Can I call js module in grunt configuration file - gruntjs

I'm using gruntjs to building my project. I want to utilize js module for multi-projects i.e. multi-gruntfile.
I see the API and search grunt plugins but not find what I want. It seems the only way is taking advantage of grunt.config and load-grunt-tasks plugin.
So I created js module file in the tasks folder and set configuration data in it like the following(by coffeescript):
module.exports = (grunt) ->
test: "test"
verify: "beta"
formal: "release"
grunt.config.set('executeCustomTasks', (arg, arg1, arr) ->
str = constructPromptStr();
_ret = getVerInfo(arg1, arg)
setArg = ->
if _ret.verName is 'formal'
_ret.verName = ''
and call it like this:
grunt.task.registerTask('default', 'execute tasks by param by grunt cli', (arg, arg1) ->
grunt.config.get('executeCustomTasks')(arg, arg1,getTasksArr(arg))
Is what I do correct? Is it the best practice?
Best Regards

I understand now. grunt.task.loadTasks(path) can Load task-related files so I can create and reference the files in the path.
reference links:


In SBT, Is there a way of just downloading the top-level dependencies?

I have an SBT project which pulls in dependencies. I only want to pull in the direct dependencies - not any transitive dependencies. I'd like to find the filename of the dependency that's pulled in, so that I can copy it somewhere.
e.g. given a build.sbt file with the following contents:
libraryDependencies += "org.eclipse.jetty" % "jetty-server" % "9.4.28.v20200408"
I would like to know where is the jetty-server jar on the file system.
I have tried adding the following to my build.sbt file:
lazy val mytaskKey: TaskKey[Unit] = TaskKey[Unit]("mytask")
def mytask: Def.Setting[Task[Unit]] = mytaskKey := {
val updateReport = update.value
updateReport.allFiles foreach { f =>
When I run this, I get a full list of dependencies:
I don't want that full list - I just want the jetty jar. i.e.
How might I get this list?
Yes, there is with either intransitive() or notTransitive() classifiers. It's documented here.

Using glob patterns not for default Grunt keys

1. Summary
I can't set grunt-clean-console plugin, that it works for all my .html files.
2. Details
grunt-clean-console check browser console errors for .html files.
I want to check browser console errors for all .html files of my site. In official descripition I read, how plugin works for specific values of url key. I have many pages in my site; I don't want add each .html file separately. But I can't find, how I can use patterns.
I find, that I can use patterns for built-in Grunt cwd, src, dest keys. But how I can use glob (or another) patterns for custom keys as url of this plugin?
3. Data
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
url: 'output/index.html'
example project configuration:
│ 404.html
│ index.html
│ KiraFirstfile.html
If I set specific values for url key without patterns as in example above, grunt-clean-console successfully works:
phantomjs: opening page output/index.html
phantomjs: Checking errors after sleeping for 5000ms
ok output/index.html
phantomjs process exited with code 0
3.1. Steps to reproduce
I run in console:
grunt clean-console --verbose
4. Not helped
4.1. Globbing
Official documentation
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
url: 'output/**/*.html'
phantomjs: opening page http://output/**/*.html
phantomjs: Unable to load resource (#1URL:http://output/**/*.html)
phantomjs: phantomjs://code/runner.js:30 in onResourceError
Error code: 3. Description: Host output not found
phantomjs://code/runner.js:31 in onResourceError
phantomjs: loading page http://output/**/*.html status fail
phantomjs process exited with code 1
url output/**/*.html has 1 error(s)
>> one of the urls failed clean-console check
Warning: Task "clean-console:all" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
4.2. Building the object dinamically
Official documentation (example):
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
files: [
expand: true
cwd: "output/"
src: ['**/*.html']
dest: "output/"
File: [no files]
Options: urls=[], timeout=5, url=["output/**/*.html"]
Fatal error: missing url
4.3. Templates
Official documentation
module.exports = (grunt) ->
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
url: '<%= kiratemplate %>'
kiratemplate: ['output/**/*.html'],
phantomjs: opening page http://output/**/*.html
phantomjs: Unable to load resource (#1URL:http://output/**/*.html)
phantomjs: phantomjs://code/runner.js:30 in onResourceError
Error code: 3. Description: Host output not found
phantomjs://code/runner.js:31 in onResourceError
loading page http://output/**/*.html status fail
phantomjs process exited with code 1
url output/**/*.html has 1 error(s)
>> one of the urls failed clean-console check
Warning: Task "clean-console:all" failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
Create a function before the grunt.initConfig part that utilizes grunt.file.expand. For instance:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.loadNpmTasks 'grunt-clean-console'
// Add this function...
function getFiles() { return grunt.file.expand('output/**/*.html'); }
'clean-console': {
all: {
options: {
url: getFiles() // <-- invoke the function here.
// ...
// ...
The getFiles function returns an array of file paths for all .html files matching the given glob pattern, i.e. 'output/**/*.html'.
The value of the options.url property is set to getFiles() to invoke the function.

