I want to define a hash table to represent such a data structure:
(("A" , ("B" ,16)) , ("B" , ("C" , 20)))
and I need to access to the both pairs: ("B" ,16),("C" ,20) and numbers 16,20.
Can I have a hashtable of hashtable in Racket? how should I define it and access to to elements?
I found the answer. Yes, it is possible. One can simply do it like:
(define (fun1)
(let ([ht (make-hash (list (cons "A" (make-hash '(("B" "16")("C" "20"))))))])
(define v (hash-ref (fun1) "A" ))
(hash-ref v "B")
> (conj [0] 1 2 3)
[0 1 2 3]
> (conj {:a "ei"} {:b "bi"})
{:b "bi", :a "ei"}
See, when it acts on vector, it puts 1,2,3 at end of it.
Whereas it put :b "bi" in front of :a map k-v pair
Why is this?
As with many hashed maps implementations, Clojure's hashed maps do not sort their entries, not retain the order in which they were inserted. This allows for better performance.
Note that conj does not have general ordering semantics either (it has ordering semantics for some concrete types, such as vectors).
You don't have to go as far as maps to get inconsistent behaviour from conj:
(conj [1] 2) ; [1 2]
(conj (list 1) 2) ; (2 1)
Hash maps have no defined order. But, for any map,
the seq of entries will always be the same
the vals and keys will be in consistent order.
Thus, for map m,
(= (keys m) (map key m))
(= (vals m) (map val m))
(= m (zipmap (keys m) (vals m)))
Currently, this sequence seems to be independent of insertion order. I tested this on sets by randomly shuffling random integers.
I started a question here about a hangman game I am working on.
Recursive Scheme Function Value Error
I feel that the hangman portion is confusing people from my real issue and question. My problem is, I call various defined functions from within my recursion loop and get incorrect values. When I call these same function by themselves (not in a recursive loop) they work as expected. I know it is either something I am overlooking or a variable binding issue is going on that I need a workaround for.
First here a reproduction of the problem code:
(define (recurse a_list a_number)
(cond ((= a_number 0)
(display "Zero Condition.")
(display "\n\n")
(display-list a_list ",")
(display "\n")
(display (car a_constant))
(display "\n")
(display "If the above letter is in the list, result should be true\n")
(display (contains? a_list (car a_constant)))
(display "\n")
(display "Enter a letter:")
(recurse (cons (symbol->string (read)) a_list) (- a_number 1))
Here are my definitions used inside the recursive loop:
(define (display-list a_list separater)
(if (null? a_list)
(display "")
(display (car a_list))
(if (null? (cdr a_list))
(display "")
(display separater))
(display-list (cdr a_list) separater)
(define (contains? list item)
;(display "\n")
;(display list)
;(display "\n")
;(display item)
;(display "\n")
(cond ((empty? list)
((eq? (first list) item)
(contains? (rest list) item)
(define a_constant '("n" "o" "t" "w" "o" "r" "k" "i" "n" "g"))
(define test_li_1 '("n" "b"))
(define test_li_2 '("a" "b"))
This is what I ran:
> (contains? a_constant (car test_li_1))
> (contains? a_constant (car test_li_2))
It works as expected.
When I run the recursive Loop this is what I get:
> (recurse test_li_2 2)
If the above letter is in the list, result should be true
Enter a letter:n
If the above letter is in the list, result should be true
In my mind, the first output is correct, but the second one is not.
When I run with test_li_1 it always evaluates to true which, it should since 'n' is always in my a_list. What I have put together through several tests, is the recursive function keeps using my initially passed in list and does not use the appended version for function calls, which is not what I want it to do. I also think that is not how it should work right? Shouldn't my passed in value be used and not a value from several recursive levels up? I'm testing this all in Dr. Racket with #lang racket in case that matters.
The problem reported occurs because you're using eq? to test for string equality. From the documentation:
(eq? v1 v2) → boolean? : Return #t if v1 and v2 refer to the same object, #f otherwise.
