How to get kernel information - opencl

I want to get following information about compiled OpenCL kernels - list of types, params order (if possible - with memory and access classifiers). Kernels are build from the sources during run time of app.
Actually, in OpenCL 1.2 already exists appropriate functions for such query - clGetKernelArgInfo, but due to project restrictions I have to find way to achieve such functionality using pure OpenCL 1.0 without any extensions.
At present, I am thinking about three approaches:
write simple Ansi C parser to get info about kernel's signature directly from OpenCL kernel's source
using macros in OpenCL code to mark kernel's arguments for simple in-app parsing (by extending this idea)
define list of the most possible combination of kernel's arguments using macros and class-helpers (due to my project's constrains it is possible to operate under 3-5 common arg-types)
My question: is there any other ways to get info about compiled kernel?
I want to use this info to decrease amount of OpenCL routine in client code by encapsulate calls to clCreateBuffer, clEnqueueWrite/Read, clSetKernelArg in small wrapper, which should check provided params, allocate device side ptrs, copy data from/to hosts and so on.

The Khronos WebCL Validator gives you the equivalent of clGetKernelArgInfo, including all qualifiers.
The necessary downside is that it's a complete parser, based on Clang/LLVM. It takes roughly the same amount of time to run as a typical OpenCL compiler (not a coincidence), and adds around 10 megabytes to your executable size.


Is there a way to simplify OpenCl kernels usage ?

To use OpenCL kernel the following is needed:
Put the kernel code in a string
call clCreateProgramWithSource
call clBuildProgram
call clCreateKernel
call clSetKernelArg (x number of arguments)
call clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
This need to be done for each kernel. Is there a way to do this repeating less code for each kernel?
There is no way to speed up the process. You need to go step by step as you listed.
But it is important to know why it is needed these steps, to understand how flexible the chain is.
clCreateProgramWithSource: Allows to add different strings from different sources to generate the program. Some string might be static, but some might be downloaded from a server, or loaded from disk. It allows the CL code to be dynamic and updated over time.
clBuildProgram: Builds the program for a given device. Maybe you have 8 devices, so you need to call this multiple times. Each device will produce a different binary code.
clCreateKernel: Creates a kernel. But a kernel is an entry point in a binary. So it is possible you create multiple kernels from a program (for different functions). Also the same kernel might be created multiple times, since it holds the arguments. This is useful for having ready-to-be-launched instances with proper parameters.
clSetKernelArg: Changes the parameters in the instance of the kernel. (it is stored there, so it can used multiple times in the future).
clEnqueueNDRangeKernel: Launches it, configuring the size of the launch and the chain of dependencies with other operations.
So, even if you could have a way to just call "getKernelFromString()", the functionality will be very limited, and not very flexible.
You can have look at wrapper libraries
I suggest you look into SYCL. The building steps are performed offline, saving execution time by skipping the clCreateProgramWithSource. The argument setting is done automatically by the runtime, extracting the information from the user lambda
There is also CLU: - see for more info. It is a very simple tool, but should make life a bit easier.

NSObject finalize is deprecated - what do I do instead?

I've been working on some XML utilities in Objective-C, including my own IO stream objects built around FILE * values. In order to do this safely it is important that I call fclose on the file pointer when the stream object is deallocated (if I had not already done so).
My strategy for this (and many other deallocation tasks) has long been to override the finalize method of NSObject. However I just read (and confirmed by testing) that finalize no longer gets called at all during deallocation.
Garbage collection is deprecated in OS X v10.8; instead, you should use Automatic Reference Counting—see Transitioning to ARC Release Notes.
So apparently I've now been through two versions of OS X without realizing that I was hemorrhaging system resources the whole time. I read through those release notes and I could not find any reference to this particular problem. I was unable to find any alternative method for handling deallocation.
I write Objective-C wrappers for C/C++ data types a lot. I need to some way to release unmanaged memory when the wrapper is being deallocated.
Is there any ARC alternative to finalize? And if not what am I supposed to do about malloc'd C/C++ types in my NSObjects?
From the NSObject class reference...

