Cannot Install Wordpress Plugin (Download failed) - wordpress

i am using WordPress 3.6.1 and I have strange problem today. First I have to tell that my current website was copied from old website, both the WP files and database.
So in the current website, I try to install new plugin, but it returns error:
Downloading install package from…
Download failed. Could not open handle for fopen() to /home/k5841724/public_html/wp-content/uploads/xml-sitemap-xml-sitemapcouk.tmp
Then all my plugins are dissapered (Akismet, Hello Dolly, etc), and I can't install any plugin. Nothing wrong with my permission, /wp-content, /wp-includes, /wpcontent/uploads all are set to 755. Any idea what is the solution for this issue? Thanks.
addition note:
all my plugins folder (Akismet, etc) still there inside wp-content/plugins folder, but not appear in WP Dashboard.

You should check permissions for folder wp-content/uploads
I think wordpress can't write to this folder. Set for this folder permission 777 and try again.

I have experienced the same error with plugin installation.
In my case it was very informative to change WP_DEBUG to true in my wp-config.php file.
After doing so I have noticed the error message, telling me that open function is disabled due to security reasons.
Try changing your php.ini settings so that disable_functions doesn't contain fopen


Wordpress Plugins Couldn't Update: Could not create directory

Good day! Why is it that I am not able to update my plugins in my Wordpress Website.
In my FTP File I have already set my plugins folder to 755 then configured my wp-contents to 755. In my wordpress Site Health, this is what is written in File Permission
The main WordPress directory Writable
The wp-content directory Writable
The uploads directory Writable
The plugins directory Writable
The themes directory Writable
I have done everything written in this site and still I can't update any of my plugins. I don't know what is wrong anymore or what should I do.
I am using CWP, with WordPress 5.5.1 and PHP version 7.4.10
One way to solve this problem, trying to change the FTP permissions by the “wp-config.php” file.
There're some steps to fix “Installation failed, could not create directory.” From your web hosting account, open the “File Manager”. Within the root folder, locate the “wp-config.php” file.
In your “wp-config.php” file, enter the following passage of code.
NOTE: Replace the information in brackets with your information.
define(‘FS_METHOD’, ‘ftpext’);
define(‘FTP_BASE’, ‘/pathtorootofyourblog/’);
define(‘FTP_USER’, ‘ftpusername’);
define(‘FTP_PASS’, ‘ftppassword’);
define(‘FTP_HOST’, ‘’);
define(‘FTP_SSL’, false);
Save the “wp-config.php” file.
Return to your dashboard and try to install the plugin or upgrade once again. This time, it should be done without any problems.

Error when loading wordpress theme directly as a folder [hosting on appengine]

After mysteriously losing site administrator access to my wordpress installation, I tried uploading the theme into the wp-content/themes folder directly.
However, I get the following error when attempting to access the main page now
{"success":"-1","alert":"Cannot write style-custom.css file, you may try setting the style-custom.css file permission to 755 or 777 to solved this. ( If file does not exists, you have to create it yourself )"}
How can I solve this?
I have the same problem with the bluediamond themes.
To fix this issue I have changed by FTP the permissions on the file style-custom.css (The correct permissions is 777) locate in the root of the theme "wp-content/themes/bluediamond".

wp recaptcha wordpress plugin install error

I am trying to install wp-recaptcha in my wordpress site. But it showed me the following error.
Warning: require_once(/home2/sample/public_html/ [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home2/sample/public_html/ on line 158
How to fix this?
It seems the recaptchalib.php file is missing in the plugin directory, or that the Web server can not access it. Check you have uploaded all plugin files (since recaptchalib.php is present in the plugin package) and that the file permissions are set correctly.

Wordpress Configuration File

I have insatlled wordpress 3.3.1 recently. I have not confirgured wp-config.php file before installation, after installation, i have copied the wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php & edit the details accordingly, but this wp-config file is not reflecting actually.
What may be the reason, how to make this enable so that wp-config file will be included while loading wordpress files,
Moreover from where the db & other settings are loaded in Wordpress.
Thanks !
Make sure that wp-config.php is in the right location (webroot), and that the file has the appropriate permissions. If everything checks out ok, check the apache logs.
Please make sure that you follow the following steps
I can only assume you are on a windows machine, since I've had the same problem, but not in Linux.

WordPress update failing

I'm having a problem when trying to update WordPress to the latest version I get the following error:
Download failed.: Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable.
Installation Failed
I'm also having the same problem when uploading images, it fails and gives the following error
has failed to upload due to an error
The uploaded file could not be moved to "the website path and then uploads directory"
I have checked the permissions of the folders and the folders themselves are set to 755 & the files inside them set to 644.
Could anyone tell me why it would be doing this?
Where running a plesk server.
Thank You,
Are there any more error messages, probably also in the servers log files? Probably the download for the update should be done to /tmp and you are not allowed to store files there? Try setting the constant WP_TEMP_DIR which should change the directory. Put something like this in your wp_config.php:
define('WP_TEMP_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content/');
The permissions you're using seem reasonable, but they will only work if the FTP user that WordPress is using (set in your wp_config.php file) is the same as the owner of those files/folders.