So you see, eq? is testing for identity, not for equality. For that, you should use string=? or equal?. Modify the contains? procedure as follows, and it'll work:
(define (contains? list item)
((empty? list) #f)
((string=? (first list) item) #t)
(else (contains? (rest list) item))))
When you call (symbol->string (read)) and enter in a, you get a fresh string "a". This is a new string object that is not eq? to any "a" in your program. Try this to see the problem:
(eq? (symbol->string (read)) "a")
If you enter in a, this will output #f because the two string items are separate objects. You've run afoul of string interning. All instances of "a" written in your source code are stored as references to one object upon compilation, so (eq? "a" "a") will evaluate to true. When you (read) input as strings, those strings will be freshly created objects and won't be equal to any other strings. There are two ways you can fix this:
Use string=? for comparison instead of eq? (as in Oscar's answer)
Use lists of characters instead of lists of single-character strings, e.g. '(#\a #\b #\c) is the string "abc". From the Racket documentation of characters:
Two characters are eqv? if they correspond to the same scalar value. For each scalar value less than 256, character values that are eqv? are also eq?
Letter characters (a-z and A-Z) have values less than this in Racket's Unicode encoding, so any letter characters you read in will not run afoul of the eq? issue. This brings up another point - you should be sanitizing your input from read. The read procedure is not guaranteed to return a string, in particular if I enter in 1 instead of a string, it returns the number 1, not the string "1". You should add some logic to handle bad input, or this will crash your program.
Here is the situation: I have a vector of vectors ("data"), a set of headers, a subset of headers ("primary headers"), a constant ("C"), an element-wise function ("f"), and the remaining headers ("secondary headers"). My goal is to take the "data" and produce a new vector of vectors.
Example data:
[[1.0 "A" 2.0]
[1.0 "B" 4.0]]
Example headers:
["o1" "i1" "i2"]
Example primary headers:
["i1" "i2"]
Example secondary headers:
Example new vector of vectors:
[[(f "A") (f 2.0) C (f 1.0)]
[(f "B") (f 4.0) C (f 1.0)]]
My current attempt is to mapv each row, then map-indexed each element with an if to check for primary membership, then the constant, then map-indexed each element with an if to check for secondary membership, finally conj on the results. But I am not getting it to work right.
Example code:
(mapv (fn [row] (conj (vec (flatten (map-indexed
(fn [idx item] (let [header-name (nth headers idx)]
(if (= (some #{header-name} primary-headers) headers-name) (f item))))
(vec (flatten (map-indexed
(fn [idx item] (let [header-name (nth headers idx)]
(if (= (some #{header-name} secondary-headers) headers-name) (f item))))
You should consider using core.matrix for stuff like this. It is a very flexible tool for multi-dimensional array programming in Clojure.
Most array-manipulation operations are likely to be 1-2 liners.....
(def DATA [[1.0 "A" 2.0]
[1.0 "B" 4.0]])
(emap (partial str "f:") (transpose (mapv #(get-column DATA %) [1 0 2])))
=> [["f:A" "f:1.0" "f:2.0"]
["f:B" "f:1.0" "f:4.0"]]
You might need to look up the column names to calculate the [1 0 2] vector but hopefully this gives you a good idea how to do this....
Not sure if I got your problem right, but looks like you want something like this:
(defn magic [data h p s f]
(let [idx (map (into {} (map-indexed #(vector %2 %1) h))
(concat p s))]
(mapv #(mapv (comp f (partial get %))
Here is an example of my magic function:
(magic [[1.0 "A" 2.0]
[1.0 "B" 4.0]]
["o1" "i1" "i2"]
["i1" "i2"]
#(str "<" % ">"))
[["<A>" "<2.0>" "<1.0>"]
["<B>" "<4.0>" "<1.0>"]]
Let's get a closer look at it.
First of all, I'm calculating permutation index idx. In your case it's (1 2 0). In order to calculate it I'm turning ["o1" "i1" "i2"] into a hash map {"o1" 0, "i1" 1, "i2" 2} and then using it on ("i1" "i2" "o1") sequence of primary and secondary headers.
