kendo ui grid is not supporting frozen columns. it would be appreciate if someone could help for customized script for kendo grid frozen columns. any suggestions?
columns: [ ]
Kendo UI Grid will support frozen columns in the next official release - Q1 2014. Until then the best suggestion I can give you is to use two grids bound to the same data source.
var dataSource = new{
/* snip */
dataSource: dataSource,
columns: [
height: 200,
sortable: true
dataSource: dataSource,
height: 200,
columns: [
{ field: "Freight", width: 100 },
{ field: "ShipName", width: 200 },
{ field: "OrderDate", width: 200, format: "{0:d}" },
{ field: "ShipCity", width: 200 }
sortable: true
This and some CSS magic would simulate the frozen column appearance:
There is a caveat though. Only popup editing mode will work in this scenario.
i think with the new Version, also in 2020.1.219, is there a locked Attribute.
Lock in: Example - locked columns
<div id="grid"></div>
columns: [
{ locked: true, field: "id", width:200 },
{ field: "name", width:800 }
dataSource: [ { id: 1, name: "Jane Doe" }, { id: 2, name: "John Doe" } ]
Below code you may get the idea about frozen column
<div id="kendogrid" data-bind="kendoGrid: { data: SearchResults, schema: { model: { fields: { DateOfBirthSortable: { type: 'date' }}}}, pageable:{pageSize: 15} ,selectable:'row',reorderable: true, navigatable:true, sortable: true,resizable: true,filterable: true,groupable: true,columnMenu: true,navigatable: true,
columns: [ { field: 'UniqueID', title : 'Id' , width:50,locked: true,lockable:false,event:{change:DoSearch}},
{ field: 'Salutation', title : '#',width:80,locked: true, template:'<span> #if(Salutation != null) {# <span> #= Salutation #</span> # } #</span>' },
{ field: 'FirstName', title : 'First Name', width:150,locked: true, },
{ field: 'LastName', title : 'Last Name',width:150,locked: true, template:'<span> #if(LastName != null) {# <span> #= LastName #</span> # } #</span>' },
{ field: 'Mobile', title : 'Mobile' ,width:100, template:'<span>#if(Mobile != null) {# <span>#=Mobile #</span> #}# </span>' },
{ field: 'Phone', title : 'Phone',width:100, template:'<span>#if(Phone != null){#<span>#= Phone#</span> #}# </span>' },
{ field: 'Email', title : 'Email',width:200, template:'<span>#if(Email != null){#<span>#= Email#</span> #}# </span>' },
{ field: 'DateOfBirthSortable', title : 'DOB',width:100,format: '{0: MM/dd/yyyy }',filterable:{ui: 'datepicker'} ,template:'<span> #if(DateOfBirth != null) {# <span> #= DateOfBirth #</span> # } #</span>' },
{ field: 'AddressLine1', title : 'AddressLine1', width:150, template: '<span >#if(AddressLine1 != null){#<span>#=AddressLine1 #</span> #} # </span>' },
{ field: 'AddressLine2', title : 'AddressLine2', width:150, template: '<span > #if(AddressLine2 != null){# <span>#=AddressLine2 # </span> #} # </span>' },
{ field: 'City', title : 'City', width:100, template: '<span >#if(City != null){#<span>#=City #</span> #} # </span>' },
{ field: 'State', title : 'State', width:100, template: '<span >#if(State != null){#<span>#=State #</span> #} #</span>' },
{ field: 'Country', title : 'Country', width:100, template: '<span >#if(Country != null){#<span>#=Country #</span> #} #</span>' },
{ field: 'Zip', title : 'Zip', width:100, template: '<span >#if(Zip != null){#<span>#=Zip #</span> #} #</span>' }
],change: onChange}">
you must include "columnMenu: true and scrollable:true" and then u must define the width for every column .
