In Oracle ADF, you can create a validation rule (Key Exists) that checks the existence of a key in another entity attribute, but you must have an association defined to the destination entity.
Also, it is possible to define an entity constraint that references another entity's attribute, but it only requires the referenced attribute to be a primary key.
Effectively, how are they any different from each other?
Is it an abundance of choice, or is there an intrinsic difference that I should learn about?
Having an association allows you to not just do validation but also access one EO from the other, and manage the way data in this master-detail relationship is inserted into the database. (read about composite associations for more).
Can someone check my ERD, because I don't know whether I'm doing it correctly or not. I'm not sure about the difference between strong and weak entity, what I'm sure is that strong entity has their own primary key.
Other than that, is it correct i need to take Payment_ID as foreign key in my order table ? and what other attribute that i could have in my ORDER TABLE
Maybe some suggestion on what to add or improve on my ERD. Here i have a image for my ERD. Thank You
Entity Relationship Diagram
PAYMENT has an ORDER_ID and ORDER has a PAYMENT_ID. Having both fields is redundant, I would remove ORDER.PAYMENT_ID which would be a nullable field if customers don't pay immediately.
ORDER_DETAILS requires a PK, either a surrogate key ORDER_DETAIL_ID or the combination of ORDER_ID, ITEM_ID.
Can a PAYMENT use only one or more than one COUPON? The cardinality on the crow's foot line says more than one, but the PAYMENT.COUPON_ID field would allow only one. A nullable PAYMENT_ID in the COUPON table would be a better choice.
You have some doubtful minimum cardinalities. A CUSTOMER must place at least one ORDER? Ok, I can accept that. An EMPLOYEE must take at least one ORDER? So everyone in the company must take orders, and you're not going to record employees until they've taken an order? Also, every ITEM must be referenced in ORDER_DETAILS? Are you not going to want to record items on offer before they're ordered?
Finally, a note on terminology: your diagram is better called a table diagram, not an ERD. To be called an entity-relationship diagram, a diagram has to distinguish the concepts of the entity-relationship model. The style of diagram you used doesn't distinguish entity sets (i.e. ID fields) from value sets (non-ID fields) or entity relations (tables with single-field PK) from relationship relations (tables with composite PK, i.e. ORDER_DETAILS is a relationship relation).
Assume we have an entity "ticket". That entity can be related 1:1 to an entity "customer" OR to an entity "company", but never to both, but the ticket can also have no relation to one of these both entities at all.
How is this possible in doctrine/symfony?
I dont know your model but at database level the foreign keys in the ticket entity(customer_id and company_id) should be nullables in order to let one of them or both empty. At doctrine/entity level the only way is to use a validator option to check your requirements.
I guess wich better suits you is the callback validator but is your to decide
Iterations of this question have been asked in the past, but this presents unique challenges as it combines some of the issues in one larger problem.
I have an entity(User) that is used as the user class in my application, then I have another entity (UserExtra), in a one-to-one relationship with the user entity, UserExtra's id is the same as User. The foreign key is the same as the primary key.
When the user object is loaded (say by $this->getUser() or by {{ app.user }}, the UserExtra data is also loaded through a join. The whole point of having two entities is so I don't have to load all the data at once.
I even tried defining a custom UserLoaderInterface/UserProviderInterface Repository for User, making sure that refreshUser and loadUserByUsername would only load the User data (I'd like for the UserExtra data to sit in a proxy unless I explicitly need it) but when Doctrine goes to Hydrate the object, it issues an extra query to load the UserExtra data, thereby skipping the Proxy status.
Is there a way out of this?
there are many solution for your issue:
1) Change the owning side and inverse side - I don't think that's right from a DB design perspective every time.
2) In functions like find, findAll, etc, the inverse side in OneToOne is joined automatically (it's always like fetch EAGER). But in DQL, it's not working like fetch EAGER and that costs the additional queries. Possible solution is every time to join with the inverse entity
3) If an alternative result format (i.e. getArrayResult()) is sufficient for some use-cases, that could also avoid this problem.
4) Change inverse side to be OneToMany - just looks wrong, maybe could be a temporary workaround.
5) Force partial objects. No additional queries but also no lazy-loading: $query->setHint (Query::HINT_FORCE_PARTIAL_LOAD, true) - seams to me the only possible solution, but not without a price:
Partial Objects are a little bit risky, because your entity behavior is not normal. For example if you not specify in ->select() all associations that you will user you can have an error because your object will not be full, all not specifically selected associations will be null
6) Not mapping the inverse bi-directional OneToOne association and either use an explicit service or a more active record approach - - And it looks like Doctrine closed the issue
this question may help you : one to one relation load
I have entities "Article" and "Product". Now I want to add comments to these 2 entities. Should I create 2 different entities "ArticleComment" and "ProductComment" with the same properties, and build a ManyToOne relation to their respective entity, or create a single "Comment" entity and find a way to build a relation to both "Article" and "Product" entities. Considering solution #2, how could I do that ?
Considering solution #2, how could I do that ?
One way would be to use Single Table Inheritance
Single Table Inheritance is an inheritance mapping strategy where all classes of a hierarchy are mapped to a single database table. In order to distinguish which row represents which type in the hierarchy a so-called discriminator column is used.
This means that you can easily create two separate entities ArticleComment and ProductComment both extending Comment. Then you use the advantages DiscriminatorMap column provides.
Your Comment entity could hold a relation called parent for instance that would refer to either your Article or Product entities. By creating new instance of ArticleComment or ProductComment your discriminator map field would be automatically populated depending on which type you're using.
This would also give you advantages with using DQL to query related comments by their type. Example from documentation:
$query = $em->createQuery('SELECT u FROM Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyPerson u WHERE u INSTANCE OF Doctrine\Tests\Models\Company\CompanyEmployee');
And more. You can read that chapter here. Of course this is just a sample and you can use completely different approach.
What is the correct way to specify a one-to-many relationship in Spring Web MVC (using Spring Roo)?
Example: A Person has a name and an email. A Team has a name. A Person has a membership in a Team, and a Team has zero or more members. The user would like to a) Set the membership for a person, b) Set the members for a Team.
If the relation is created using a reference field for Person, members are not visible in the view for Team. There's a similar result if the relation is created using a set field for Team (which really is a many-to-many relation anyway).
What am I missing?
What you need here is a bidirectional relationship (which is not created by default).
When you generate your entities, you need to add both the Set association in Team, AND the Person association in Team. It will probably also be a good idea (depending on your naming convention to add the mappedBy attribute in the OneToMany annotation on the generated Team Set. If you want to get this done by Roo, just used --mappedBy on the field set command. The value for this will be the field name of the Team reference in the Person entity.
With both references in place, roo should generate the correct scaffolding.