Skip to end of CSS Animation - css

I have implemented a CSS3 animation that has a beginning and end state. Once the end state is reached, the animation stops and doesn't repeat. What I need to do is have a "skip to end" link that bypasses the entire animation, but displays that final state. Is it possible to do this via CSS3.
Here's the animated page:

Using Javascript only to toggle a class on the container to override the animation in two ways:
Overwrite the animation with a separate animation with the same end result, still setting the end state with animation-fill-mode: forwards;:
Toggle animation: none and manually add the styles that would be at the end of the animation:
The first method might be easier to manage so you just edit all your #keyframes in one place with one just containing the end state. It also has the benefit of just speeding up the animation so that it completes quickly, but still transitions relatively smoothly.


Framer motion: move down element with animation after triggering other animation

I am wondering how to do the following scenario with Framer motion: I have a list that appears when I click on a button. The list comes in with a fade-in animation. However, the box of content below will immediately move down without an animation. What I would like to achieve is that the 'box with content' moves downwards smoothly to its new place while the list animation is going on. How can I achieve this? I have made a code sandbox to replicate the situation:
Couple of things:
Framer Motion lets you animate height from 0 to auto
Animate Presence requires you to add a key to the items. In your case I used index
I updated your sandbox to work. 1 fixes the content reflow. 2 fixes the exit animation not working
I did a writeup on this feature in Framer Motion, because I think it is rather undocumented. Check it out if you like:

How to control which attribute selector changes trigger a css animation?

With the following rules:
.container[data-direction="reverse"] .pane[style*="display: none"]{
animation:SlideOutToRight 1s ease;
.container[data-direction="forward"] .pane[style*="display: none"]{
animation:SlideOutToLeft 1s ease;
The animation runs whenever (a) the data-direction attribute changes and (b) whenever the style becomes display:none. How can I change this code so that the animation only runs when the style becomes display:none but not when the data-direction attribute changes?
Right now, when the direction changes, all of the containers go flying across the screen to the other side because the animation gets applied to all of them when the data attribute changes value.
The data-direction attribute should only control which animation plays, but changes to it's value should not trigger the animation. Is this possible?
Here is a fiddle of the problem:
Expected behavior: The forward button should cause the next sequential box to enter from the right hand side while the current box exists left. The backward button should cause the previous sequential box to enter from the left while the current box exits right. No other box should move or cross the view-port when its not it's turn to move.
Reminder: This is a CSS question, so doing the animation in javascript is cheating. The idea is that Javascript controls functionality (ie a box should be shown or hidden) while css controls presentation (ie. do we make it disappear, fade out or fly to the side). You shouldn't have to re-write your plugin to change the visual way things get shown or hidden.

CSS3: Base state, animation and back

Basically, I have an element with a given width and height. When I add the "zoomed" class to it, I want it to change its size and position. I got it working with a proper webkit-animation (keyframed).
The problem is that when I remove the "zoomed" class, it suddenly reverts to the original size and position, and I'd love to do it with an animation.
Note that this is an example that could probably be solved with the use of the transition property, but in my real world case, it can't because I have a fairly complex keyframed animation.
So, how to have a basic state, animate to a new state when a class is added and reverse the animation to the basic state when the class is removed? Thanks.
The problem that you have wouldn't be solved with a transition.
What makes a transition work in both ways is that usually you set it in a class, and change properties in an state. This way, you have the transition set all the time, and only change the properties.
If you set the transition in the changed state only, once you remove it, the transition is no longer in the element, and so the change is immediate.
If adding the class is really the procedure that you want (for some other reason), the you have 3 posibilities
As suggested in the comment, in the change to the basic state you should add another class that has as only property the animation playing in reverse.
In the base element set the animation in reverse, in the added class set the animation.
Go to an elaborate system where you really remove the class in the animation end event, and what you do triggers that (way too complicated I think)
There is no way that the element is animated - transitioned - whatever once you remove that from the element

Prevent CSS3 Animation from restarting

A lot of people need to restart their CSS3 animations; Well I want the exact opposite:
If I start an animation by adding the proper css class, the animation starts; If I then sort my container using a series of parentNode.insertBefore calls (and reusing the very same node instances), the animations restart every time.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this behavior?
Here's a fiddle showing this behavior:
Click on Add all, let the animation plays for a few seconds then click shuffle: Any node that moved has its animation restarted.
container.insertBefore(node, childrenClone[Math.floor(Math.random() * childrenClone.length)]);
Why manipulate DOM elements, when you can shuffle their CSS positions instead?
children.each(function() {
var $node = $(this),
$node2 = $(children[Math.floor(Math.random() * children.length)]),
tmp = $node.position().top;
$node.css("top", $node2.position().top + 'px');
$node2.css("top", tmp + 'px');
Taking from
An animation specified on an element by modifying the style after the document has loaded will start when the style is resolved. That may be immediately in the case of a pseudo style rule such as hover, or may be when the scripting engine returns control to the browser (in the case of style applied by script).
An animation applies to an element if the element has a value for ‘animation-name’ that references a valid keyframes rule. Once an animation has started it continues until it ends or the ‘animation-name’ is removed. The values used for the keyframes and animation properties are snapshotted at the time the animation starts. Changing them during the execution of the animation has no effect
Removing and inserting nodes causes the elements to recalculate the style, so I don't think what you want is possible by simple css.
A possible way to achieve it using jQuery, would be to take a snapshot of opacity and time left till the end of animation when removing the node, and setting it back after inserting it (ie. for 10s animation, after 5s if shuffle was clicked, start from 50% opacity, with the duration of the animation at 5s)

Ajax Control Toolkit Animation - Flip

The situation is very simple, I have two panel. In the event of OnMouseOver on the first panel. It will flip to show the second panel. I know the easiest way is to use the Jquery.
But I'm trying to learn and use the Ajax Control Toolkit Animation Extender.
Please point me into the right direction.
Thanks In Advance..
I think Flip is not available in the animation reference of AnimationExtender.
Parent Animation
Parallel Animation
Sequence Animation
Selection Animation
Condition Animation
Case Animation
Fade Animation
FadeIn Animation
FadeOut Animation
Pulse Animation
Property Animation
Discrete Animation
Interpolated Animation
Color Animation
Length Animation
Move Animation
Resize Animation
Scale Animation
Enable Action
Hide Action
Style Action
Opacity Action
Script Action
