optimize heavy website CSS3 animations for mobile devices - css

I'm working on a responsive website with lots of CSS3 animations (keyframes).
As much as it works good in a desktop Chrome browser, the site is too heavy for mobile and crashing it's browser or even sometimes restart the device LOL.
I'm new to both responsive and CSS animations, and will like to get your help to optimize the animations so they will work on mobile devices without crashing them.
I already changed all my animations (keyframes) from using position top/left to transform translate3D.
And I also set the animation-play-state to "paused" by default, and changing it to "running" only when you get to the area of the element (when it's in viewport).
What more can I do please? or, do I can't do anything about that and should always pause the animations on mobile devices?
You welcome to answer me in general, or visit the site in the next link -
* DO NOT open it in a mobile, it may restart your device! *
Open it in latest Chrome or Firefox: http://goo.gl/BVsVH7
Again I'm new to both responsive and mobile, and I have no idea what I should and shouldn't do.

I think it is hard to make this work well on mobile devices today.
I ran your website on google pagespeed and there are plenty of stuff you can make better. Paste your url there and you'll get a bunch of tips for optimization.
Google PageSpeed Insights


Simulate iOS Google Chrome toolbar for testing a website

I'm developing a website and currently testing it in Google chrome on my PC. I found out that on iPhone devices, the bottom toolbar that is present in Chrome, breaks the layout. I understand how to fix this, but - is there a way to test the layout without a physical iPhone?
in Chrome developer tools, for example, changing to mobile devices only changes the dimensions, it won't add a toolbar functionality.
(If it matters, my issue is having 100vh on pages, I understand how to fix but want to make sure before deploying)
If it's not possible to simulate (doesn't have to be Chrome obviously, could be anything), is there an alternative way to test the behavior when something like a toolbar unexpectedly changes the viewport?

How to troubleshoot CSS issue that only appears in Safari Mobile?

I keep having CSS issues that only appear on deployment when viewed from an iPhone. I cannot replicate the issues from a Desktop/Laptop browser no matter what I try (resizing, using responsive design mode, etc.) My current solution is to guess a fix, deploy it and then check. Obviously this is horribly slow / inefficient. Is there a better way?
Using safari on a desktop to inspect the elements of a connected iPhone running safari is a thing ;)

CSS3 animations do not work in XP?

So I made a site that heavily relies on CCS3 animations, I would never do this for a client as I know it is risky but as its just a personal project I don't mind.
The animations work fine on modern browsers using Windows 7 and they seem to work on XP when using Firefox, they don't work at all on IE but again it's a small personal project so I do not mind.
Now when using the site on the latest Chrome with XP the animations work but not correctly.
When you click the div, the div flips over displaying information, but on Chrome/XP it just flips the div but just shows the same div, just backwards instead of showing the other div behind it.
Also when using Chrome/XP it shows some of the images backwards when you load the site up, which I assume is the animations not displaying correctly.
You can see the site here: http://www.dansteeds.co.uk/awipmapv2/
Any help or information is greatly appreciated.
Chrome uses gpu hardware acceleration to render 3d css.
type the following url into your chrome browser http://chrome://gpu and check for 3D CSS: Hardware accelerated. If it isn't, it will instead use a kind of quasi-3d isometric projection.
I think the hardware acceleration might be disabled in your browser causing a bug in your animation.

flexslider nav and buttons doesnt work on firefox and chrome

The left and right buttons for the slider and the small buttons below the slider doesn't work when clicked. only works in IE but not on Firefox and chrome.
Also the images gets out of place when I re-size the browser window to a mobile phone size or tablet size browser.
this is the website http://amakris.com
Thank you
I have been driving myself crazy trying to find an answer to this very problem and I think I just have. It would appear that for the last almost 8 months that Flexslider 2.0 has had a known problem with touch devices. Personally I have an AIO touchscreen and just proved what I found. If you have a touch enabled device and visit any website using flexslider, including Woo's demo - you will notice that by using the "touch" device the slider buttons and navigation work perfectly, but not if you use the mouse.
Apparently there is a touch enabled feature in Chrome which may or may not be able to be turned off or programmed off with a little bit of code. See here: https://github.com/woothemes/FlexSlider/issues/351
It would appear that since flexslider is touch enabled, Chrome and AIO desktops or other touch devices signal to Flexslider to turn off the manual navigation because it is not needed.
I for one am happy that I can stop driving myself crazy now. Enough time has been wasted thinking about this.
I hope anyone else that finds this can rest easy to.

Mac OS X WebKit and CSS position:fixed scrolling

We've run into an optimization problem using WebKit on Mac OS X that we're hoping someone can help us with.
We've written a Cocoa app for Mac OS X that essentially manages a single WebView that points to our online web site. Everything is working fine for the most part. However our web site uses CSS's position:fixed to keep a thin "header bar" locked to the top of the WebView, similar to the big orange "Welcome" bar at the top of StackOverflow.com. We've determined that with position:fixed active, scrolling the WebView forces the entire web page to re-draw itself, which causes scrolling to be agonizingly slow. With position:fixed disabled, scrolling is very fast and fluid; only the page elements that are scrolled "into view" need to be drawn.
We know that this isn't a bug in our Cocoa app code, nor is it a problem with our HTML/CSS code. The same slow scrolling occurs using WebKit test code from Apple. We can point Apple's test code to http://www.StackOverflow.com as a test and we see the exact same behavior. There's also a test page in the Mozilla bug database that we've been using to test the problem (https://bug201307.bugzilla.mozilla.org/attachment.cgi?id=139911). The odd thing is that some WebKit-based browsers on the Mac (eg, Safari and Chrome) don't have this problem; scrolling is always fast on pages using CSS's position:fixed with those two browsers.
Has anyone else experienced this problem with WebKit on OS X? If so, what can we do to speed up our scrolling? Thanks.
I might be way off here as I'm not sure if the same will apply in your web view, but using a style that forces the nav onto its own layer may help.
Something like translateZ(0), or translate3d(0,0,0,). I've come across similar issues when building with Phonegap and applying some thought to layering really helped out.
I believe the browser can utilise hardware acceleration where a third dimension is involved.
I was having a similar problem: the fixed bar was flickering when I was scrolling the page.
So I forced the WebView to use layers and I fixed
[w setWantsLayer:YES];
I had a similar issue in my webview based mac app. It has header and footer with position:fixed css property. Latest webkit shipped with 10.10.x and above don't suffer from this issue. It happens in webkit for mavericks (10.9.x). I got it working by setting these properties for the webview
[self.webView setWantsLayer:YES];
[self.webView setCanDrawSubviewsIntoLayer:YES];
