Add a new language to source-highlight - source-highlighting

I created a new language file and added it to source-highlight's language directory (/usr/local/cellar/source-highlight/3.1.7/share/source-highlight), but when I run $ source-highlight --lang-list, it isn't listed.
What do I need to do to register the language with source-highlight?

I had to add the language to the file:
# crystal reports formula language
crystal = crystal.lang


How are you handling theme updates across multiple Shiny apps?

I have a general shiny question, rather than a specific call to help with code.
I've just finished creating a branded shiny template using a mix of fresh and some custom CSS. It's branded and looks sharp for the dashboards I'm building for my organisation. However, I've got one eye on how to maintain the look and feel of our dashboards as our analytics team continues to grow and mature. When we have 50 apps deployed and we want to change the theme, we will have to go through and update the code in 50 different shinyapps if we continue with the current method of fresh and custom CSS in www/.
Does anyone have experience in centralising themes? Perhaps serving CSS from somewhere external to Shiny and calling that at the start of app.R? This would likely require me to unify fresh and my additional custom CSS into a single .css file, but that's something I'm willing to do.
Alternatively, perhaps someone clever has already developed a package to solve this problem?
Any general pointers warmly received.
For those who might be interested, I built the theme into a package I was developing. Within my package's root dir, I added an inst folder and, inside that, a www dir. I added the organisation logo and some extra CSS that couldn't be easily configured with {fresh}.
To set the theme, I created a function like this:
light_blue = "#383F48",
aqua = "#094357",
green = "#094357",
blue = "#383F48"
box_bg = "#FFFFFF",
info_box_bg = "#D1E0E5"
"sidebar-width" = "275px",
"sidebar-dark-bg" = "#3A3F46",
"sidebar-dark-hover-color" = "#FFB151",
"btn-border-radius" = "1px"
shiny::addResourcePath('www', system.file("www", package = "myPackage"))
I used shiny::addResourcePath to create a resource path to link the package's inst/www folder to the project within which myPackage::set_theme() is called. Then, within my Shiny dashboards:
theme <- myPackage::set_theme()
tags$head(tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href =
Make note of the www/ in the href argument. If you were to keep these files 'locally' within your Shiny app, you'd create a www dir in root and forego the www/ prefix. When calling files from your package, simply include the www/

File Manipulation: output file and prompt user for name on Windows

I'm cringing just asking this here... and likely searching by the wrong terms, so apologies if this is a redundant question. How can I have a .R file create an output file and prompt the user for a file name, using an interactive dialog box? Or more simply put a "Save As" prompt?
Basically the reverse of:
str <- "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File (.csv)"
data <- read_csv(choose.files(multi = FALSE, filters = cbind(str, "*.csv")))
I want to use write_csv() and have the user to decide the name and directory.
Solution comes from: How to let user choose output file name in writecsv
str <- "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File (.csv)"
write_csv(data, path = choose.files(caption = "Save As...",
multi = FALSE,
filters = cbind(str, "*.csv")))
This produces the desired output. It prompts the user and filters files by only .csv extension. If a file doesn't exist it will create it as.csv by default.

R extension write local data

I am creating a package and would like to store settings data locally, since it is unique for each user of the package and so that the setting does not have to be set each time the package is loaded.
How can I do this in the best way?
You could save your necessary data in an object and save it using saveRDS()
whenever a change it made or when user is leaving or giving command for saving.
It saves the R object as it is under a file name in the specified path.
saveRDS(<obj>, "path/to/filename.rds")
And you can load it next time when package is starting using loadRDS().
The good thing of loadRDS() is that you can assign a new name to the obj. (So you don't have to remember its old obj name. However the old obj name is also loaded with the object and will eventually pollute your namespace. <- loadRDS("path/to/filename.rds")
# or also possible:
loadRDS("path/to/filename.rds") # and use its old name
Where to store
Maybe here:
You can use %systemdrive%%homepath% environment variable to accomplish
The two command variables when concatenated gives you the desired
user's home directory path as below:
Running echo %systemdrive% on command prompt gives:
Running echo %homepath% on command prompt gives:
When used together it becomes:
Either in the package location of the user, <- find.package("name.of.your.pacakge",
lib.loc = NULL, quiet = FALSE,
verbose = getOption("verbose"))
# and then construct with
destination.folder.path <- file.path(,
"subfoldername", "filename")`
# the path to the final destination
# You should use `file.path()` to construct such paths, because it detects automatically the correct ('/' or '\') separators for the file paths in Unix-derived systems (Linux/Mac Os X) versus Windows.
Or use the $HOME variable of the user and there in a file - the name of which beginning with "." - this is convention in Unix-systems (Linux/Mac OS X) for such kind of file which save configurations of software programs.
e.g. ".your-packages-name.rds".
If anybody has a better solution, please help!

moving one directory backward in R path

Let's say this is the working directory where my R script is residing:
C:/Users/Indrajeet Patil/Dropbox/Study 1/Data analysis
I know how to create a new directory inside the current working directory-
dir.create(path = paste(getwd(), '/Results', sep = ''))
What I am struggling with is how to tell R to move one folder backward and create a new directory. So, in this example, I want to create a new folder inside the folder Study 1 and call it Results.
To go back once you need to add .. to the beginning of the path as in
dir.create(path = '../Results')

Documenter.jl: #autodocs for specific source files

From Documenter.jl's documentation of #autodocs:
[...], a Pages vector may be included in #autodocs to filter
docstrings based on the source file in which they are defined:
Modules = [Foo]
Pages = ["a.jl", "b.jl"]
However, it also says
Note that page matching is done using the end of the provided strings
and so a.jl will be matched by any source file that ends in a.jl, i.e.
src/a.jl or src/foo/a.jl.
How can I restrict the #autodocs block to specific source files?
My package's source code is organized as
How to make the #autodocs block only consider files src/foo/a.jl and src/foo/b.jl but not src/ignore/a.jl and src/ignore/b.jl?
Unfortunately, Pages = ["foo/a.jl", "foo/b.jl"] didn't do it for me.
Thanks in advance.
Turns out that this is a Windows issue due to absence of normalization of path separators (see linked github issue).
On Linux Pages = ["foo/a.jl", "foo/b.jl"] should work.
On Windows Pages = ["foo\\a.jl", "foo\\b.jl"] should work.
EDIT: joinpath.("foo", ["a.jl", "b.jl"]) should work on any OS.