SBT: How to Dockerize a fat jar?

I'm building a Docker image with a fat jar. I use the sbt-assembly plugin to build the jar, and the sbt-native-packager to build the Docker image. I'm not very familiar with SBT and am running into the following issues.
I'd like to declare a dependency on the assembly task from the docker:publish task, such that the fat jar is created before it's added to the image. I did as instructed in the doc, but it's not working. assembly doesn't run until I invoke it.
publish := (publish dependsOn assembly).value
One of the steps in building the image is copying the fat jar. Since assembly plugin creates the jar in target/scala_whatever/projectname-assembly-X.X.X.jar, I need to know the exact scala_whatever and the jar name. assembly seems to have a key assemblyJarName but I'm not sure how to access it. I tried the following which fails.
Cmd("COPY", "target/scala*/*.jar /app.jar")
Answering my own questions, the following works:
enablePlugins(JavaAppPackaging, DockerPlugin)
assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly := {
case x => {
val oldStrategy = (assemblyMergeStrategy in assembly).value
val strategy = oldStrategy(x)
if (strategy == MergeStrategy.deduplicate)
else strategy
// Remove all jar mappings in universal and append the fat jar
mappings in Universal := {
val universalMappings = (mappings in Universal).value
val fatJar = (assembly in Compile).value
val filtered = universalMappings.filter {
case (file, name) => !name.endsWith(".jar")
filtered :+ (fatJar -> ("lib/" + fatJar.getName))
dockerRepository := Some("username")
import com.typesafe.sbt.packager.docker.{Cmd, ExecCmd}
dockerCommands := Seq(
Cmd("FROM", "username/spark:2.1.0"),
Cmd("WORKDIR", "/"),
Cmd("COPY", "opt/docker/lib/*.jar", "/app.jar"),
ExecCmd("ENTRYPOINT", "/opt/spark/bin/spark-submit", "/app.jar")
I completely overwrite the docker commands because the defaults add couple of scripts that I don't need because I overwrite the entrypoint as well. Also, the default workdir is /opt/docker which is not where I want to put the fat jar.
Note that the default commands are shown by show dockerCommands in sbt console.

SBT Subprojects do not recognize plugin commands

I'm having an issue with getting SBT Subprojects to recognize commands provided by plugins. I have the following plugin source:
object DemoPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
override lazy val projectSettings = Seq(commands += demoCommand)
lazy val demoCommand =
Command.command("demo") { (state: State) =>
println("Demo Plugin!")
Which is used by a project configured as follows:
lazy val root = project in file(".")
lazy val sub = (project in file("sub")).
The plugin is, of course, listed in project/plugins.sbt. However, when I open up sbt in the project, I see the following:
> sub/commands
[info] List(sbt.SimpleCommand#413d2cd1)
> sub/demo
[error] Expected ':' (if selecting a configuration)
[error] Not a valid key: demo (similar: doc)
[error] sub/demo
Even stranger, using consoleProject, I can see that the command in the project is the one defined by DemoPlugin!
scala> (commands in sub) { c => c.getClass.getMethod("name").invoke(c) }
res0: Seq[Object] = List(demo)
I'm looking to be able to type sub/demo, and have it perform the demo command. Any help would be much appreciated!
Commands aren't per-project. They only work for the top-level project.
It's also recommended to try and use tasks, or if needed input tasks where you might want to use a command.
If you really need a command, there's a way to have a sort of "holder" task, see the answer to Can you access a SBT SettingKey inside a Command?

