What is the usage of OJDBC14.jar - ojdbc

What is usage of OJDBC14.jar... I tried to search at google but no thread for the same. Well, after looking into the jar I think this is the ORACLE-DataBase implementation of the JDBC interfaces. i.e vendor specific JDBC implementation


Is RocksDB and LevelDB just like Riak?

I have a question regarding some NoSQL databases. In Ehcache we have for example the JCache API, in MapDB the Map Interface and in Riak KV we have a own process with clusters. How do I exactly find out which database fits to which implementation type? For example for RocksDB (I assume that it is a process) and same for LevelDB.
For reference, RocksDB and LevelDB perform very similar functions and can be interchangeable in some situations.
Given your question of Is RocksDB and LevelDB just like Riak?, I can say that they are not the same as Riak provides a scalable distributed platform to run on that can connect to one or more backend databases simultaneoulsy (currently supported backends are Bitcask, LevelDB, Leveled and memory). RocksDB and LevelDB are essentially stand alone database platforms that can be used as such or can utilised by other software such as Riak as a backend. While you could technically implement RocksDB as a backend for Riak KV without needing a mountain of custom code, you probably wouldn't want to as RocksDB does not scale well.
How do I exactly find out which database fits to which implementation type? is rather a broad question. I think you might want to rephrase it as Which databases offer me {my list of desired implementations/functions}? to make it easier for community members to answer. Please note that some NoSQL databases have multiple uses available e.g. as you mentioned Riak KV, we have Maps, Sets, GSets, Flags, Registers, Solr Search, 2i and the standard CRDT options as well but some of those may be tied to other requirements e.g. 2i only works with a LevelDB/Leveled backend, Solr Search requires the Yokozuna package version of Riak KV 3.0.0 and above but is built in for all Riak 2.x.x versions etc.
What you may also want to try to do is download a few different options to a VM or bare metal rig, have a play and see how it works out. There are often cases where two competing products do something very similar on paper but in your specific use case, one outperforms the other significantly.
To get you started, here are links to Riak 2.9.8 (the latest release of the 2.x.x series) and to the Riak 2.2.6 docs (the 2.9.x docs should be out later this month).
I'm not sure if this has directly answered your question but, hopefully, it will give you some pointers as to where to go next.

Why use SQLite over H2 for java application

I need to use an embedded database in my java application that will be run in a Linux device. The application uses Hibernate and derby database. This is not a Android application.
Due to slow performance of the database, we are looking for a better embedded database framework.
Looking at all the options, H2 seems to be better than SQLite as there is no cross-compilation involved and no JNI interface to build.
So, why isn't there a more usage of H2. Are there any drawbacks or issues that I am not aware of.
The SQLite library is implemented in C, so it indeed needs (cross-)compilation and a JNI interface.
However, SQLite is so widely used that it is likely that the SQLite interface already exists (as part of your language's runtime, or as a JDBC driver), and that using it is simpler than explicitly adding H2 to your project. (This might not actually be true in your specific environment.)
If you're looking to speed up your application, you have to measure yourself.
I recently switched from H2 to SQLite because of database corruptions in the H2 mv store.
If the application is not shutdown properly, or in case of unexpected reboots, the H2 database stored on a file using the MV store (the default) can get corrupt, and you can't restore data.
SQLite is much more robust to corruption.
Speed wise H2 was much faster in my case. With SQLite transactions are particularly costly, so you should prefer doing bulk operations within transactions or via batches.
As for cross compilation, you can use the jdbc driver from xerial which ships with all the native binaries precompile : https://github.com/xerial/sqlite-jdbc

