Plotting a ROC curve from a random forest classification - r

I'm trying to plot ROC curve of a random forest classification. Plotting works, but I think I'm plotting the wrong data since the resulting plot only has one point (the accuracy).
This is the code I use:
data.controls <- cforest_unbiased(ntree=100, mtry=3)
data.rf <- cforest(type ~ ., data = dataset ,controls=data.controls)
pred <- predict(data.rf, type="response")
preds <- prediction(as.numeric(pred), dataset$type)
perf <- performance(preds,"tpr","fpr")
confusionMatrix(pred, dataset$type)

To plot a receiver operating curve you need to hand over continuous output of the classifier, e.g. posterior probabilities. That is, you need to predict (data.rf, newdata, type = "prob").
predicting with type = "response" already gives you the "hardened" factor as output. Thus, your working point is implicitly fixed already. With respect to that, your plot is correct.
side note: in bag prediction of random forests will be highly overoptimistic!


I am having trouble with plotting this logistic regression model

Please help me with plotting this model. I tried just using the plot function but I'm not sure how to incorprate the testing dataset. Please help/Thank You.
TravelInsurance <- read.csv(file="TravelInsurancePrediction.csv",header=TRUE)
Training <- sample(c(1:1987),1500,replace=FALSE)
Test <- c(1:1987)[-Training]
TrainData <- TravelInsurance[Training,]
TestData <- TravelInsurance[Test,]
years= TravelInsurance$Age
logreg = glm(TravIns~ EMPTY+years+Grad+Income+Fam+CD+FF,family = binomial)
Too long for a comment.
Couple of things here:
You divide your dataset into train and test but then build the
model using the full dataset??
Passing vectors is not a good way to use glm(...), or any of the R modeling functions. Better to pass the data frame and reference the columns in the formula.
So, with your dataset,
logreg <- glm(TravIns~ EMPTY+years+Grad+Income+Fam+CD+FF,family = binomial, data=TrainData)
pred <- predict(logreg, newdata=TestData, type='response')
As this is a logistic regression, the responses are probabilities (that someone buys travel insurance?). There are several ways to assess goodness-of-fit. One visualization uses receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves.
roc(TestData$TravIns, pred, plot=TRUE)
The area under the roc curve (the "auc") is a measure of goodness of fit; 1.0 is prefect, 0.5 is no better than random chance. See the docs: ?roc and ?auc

Response Curves for binary part of Zero-Inflated model R

I've plotted the response curves for each of my predictors against all of predicted values to determine how each predictor influences my counts. However, I also want to plot the binary part of my zero-inflated model to see how the predictors in the binary part of the zero-inflated model help explain the probability of false zeroes. I am trying to get a plot similar to the one at the bottom of the page of the link below however they don't provide reproducible code in that example.
I've included some code below where I have my zero-inflated model and the predictors used. I then use the predict function to predict the estimates for a much larger raster grid ( and I want to see the response between those predicted values and the predictors I use across the entire raster grid.
mod1 = zeroinfl(Response~x1+x2|x1,link ="logit",data=data,
modpred=predict(mod1,,, type = "response")
response1 <- ggplot(data, aes(x = x1, y = modpred)) + geom_point()+
+geom_smooth(data = data, aes(x = x1, y = modpred))

Plot Non-linear Mixed Model Over Original Fitted Data

I'm trying to plot the resultant curve from fitting a non-linear mixed model. It should be something like a curve of a normal distribution but skewed to the right. I followed previous links here and here, but when I use my data I can not make it happen for different difficulties (see below).
Here is the dataset
and code
s=read.csv("GRVMAX tadpoles.csv")
t=s[s$SPP== levels(s$SPP)[1],]
start =c(TEM=25)
nm1 <- nlmer ( vmax ~ deriv(TEM)~TEM|INDIVIDUO,nlpars=start, nAGQ =0,data= vmax)# this gives an error suggesting nlpars is not numeric, despite start is numeric...:~/
After that, I want to plot the curve over the original data
with(vmax,plot(vmax ~ (TEM)))
lines(x, predict(nm1, newdata = data.frame(TEM = x, INDIVIDUO = "ACI5")))
Any hint?
Thanks in advance

How can I get the probability density function from a regression random forest?

I am using random-forest for a regression problem to predict the label values of Test-Y for a given set of Test-X (new values of features). The model has been trained over a given Train-X (features) and Train-Y (labels). "randomForest" of R serves me very well in predicting the numerical values of Test-Y. But this is not all I want.
Instead of only a number, I want to use random-forest to produce a probability density function. I searched for a solution for several days and here is I found so far:
"randomForest" doesn't produce probabilities for regression, but only in classification. (via "predict" and setting type=prob).
Using "quantregForest" provides a nice way to make and visualize prediction intervals. But still not the probability density function!
Any other thought on this?
Please see the predict.all parameter of the predict.randomForest function.
rf = randomForest(cty ~ displ + cyl + trans, data = mpg)
# Predict the first car in the dataset
pred = predict(rf, newdata = mpg[1, ], predict.all = TRUE)
The histogram of 500 "elementary" predictions looks like this:
You can also use quantregForest with a very fine grid of quantiles, convert them into a "cumulative distribution function (cdf)" with R-function ecdf and convert this cdf into a density estimation with a kernel density estimator.

plot multiple ROC curves for logistic regression model in R

I have a logistic regression model (using R) as
fit6 <- glm(formula = survived ~ ascore + gini + failed, data=records, family = binomial)
I'm using pROC package to draw ROC curves and figure out AUC for 6 models fit1 through fit6.
I have approached this way to plots one ROC.
records$prob6 = prob6
g6 <- roc(survived~prob6, data=records)
But is there a way I can combine the ROCs for all 6 curves in one plot and display the AUCs for all of them, and if possible the Confidence Intervals too.
You can use the add = TRUE argument the plot function to plot multiple ROC curves.
Make up some fake data
a=rbinom(100, 1, 0.25)
Get model fits
fit1=glm(a~b+c, family='binomial')
fit2=glm(a~c, family='binomial')
Predict on the same data you trained the model with (or hold some out to test on if you want)
roc1=roc(a ~ preds)
roc2=roc(a ~ preds2)
Plot it up.
plot(roc2, add=TRUE, col='red')
This produces the different fits on the same plot. You can get the AUC of the ROC curve by roc1$auc, and can add it either using the text() function in base R plotting, or perhaps just toss it in the legend.
I don't know how to quantify confidence intervals...or if that is even a thing you can do with ROC curves. Someone else will have to fill in the details on that one. Sorry. Hopefully the rest helped though.
