Is it possible to create a background app using node-webkit? - background-process

I wanted to create a complete background running app that only shows up in the system-tray and doesn't have any "window" as such. I tried setting the "window" attribute to false, but that doesn't work. Is there any way to create a completely background daemon-style application using node-webkit?

Additionally place a tray to truly reflect a background app:

Simply use this package.json
"window": {
"show": false


How to define the color's shade in qtquickcontrols2.conf?

I am trying to define the style of my application in the qtquickcontrols2.conf file like this:
For each of the four colors (Accent, Primary, Foreground and Background) I want to specify the shade as well. However I cannot find the syntax I should use.
Is this possible and how?
It's not currently possible. You can set it on the root object though:
ApplicationWindow {
// ...
Material.foreground: Material.color(Material.Blue, Material.ShadeA100)
This will propagate to every other control in the application.

ionic 3 angular styling mydatepicker component

This seems to be some css issue and some guru would know how to fix right away.
I am using which works as i require except i need to make some layout changes to the input box.
i am able to see desired changes if i do that in the chrome browser via developer tools but not able to get them working by applying the css.
so if you take a look at the screenshot:
i need to set the height to 25px rather 34px.
try to override class like .selectiongroup etc. doesnt help
you should use the height attribute to override input height.
private myOptions: IMyDpOptions = {
firstDayOfWeek: 'su',
editableDateField: false,
openSelectorOnInputClick: true,
height: '25px'
<my-date-picker [options]="myOptions" [(ngModel)]="XYZ" (dateChanged)="XYZ($event)"></my-date-picker>

grunt-svgstore cleanup option not working

I'm using grunt-svgstore to merge SVG files. There's an option available called 'cleanup' ( that should:
Clean up all inline style definitions that may jeopardise later
stylesheet-based colouring (fill).
However, mine doesn't seem to work. The rest of it runs fine, I get the prefix and the viewBox and the file is created. It's just the cleanup that doesn't seem to work. Have I got the syntax wrong here (from my Gruntfile.js)?
svgstore: {
options: {
prefix: 'icon-',
cleanup: true,
svg: {
viewBox: '0 0 32 32',
class: 'is-hidden'
default: {
files: {
'svg/svg-sprite.svg': ['svg/*.svg']
It looks as though you can provide the 'cleanup' option with an array off attributes instead of just true or false. You can add the fill attribute here in the array as well as style attribute if you wanted to.
options: {
cleanup: ['fill', 'style']
Hope this helps for future reference.
I was actually going down the wrong path with the question, but I'll leave it up for reference to anyone who runs into the same problem.
The plugin actually works perfectly as intended, which is to remove all inline styles:
<path style="fill:#000000:">
What it doesn't do is remove styles that are applied just using
<path fill="#000000">
The IcoMoon app that I was using to download my SVG icons colours the icons using the latter, and so the plugin won't remove those. Unfortunately, I had to go through each SVG individually and remove that fill="#000000".

How to change default background in Sencha Touch 2

When you start a new project in Sencha Architect, it gives you this off white background (#eeeeee). Naturally, like any site or app, you can swipe higher or lower than the actual content, so this off white color shows.
I want to change this background color. I'm able to change the Containers or Panels so that isn't the problem. I also tried applying a Cls to the Viewport or using the Style or HTML config of the Viewport with no luck.
Does anyone know the Cls for this so I can override it or have any other ways to do this? It's like it's the final background behind everything.
There's one css var defined to change default background color. It's $page-bg-color.
You can find it inside nearly at bottom-
Default value is set for #eee. As it's a css var, it might have referenced in various places. So adding a class with custom background to each and every element will not be good. Better override it through scss itself.
You'd need to define your own *.scss file and compile it. In this *.scss file, you can override almost every css property. In your case, set $page-bg-color:#whatever and recompile it.
Hope you are familiar with using compass and scsss, if not then there's quick start guide on
If you wants to use Cls means
Ext.define("VUCFyn.view.MemberHome", {
extend: 'Ext.Panel',
xtype: 'memberhome',
config: {
cls : 'booked-seats', // inside config use like this
and You have specify the design in index.html file
.booked-seats {
background-color: #DEFCE2;
Try it will work .. i tried like this..

SASS: Get value of existing background string and add to it?

I'd like to additively build backgrounds in SASS/Compass, ignorant of the existing background string. I am able to accomplish by writing to a global var, but it seems sloppy.
// add a background icon
=mixin-add-gradient-from-color($color: blue !default)
// add a background gradient
// add a bg texture
background: blue
// this should take the existing bg and add texture to it
// these two should take the existing bgs strings from <a> and add to them
Am I missing something obvious? Thanks in advance.
There isn't currently a way to access an object's properties via Sass, but Sass is an open project so you can always go and ask the developpers if such a feature would be possible on their Github repo.
