what is needed in order to use db.scan () - ydn-db

I'm trying to get the scan function to work, but it seems i'm missing something: According to the documention this should work:
var iter = new ydn.db.KeyIterator('contact');
db.scan([iter], function(keys, values)
But every time i call the function i get the following error:
Uncaught ydn.error.ArgumentException: Iterator argument must be an array.
A contact sore with the name 'contact' exists and i tried different libraries ydb-db but none of them worked.

Documentation is outdated. It should be:
db.scan(function(keys, values), [iter]
See unit test for it use case.


How to systematically populate a whitelist for a sandboxing program?

On pp. 260-263 of Programming in Lua (4th ed.), the author discusses how to implement "sandboxing" (i.e. the running of untrusted code) in Lua.
When it comes to imposing limiting the functions that untrusted code can run, he recommends a "whitelist approach":
We should never think in terms of what functions to remove, but what functions to add.
This question is about tools and techniques for putting this suggestion into practice. (I expect there will be confusion on this point I want to emphasize it upfront.)
The author gives the following code as an illustration of a sandbox program based on a whitelist of allowed functions. (I have added or moved around some comments, and removed some blank lines, but I've copied the executable content verbatim from the book).
-- From p. 263 of *Programming in Lua* (4th ed.)
-- Listing 25.6. Using hooks to bar calls to unauthorized functions
local debug = require "debug"
local steplimit = 1000 -- maximum "steps" that can be performed
local count = 0 -- counter for steps
local validfunc = { -- set of authorized functions
[string.upper] = true,
[string.lower] = true,
... -- other authorized functions
local function hook (event)
if event == "call" then
local info = debug.getinfo(2, "fn")
if not validfunc[info.func] then
error("calling bad function: " .. (info.name or "?"))
count = count + 1
if count > steplimit then
error("script uses too much CPU")
local f = assert(loadfile(arg[1], "t", {})) -- load chunk
debug.sethook(hook, "", 100) -- set hook
f() -- run chunk
Right off the bat I am puzzled by this code, since the hook tests for event type (if event == "call" then...), and yet, when the hook is set, only count events are requested (debug.sethook(hook, "", 100)). Therefore, the whole song-and-dance with validfunc is for naught.
Maybe it is a typo. So I tried experimenting with this code, but I found it very difficult to put the whitelist technique in practice. The example below is a very simplified illustration of the type of problems I ran into.
First, here is a slightly modified version of the author's code.
#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3
-- Filename: sandbox
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
local debug = require "debug"
local steplimit = 1000 -- maximum "steps" that can be performed
local count = 0 -- counter for steps
local validfunc = { -- set of authorized functions
[string.upper] = true,
[string.lower] = true,
[io.stdout.write] = true,
-- ... -- other authorized functions
local function hook (event)
if event == "call" then
local info = debug.getinfo(2, "fnS")
if not validfunc[info.func] then
error(string.format("calling bad function (%s:%d): %s",
info.short_src, info.linedefined, (info.name or "?")))
count = count + 1
if count > steplimit then
error("script uses too much CPU")
local f = assert(loadfile(arg[1], "t", {})) -- load chunk
validfunc[f] = true
debug.sethook(hook, "c", 100) -- set hook
f() -- run chunk
The most significant differences in the second snippet relative to the first one are:
the call to debug.sethook has "c" as mask;
the f function for the loaded chunk gets added to the validfunc whitelist;
io.stdout.write is added to the validfunc whitelist;
When I use this sandbox program to run the one-line script shown below:
# Filename: helloworld.lua
io.stdout:write("Hello, World!\n")
...I get the following error:
% ./sandbox helloworld.lua
lua5.3: ./sandbox:20: calling bad function ([C]:-1): __index
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
./sandbox:20: in function <./sandbox:16>
[C]: in metamethod '__index'
helloworld.lua:3: in local 'f'
./sandbox:34: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
I tried to fix this by adding the following to validfunc:
[getmetatable(io.stdout).__index] = true,
...but I still get pretty much the same error. I could go on guessing and trying more things to add, but this is what I would like to avoid.
I have two related questions:
What can I add to validfunc so that sandbox will run helloworld (as is) to completion?
More importantly, what is a systematic way to find determine what to add to a whitelist table?
Part (2) is the heart of this post. I am looking for tools/techniques that remove the guesswork from the problem of populating a whitelist table.
(I know that I can get helloworld to work if I replace io.stdout:write with print, register print in sandbox's validfunc, and pass {print = print} as the last argument to loadfile, but doing this does not answer the general question of how to systematically determine what needs to be added to the whitelist to allow some specific code to work in the sandbox.)
EDIT: Ask #DarkWiiPlayer pointed out, the calling bad function error is being triggered by the calling of an unregistered function (__index?), which happened as part of the response to an earlier attempt to index a nil value error. So, this post's questions are all about systematically determining what to add to validfunc to allow Lua to emit the attempt to index a nil value error normally.
I should add that the question of which function's call triggered the hook's execution responsible for the calling bad function error message is at the moment completely unclear. This error message blames the error on __index, but I suspect that this may be a red herring, possibly due to a bug in Lua.
Why suspect a bug in Lua? If I change the error call in sandbox slightly to
