;
Next to this we want to print this information on the admin console so we need to write:-
System.Diagnostics.EventLog.WriteEntry("msgGetOrderReq", ordertype, msgGetOrderReq);
Build the project, Deploy and GAC it. Restart the host instance. Run the orchestration, process something and now you will be able to see the logs in admin console.