I can't display custom icons on the actions tab from ng2-smart-table. I have installed Eva Icons from Akevo Team and I want to use them. I have changed the edit button to show some custom icons but the problem is that nothing appears. On the left side of delete, a brush icon had to appear.
Here is an image with the problem:
Here is the code:
settings = {
edit: {
editButtonContent: '<nb-icon icon="brush"></nb-icon>',
saveButtonContent: '<nb-icon icon="checkmark"></nb-icon>',
cancelButtonContent: '<nb-icon icon="close-circle"></nb-icon>'
columns: {
device: {
title: 'Device',
sortDirection: 'asc'
type: {
title: 'Type',
sort: false,
filter: false
serialNumber: {
title: 'Serial Number'
status: {
title: 'Status'
Try this :
settings = {
hideSubHeader: true,
actions: {
custom: [
name: 'edit',
title: '<nb-icon icon="brush"></nb-icon>'
name: 'save',
title: '<nb-icon icon="checkmark"></nb-icon>'
name: 'cancel',
title: '<nb-icon icon="close-circle"></nb-icon>'
add: false,
edit: false,
delete: false
hope this works for you!
Also you can use other icons sets like material icons, just add it to your project and then change your settings like:
settings = {
edit: {
editButtonContent: '<span class="material-icons">mode_edit</span>',
saveButtonContent: '<span class="material-icons">check_circle</span>',
cancelButtonContent: '<span class="material-icons">cancel</span>'
/* ... */
settings = {
hideSubHeader: true,
sort: true,
actions: {
position: 'left',
add: false,
edit: false,
delete: false,
select: false,
custom: [
name: 'viewRecord',
type: 'html',
title: '<i class="far fa-file-alt" title="View Record"></i>',
name: 'editRecord',
type: 'html',
title: '<i class="far fa-edit" title="Edit Record"></i>',
columns: {
column1: {
title: 'Column 1',
type: 'string',
width: '35%',
column2: {
title: 'Column 2',
type: 'string',
column3: {
title: 'Column 3',
type: 'string',
I found this thread:
And so as mentioned in the last comment:
temporarily use the old nebular-icons
I downloaded the required icon's SVG and added them as:
settings = {
edit: {
editButtonContent: '<img src="assets/images/nb-edit.svg" width="40" height="40" >'
. . .
. . .
Works well enough.
let newSettings = {
mode: "external",
actions: {
add: false,
edit: false,
delete: false,
position: 'right'
hideSubHeader: true,
add: {
addButtonContent: '<i class="nb-plus"></i>',
edit: {
editButtonContent: '<img src="assets/images/icons/outline/settings-2-outline.svg" width="20" height="20" >',
delete: {
deleteButtonContent: '<img src="assets/images/icons/outline/trash-2-outline.svg" width="20" height="20" >',
confirmDelete: true,
I'm working with UI-GRID and have to add the custom CSS to the header of the grid, so I'm trying to add class to columns.
$scope.columns = [
name: 'status',
displayName: 'STATUS',
width: 200,
pinnedLeft: true,
**cellClass : "gridColumnStyle"**
name: 'serial',
displayName: 'SERIAL#',
width: 200,
cellClass : "gridColumnStyle"
name: 'product_name',
displayName: 'PRODUCT NAME',
width: 200,
cellClass : "gridColumnStyle"
But it is not working. Please tell me how to add the class which have some custom style.
Try headerCellClass instead of cellClass.
Like this
$scope.gridOptions = {
enableSorting: true,
columnDefs: [
{ field: 'name', headerCellClass: 'blue' },
{ field: 'company',
headerCellClass: function(grid, row, col, rowRenderIndex, colRenderIndex) {
if (col.sort.direction === uiGridConstants.ASC) {
return 'red';
Also here is an example:
and in case that ever moves here's a plunker:
I am using ExtJS 5.0.1. I have a grid which does not autoLoad. Once the store is manually loaded by using the click button in TopBar, the grid receives records.
