Maximum records can be stored at Riak database - riak

Can anyone give an example of maximum record limit in Riak database with specific hardware details? please help me in this case.I'm going to build a CDR information system. Will it be suitable to select Riak as my database?

Riak uses the 2^160 SHA-1 hash value to identify the partitions to store data in. Data is then stored in the identified partitions based on the bucket and key name. The size of the hash space is therefore not related to the amount of data that can be stored. Two different objects that happen to hash to the same value will therefore not overwrite each other.
When working with Riak, it is important to model your data correctly and consider how it needs to be retrieved and queried during the design process. Ideally you should try to ensure that the vast majority of your queries can be done through direct key access. It is often recommended to de-normalise your data and use natural keys. For CDRs this may mean creating an object holding all CDRs for a subscriber per day. These objects can be named based on the subscriber id and date, making it easy to retrieve data directly by key. It is also often more efficient to retrieve a few larger objects than many small ones and perform filtering in the application rather than try to just get the exact data that is needed. I have described this approach in greater detail here.

The limit to the number of records (or key/value pairs) you can store in Riak is governed only by the size of the hash space: 2^160. According to WolframAlpha, this is the number:
In other words, go nuts. :)


Highly efficient key-value storage in C

What would be the most efficient key-value pair storage algorithm that fulfills the following design goals?
Data is stored on disk to avoid data loss if the software / computer does not shut down normally
Data is read/written by a single application
Runs on desktops so it needs to use the minimal amount of memory, processing and storage so as to minimize the impact to computer performance for the user
Must support multiple (2 to 3) inserts/updates per second
Expect to have only a few thousand total records but some of these records will be updated frequently (i.e. many times more updates than inserts)
Data is only retrieved a few (2 to 3) times a day
Data written and retrieved using a single primary numeric key (i.e. short)
Will need to frequently update a secondary field (i.e. “key” or “column”) that is used for filtering and sorting the data on retrieval
The primary key cannot changed (i.e. does not need to be changed)
Records do not need to be removed (i.e. deleting not supported)
The application will also store unstructured (i.e. whatever desired by the user) data associated with the keys (primary and secondary)
The data associated with the keys can be updated
Data is always retrieved as an ordered list, either:
a. Starting from the beginning, or
b. Filtered by the secondary key
Planning to use this in a C application. The primary criteria for selection is to be as absolutely lightweight and fast as possible.
For C/C++ i'm aware of this variants available
After a lot of research, I decided to use LevelDB for this solution. It was easy to build as a static library, and very simple to use within my code. It is super fast and has small file sizes.