Difference between write() and printf()

Recently I am studying operating system..I just wanna know:
What’s the difference between a system call (like write()) and a standard library function (like printf())?
A system call is a call to a function that is not part of the application but is inside the kernel. The kernel is a software layer that provides you some basic functionalities to abstract the hardware to you. Roughly, the kernel is something that turns your hardware into software.
You always ultimately use write() to write anything on a peripheral whatever is the kind of device you write on. write() is designed to only write a sequence of bytes, that's all and nothing more. But as write() is considered too basic (you may want to write an integer in ten basis, or a float number in scientific notation, etc), different libraries are provided to you by different kind of programming environments to ease you.
For example, the C programming langage gives you printf() that lets you write data in many different formats. So, you can understand printf() as a function that convert your data into a formatted sequence of bytes and that calls write() to write those bytes onto the output. But C++ gives you cout; Java System.out.println, etc. Each of these functions ends to a call to write() (at least on POSIX systems).
One thing to know (important) is that such a system call is costly! It is not a simple function call because you need to call something that is outside of your own code and the system must ensure that you are not trying to do nasty things, etc. So it is very common in higher print-like function that some buffering is built-in; such that write is not always called, but your data are kept into some hidden structure and written only when it is really needed or necessary (buffer is full or you really want to see the result of your print).
This is exactly what happens when you manage your money. If many people gives you 5 bucks each, you won't go deposit each to the bank! You keep them on your wallet (this is the print) up to the point it is full or you don't want to keep them anymore. Then you go to the bank and make a big deposit (this is the write). And you know that putting 5 bucks to your wallet is much much faster than going to the bank and make the deposit. The bank is the kernel/OS.
System calls are implemented by the operating system, and run in kernel mode. Library functions are implemented in user mode, just like application code. Library functions might invoke system calls (e.g. printf eventually calls write), but that depends on what the library function is for (math functions usually don't need to use the kernel).
System Call's in OS are used in interacting with the OS. E.g. Write() could be used something into the system or into a program.
While Standard Library functions are program specific, E.g. printf() will print something out but it will only be in GUI/command line and wont effect system.
Sorry couldnt comment, because i need 50 reputation to comment.
EDIT: Barmar has good answer
I am writing a small program. At the moment it just reads each line from stdin and prints it to stdout. I can add a call to write in the loop, and it would add a few characters at the end of each line. But when I use printf instead, then all the extra characters are clustered and appear all at once, instead of appearing on each line.
It seems that using printf causes stderr to be buffered. Adding fflush(stdout); after calling printf fixes the discrepancy in output.
I'd like to mention another point that the stdio buffers are maintained in a process’s user-space memory, while system call write transfers data directly to a kernel buffer. It means that if you fork a process after write and printf calls, flushing may bring about to give output three times subject to line-buffering and block-buffering, two of them belong to printf call since stdio buffers are duplicated in the child by fork.
printf() is one of the APIs or interfaces exposed to user space to call functions from C library.
printf() actually uses write() system call. The write() system call is actually responsible for sending data to the output.

Multiple programs with same names for kernels

I have the following situation:
Two threads handling two OpenCL devices which share the same context. Each thread loads a different version of the OpenCL device code, creates a cl::Programm instance and compiles the code for his specific cl::Device. However, the createKernels function after successfully building the program fails with error code -47 =
CL_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION if the function definition for __kernel function given by kernel_name such as the number of arguments, the argument types are not the same for all devices for which the program executable has been built.
With multiple cl::Context instances (one for each device) this worked well. If I look at the OpenCL class diagram ( I don't see why is should not be able to use multiple programs with multiple kernels within one context as they are clearly distinguishable via the associated programs.
I'm using the OpenCL implementaton of Nvidia within CUDA SDK 5.5. The questions that arises for me are:
Is this a general misunderstanding of the OpenCL structure and there is a rule that says that every kernel within a context must have a unique name, or is this one of Nvidia's non OpenCL standard confirm ways of handling this particular use case?
I really want multiple devices within one context to be able to use copy from one cl::Buffer to another even if their memory resides on different devices.

What should replace "memcpy" inside OpenCL kernels?

The OpenCL language, which extends C99, does not provide the memcpy function. What should be used instead?
As far as I know, there is nothing like that defined in OpenCL. OpenCL does not provide a concept like dynamic memory and therefore, such functionality is not needed.
You could just run over your array with for and copy the data element by element. But, the target array is of fixed size due to the need to specify the array length at compile time.
On the other side, OpenCL (and OpenGL as a kind of origin) was defined in a more static way. The data needs to be provided to the GPU and the result size needs to be defined. The GPU calculates the input to the pre-defined output location. It is not meant to create more processes within the GPU and it is also not meant to allocate dynamically memory to not disturbed the host doing it.
