Drupal login form customize - drupal

Hi i have used this code
$elements = drupal_get_form("user_login");
$form = drupal_render($elements);
echo $form;
to get the default Drupal login form for my site but I need to customize the HTML, I have found some pages in module/users but did not understand how to customize the structure.

The user login form for Drupal is built by the user_login function in user.module using Drupal Form API. If you need to customize it, you should do it using hook_form_alter() in your module
function YOUR_MODULE_NAME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id=='user_login') {
You don't need to call the YOUR_MODULE_NAME_form_alter() function: Drupal does that for you via the hook mechanism everytime it needs to build a form, and, when $form_id=='user_login', it modifies the login form to allow your customization. The way Drupal does that is discussed in detail in drupal.org, just follow the link I wrote at the beginning of this answer.
The user login form is declared this way in user.module:
// Display login form:
$form['name'] = array('#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Username'),
'#size' => 60,
'#maxlength' => USERNAME_MAX_LENGTH,
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['name']['#description'] = t('Enter your #s username.', array('#s' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal')));
$form['pass'] = array('#type' => 'password',
'#title' => t('Password'),
'#description' => t('Enter the password that accompanies your username.'),
'#required' => TRUE,
$form['#validate'] = user_login_default_validators();
$form['actions'] = array('#type' => 'actions');
$form['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Log in'));
The $form array is passed by reference to your hook_form_alter() before being rendered, allowing for customization. So, let's say that you want to change the label of the textfield for the user name from "Username" to "Name of the User", you write
$form['name']['#title'] = t("Name of the User");
in your custom code. If you want to add another field to the form (a textarea, for example), you do
$form['otherfield'] = array(
'#title' => t('My new custom textarea'),
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#description' => t("A description of what this area is for"),
'#cols' => 10,
'#rows' => 3,
'#weight' => 20,
and Drupal will add the field to the user login form.
There are many different kind of fields and properties that you can customize this way: I encourage you to fully read the Form API documentation. This way you let Drupal take care of form generation, translation, rendering, validation and submission, also permitting to other modules to manipulate your form if needed.
I hope it's clear, have a good day.

use this in template.php
function themename_theme() {
$items = array();
$items['user_login'] = array(
'render element' => 'form',
'path' => drupal_get_path('theme', 'corporateclean') . '/templates',
'template' => 'user-login',
and create a template folder and within that create a file user-login.tpl.php and in this file you can put your html and could customize drupal login


Drupal Ajax Forms

I have a form in Drupal that calls an external database in Netezza. Retrieve this data from Netezza lasts about 10 seconds. Then, based on that information I have to build a select control to let the user choose from a list of categories. When the user chooses a category I do another expensive call to Netezza to retrieve more information.
The problem is that for the second interaction (when the user chose a category) the form is reprocessed and therefore doing 2 expensive calls to Netezza, not one as anyone would expect or desire.
Do you know a workaround for this situation? Is there a way to do an ajax call using the Drupal Ajax Framework without rebuilding the entire form?
PD: Reading documentation about the Ajax Framework I guess a solution could be using another path specifiying #ajax['path'], but havenĀ“t fully tested that behavior and will be thankful if you share your experience.
PD2: I would prefer a workaround based on the Drupal Ajax Framework, not in a caching mechanism.
I'd highly recommend you to have a look into Drupal Examples, specially the module called ajax_example.
this is a fast sample code, might not be running, but just to give you the idea
function expensive_form($form, &$form_state) {
$form['category'] = array(
'#title' => t('Cateogry'),
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => first_expensive_operation(),
'#ajax' => array(
'callback' => 'choose_category_callback',
'wrapper' => 'ajax-div',
// 'method' defaults to replaceWith, but valid values also include
// append, prepend, before and after.
// 'method' => 'replaceWith',
// 'effect' defaults to none. Other valid values are 'fade' and 'slide'.
'effect' => 'slide',
// 'speed' defaults to 'slow'. You can also use 'fast'
// or a number of milliseconds for the animation to last.
// 'speed' => 'slow',
$form['ajax_fieldset'] = array(
'#title' => t("Ajax Fields"),
// The prefix/suffix provide the div that we're replacing, named by
// #ajax['wrapper'] above.
'#prefix' => '<div id="ajax-div">',
'#suffix' => '</div>',
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#description' => t('This is where we get automatically updated something'),
// this will only be executed on the second run of the form
// when the category is set.
if (isset($form_state['values']['category'])) {
$form['ajax_fieldset']['something'] = array(
'#title' => t('Somethings'),
'#type' => 'select',
'#options' => second_expensive_operation($form_state['values']['category']),
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Submit'),
return $form;
* Callback element needs only select the portion of the form to be updated.
* Since #ajax['callback'] return can be HTML or a renderable
* array, we can just return a piece of the form.
function choose_category_callback($form, $form_state) {
return $form['ajax_fieldset'];