how to set sbt plugins invoke scope?

val webAssemblyTask = TaskKey[Unit](
"assembly web/war like run-time package"
var out: TaskStreams = _
val baseSettings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
webAssemblyOutputDir <<= (sourceManaged) { _ / "build" },
webAssemblyTask <<= (
) map {
(out_log, targetDir, sourceDir, outputDirProjectName) => {"web-assembly start")"sourceDir:" + sourceDir.getAbsolutePath)"targetDir:" + targetDir.getAbsolutePath)
val sourceAssetsDir = (sourceDir / "webapp" / "assets").toPath
val classesAssetsDir = (targetDir / "scala-2.10" / "classes" / "assets").toPath
Files.createSymbolicLink(classesAssetsDir, sourceAssetsDir)
val webAssemblySettings = inConfig(Runtime)(baseSettings)
I wrote a plugin of sbt.
I type webAssembly in sbt console, the plugin run ok.
But I want to run after compile, before runtime, how can I do it?
how to set sbt plugins invoke scope?
I think you're confusing the configuration (also known as Maven scope) name with tasks like compile and run. They happen to have related configuration, but that doesn't mean compile task is identical to Compile configuration.
I could interpret this question to be how can a plugin setting invoke tasks scoped in some other configuration. For that you use in method like: key in (Config) or key in (Config, task). Another way to interpret it may be how can plugin tasks be scoped in a configuration. You use inConfig(Config)(...), which you're already doing. But you'd typically want plugins to be configuration neutral. See my blog post for more details on this.
I want to run after compile, before run, how can I do it?
This makes much more sense. In sbt you mostly focus on the preconditions of the tasks. One of the useful command is inspect tree key. You can run that for run tasks and get the entire tasks/settings that it depends on. Here's where you see it calling compile:compile (another notation for compile in Compile):
helloworld> inspect tree run
[info] compile:run = InputTask[Unit]
[info] +-runtime:fullClasspath = Task[scala.collection.Seq[sbt.Attributed[]]]
[info] | +-runtime:exportedProducts = Task[scala.collection.Seq[sbt.Attributed[]]]
[info] | | +-compile:packageBin::artifact = Artifact(sbt-sequential,jar,jar,None,List(compile),None,Map())
[info] | | +-runtime:configuration = runtime
[info] | | +-runtime:products = Task[scala.collection.Seq[]]
[info] | | | +-compile:classDirectory = target/scala-2.10/sbt-0.13/classes
[info] | | | +-compile:copyResources = Task[scala.collection.Seq[scala.Tuple2[,]]]
[info] | | | +-compile:compile = Task[]
This is useful in discovering compile:products, which "Build products that get packaged" according to help products command:
helloworld> help products
Build products that get packaged.
Since runtime:products happens before compile:run, if it depended on your task, your task will be called before compile:run (inspect tree also shows that run resolved to that).
To simplify your plugin task, I'm just going to call it sayHello:
val sayHello = taskKey[Unit]("something")
sayHello := {
You can rewire products in Runtime as follows:
products in Runtime := {
val old = (products in Runtime).value
This will satisfy "before run" part. You want to make sure that this runs after compile. Again, just add task dependency to it:
sayHello := {
(compile in Compile).value
When the user runs run task, sbt will correct calculate the dependencies and runs sayHello task somewhere between compile and run.