DynamoDB: Querying all similar items of a certain type

Keeping in mind the best practices of having a single table and to evenly distribute items across partitions using as unique partition keys as possible in DynamoDB, I am stuck at one problem.
Say my table stores items such as users, items and devices. I am storing the id for each of these items as the partition key. Each id is prefixed with its type such as user-XXXX, item-XXXX & device-XXXX.
Now the problem is how can I query only a certain type of object? For example I want to retrieve all users, how do I do that? It would have been possible if the begin_with operator was allowed for partition keys so I could search for the prefix but the partition keys only allow the equality operator.
If now I use my types as partition keys, for example, user as partition key and then the user-id as the sort key, it would work but it would result in only a few partition keys and thus resulting in the hot keys issue. And creating multiple tables is a bad practice.
Any suggestions are welcome.
This is a great question. I'm also interested to hear what others are doing to solve this problem.
If you're storing your data with a Partition Key of <type>-<id>, you're supporting the access pattern "retrieve an item by ID". You've correctly noted that you cannot use begins_with on a Partition Key, leaving you without a clear cut way to get a collection of items of that type.
I think you're on the right track with creating a Partition Key of <type> (e.g. Users, Devices, etc) with a meaningful Sort Key. However, since your items aren't evenly distributed across the table, you're faced with the possibility of a hot partition.
One way to solve the problem of a hot partition is to use an external cache, which would prevent your DB from being hit every time. This comes with added complexity that you may not want to introduce to your application, but it's an option.
You also have the option of distributing the data across partitions in DynamoDB, effectively implementing your own cache. For example, lets say you have a web application that has a list of "top 10 devices" directly on the homepage. You could create partitions DEVICES#1,DEVICES#2,DEVICES#3,...,DEVICES#N that each stores the top 10 devices. When your application needs to fetch the top 10 devices, it could randomly select one of these partitions to get the data. This may not work for a partition as large as Users, but is a pretty neat pattern to consider.
Extending this idea further, you could partition Devices by some other meaningful metric (e.g. <manufactured_date> or <created_at>). This would more uniformly distribution your Device items throughout the database. Your application would be responsible for querying all the partitions and merging the results, but you'd reduce/eliminate the hot partition problem. The AWS DynamoDB docs discuss this pattern in greater depth.
There's hardly a one size fits all approach to DynamoDB data modeling, which can make the data modeling super tricky! Your specific access patterns will dictate which solution fits best for your scenario.
Keeping in mind the best practices of having a single table and to evenly distribute items across partitions
Quickly highlighting the two things mentioned here.
Definitely even distribution of partitions keys is a best practice.
Having the records in a single table, in a generic sense is to avoid having to Normalize like in a relational database. In other words its fine to build with duplicate/redundant information. So its not necessarily a notion to club all possible data into a single table.
Now the problem is how can I query only a certain type of object? For
example I want to retrieve all users, how do I do that?
Let's imagine that you had this table with only "user" data in it. Would this allow to retrieve all users? Ofcourse not, unless there is a single partition with type called user and rest of it say behind a sort key of userid.
And creating multiple tables is a bad practice
I don't think so its considered bad to have more than one table. Its bad if we store just like normalized tables and having to use JOIN to get the data together.
Having said that, what would be a better approach to follow.
The fundamental difference is to think about the queries first to derive at the table design. That will even suggest if DynamoDB is the right choice. For example, the requirement to select every user might be a bad use case altogether for DynamoDB to solve.
The query patterns will further suggest, what is the best partition key in hand. The choice of DynamoDB here is it because of high ingest and mostly immutable writes?
Do I always have the partition key in hand to perform the select that I need to perform?
What would the update statements look like, will it have again the partition key to perform updates?
Do I need to further filter by additional columns and can that be the default sort order?
As you start answering some of these questions, a better model might appear altogether.

A limit clarification for the new Firestore

So in the limits section ( of the new Firestore product from Firebase it says:
Maximum write rate to a collection in which documents contain
sequential values in an indexed field: 500 per second
We're pretty confused as to what that actually entails.
If we have, say, a root-level collection called users with 10 million entries in it, will this rate affect this collection in such a way, so only 500 users can update their data in any given second?
Can anyone clarify?
Sorry for the confusion; an example might help.
If your user documents contained a last-updated timestamp and you index on that timestamp then each new write would end up clustering around the same value (now) creating a hotspot in the index.
Similarly if you somehow assigned users a sequential value like a place in line or something like that this would also create a hotspot.
Incidentally this is why generated document IDs are random strings. This evenly distributes the writes on the primary key index.
If you avoid these kinds of patterns the sky's the limit, though during beta you'd hit the database-wide limit.
A quick additional note : for the moment all properties are indexed by default, so if you had a last-updated timestamp it would necessarily be indexed - so you would not be able to avoid the hotspoting.
Index disablement will be available down the road though.