I am trying to implement infinite scroll on this grid. My store has extra params that need to be passed to the backend in order to get the records. After the first page is loaded, for the second page, no extra params are passed to the backend. How can I correct this?
My store looks as follows ->
Ext.define('MyStore', {
// extend: '',
extend: '',
model : 'MyModel',
remoteSort: true,
buffered: true,
leadingBufferZone: 10,
trailingBufferZone: 10,
pageSize: 100,
proxy: {
type : 'rest',
format: 'json',
url : '/myApp/list',
extraParams: {
fromDate: '',
toDate: ''
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'data',
totalProperty: 'totalCount'
My Grid looks as follows-->
Ext.define('MyGridl', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
requires: [
layout: 'fit',
loadMask: true,
viewConfig: {
preserveScrollOnRefresh: true
initComponent: function() { = 'myGrid'; = new MyStore();
overflowY: 'auto',
frame: true,
columns: [{
xtype: 'rownumberer',
width: 50,
sortable: false
text: 'Column1',
dataIndex: 'Col1',
flex: 1
text: 'Column2',
dataIndex: 'Col2',
flex: 1
plugins: [
ptype: 'bufferedrenderer',
trailingBufferZone: 10,
leadingBufferZone: 10,
scrollToLoadBuffer: 10
tbar: {
items: [{
xtype : 'datefield',
id : 'fromDate',
emptyText: 'Enter From Date',
listeners : {
render : function(datefield) {
datefield.setValue(Ext.Date.add(new Date(), Ext.Date.DAY, -5));
xtype : 'datefield',
id : 'toDate',
emptyText: 'Enter To Date',
listeners : {
render : function(datefield) {
datefield.setValue(new Date());
xtype: 'button',
text: 'Filter by Date',
style: {
marginLeft: '15px'
scope: this,
handler: function(me){
var store = Ext.getStore('myStore'),
fromDay = me.up().down('#fromDate').getValue(),
toDay = me.up().down('#toDate').getValue();
fromDate: fromDay,
toDate: toDay
I fixed this issue by adding
store.currentPage = 1;
store.getProxy().setExtraParam("fromDate", fromDay);
store.getProxy().setExtraParam("toDate", toDay);
I'm running multiple instances of CKE, in its inline editing mode, to have the final user edit blocks of contents, just as these will look like in the final html rendering.
So everything edited inherits from the global CSS of my editing page.
And it's awesome.
Now I would like the style combo to display, not all the running styles, but only a part of them (color classes and basic stuff like this).
How can I achieve this?
i.e. keeping all existing css applied to whatever is edited AND only offer a few of them in the combo
Thanks for any help or starting point...
After finding the solution : a fully working code sample with multiple inline editing, custom styles, auto-save via ajax and other tuning, if it can help
CKEDITOR.disableAutoInline = true;
CKEDITOR.stylesSet.add( 'my_styles', [
// Block-level styles
{ name: 'Blue Title', element: 'h2', attributes: { 'class': 'bleu' } },
{ name: 'Red Title' , element: 'h3', attributes: { 'class': 'rouge' } },
// Inline styles
{ name: 'CSS Style', element: 'span', attributes: { 'class': 'my_style' } },
{ name: 'Marker: Yellow', element: 'span', styles: { 'background-color': 'Yellow' } }
] );
$("div[contenteditable='true']" ).each(function( index ) {
var content_id = $(this).attr('id');
var ligneidx = $(this).attr('ligneidx');
var blocidx = $(this).attr('blocidx');
CKEDITOR.inline( content_id, {
stylesSet : 'my_styles',
toolbarGroups : [
{ name: 'document', groups: [ 'mode', 'document', 'doctools' ] },
{ name: 'clipboard', groups: [ 'clipboard', 'undo' ] },
{ name: 'editing', groups: [ 'find', 'selection', 'spellchecker', 'editing' ] },
{ name: 'forms', groups: [ 'forms' ] },
{ name: 'basicstyles', groups: [ 'basicstyles', 'cleanup' ] },
{ name: 'paragraph', groups: [ 'list', 'indent', 'blocks', 'align', 'bidi', 'paragraph' ] },
{ name: 'links', groups: [ 'links' ] },
{ name: 'insert', groups: [ 'insert' ] },
{ name: 'styles', groups: [ 'styles' ] },
{ name: 'colors', groups: [ 'colors' ] },
{ name: 'tools', groups: [ 'tools' ] },
{ name: 'others', groups: [ 'others' ] },
{ name: 'about', groups: [ 'about' ] }
// Remove some buttons provided by the standard plugins, which are
// not needed in the Standard(s) toolbar.
