What is %K %F in oh my zsh theme? - zsh

I wanna custom my zsh theme ,but i don't known what does the %F and %K mean
such like
RPROMPT="$POWERLINE_GIT_INFO_RIGHT%F{white}"$'\ue0b2'"%k%F{black}%K{white} $POWERLINE_RIGHT_B %f%F{240}"$'\ue0b2'"%f%k%K{240}%F{255} $POWERLINE_RIGHT_A %f%k"
And i don't understand what is the %f%k 。。
Do you have any documentiions about how to custom oh my zsh theme ?

The ZSH documentation is very good. Learn to use the man pages: specifically, man zshmisc. You want the section on SIMPLE PROMPT ESCAPES:
%F (%f)
Start (stop) using a different foreground colour, if supported
by the terminal. The colour may be specified two ways: either
as a numeric argument, as normal, or by a sequence in braces
following the %F, for example %F{red}. In the latter case the
values allowed are as described for the fg zle_highlight
attribute; see Character Highlighting in zshzle(1). This means
that numeric colours are allowed in the second format also.
%K (%k)
Start (stop) using a different bacKground colour. The syntax is
identical to that for %F and %f.
You've asked:
Do you have any documentation about how to custom oh my zsh theme ?
There are lots of example themes bundled with oh-my-zsh. Look in the themes directory. Look at the forks on github. Read related zsh questions, or this one, or this one.
For my prompt, I borrowed a lot from this.
And, as always, read the man pages, or the zsh users guide.


Why plugin z of zsh is not active inside the .zshrc?

I installed oh my zsh and zsh auto suggestion. Then I read here (https://www.sitepoint.com/zsh-tips-tricks/) about z zsh, an interesting plugin. And I really wanted to install it. So I put the plugin inside my .zshrc file. But the plugin feature is not active, it's not yellow like source command or alias (and those are properly working). I tried to change place of the plugin line (after / before source), but it didn't work. I did'nt understand the first line. My .zshrc, if someone could help...:
export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH
export ZSH="/home/yanalolux/.oh-my-zsh"
. /home/yanalolux/z.sh
source $ZSH/oh-my-zsh.sh
plugins=(z zsh-autosuggestions)
In your .zshrc you have the following two lines:
plugins=(z zsh-autosuggestions)
The second line remove the z plugin. You should have only one line with:
plugins=(z zsh-autosuggestions)
According to the ZSH-z plugin Github homepage:
ZSH-z is a command line tool that allows you to jump quickly to directories that you have visited frequently in the past, or recently -- but most often a combination of the two (a concept known as "frecency"). It works by keeping track of when you go to directories and how much time you spend in them. It is then in the position to guess where you want to go when you type a partial string, e.g. z src might take you to ~/src/zsh.

Keybindings with ZSH

Can anyone tell me how to move back a word in ZSH? Ctrl+b will move back a character but not an entire word.
For instance a log command like this:
knife zero bootstrap mbigglesworth# --sudo-preserve-home --ssh-user mbigglesworth --sudo --policy-name linux_mint_wkstn -N linuxmint-vm -VV
...is painful to get to the middle of!
ESCAPE+b or ESCAPE+f to move back one word or forward one word respectively
The mentioned above are the defaults(as far as I'm concerned)
#TyMac mentions that the defaults are uppercase in his system though (ESCAPE-B, ESCAPE-F)
You may perfectly set them manually by inserting the following lines in your zshrc
bindkey "^[b" backward-word
bindkey "^[f" forward-word
in case you don't like the defaults you may set it to some different key combo using this same syntax (I would suggest that it's preferable to use the defaults though but that's just personal opinion)
Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right to move back and forward one word.
It does, however, depend heavily on your configuration. Read more here.
A list of other handy default keybindings is here

Changing directory color with zsh + Prezto

I am using Prezto + zsh as my shell. I would like to change the color of
directories when I ls my directory. For instance, here is what I currently
Obviously, this is no fun, as I’m hardly able to read my directories because the
blue is so dark. I’d like to change it to white or orange or something lighter.
This dark blue is specific only to directories. Files show up in a nice white
text. Where and what settings must I find to change this?
I've seen this answer still getting attention, so here's an update. Instead of messing with individual colours as below, simply adjust the Minimum Contrast within Preferences ... -> Profiles -> Colors. I set mine to 60.
Original answer
The easier way to do this is to change the colour scheme of your terminal. For example if you are using iTerm2 on a Mac then:
Launch iTerm2
type CMD+i
In the "Colors" tab, change the setting for "Blue" (and potentially the "Bright" equivalient)
In the "General" tab, click "Copy Current Settings to Selected Profile"
If you want to revert back to the defaults you can always select a value from the "Color presets..." dropdown in the "Colors" tab.
Do the equivalent in your favourite terminal if you don't use iTerm2 on a Mac.
The answer depends on your ls. BSD ls uses the environment variable LSCOLORS; coreutils ls uses LS_COLORS instead. See your man page.
The utility module of Prezto uses dircolors (if available) to customize the colors of coreutils ls, which also comes with coreutils. So if you have coreutils, then you can use dircolors to provide actually human-readable color definitions. Read the man page of dircolors for details. Prezto reads from $HOME/.dir_colors by default, otherwise it just use the default colors defined by dircolors. You can of course specify other locations by editing on top of Prezto.
For BSD ls, there's probably no utility comparable to dircolors, so one has to manually define LSCOLORS. See the ENVIRONMENT section of the man page on its format, which should be pretty clear. An example is LSCOLORS='exfxcxdxbxGxDxabagacad', used by Prezto by default. To have it take effect, put it in runcoms, after loading Prezto's utility module.
I may be late to the party but I found the answer here: https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto/issues/1539
Run in the Terminal or add to your .zshrc file
export LSCOLORS="ExGxBxDxCxEgEdxbxgxcxd"

