ExtJS infinite loop on grid focus - infinite-loop

We're using ExtJS 4.2 and ran into weird problem.
There's a grouped grid panel from which we drag elements to a tree panel. In most cases everything is working fine, but sometimes for unknown reason wrong item is dragged or it doesn't happen at all. In these cases call stack that's printed in console shows infinite loop:
Any attempts to deliberatelly replicate the bug had failed, and logging all information on grid events to console doesn't show anything unusual.
Has anybody had this problem, and maybe fixed it successfully?


Issue in ParamQuery Grid Inline Edit

We are using ParamQuery grid in our project.
In one of our screen, we are using the grid in modal popup with inline edit feature.
We are facing issue on editing the cell from second time. Here are the steps followed,
Open the popup, first time, tried to edit a record – it is perfectly changed and updated.
Now close and re-open the modal popup.
Try to change the data and update - It is not updating any data. Changed data gets vanished by retaining the previous value.
On debugging the code,
a. We are getting false in the following code snippet while updating the data,
if (grid.saveEditCell() == false) {
return false;
b. We are also getting the script error,
pqgrid.min.js:188 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined(…)
As of now, we are using the workaround,
“After updating the data 1st time, we are re-loading (using window.location.reload()) the page. Now it is working correctly. But in Ajax world, we don’t want to reload the full page, just to solve this issue. We believe, that this is because of some small issue or configuration missing.”
Referred the following article and implemented the inline edit functionality http://paramquery.com/pro/demos/editing
Appreciate your help.

Blend not showing MVVM property values in design mode but shows object in binding dialougs, works fine when built

I am using MVVM light and blend. For awhile everything was good. Now though when I look at my views in blend no data from the views are being bound. I have some data that is static and some that is being provided from design time data providers.
1) Everything works fine at run time
2) My VM shows in blend in the binding dialougs for fields (i.e. dialoug for binding a text field to my model.
3) I get no errors in blend.
4) I have tried commenting out all the design time provider includes (ViewModelLocator SimpleIoC) does not change anything.
5) A simple property like a static field of "Page Name" or "Applicaiton Title" no longer shows in design time.
Bottom line is all I get in design time is a blank black screen. But in run time all is good.
Any thoughts? I am sure I have something it does not like but without errors it is hard to known.
.Net 4.5, VS 2013, Blend 4
After spending some time to comment out some code I found what was happening. There was a line of code that was erroring out when run by Blend. Blend was executing a line of code that was returnig null and erroring out. As soon as I changed that line of code (commented it out or fixed it so it does not throw an error on accessing it in design mode), all the properties bind and show in Blend.
If you are seeing this pull up your ViewModel code and look at whatcode is running in the constructor. Easiest thing to do is just comment out all the code, save and then build the project in blend (this will force Blend to reload the view). See if things start showing agian.

Emberjs CollectionView changes from to 1.0.pre?

I had some code that connected an ArrayController with CollectionView that no longer works once I upgrade to 1.0.pre.
It seems that CollectionView no longer passes each element of the collection to its template view class?
I've distilled my issue to this jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/chaodoze/CbwCN/
Notice it outputs to "1,2,3" on each line in 1.0.pre
In, it outputs correctly as a single digit on each line.
Am I doing something wrong here or is this a bug?
What is the best way to work-around this issue?
In 1.0.pre the view's context has changed. When you access {{content}} you are really accessing {{controller.content}}, which is [1,2,3]. You need to access the view's content, which in the individual number, that is done with {{view.content}}.
See http://jsfiddle.net/CbwCN/2/

Why won't this checkbox refresh as expected in Meteor?

I'd like to simplify the TodoMVC app for meteor. There is currently some observe that should not be needed I think. I simplified a bit successfully, but when I try to simplify it further the updating doesn't work properly.
For instance, it should get selected when I click on all the items in the todo list but doesn't. When I refresh the page it is selected though.
Edit: Got rid of an unrelated error, thanks to #TomColeman.
I'm seeing that error before the patch is applied. It's due to the Meteor.flush on line 74.
I'm not sure why that flush is needed? (I'm also not sure why there's an error either).
Turns out it simply was because the correct html is checked="checked", not simply checked.

popToViewControllerAnimated does not animate since ios5

as topic describes, calling popToRootViewControllerAnimated / popToViewControllerAnimated does not do any animation anymore.
the code I use, which works fine with 4.x, is simply
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
so nothing special here. I just noticed, that for all my apps, running on iOS5, pop-animations have been gone. push-animations however DO appear.
now i wonder what to search for, if there is the need to define the transition/style of that animation?
Any help welcome, thanks!
Okay, calling "[super viewWillAppear]" in "viewWillDisappear" is sort of ... my bad!
Was having the same problem. view transition animation for poptoRootViewControllerAnimated was working fine pre ios5.0 but not in ios5. Below is a brief description to fix it.
I had implemented a custom Tab bar in view A. When I transitioned to view B from A and then back, the view transition animation stopped working for B to A. Upon looking at the view loading methods in view A and all its sub-views, my customTabBar in view A had ViewDidAppear that was erroneously calling [super viewWillAppear] inside it. When I corrected it to [super viewDidAppear] , the pop animation started happening OK.
Looks like pre iOS 5, it did not matter but now it does and rightfully so.