DynamoDB table structure

We are looking to use AWS DynamoDB for storing application logs. Logs from multiple components in our system would be stored here. We are expecting a lot of writes and only minimal number of reads.
The client that we use for writing into DynamoDB generates a UUID for the partition key, but using this makes it difficult to actually search.
Most prominent search cases are,
Search based on Component / Date / Date time
Search based on JobId / File name
Search based on Log Level
From what I have read so far, using a UUID for the partition key is not suitable for our case. I am currently thinking about using either / for our partition key and ISO 8601 timestamp as our sort key. Does this sound reasonable / widely used setting for such an use case ?
If not kindly suggest alternatives that can be used.
Using UUID as partition key will efficiently distribute the data amongst internal partitions so you will have ability to utilize all of the provisioned capacity.
Using sortable (ISO format) timestamp as range/sort key will store the data in order so it will be possible to retrieve it in order.
However for retrieving logs by anything other than timestamp, you may have to create indexes (GSI) which are charged separately.
Hope your logs are precious enough to store in DynamoDB instead of CloudWatch ;)
In general DynamoDB seems like a bad solution for storing logs:
It is more expensive than CloudWatch
It has poor querying capabilities, unless you start utilising global secondary indexes which will double or triple your expenses
Unless you use random UUID for hash key, you are risking creating hot partitions/keys in your db (For example, using component ID as a primary or global secondary key, might result in throttling if some component writes much more often than others)
But assuming you already know these drawbacks and you still want to use DynamoDB, here is what I would recommend:
Use JobId or Component name as hash key (one as primary, one as GSI)
Use timestamp as a sort key
If you need to search by log level often, then you can create another local sort key, or you can combine level and timestamp into single sort key. If you only care about searching for ERROR level logs most of the time, then it might be better to create a sparse GSI for that.
Create a new table each day(let's call it "hot table"), and only store that day's logs in that table. This table will have high write throughput. Once the day finishes, significantly reduce its write throughput (maybe to 0) and only leave some read capacity. This way you will reduce risk of running into 10 GB limit per hash key that Dynamo DB has.
This approach also has an advantage in terms of log retention. It is very easy and cheap to remove log older than X days this way. By keeping old table capacity very low you will also avoid very high costs. For more complicated ad-hoc analysis, use EMR

Get an object from a bucket in riak without knowing its key

I am using a riak bucket to store a list of messages, using a UUID as the key and a json message as value. This is working fine.
What I need is an efficient way to get a single message from the bucket without knowing its key, at least in one of these two scenarios:
Get the last inserted object (this is my prefered approach).
Get a random object from the bucket (if the first alternative is not possible).
Is there any efficient way to achieve that?
I think one alternative could be to retrieve the keys in the bucket and then get the first one. But this means making two calls to riak, one to obtain all the keys (just to discard all but one) and a second one to obtain the object. It does not seem very efficient.
As Riak is a key-value store, the by far most efficient way to retrieve data is through the keys. Listing or retrieving all keys in a bucket, even if you only end up using the one returned first, is one of the least efficient operations you can perform as it causes Riak to scan ALL keys in the system (not just the bucket), and it is usually recommended NEVER to use this on a production system.
The most efficient way to get the last inserted object would probably be to store the id in a separate, known record in a different bucket. This would however require you to perform two writes on every insert and two reads for every read, but would do so in the most efficient way. You could possibly implement a post-commit hook (would have to be in Erlang as it is not currently not possible to write records using JavaScript functions) on the bucket containing messages to get the system to perform the update for you, which would remove the need for the last write.
If you write a lot of data to the bucket containing messages, you may want to adjust the separate bucket so that it does not allow multiple values and that the last value wins. This way you would reduce the risk of having lots of siblings created due to frequent updates to this single record across the system. This would always give you one of the last written records, but not necessarily the last one (especially if you frequently write messages to the database), as Riak does not support any type of atomicity and is an eventually consistent database.
You could also create one or more secondary indexes if you are using the leveldb backend, and use this to limit your scan to only recent records, which would be more efficient than a scann of all keys. You could then either select the most recent key or a random one through mapreduce, but this would be much less efficient than the previously described approach.
I can not think of any efficient way to retrieve a random record in a bucket from Riak unless you know the range of keys you have inserted and can decide randomly on the client which one to get. One way to do this would be to generate all keys in sequence rather than using a UUID, but that is naturally not a good idea in a highly concurrent distributed system.
1st task is pretty easy to implement:
Add post-commit hook that will write the last inserted key to some predefined key/bucket place
Get the key from that predefined key/bucket and issue a get query using them
It's still two operations but both are just gets that are fast. Plus additional overhead on hook but nothing too heavy either.
2nd scenario is also easy, but it is way too inefficient to be used practically:
Get all keys (extremely expensive operation)
Pick random
Issue get
I have come up with the same scenario. In My scenario I have to save the users. For that I required an auto increment Id. So what I did is, I placed the last inserted key in a separate bucket as like mentioned by "Christian Dahlqvist", every time I want to insert new record I fetch the last inserted key from that key bucket. Here we have only one value in that bucket with the key as "LastKey" which is always known to us. And I incremented the key based on the fetched key and again updated the key bucket. So always the key bucket contains the latest key in it.
