404 Status When Creating New App with Gracenote API - gracenote

I'm trying to create an API key to use the Gracenote Mobile SDK for an iOS app. However, when I'm logged in and on the "My Apps" page within Gracenote's Developer site, I get the following message at the bottom of the page:
STATUS: 404 - Not Found; Communication with the Apigee endpoint is compromised. Cannot get API Products List.
Any idea why this is happening / what I can do to get a key?

That error was due to a temporary connectivity problem with the website. Service has now been restored.


Why Google Cloud Console give No result found for Android Device Verification Api

I follow these steps in google cloud console :-
Google Cloud Console-> Select Our project -> Select API & Services -> Select Enable API & Services -> Search Android Device Verification API -> it gives "No Result Found"
why it gives this message while I want to enable Android Device Verification API feature. By Default Android Device Verification API does not show in API List on page Enable API & Services page and i want to include this feature in our project.
For another project when I search "Android Device Verification API" with above process it gives following error:-
There was an error while loading /apis/library/androidcheck.googleapis.com?project=chatme-342307. Please try again.
Request ID: 9929714032143206958
Kindly support above two problems.
First of all thanks for all viewing my question.
My problem has solved but i do not know it is exact answer or not.
I just remove app from project setting of my app in Firebase console then again create app in project setting and add with SHA1 and SHA256 then I search Android Device Verification it show in Result

Strange response on calling Mesibo APIs

I am using Mesibo SDKs on my Android app for chat and so far all my requirements are fulfilled. All of my Mesibo APIs and token information are stored on server side only. The android app fetches user token from the backend server.
Recently, my app started working unexpectedly such as chat messages not sent/received, user account not created and add group not working at Mesibo side. The backend APIs are all working fine. Upon calling one of the Mesibo API from PostMan, I got this response.
This error is new to me and I do not know how to resolve this. Any help would be highly appreciated.
TOKENBREACH indicates that backend API and app token are used from multiple IP addresses which jeopardizes your app security. You are likely to be using an app token from the client-side and hence breach has been flagged.
Read here https://mesibo.com/documentation/api/backend-api/

Analytics Reporting API has not been used in project before or it is disabled

Error: googleapiclient.errors.HttpError: <HttpError 403 when requesting https://analyticsreporting.googleapis.com/v4/reports:batchGet?alt=json returned "Analytics Reporting API has not been used in project 190831311549 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/analyticsreporting.googleapis.com/overview?project=xxxx then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for the action to propagate to our systems and retry.". Details: "[{'#type': 'type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.Help', 'links': [{'description': 'Google developers console API activation', 'url': 'https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/analyticsreporting.googleapis.com/overview?project=xxxx'}]}]">
Google Analytics Reporting API is enabled at cloud console
Service credential is created and email is added to GA account as a read/analise user
I´m Using the "Hello Analytics Reporting API V4." python code
Using apiclient.discovery and analytics = build('analyticsreporting', 'v4', credentials=credentials, cache_discovery=False)
I also have tryed a workaround bypassing my python code at https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/reporting/core/v4/rest/v4/reports/batchGet but when I try to execute the authentication pop-up stays blank and loader keeps spinning forever and chrome dev tools shows Failed to load resource: net::ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR.QUIC_PACKET_READ_ERROR
Redirect to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/analyticsreporting.googleapis.com and login with the google account which you have created the client_id and client_secret, make sure you are in the same project from which the client id and secrets are used other wise change the project. If you do not have the access Ask admin to do the same
Click on Enable button as seen below screenshot
Then try doing your work. it should work fine

Using postman to test firebase returns 401 unauthorised with right api key

I am using postman to test my application that i added to firebase add project. I am trying to trigger a cloud notification from a postman to test purposes but its returning 401 unauthorised always. I double checked the api key and instance key even from google settings> project settings nad its correctly entered. Please help me find the problem. Sharing the screenshot of postman below

Push notification in quickblox have broken

No I started use push notification in my project (it worked sometime ago), but can't make it work. I downloade sample-messages project and changed my account and application settings. But messaged don't delivered to receiver. Registration of device is ok. I see my subscribtion. No errors from response when sending notification. What I only got is the json description from logs, when i click my message from queue (but it's in status "sent") Can't get it work. Please, help.
{"notification":{"registration_ids":["APA91bEsqEY2OcaQpgU6Nmk6P7P0fSEdnGuXHSOnUwMJ3ZCAuZC0hGiE_7DX-TlvuAnivJ3Bt4nSM7eEN3AR2Qg2jjCGC8RRT7GbDJgpuy25plCohb23CpD5hLaHo7l-TZvgZhpXjCM0"],"delay_while_idle":false,"data":{"message":"fgjkkkkllkleddxccvvvcxfffffjhghvfg I was ","collapse_key":"event5711312"},"time_to_live":86400},"log":[{"device_token":null,"created_at":"2016-02-23T18:21:42Z","delivered_at":null,"failed_at":"2016-02-23T18:21:47Z","error_code":401,"error_description":"Unable to deliver notification 11778569, received error 401 (Unauthorized, check your App auth_key.)"}]}
I redid all the configuration steps in the link:http://quickblox.com/developers/SimpleSample-messages_users-android#Setup_GCM
Now it is back to work!
Attention to some details:
The API key you have to use in Google cloud console is of the SERVER type
Use the same package name on Android manifest and Google cloud console
Use your application ID from developer console to get GCM token on your Android application
don't forget to copy the google-services.json (generated when you enabled Google services for your app) to app/ directory on your project (the same directory of your src/)