removeButtons : 'Form,Checkbox,Radio,TextField,Textarea,Select,Button,HiddenField,ImageButton,Replace,Find,SelectAll,JustifyLeft,JustifyCenter,JustifyRight,JustifyBlock,Language,BidiRtl,BidiLtr,Flash,Smiley,PageBreak,Iframe,Font,FontSize,About,NumberedList,Blockquote,CreateDiv,Underline,Subscript,Superscript,Page2images, Newpage,Templates,Strike,Indent,Outdent',
//removePlugins: 'page2images,VideoDetector',
format_tags : 'p;h1;h3',
// Simplify the dialog windows.
removeDialogTabs : 'image:advanced;link:advanced',
extraPlugins : 'sourcedialog',
colorButton_enableMore : false,
colorButton_colors : '00819c,e32434,e9632d,9c1f4d,795127,ececf0,ececec,fafafa,dddddd,939393,25242c,fff,000',
filebrowserBrowseUrl : '/modele/classes/filemanager/dialog.php?type=2&editor=ckeditor&lang=fr_FR&fldr=',
filebrowserUploadUrl : '/modele/classes/filemanager/dialog.php?type=2&editor=ckeditor&lang=fr_FR&fldr=',
filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : '/modele/classes/filemanager/dialog.php?type=1&editor=ckeditor&lang=fr_FR&fldr=',
uiColor : "#a7f0ff",
defaultLanguage : 'fr',
on: {
blur: function( event ) {
var data = event.editor.getData();
var request = jQuery.ajax({
url: "/modele/admin/ajaxupdate_bloc.php",
type: "POST",
data: {
content : data,
ligneidx : ligneidx,
blocidx : blocidx
} );
Try to pass your own style definitions to CKEDITOR like this
More information and example here:!/guide/dev_howtos_styles
There is also a Stylesheet Parser Plugin that can be used, info here:
How to specify tags in the value of the textfield in ext js.
my code:
var myText = new Ext.form.TextField({
readOnly: true,
id: "key",
value: '<span style="color:red">'+name+'</span>',
This doesnt apply color to the value.How can i do it?
Use the fieldCls property, you shouldn't need the span.
// Style
.overflowText {
color: red;
// Code
name: 'Fiddle',
launch: function() {
Ext.create('Ext.Panel', {
width: 500,
height: 300,
title: "FormLayout Panel",
layout: 'form',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
bodyPadding: 5,
defaultType: 'textfield',
items: [{
fieldLabel: 'First Name',
name: 'first',
fieldCls: 'overflowText',
allowBlank: false
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Last Name',
name: 'last'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Company',
name: 'company'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Email',
name: 'email',
vtype: 'email'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'DOB',
name: 'dob',
xtype: 'datefield'
}, {
fieldLabel: 'Age',
name: 'age',
xtype: 'numberfield',
minValue: 0,
maxValue: 100
}, {
xtype: 'timefield',
fieldLabel: 'Time',
name: 'time',
minValue: '8:00am',
maxValue: '6:00pm'
Maybe it happens because style rule is missing semicolon at the end? So it should be <span style="color:red;">