Wordpress, where do my posts go? - wordpress

I have converted my html/css to wordpress by following a very simple guide.
On my WP-site, I would like to have a simple "blog-page", a page where i can update the visitors about events and so on. I created a page called events but how do I make my posts appear on this particular page?
When i create a new post I can click "view post" to see it but i does not show i on my events-page. In fact, I have no idea where it ends up? Its like creating a new page except for that it does not add to the menu?

Select Settings, Reading.
Choose 'Front page displays a static page' and select the page you want as your front page.
On the next line 'posts page' select the page you named 'Events'.
That should do the trick.

"how do I make my posts appear on this particular page"
For this you have to create a custom template for your blog section, and select that template during page creation(events) for particular page. That's it.
Follow this link to know how to implement it. http://www.expand2web.com/blog/custom-page-template-wordpress/


How can I hard coded comments area to be shown in particular pages in wordpress?

In my sites I use static page as a front page, and I did some other static pages to show some special static content (and embedded object) but this page sin particular I want to have the comment area shows.
My question is: how to enable comments -preferred hard code- in particular pages? at least having the same category?
I am using wordpress 4.1 and Avada Theme.
Well you can disable the comments on over all website by going to settings discussion and then uncheck the box that says, allow people to comment on new articles. This will remove all the comments on new pages and posts (starting from now). Now when you create a new page/post click on the button on the top that says "screen options". Check the box that says "discussion". Now you will have a new field in your post from where you can enable/disable the posts individually.
If you want to do it through the code, one way would be to create separate files for each page e.g page-contact.php, So when someone goes to the contact page, this file will be served, it can be a clone of page.php and just needs the comment part removed. Another way would be to goto page.php and wrap the comments code with a condition like
if(is_page('contact') || is_page('about')){
// code to show comments. Comments will be shown on contact and about page

Wordpress: show category-page as frontpage

I want to show a category-page on the frontpage without the url changing (eg. redirect).
The frontpage should implement the categories' head and meta tags then and also the top menu should display the appropriate category selected. also there should be a canonical tag to the categorypage so no duplicate content will be generated.
short: the frontpage should exactly behave like a categorypage.
is there a solution?
You can create your own page template and set is as start page.
Go to:
Then Static front page.
Choose "Static Page"
Then choose your page from the dropdown list.
If you need help look at this.
In addition to Tan's answer, you'll need to go to Settings -> Reading and then select 'A static page' for the 'Front page displays' option. After that you can select your previously created page template from the 'A static page' drop-down menu.
When you finish the above, you'll have to edit the source code for the chosen file in order to include a standard wp loop. For more info, please check this thread:
How do I make a Wordpress Page act like the default home page displaying multiple posts?
To control which posts will be shown in the loop use the query_posts(). You can find more details here:

Wordpress template without blog pages

I chose Wordpress for my last project but I have a question. I'll use Pages so the client is able to change the content himself. For the moment there are no Post or blog in it. Is it possible to run Wordpess without a blog? It'll be a blog in a future but not now. Thanks.
Absolutely you can have a WordPress site without a blog. You just need to do a couple of things in the admin.
First you need to create 2 pages: a static 'home' page, and a 'blog index' page. The home page is what will be displayed when a visitor comes to the site. The blog index page is just a blank page, with a title you can remember.
Next, in Settings > Reading, select Front page displays a 'static page', then set 'Front page:' to the home page you made, and 'Posts page:' to the blog index page you made.
Yes, for sure you can do this.
Just do the following:
In your admin backend click on Settings -> Reading and set "A Static Page"
Go to Appearance and build a custom menu and add there your pages to a active menu.
Disable all widgets which link to posts.
In fact you need only the first step, but with the second you allow users to navigate on your site. To make the UX better, just add a plugin like Map Categories to Pages to add a category widget or something in this way, to let people browse your site more nicely.

When adding new Wordpress page, choose which category posts will be displayed?

Im aware that i can make a custom page template and choose there what category posts is displayed on that spesific page.
What im after for would be some sort of way to choose the category when creating a new page, and all of these pages would use the same page template.
I tried to search plugins etc but didn't find any. Is there a good plugin / other way to do this?
Ideal would be for example that when user is creating new page, there would be a dropdown menu where he/she could choose what posts are displayed on the page.
Do you want the posts actually in the page (vs a sidebar)? And would they be along with any other content that the user would enter in the page?
If so I would think there would be a plugin that allows the user to put a shortcode specifying the category of posts they wanted and probably some limit on the number.

Wordpress blog page

Quick question (quick deadline...I know I can use google).
I'm writing a site on Wordpress w/ a static home page, it has a few pages--I want the 'blog' page to show the wp entries...what's the best way to set this up.
Right now I have a static template for each page (with content rendered), but of course, the blog page doesn't show the posts...
Thanks for the help!
Create a Wordpress Page Template by making a page with any name and this comment at the top:
Template Name: Blog Enitres
Go create a page, use that as the template (there is a selector on the right hand side). Call it whatever and save it. This is your static page.
Then, after that, go down to Settings > Reading and change the 'Home' page to be the page you've created.
Then create an index.php and save it. This will be the template for the displayed posts. Create an empty page and select it at the 'Posts Page' in settings.
To learn more about this functionality go here.
To learn more about the Wordpress loop and how to display entries, visit codex.wordpress.org
