Asterisk-java-1.0.0.m3.jar and Asterisk 11 issuue - asterisk

Right Now I'm using Asterisk 11 on centos 6 operating system and using asterisk-java-1.0.0.m3.jar to establish communication between my java application and Asterisk 11.
I'm able to connect my java program with Asterisk
Issues I'm facing are
1.always at console message coming "Unsupported Version Asterisk Use at your own risk"
2.Unable to set property 'state interface' to 'SIP/0010' on org.asteriskjava.manager.event.QueueMemberStatusEvent:no setter found.Please report at
My questions are:
1.Is there is asterisk-java-1.0.0.m3.jar source available anywhere so that i can edit source code and use it
2.I'm able to establish basic sip call,but getting issue as while making other type of calls which use other entities of same station like 0110 & 0210, which saved in extensions.conf & which work fine in Asterisk1.6 but not in Asterisk11.
As per my observation in Asterisk i added AppKonference module which is 3rd party module. & In java Program i write commands for that to establish channels using those entities.
But for communicate AppKonference in Asterisk API helps when Asterisk1.6 but not in 11.
Please suggest what I need to do is there is other asterisk and asterisk jar compatibility issue,if yes then what i need to do.
Please help

Sure, source can be found at
Also you can change agi compatability in /etc/asterisk/asterisk.conf


Fatal error attempting to write to COM port using JSSC [EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION]

Used JSSC to write/read data from a COM serial device. COM was detected but attempting to write or read gives this error: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION
This is a known bug in JSSC. Several other people noticed it too (e.g. It seems to happen with Java SE 9 on Windows 10, x64.
Unfortunately, it appears that the JSSC project is no longer maintained/dead. However, as of this writing, there are over 150 forks, some of which appear to be active. For example, maybe the following fork might contain what you're looking for:
In case you want to go with a different library altogether, this question provides a working example using jSerialComm: How to fix Java rxtxSerial.dll or jSSC-2.7_x86_64.dll Serial Port Error in Windows 10?

Disable internet access when calling java -jar

I'm testing six distinct .jar-files that all need to handle the possibility of no online access.
Unfortunately, I am on a network disc, so disabling the network connection or pulling the ethernet cable does not work unless I move all the files to /tmp or /scratch and change my $HOME environment variable, all of which I'd rather not have to do as it ends up being a lot of work.
Is there a way to invoke java -jar and disable the process from accessing the internet? I have not found any such flag in the man-pages. Is there perhaps a UNIX-way of doing this, as in:
disallowinternetaccess java -jar Foo.jar
Tell your Java program to access the network through a proxy. For all internet access this would be a SOCKS5 proxy.
java MyMain
I believe that if no proxy is running you should get an appropriate exception in your program. If you need full control of what is happening, you can look into - and possibly modify -
See for details.
Note: You can do this without any native Unix stuff, so this question fits perfectly fine on SO.
You need just turn on SecurityManager:
see details -
With this solution you can even handle which resource you want to show and which to hide.

Warm transfers on Asterisk via the AMI

I'm busy developing a web interface for the asterisk PBX.
I'm looking for a way to initiate warm transfers via the web interface using the AMI.
I know that it's possible to initiate a warm transfer from the handset itself, but the requirement here is that it be done from the web interface.
I've done a fair amount of googling on the subject but I've not found anything thusfar.
Anybody know anything?
To see all of the available manager commands, use the "manager show
commands" CLI command.
You can get more information about a manager command with the "manager
show command " CLI command in Asterisk.
You also can consult this page(note, that you still have check on your asterisk version like described above)
You are probably asking about Redirect command to some special context with dialplan support.

IVR - Tells you your cellphone credit

I was tasked with developing an application that would be able to tell someone their cellphone credit balance via some IVR system. I dont know where to begin. Does anyone have a knowledge of GSM who could be able to give me some directions for this project.
You should look into Asterisk AGI scripts. They allow you to do more than Asterisk API. I currently have lots of AGI scripts in Perl but it says that Java is also supported. Maybe this link will help you. Basically you will create some extended Java app which will return you current Balance. Asterisk IVR would read this value from AGI and then play it.
Asterisk may be a good solution for your problem. Asterisk provide the API Asterisk Gateway Interface(AGI), that allows you to control the call flow using an external programming language, including Java.
Some of the libraries/frameworks that implement AGI in Java are: and
Good luck.

Creating a GPRS Connection using Windows Mobile 6.5

I am writing an application in which I need to make a GPRS connection.
Can someone please help me how I can setup this connection using C#.
I will need to connect a GPRS connection because I need to call a webservice.
To make a GPRS connect using a dial up connection subsystem from .NET CF on PocketPC, you can use Connection Manager functions such as ConnMgrEnumDestinations, ConnMgrEstablishConnection and ConnMgrReleaseConnection. Check out for details. There are no classes available for this in .NET CF, but it can be done quite easily using P/Invoke if you have some experience with this.
The following blog post covers this in detail and also contains some C# code:
Another solution is using the Smart Device Framework by that contains a wrapper class for the Connection Manager:
It is free for any commercial or noncommercial purpose up to the version 1.4. It also includes the source code, so you might either use it as is or as a reference for your own implementation if you prefer.
(solution taken from our website at
This page might help...
Is it really important to explicitly create that connection? If you initiate any outgoing (eg. not localhost) connection (like a HttpWebRequest), the OS will automatically connect to the Internet using the preferred connection, which can be GPRS.