Only partial theming of custom form

I've constructed a custom module to create a form. Now I'm stuck on the theming. I already have a CSS stylesheet for the form, since my company is part of the government and they have a preset branding. So I wanted to change the HTML used by the default form theme functions of Drupal thus implementing the correct style.
But only the form-tag of the form gets rendered. The fieldset and elements are not rendered. When the theme functions are removed the default theming kicks in and the form renders normally (but of course without the requested theming).
What I have tried so far:
Added a hook_theme function to add theme functions
function publicatieaanvraagformulier_theme() {
return array(
'publicatieaanvraagformulier_form' => array(
'arguments' => array("element" => NULL)
'publicatieaanvraagformulier_fieldset' => array(
'arguments' => array("element" => NULL)
'publicatieaanvraagformulier_form_element' => array(
'arguments' => array(
"element" => NULL,
"value" => NULL
Added ['#theme'] to the form-element, fieldset-element and the form-elements
$form['#theme'] = "publicatieaanvraagformulier_form";
$form['groep'] = array(
'#title' => t("Please fill in your details"),
'#type' => "fieldset",
'#theme' => "publicatieaanvraagformulier_fieldset"
$form['groep']['organisatie'] = array(
'#title' => t("Organization"),
'#type' => "textfield",
'#attributes' => array("class" => "text"),
'#theme' => "publicatieaanvraagformulier_form_element"
Added the actual theme function based on the default ones in form.inc
function theme_publicatieaanvraagformulier_form($element) {
function theme_publicatieaanvraagformulier_fieldset($element)
function theme_publicatieaanvraagformulier_form_element($element, $value)
I haven't included the code of these functions because even with the default themefunctions code, they don't work. Therefor I assume they are not the source of the problem.
The form is called
//Get the form
$form = drupal_get_form('publicatieaanvraagformulier');
//Add messages
$errors = form_get_errors();
if (!empty($errors)) {
$output .= theme("status_messages","error");
//Show form
$output .= $form;
return $output;
I haven't found similar 'complicated' examples of theming a form, but have pieced together the former from books and online searches.
Hopefully someone has an answer to this problem (point out the mistake I made).

How to develop custom forms for Drupal's admin users?

which will be the best way to develop custom forms for drupal, for admin's part of the system?
thank you in advance!
First thing, you need a location to access your form from, preferably in the "admin/*" namespace if the form is only meant for administration.
If you're just showing a form, you could directly use drupal_get_form as page callback (but you could use any function to generate the HTML code, even mix with theme functions)
Also, you need to know which permission(s) is required to access the form.
By default, I used "access administration pages" but you probably should use something more specific, depending on what you intend the form for.
Let's say the path is "admin/build/something", you need to use hook_menu to register that path:
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function modulename_menu(){
return array(
'admin/build/something' => array(
'title' => 'Example Admin Form',
'description' => 'Admin form introduced by the MODULENAME module',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'access arguments' => array('access administration pages'),
Now, to actually display a page: the value provided in "page arguments" was the name
of the function that drupal_get_form expects to provide the form structure
(which must be an associative array):
* Form Structure
function modulename_form_something(&$form_state){
$form = array();
$form['myfield'] = array(
'#title' => 'My Field',
'#description' => 'This is a basic text input field',
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => $form_state['values']['myfield'],
// Here you can add more elements in the form
return $form;
Here is more informations about the Forms API, which you can use to make some pretty complex forms easily.
Now your form is displayed at "/admin/build/something", but you probably want to do soemthing with these data as well; by default, the validate and submit functions are named the same as the form structure function, with "_validate" and "_submit" respectively (however you can override this with #validate and #submit in the form structure).
For example, let's say the string "no" is not a valid value, everything else is accepted.
* Form validation
function modulename_form_something_validate($form, &$form_state){
if ($form_state['values']['myfield'] == 'no'){
form_set_error('myfield', '"<b>no</b>" is not a valid answer, try again.');
The validation is called first, however you should only check if data are alright in that function. If you need to perform actions when the form is received, do it in the "submit" handler instead because validate may be called several times while submit is called only once.
* Form submission
function modulename_form_something_submit(&$form, &$form_state){
// Here you can perform whatever action that form is made for.
drupal_set_message( 'The form has been sent. "myfield" has the following value: '.$form_state['values']['myfield'] );
Let's summarize, here's the whole modulename.module file:
* Implementation of hook_menu().
function modulename_menu(){
return array(
'admin/build/something' => array(
'title' => 'Example Admin Form',
'description' => 'Admin form introduced by the MODULENAME module',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => 'modulename_form_something',
'access arguments' => array('access administration pages'),
* Form Structure
function modulename_form_something(&$form_state){
$form = array();
$form['myfield'] = array(
'#title' => 'My Field',
'#description' => 'This is a basic text input field',
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => $form_state['values']['myfield'],
// Here you can add more elements in the form
return $form;
* Form validation
function modulename_form_something_validate($form, &$form_state){
if ($form_state['values']['myfield'] == 'no'){
form_set_error('myfield', '"<b>no</b>" is not a valid answer, try again.');
* Form submission
function modulename_form_something_submit(&$form, &$form_state){
// Here you can perform whatever action that form is made for.
drupal_set_message( 'The form has been sent. "myfield" has the following value: '.$form_state['values']['myfield'] );
Don't forget you also need a .info file for being able to install the module:
Source of modulename.info:
; $Id
name = Admin Form
description = This module adds an admin form
package = Example Module
core = "6.x"
version = "6.x-0.1-dev"
The Drupal form api system will help you make any form you need. If you need to store settings, system_settings_form is a nice shortcut.
The only difference when making admin forms, is to remember to set some sort of permission required, and to place the form somewhere in the /admin/ section of the site. There really isn't anything special about admin forms.
Unless I'm misunderstanding your question, I think you can avoid the hassle of Forms API by using the Webform module.
No code required, nice UI and built in statistics tools.
Watch a couple tutorial videos and you'll be making just about any form in no time.

