Drupal 7 Internationalisation (i18n) menus - drupal

I'm having a hard time getting to grips with menus when using the Internationalisation (i18n) suite for Drupal 7.
I have two languages set up for the site I'm working on - English and Welsh.
In the Multilingual Options for Main Menu, I've set it to Translate and Localise.
This appears to be fine, but creating the Welsh versions of pages creates nodes that themselves are not linked to the menu, so when they're displayed on the front-end, the menu structure is lost.
However if you do create a menu link for the translated page, you create a new menu item that essentially doubles up the menu size.
Which method is one meant to use? Do you have one menu structure per language and therefore try and work the code displaying the menus to only show the current language or can you somehow let Drupal know that English page N and Welsh page Y both attach to the same menu item?
As ever, any and all assistance given is greatly appreciated.

Your best help will come from the drupal docs.
There are a few ways to setup multilingual websites and it wouldn't be possible to cover it all here.
Follow the above tutorial as you will need to install quite a few modules. My guess is you may have to revisit your Drupal structure before being able to solve your issue.

I've had to work on a lot of French/English websites and the best thing I find is having separate menus for each language. Then use blocks to show your menus using the Language visibility settings. One better is to use the Menu Block module.
With this method you can end up having a lot of menus (as each menu needs to be duplicated per language). However I find content editors can much better grasp this separation, over the confusion of mixing menu items from different languages in the same menu.


Wordpress theme localization

Am working on a simple page using Wordpress. It's a simple web with mostly static content that is going to be updated rarely, let's say once per month.
The content will consist of cca 20 pages that are going to be edited by the site admin. No posts, no discussion forums or so.
I need to localize these pages to three langauges. My idea is to create three versions of each Page and that's it. Let's say index_en, index_de, index_es etc. So far so good.
But there is going to be a custom theme with generic header, footer and menu and all these will contain strings that needs to be translated. I intend to have language switcher in the header (probably small flag icons) and on language change I would navigate to relevant page eg. "index_de" for German. But how can I change the language for the theme itself - the strings in the header, footer and menu...
My supplier offers me three options
automated translation by Google Translate (not a good option)
tree installations of Wordpress - one for each language, not very comfortable from maintenanace point of view
plugins (TranslatePress, WPML, ...), always paid as recurring subscription. Not very good option from costs point of view.
I really can't believe there is no simple option for such a task that nearly everyone needs to resolve... Any ideas how to do that?

Orchard multiple language change for whole page but not content only

I'm building a site with Orchard which need to support two languages. I've installed Culture Picker Module which allowed me to separately input 2 languages for the same content. It looks pretty nice actually. However, when I click on the translations button, it only change the content, but for other elements like menu, it still remains in English. Is there any way to change completely for the whole page? Or how to make a global button of changing the language? Thanks a lot!
Click on Manage Content in Administration. You have to search for widgets and then add a part. After that, you search for Localization.
Then, go to the widgets area. You can select a widget like the menu, and then you can just simply add a translation and add the translated version of your menu as the other answer proposed.
Have you created the Localized version of your menu?

Drupal 7 - method or correct procedure for globally updating content types - Advice/Suggestions needed

(I added this on the Drupal support forum also, hope that's ok :) Just hoping to get plenty off feedback)
I am not long after finishing my first major Drupal 7 build, which was really enjoyable but I would admit a rather large learning curve, which after over a year of development, I would admit I still don't know the full power and capacity of Drupal.
My build started off with building our own sub theme, and using that to overwrite all the core theme styles and tailor it to our needs.
Next, I will explain the structure our build. I was tasked with approx 20 different page styles, so in turn I developed 20 content types(templates) for each of these different styles, from here I then added a number of key fields to each content type and then inputted my code into these fields within each content type. e.g. A page with a banner region, a slider region below and a content region below that, for this example say they are all 960px the width of our sites body. So this content type would be made up of three fields, with the the div's and content added to each.
The node developer process would be, if the user wanted that above e.g. style of page, they would select that content type, and simply edit the demo content with the new nodes needed content and set live. So this is the process of the site for developing pages, which has not hit a wall, sadly for me.
So my question is, would it be possible to have say a content type (Or suggest a better approach) which we could globally switch around the layout/styles which then would filter down to all the children nodes? or be able to assign nodes to different content types or anything along them lines? I did look at switching between subthemes for a specific content type, which on each of the subthemes would have different set .css styles but this could maybe get messy and quickly get out of control.
If you guys could give feedback on our build and how it compares to yours and how we could go about making more efficient that would mean a lot.
Guys, any help or suggestions at this time would be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
There are (at least) three modules which help you lay out and/or modify content on a page. They are: Panels, Context, and Display Suite. Here's an amazing tutorial which walks you through each of them so you can get an idea of how they are used. Use the dropdown at the top-left side of the page to jump to "Advanced Site Building" and scroll down from there.

Limiting menu management

I am creating a website with Drupal 6.x that will have several content editors and several menus. I would like to somehow lock down their ability to add a piece of content as a top level navigation item. Is there a way to accomplish this?
Additionally, are there any modules that make the menu drop down in the content creation page a bit more user friendly?
The menu settings per content type module allows you to determine which content types may be added to each of your menus.
Are you sure you want to use the menu system? It's possible that you can use the views module to get something more flexible.
I have found several modules which look helpful for enhancing the menu system:

Drupal Hierarchical Content

I am currently looking at using either the Taxonomy or CCK module on my Drupal site as a means to create a hierarchical system. However, I'm a little confused on which one would best suit my needs, or if there is something else that would work better.
Basically, there will be probably 70 or so "mini-sites" on the website I'm working on, each with a landing page and about 5 sub-pages of detailed information. I need a way to mark those sub-pages as being sub-pages of their parent page, as well as create a menu system to navigate between them.
What is the best way this could be done? Thanks for your input!
Have you tried using the Book module? It might take a bit of theme-adjusting to get it to look right it seems to be how most people settle on displaying this type of page structure.
Depending on your needs, Organic Groups and/or Spaces can be a good alternatives, since it'd allow you to easily control themes, permissions and other settings in a mini-site basis.
Each Mini-site would be an OG node and/or a space, and subpages could be organized in tree structure as well, using Book module from Drupal Core.
The best option is the book module. It gives a way to organise hierarchical content in a book manner. There are 2 blocks generated automatically: the book navigation and the book outline which gives, for each page, a link to the previous and the next content.
For more information drupal handbook: http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/book