Then I'm using idx to rearrange data matrix. On this step I'm also applying f function to each element of new rearranged matrix.
I thought that it'll be best to split my complicated magic function into three simpler ones:
(defn getPermutation [h1 h2]
(map (into {} (map-indexed #(vector %2 %1) h1))
(defn permutate [idx data]
(mapv #(mapv (partial get %) idx)
(defn mmap [f data]
(mapv (partial mapv f)
Each function here is atomic (i.e. performing a single task), and they all could be easily combined to do exactly what magic function do:
(defn magic [data h p s f]
(let [idx (getPermutation h (concat p s))]
(->> data
(permutate idx)
(mmap f))))
getPermutation function here calculates idx permutation index vector.
permutate rearranges columns of a matrix data according to given idx vector.
mmap applies function f to each element of a matrix data.
Update 2
Last time I missed the part about adding a constant. So, in order to do so we'll need to change some of the code. Let's change permutate function allowing it to insert new values to the matrix.
(defn permutate [idx data & [default-val]]
(mapv #(mapv (partial get %) idx (repeat default-val))
Now, it'll use default-val if it won't be able to get the element with the specified index idx.
We'll also need a new magic function:
(defn magic2 [data h p s f c]
(let [idx (getPermutation h (concat p [nil] s))]
(permutate idx (mmap f data) c)))
I changed the order of applying mmap and permutate functions because it seems that you don't want to apply f to your constant.
And it works:
(magic2 [[1.0 "A" 2.0]
[1.0 "B" 4.0]]
["o1" "i1" "i2"]
["i1" "i2"]
#(str "<" % ">")
[["<A>" "<2.0>" "-->" "<1.0>"]
["<B>" "<4.0>" "-->" "<1.0>"]]
(def data [[1.0 "A" 2.0] [1.0 "B" 4.0]])
(def headers ["o1" "i1" "i2"])
(def primaries ["i1" "i2"])
(def secondaries ["o1"])
(defn invert-sequence [s] (into {} (map-indexed (fn [i x] [x i]) s)))
... this does the job:
(defn produce [hs ps ss f data const]
(let [perms (map #(mapv (invert-sequence hs) %) [ps ss])]
(mapv (fn [v] (->> perms
(map #(map (comp f v) %))
(interpose [const])
(apply concat)
Using the example in the question:
(produce headers primaries secondaries #(list 'f %) data 'C)
; [[(f "A") (f 2.0) C (f 1.0)] [(f "B") (f 4.0) C (f 1.0)]]
Using Leonid Beschastny's example:
(produce headers primaries secondaries #(str "<" % ">") data 'C)
; [["<A>" "<2.0>" C "<1.0>"] ["<B>" "<4.0>" C "<1.0>"]]
Using str:
(produce headers primaries secondaries str data 'C)
; [["A" "2.0" C "1.0"] ["B" "4.0" C "1.0"]]
Using identity:
(produce headers primaries secondaries identity data 'C)
; [["A" 2.0 C 1.0] ["B" 4.0 C 1.0]]
I would like to reduce the following seq:
({0 "Billie Verpooten"}
{1 "10:00"}
{2 "17:00"}
{11 "11:10"}
{12 "19:20"})
{:name "Billie Verpooten"
:work {:1 ["10:00" "17:00"]
:11 ["11:10" "19:20"]}}
but I have no idea to do this.
I was think about a recursive function that uses deconstruction.
There's a function for reducing a sequence to something in the standard library, and it's called reduce. Though in your specific case, it seems appropriate to remove the special case key 0 first and partition the rest into the pairs of entries that they're meant to be.