hook_form_submit not being called

I'm trying to submit a form and use hook_form_submit.
The problem is the form is displayed via ajax and this results in hook_form_submit not being called.
$items['ajaxgetform/%'] = array(
'page callback' => 'ajaxgetform',
'access arguments' => array('access content'),
function ajaxgetform($form_id) {
return drupal_json($panel);
function_myform_form($form_state) {
$form['myform'] = array(
'#title' => 'myform value',
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#default_value' => 'myform default value'
$form['#action'] = url('myurl');
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => 'submit'
$form['#ajaxsubmit'] = TRUE;
return $form;
hook_form_alter() does get called.
Below doesn't get called?
function myform_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
// ...
I'm not sure if this is a common problem, but i've been stuck for hours trying to make it work.
If I remove $form['#action'] = url('myurl'); myform_form_submit() gets called. However I get a white screen with jason script.
There is no hook_form_submit(). Instead, you register submit handlers with $form['#submit']. So, if you want to call myform_form_submit() when the form gets submitted, add:
$form['#submit'][] = 'myform_form_submit';
to myform_form(). Take a look at the 5.x to 6.x form changes and the Forms API reference for more info.
Is your form displayed on the page at myurl ? In order for a form submission to be processed, the form as to be displayed (using drupal_get_form()) on the page used as action.
You may also try to se the form #redirect to the landing page URL instead of its #action. This way, the form is submitted to its generating URL but the user is redirected to your destination page after processing.

Drupal user_hook in custom module

Modifying download_count module to include information about users who downloaded files. Want to show this info on users' profile pages.
Here's the code:
function download_count_user($op, &$edit, &$account, $caterory = NULL) {
if ($op == 'view')
$result = db_query("SELECT filename FROM file_downloads_users WHERE user_id = %d", $account->uid);
while ($file_array = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$file_str .= $file->filename . '<br/>';
$items['downloads'] = array(
'title' => t('Files'),
'value' => $file_str,
'class' => 'member'
return array(t('Downloads')=>$items);
Doesn't give me any errors but doesn't show anything on My Account page either.
You don't want to modify a module. Drupal is built very very carefully to avoid having to hack core or contrib. Unless of course you are contributing a patch back.
The right way is to build your own custom module to do this (that would require the user downloads module) and implement the hook almost exactly what you're doing here.
The function is getting run (module enabled, var_dump ing or krumo'ing causes output?, cache cleared)
The way you are keying your variables is for Drupal 5.x and below. In D6, you add to $account->content. Which version of drupal are you using?
Check out user_user() (in user.module):
$account->content['user_picture'] = array(
'#value' => theme('user_picture', $account),
'#weight' => -10,
$account->content['summary']['file_downloads'] = array(
'#type' => 'user_profile_item',
'#title' => t('File Downloads'),
'#value' => $file_str,
'#weight' => 1