error(string.format("calling bad function (%s:%d): %s (%s)",
info.short_src, info.linedefined, (info.name or "?"),
...then the error message looks like this:
lua5.3: ./sandbox:20: calling bad function ([C]:-1): __index (function: 0x55b391b79ef0)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
./sandbox:20: in function <./sandbox:16>
[C]: in metamethod '__index'
helloworld.lua:3: in local 'f'
./sandbox:34: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
Nothing surprising there, but if now I change helloworld.lua to
# Filename: helloworld.lua
io.stdout:write("Hello, World!\n")
...and run it under sandbox, the error message becomes
lua5.3: ./sandbox:20: calling bad function ([C]:-1): nonexistent (function: 0x556a161cdef0)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
./sandbox:20: in function <./sandbox:16>
[C]: in global 'nonexistent'
helloworld.lua:3: in local 'f'
./sandbox:34: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
From this error message, one may conclude that nonexistent is a real function; after all, it's sitting right there at 0x556a161cdef0! But we know that nonexistent lives up to its name: it doesn't exist!
The whiff of a bug is definitely in the air. It could be that the function that is triggering the hook should really be excluded from those that trigger such "c"-masked hooks? Be that as it may, it appears that, in this particular situation, the call to debug.info is returning inconsistent information (since the name of the function [e.g. nonexistent] clearly does not correspond at all to the actual function object [e.g. function: 0x556a161cdef0] that is supposedly triggering the hook).
(Final answer at the bottom, feel free to skip until the <hr> line)
I'll explain my debugging step by step.
This is a really weird phenomenon. After some testing, I've managed to narrow it down a bit:
Since you pass {} to load, the function runs with an empty environment, so io is, in fact, nil (and io.stdout would error anyway)
The error happens directly when attempting to index io (which is a nil value)
The functio __index is a C function (see error message)
My first intuition was that __index was called somewhere internally. Thus, to find out what it does, I decided to look at its locals in hopes of guessing what it does.
A quick helper function I threw together:
local function locals(f)
return function(f, n)
local name, value = debug.getlocal(f+1, n)
if name then
return n+1, name, value
end, f, 1
Insert that right before the line where the error is raised:
for idx, name, value in locals(2) do
print(name, value)
error(string.format("calling bad function (%s:%d): %s", info.short_src, info.linedefined, (info.name or "?")))
This led to an interesting result:
(*temporary) stdin:43: attempt to index a nil value (global 'io')
(*temporary) table: 0x563cef2fd170
lua: stdin:29: calling bad function ([C]:-1): __index
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
stdin:29: in function <stdin:21>
[C]: in metamethod '__index'
stdin:43: in function 'f'
stdin:49: in main chunk
[C]: in ?
shell returned 1
Why is there a temporary string value with a completely different error message?
By the way, this error makes total sense; io does not exist because of the empty environment, so indexing it should obviously raise just that error.
It's honestly a very interesting error, but I'll leave it at this, as you're learning the language and this hint might be enough for you to figure it out on your own. It's also a very nice chance to actually use (and get to know) the debug module in a more practical context.
Actual Solution
After some time has now passed, I came back to add a proper solution to this problem, but I really already did just that. The weird error reporting is just Lua being weird. The real error is the empty environment that's set when loading the chunk, as I mentioned a few paragraphs above.
From the manual:
load (chunk [, chunkname [, mode [, env]]])
Loads a chunk.
If the resulting function has upvalues, the first upvalue is set to the value of env, if that parameter is given, or to the value of the global environment. Other upvalues are initialized with nil. (When you load a main chunk, the resulting function will always have exactly one upvalue, the _ENV variable (see §2.2). However, when you load a binary chunk created from a function (see string.dump), the resulting function can have an arbitrary number of upvalues.) All upvalues are fresh, that is, they are not shared with any other function.
Now, in a "main chunk", i.e. one loaded from a text Lua file, the first (and only) upvalue is always the environment of the chunk, so where it will look for "globals" (this is slightly different in Lua 5.1). Since an empty table is passed in, the chunk has no access to any of the global variables like string or io.
Therefore, when the function f() tries to index io, Lua throws an error "attempt to index a nil value", because io is nil. For whatever reason Lua then makes some internal function calls that end up triggering the blacklist, causing a new error that shadows the previous one; this makes debugging this error extremely inconvenient and almost impossible without using the debug library to get additional information about the call stack.
I ultimately only realized this myself after I noticed the original error message while looking at the locals of the function that made the blocked call.
I hope this solves the problem :)

mget cannot get primitive function like get

I can use get to get primitive function, like:
However, mget failed:
Error: value for ‘$’ not found
Why? How to fix this?
The default for get is to use inherits = TRUE (I think, based on the docs, for historical reasons), while the default for mget is inherits = FALSE. So using inherits = TRUE should make it work like get.
If you'd like a really detailed (but also very very good) dive into exactly what's happening here read this. Or just skip to the "Map of the World" section, and remember that $, being a primitive function, is in the environment of the of the base namespace (package:base, essentially).