Where to find IBM WebSphere WMQ 6.0 jar files

I am trying to implement code where I can send and receive the SOAP messages to IBM MQ. As of my knowledge jar file are required for my code to work, but could not find any place where either I can download the files or can do whole setup of WebSphere 6.0
Do anyone have any idea how can I get it ?
Please be aware that grabbing the jar files from an MQ Server or other installation is not supported by IBM and never has been. However, because it is one of the most commonly used methods to install the MQ client for Java or JMS and fairly common in Java developer culture, IBM has provided a Java-only install option. Please see the Redistributable Clients page in the Knowledge Center for details.
As the name suggests, this install provides an MQ Client package that can be redistributed with independently developed MQ applications. While that is helpful, the main reason IBM provides it is to provide a lightweight install package that...
Contains the correct and complete set of jar files as packaged by IBM.
Is intact and verifiable against a known specification and inventory.
Can reliably be expected to perform as per the documentation set for that version.
Contains all of IBM's diagnostic utilities both in the compiled binaries and in the Java classes.
Contains additional utilities such as GSKit for managing certificates.
Can be patched using IBM's standard Fix Pack install media so that integrity of the installed classes and libraries is preserved.
When using IBM's install media and procedure, the result is far more stable but int he event something goes wrong, the presence of the diagnostic utilities and conformance to a standard install procedure can dramatically reduce outage durations.
Also, there are occasional instances in which a customer with full support entitlements is told that their non-standard installation is not supported and they need to correct it before continuing the PMR. Though this doesn't happen often, in most cases the problem is resolved when the MQ client is installed according to spec. When that doesn't fix it, at least diagnostics can proceed at a faster pace.
The link above has all the details, including links to the client downloads, and is highly recommended reading. You can also go directly to Fix Central for the downloads. Fix Central offers all supported MQ client versions and the relocatable clients come in v8.0 and up. In the download list, look for the "All Java" package.
As Tim noted, mixing client and server versions is supported, provided both client and server are currently in service. Generally you want to develop against the latest version of MQ client because it has the most recent client-side features and will have the longest service life before a version upgrade is required.
Assuming you're on a Unix platform for your queue manager, the client will be found at:
However, all MQ clients are compatible with all queue manager versions. I strongly recommend you use a client which is still supported, which means 7.1, 7.5, 8.0, or 9.0 at time of writing. These are freely downloadable from the SupportPac website.
The SupportPacs of interest are those starting 'MQC'. SupportPac MQC8 for example contains the MQ V8.0 client.
Thanks everyone. Just an update to the above answer. In my case I have asked the WebSphere administrator for providing me the lib folders which contains all the required MQ jar files.
I have asked him to provide following files from the C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere MQ\Java\lib\ folders:
* com.ibm.mq.jar
* connector.jar
* com.ibm.mq.jmqi.jar
* com.ibm.mq.headers.jar
* com.ibm.mq.commonservices.jar

IronRuby ActiveRecord and SQLite

I see that the IronRuby team has documented using ActiveRecord in IronRuby with MSSQL - they indicate that some adjustments were required to the adapter.
In interview on 8/11/2009, Jimmy indicates a major drawback of IronRuby:
The main limitation is that IronRuby does not support any
of the C-based Ruby libraries
That indicates that the SQLite-Ruby library that depends on sqlite.dll is probably out of the question. However, in the same interview, he says:
For the database you can use SQLServer Express (which is free),
or any .NET based database, like the recent csharp-sqlite port.
That sounds promising, but I'm a bit overwhelmed on how to begin! How do I go about connecting Ruby's ActiveRecord to csharp-sqlite or where can I look for more guidance?
I found some more write-up on IronRuby and SQLite, but I may need some translation help?
The current solution is to port do_sqlite3 to use all .NET APIs. There are a couple ports
of SQLite to .NET, but none are widely used yet. For 1.0 we will have an ironruby-dbi gem
for using .NET based databases through the Ruby DBI API; so using SQLExpress and
SQLServer will work with an appropriate sqlserver adapter. I'm not sure if there is a
do_sqlserver adapter yet for DataMapper, but we'll leave that to the community for doing.
Does this imply that my technology stack could go something like: ActiveRecord uses SQLiteRuby, SQLiteRuby is tweaked to use ironruby-dbi (should be little change since this is the Ruby DBI API??) then ironruby-dbi has the smarts to work with a .NET based database such as c#sqlite. Of course I will need an adaptor to go between ActiveRecord and SQLiteRuby ... hopefully no change required there?
Sugggestions, Advice, Tips?
you won't be able to use activerecord as is.
You can either wrap the ADO.NET provider for SQLite or you can perhaps help with the ironruby-dbi project and provide a dbi adapter that handles sqlite correctly. From then on adding it to rails is easy as it would require replacing the connection with the dbi connection.
It is a work in progress though and at this moment most efforts have been around sql server, but I too would like to get sqlite working properly on IronRuby with rails.
Another approach would be to change the active record adapter for sqlite to work with the ADO.NET provider (that would probably require the least effort but won't help outside the rails community). I have a pretty good idea of what needs to happen to make it all work but I simply don't have the time to do all of these things, unfortunately.
Have you tried using the SQLite adapter? It might work out-of-the-box.
I haven't tried it personally though.

MIDP Java implementation of SQLite DB

Are there any MIDP implementation of SQLite db available for use of sqlite db within a MIDlet, rather than using RMS. Of course, there are Floggy and OpenBaseMovil, however they are based on RMS, but are there any implementations that allows to perform operations in an sqlite db file?
There are 2 ways of doing something like that:
take the open source code of SQLite (written in C) and write something similar in JavaME. nobody has done that yet. There is an ongoing effort to write a version of SQLite in C# for windows mobile but you have got to wonder what impact a move to an interpreted language with no control over the performance of file system access will have.
define and implement a JavaME API that accesses the native SQLite via something like JNI. This is usually extremely complicated if you are not the phone manufacturer or one of its very close partners. I suspect Android does that so you could look at its sources in that area but it won't be MIDP-compliant. There are no official JSR for an SQLite-like API yet.
J2ME spec does not define JNI. Being an ISV and trying to write native bindings is out of question. Sun's reference implementation does define something called KNI - but then you have to be an OEM to be able to do that and ship the VM with the phone.