The following function gives the result described in your question:
(defn build-map [maps]
(let [entries (map first maps)
key-zero? (comp zero? key)]
{:name (val (first (filter key-zero? entries)))
:work (reduce (fn [acc [[k1 v1] [k2 v2]]]
(assoc acc (keyword (str k1)) [v1 v2]))
(partition 2 (remove key-zero? entries)))}))
Just for variety here is a different way of expressing an answer by threading sequence manipulation functions:
user> (def data '({0 "Billie Verpooten"}
{1 "10:00"}
{2 "17:00"}
{11 "11:10"}
{12 "19:20"}))
user> {:name (-> data first first val)
:work (as-> data x
(rest x)
(into {} x)
(zipmap (map first (partition 1 2 (keys x)))
(partition 2 (vals x))))}
teh as-> threading macro is new to Clojure 1.5 and makes expressing this sort of function a bit more concise.
I am not to Clojure and attempting to figure out how to do this.
I want to create a new hash-map that for a subset of the keys in the hash-map applies a function to the elements. What is the best way to do this?
[my-map {:hello "World" :try "This" :foo "bar"}]
(println (doToMap my-map [:hello :foo] (fn [k] (.toUpperCase k)))
This should then result a map with something like
{:hello "WORLD" :try "This" :foo "BAR"}
(defn do-to-map [amap keyseq f]
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (f (%1 %2))) amap keyseq))
It helps to look at it inside-out. In Clojure, hash-maps act like functions; if you call them like a function with a key as an argument, the value associated with that key is returned. So given a single key, the current value for that key can be obtained via:
(some-map some-key)
We want to take old values, and change them to new values by calling some function f on them. So given a single key, the new value will be:
(f (some-map some-key))
We want to associate this new value with this key in our hash-map, "replacing" the old value. This is what assoc does:
(assoc some-map some-key (f (some-map some-key)))
("Replace" is in scare-quotes because we're not mutating a single hash-map object; we're returning new, immutable, altered hash-map objects each time we call assoc. This is still fast and efficient in Clojure because hash-maps are persistent and share structure when you assoc them.)
We need to repeatedly assoc new values onto our map, one key at a time. So we need some kind of looping construct. What we want is to start with our original hash-map and a single key, and then "update" the value for that key. Then we take that new hash-map and the next key, and "update" the value for that next key. And we repeat this for every key, one at a time, and finally return the hash-map we've "accumulated". This is what reduce does.
The first argument to reduce is a function that takes two arguments: an "accumulator" value, which is the value we keep "updating" over and over; and a single argument used in one iteration to do some of the accumulating.
The second argument to reduce is the initial value passed as the first argument to this fn.
The third argument to reduce is a collection of arguments to be passed as the second argument to this fn, one at a time.
(reduce fn-to-update-values-in-our-map
fn-to-update-values-in-our-map is just the assoc statement from above, wrapped in an anonymous function:
(fn [map-so-far some-key] (assoc map-so-far some-key (f (map-so-far some-key))))
So plugging it into reduce:
(reduce (fn [map-so-far some-key] (assoc map-so-far some-key (f (map-so-far some-key))))
In Clojure, there's a shorthand for writing anonymous functions: #(...) is an anonymous fn consisting of a single form, in which %1 is bound to the first argument to the anonymous function, %2 to the second, etc. So our fn from above can be written equivalently as:
#(assoc %1 %2 (f (%1 %2)))
This gives us:
(reduce #(assoc %1 %2 (f (%1 %2))) amap keyseq)
(defn doto-map [m ks f & args]
(reduce #(apply update-in %1 [%2] f args) m ks))
Example call
user=> (doto-map {:a 1 :b 2 :c 3} [:a :c] + 2)
{:a 3, :b 2, :c 5}
Hopes this helps.
The following seems to work:
(defn doto-map [ks f amap]
(into amap
(map (fn [[k v]] [k (f v)])
(filter (fn [[k v]] (ks k)) amap))))
user=> (doto-map #{:hello :foo} (fn [k] (.toUpperCase k)) {:hello "World" :try "This" :foo "bar"})
{:hello "WORLD", :try "This", :foo "BAR"}
There might be a better way to do this. Perhaps someone can come up with a nice one-liner :)