Closure Compiler - warning: restricted index type found:string, required:number

I get this warning:
WARNING - restricted index type
found : string
required: number
someArray[ index ].doSomething();
This happens after a closure compiler upgrade to the latest version.
It looks like the use of a string type indexes for arrays are not recommended by closure compiler.
What would be the recommended solution to this problem?
BTW. Is there a way to disable check for these warning types (I looked through the CC flags list and can't find anything)?
If your index variable is of type string, you should parse it first.
Additionally, I assume that the reason it's a string in the first place is that it comes from somewhere like a DOM attribute or an HTML input. You might want to make sure the value is valid, before using it.
const parsedIndex = parseInt(index);
if (isNaN(parsedIndex) || index < 0) {
throw 'Invalid index';

Exception from Tracker recompute function: Error: Bad index in range.getMember:

After Meteor Update (not sure from which probably old version), but following re-subscribe with a different livehistory triggers the described error.
Meteor.subscribe("amon", livehistory, type)
Exception from Tracker recompute function: Error: Bad index in range.getMember: 80
at DOMRange.getMember (http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/blaze.js?efa68f65e67544b5a05509804bf97e2c91ce75eb:586:11)
at http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/blaze.js?efa68f65e67544b5a05509804bf97e2c91ce75eb:2572:43
at Object.Tracker.nonreactive (http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/tracker.js?517c8fe8ed6408951a30941e64a5383a7174bcfa:513:12)
at Object.eachView.stopHandle.ObserveSequence.observe.changedAt (http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/blaze.js?efa68f65e67544b5a05509804bf97e2c91ce75eb:2567:17)
at http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/observe-sequence.js?2fd807ea171ead273b9e6458607cb226012d9240:284:21
at Function._.each._.forEach (http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/underscore.js?0a80a8623e1b40b5df5a05582f288ddd586eaa18:164:22)
at diffArray (http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/observe-sequence.js?2fd807ea171ead273b9e6458607cb226012d9240:270:5)
at http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/observe-sequence.js?2fd807ea171ead273b9e6458607cb226012d9240:147:9
at Object.Tracker.nonreactive (http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/tracker.js?517c8fe8ed6408951a30941e64a5383a7174bcfa:513:12)
at http://clochette.cow.lu:3000/packages/observe-sequence.js?2fd807ea171ead273b9e6458607cb226012d9240:121:15
I do not have the solution, but I too encountered the same error, and was able to solve for my case, so posting it, hoping it helps someone. The cause was use of .length. I had a large array (name of array: data), and to make it short (decrease length of arrray), I was assigning data.length = 5, which was somehow causing the error, and meteor helper did not work as expected. Removing that line worked for me, and I accomplished shortening of array by a for loop, and storing first five elements in a different variable.
For me creating an empty array with fixed size (in a helper) was the culprit:
x = new Array(n).
Replacing it with:
x = Array.apply(null, Array(n)).map(function () {})
solved the issue.
When I had this error I was using a "hard-coded" array. The error was caused by an empty array member (two commas to separate objects instead of a single comma). Fixing this resolved the issue. So - check your data.
This may also happen if you remove some element in the middle of an array with delete and later use this array reactively. The problem is related with incremental cycles over the array's elements that may address this recently deleted element. Use splice instead of delete.

php Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in "use"

While working i met this annoying message
Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in G:\xampp\htdocs\MyProject\ZendSkeletonApplication\module\Admission\src\Admission\Controller\AdmissionController.php on line 107
My code
array_walk_recursive($StateCityHash, function($cityName,$cityId) use(&$consoldatedCities){$consoldatedCities[$cityId] = $cityName; }); // line 107
This is to convert multidimensional array into simple array
But the code works as i expected.. can anyone tell me how to solve this problem
Here http://php.net/manual/en/language.references.pass.php it says that "There is no reference sign on a function call - only on function definitions." Try removing the '&' from your function call code there and see if that gets rid of the message.
Looking at this thread here "Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference" error
you could try saving your callback function into a variable before passing it to the array walk function:
function($cityName,$cityId) use(&$consoldatedCities)
$consoldatedCities[$cityId] = $cityName;
array_walk_recursive($StateCityHash, $callbackFcn);
