My gem file is saved in c:\users\myname so I can save scss file to css file as I enter command line :
c:\users\myname> sass --watch input.scss:output.css
But I would like to save scss file to a css file on desktop or in another file. What kind of command line do I have to use? I searched it but no results!
I have found something like that but as I enter that, I get "system cant find the path"
Maybe try:
sass --watch input.scss:"c:\users\myname\Desktop\output.css"
Update the path to your actual path.
The path on Windows nees to be between quotes most likely, since it contains a : already.
I have just found the answer: to change following path:
C:\Users\PcName\ cd C:\Users\PcName\Desktop\anyfile
enter and the my new path:
and at last for this question:
C:\Users\PcName\Desktop\anyfile\ sass --watch input.scss:output.css
I have a theme file ../styles/mytheme.less and I want to load it while compiling a less file in the command line, how do I include this?
Normal syntax is lessc --js --modify-var="primaryColor"="#ffeeff" main.less compiled.css
So in place of passing primary color, I would like to pass an entire less file of variables. Thanks.
use a batch file maybe? (not sure if this is what you are looking for)
Is there something fast to change all project .styl (stylus) file to scss or css ? Like console command or something ? Because I have to edit project which styles are in .styl and It's really confusing.. Who does that nowadays ?
1) ng config defaults.styleExt=scss
2) Rename your existing .css/stylus files to .scss
Not sure if still relevant, but using the following script you can rename all .styl files to .scss (adjust accordingly for ./css)
for file in $(find ./src -type f -name "*.styl");
echo "$file";
mv -- "$file" "${file%.styl}.scss"
The hectic part is to make sure that all the stylus syntax is changed to match sass syntax.
Hope this helps
For example compiling this folder structure,
Using stylus compiler (compiling styl files from a folder and its subfolders)
You can use the --out parameter on building and target a whole folder, it will keep your structure, first you can target a file or folder, and after out the folder or filename you want to have your compiled css
stylus -c ./project/stylus --out ./myfolder/css
It would result in something like:
A bit late on this, and I hope that might help others like it help me, but I found a solution using the package stylus-chokidar.
Just slightly modified stylus CLI, that builds files list recursively and watches > them with chokidar (if --watch provided).
Recursion are always enabled, glob patterns not supported.
With this you can have the stylus files compiled in-place recursively (each component will store their own CSS/stylus files).
I am late on the game, but I believe I have a solution that is not optimal, but workable for your situation.
per your example, keep the same file/folder structure
but also include a "combination.styl" file in its own separate folder. So now you have:
inside of combination.styl you should import all of the separate .styl files, so for our example
// combination.styl
#import '../x.styl'
#import '../abc/a.styl'
then you can output one large css file wherever you would like!
the command to run this would simply be:
stylus ./stylus -out ./css
I know it doesn't give you the output file/folder structure you were looking for, but I imagine it is helpful to be able to compile all of your stylus into css at one time!
After watching Chris Coyer's
I was wondering - is it possible to autorun Autoprefixer Sublime plugin right after the CSS file is built and without Grunt? What would I need to configure in Sublime and how?
Ideal chain would be:
Build compressed "style-unprefixed.css" on SASS save - run Autoprefixer - create compressed "style.css"
I'm no expert, but I think I just figured out how to do this, via a shell script.
SublimeOnSaveBuild (ST2 Plugin, also works on ST3)
SASS compiler (I'm using LibSass/SassC)
Autoprefixer (not the ST plugin)
After all that is taken care of, we'll create the script. For our purposes, let's call it
if [ $# == 0 ]
echo "Usage: [scss file] [css file]"
# Create the css file ($2) from a scss file ($1)
# see "sassc -h" for additional options
sassc $1 $2
# Run autoprefixer, overwrite input .css file
# see "autoprefixer -h" for additional options
autoprefixer -b "> 1%" $2
Of course if you're using Ruby SASS (sass) instead of sassc, the script should be adjusted.
Okay, at this step you should be able to run something like ./ style.scss style.css to test and make sure that part works. Then it's just a matter of making Sublime Text run that and pass the correct arguments.
For that, create a custom build system. Tools > Build System > New Build System... in ST3. There may be some differences between ST2 and ST3 here, but in ST3 my configuration looks like:
"shell_cmd": "/path/to/script/ $file ${file_path/scss/css/}/${file_base_name}.css",
"selector": "source.scss",
"line_regex": "Line ([0-9]+):",
As you may notice, I'm exclusively setting up for scss, but if you need sass you could set up another similar build system, exchanging "sass" for "scss" throughout. This build system also assumes that you keep your files in a /scss subfolder, and that css files should go in a /css subfolder at the same level.
And there you have it! Whenever you save a .scss file, SublimeOnSaveBuild will do it's magic and fire our custom build, which will in turn call the script which calls sassc and autoprefixer.
I have started using less CSS.
I have written a small bash script which calls the "lessc" command with my target file and then pipes it into my finished css file. It looks something like this:
lessc ~/Documents/Development/Projects/blog/static/css/global.less --watch > ~/Documents/Development/Projects/blog/static/css/styles.css -x
This -x flag compresses the CSS.
As you can see I have tried to use the --watch flag which from what I understood would mean it would automatically recompile the CSS every time you make a change to the less files. But this doesnt seem to work.
I realise I could use the "less app" that someone has written, but Im curious as to how to do this myself, as it's clearly possible.
Because less often uses #imports, it's an over-engineered solution to watch all the files involved. You can just use a simple loop to compile every so often, for example:
while true; do lessc bootstrap.less > bootstrap.css 2> /dev/null; sleep 5; done
If this is too simplistic, then you could try using the -nt test in Bash, which tests if a file's mtime is newer than the other, for example (supposing bootstrap.less contains an #import for custom.less):
while true
if [ bootstrap.less -nt bootstrap.css ] || [ custom.less -nt bootstrap.css ]; then
echo "Change detected, regenerating # $(date)"
lessc bootstrap.less > bootstrap.css
sleep 5