need iframe code for facebook like button - iframe

I am trying to create a like button for my weebly website. Weebly advises to use the IFRAME code but when I select this option with the facebook web developer, no code appears. What's going on?

<iframe src="//" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="border:none; overflow:hidden; height:80px;" allowTransparency="true"></iframe>
And replace the PUT_URL_HERE with the url of the page you'd like to have your users like.


How to enable video sond in revolution slider.?

I am facing an issue of no sound in revolution slider wordpress any one please guide me how to enable a background vimeo video sound in revolution slider.
my website url
If you would like to un-mute your background videos, please update your embed code to include the muted=0embed parameter. For example:
<iframe src="<b>?background=1?muted=0</b>" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>
Found the article here:

How can I embed an iframe with HTTP URL into Blogger

I'm trying to embed an iframe into my blogger site. But the main problem is that Blogspot does not support iframe with HTTP URL and my target website is on HTTP.
this is my iframe example:
style="border:0px #ffffff none;"
Blogger shows the following warning:
There are HTTP resources on this page, because of which mixed content can negatively affect the security and display of certain elements when viewing your blog over a secure connection.
How can I embed an iframe with HTTP URL into
Blogger provides an option to Dismiss the warning. Refer to the screenshot -
Once that warning has been dismissed and you try to save the post once again, Blogger doesn't show any warning and saves the contents of the post.

WordPress Layer Slider YouTube video embbed

I have using Layer Slider WordPress plugin and added YouTube embed code snippet for showing YouTube video as one slide. i have using a code snippet like below in one layer of this slider,
<iframe width="1400" height="400" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
it's working. but how to set auto play stop option in video.
also tested the below code by placed &autoplay=0 at the end of the ID.
<iframe width="1400" height="400" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
LayerSlider WP plugin has an option to autoload videos, which can be overriding the autoplay parameter of your embed video.
In the slider you want to put the video, go in the "Slider settings" tab and then choose the "Videos" submenu to enable or disable this option:

How to add iframe ads below title in blogspot?

i want to add an iframe ads in one of my blogspot blog below the title in a single post, i find the solution to put the ads before these line of code :
So my ads code is just like this :
<iframe src="" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
That was an easy step, but i got a problem when i want to add the title to replace the "KEYWORD" line inside those iframe. The code to call the title is here :
When i add those line of code to replace the "keyword" line in my iframe code, i got an error :
<iframe src="<data:post.title/>&smart_ad_id=002" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowtransparency="true"></iframe>
Can anyone gives me solution on this, thanks..
I checked your post and also used your code in my blog. And I figured out that you can add in blogger template but the external link( contains equal signs(=) which aren't acceptable So you can't add the above iframe instead of it you can use other which doesn't contain the equal sign.

Embed external video using Url Link in webpage

I have my external url link of a video in my sql server.How do I embed that video using my url link in page? Any suggestions will be helpfull.Thanks in advance.
Check out this article.
Basically, If those are youtube videos, you can do with code like this:
<iframe width="560"
In other cases, you can install a specific Helper to assist you.