256 colors in zsh-syntax-highlighting?

OK, so I'm using this little fancy cutting edge technology called zsh-syntax-highlighting and although I'm overall happy with the result I don't know how to set styles to anything but 8 basic colors (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white), e.g.
#doesn't work
So, how do I set more fancy colors for this zshzle plugin?
As you pointed out in the comment to chepner answer terminator is a fork of gnome-terminal and it still uses a lot of functions from gnome. In fact it seems that the whole terminator VTE widget comes from gnome and gnome-terminal by defaults "supports" only 8 basic colors. You can check that with echotc Co command. It will return 8 for both of them and for xterm too (although in xterm case this is true and only 8 colors), so basically all 3 terminal emulators you tried so far.
Now, you noted that teminator (and gnome-terminal) can in fact display more colors, but this is only because it more or less processes all those special color codes without paying attention to TERM settings what does not obey standards but well, this is gnome. Anyway to make long story short you need to set TERM environment variable to something like xterm-256color and check again with echotc Co - you should now see 256, and your ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path]='fg=217' should work as well.
To always start with 256 colors you can put into you .zshrc
[[ "$TERM" == "xterm" ]] && export TERM=xterm-256color
and if you have any gnome shortcuts with terminator then change them as follows
terminator -e "TERM=xterm-256color pine"
http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Zsh-Line-Editor.html#Character-Highlighting suggests that the value for fg be a single integer from 0 to 255:
ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path]='fg=167' # Whatever color 167 is in the 256-color palette.
I Notice you are using [path], it could be that a custom path with it's own color setting is interfering with your highlight setting. Try testing with a different item such as [command]:
I tried the above line and it works for me. I tried using the same value for path already knowing my custom prompt has its own colors and my prompts custom colors won out over the highlight.
I use a ZSH helper called Oh-My-ZSH so the following may be a bit different or not apply to you:
Make sure you are changing the color definition after the highlight plugin is loaded. On my setup it will actually generate an error but since I only tested on my syetem (OSX10,9, ZSH 5.0.7, Oh-My-ZSH, iTerm v2) your experience may be different.
Doesn't work:
plugins=(git osx jim colorize zsh-syntax-highlighting)
Does work:
plugins=(git osx jim colorize zsh-syntax-highlighting)

Why do <C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> not work in vim?

I have Vim 7.2 installed on Windows. In GVim, the <C-PageUp> and <C-PageDown> work for navigation between tabs by default. However, it doesn't work for Vim.
I have even added the below lines in _vimrc, but it still does not work.
map <C-PageUp> :tabp<CR>
map <C-PageDown> :tabn<CR>
But, map and works.
map <C-left> :tabp<CR>
map <C-right> :tabn<CR>
Does anybody have a clue why?
The problem you describe is generally caused by vim's terminal settings not knowing the correct character sequence for a given key (on a console, all keystrokes are turned into a sequence of characters). It can also be caused by your console not sending a distinct character sequence for the key you're trying to press.
If it's the former problem, doing something like this can work around it:
:map <CTRL-V><CTRL-PAGEUP> :tabp<CR>
Where <CTRL-V> and <CTRL-PAGEUP> are literally those keys, not "less than, C, T, R, ... etc.".
If it's the latter problem then you need to either adjust the settings of your terminal program or get a different terminal program. (I'm not sure which of these options actually exist on Windows.)
This may seem obvious to many, but konsole users should be aware that some versions bind ctrl-pageup / ctrl-pagedown as secondary bindings to it's own tabbed window feature, (which may not be obvious if you don't use that feature).
Simply clearing them from the 'Configure Shortcuts' menu got them working in vim correctly for me. I guess other terminals may have similar features enabeld by default.
I'm adding this answer, taking details from vi & Vim, to integrate those that are already been given/accepted with some more details that sound very important to me.
The alredy proposed answers
It is true what the other answer says:
map <C-PageUp> :echo "hello"<CR> won't work because Vim doesn't know what escape sequence corresponds to the keycode <C-PageUp>;
one solution is to type the escape sequence explicitly: map ^[[5^ :echo "hello"<CR>, where the escape sequence ^[[5^ (which is in general different from terminal to terminal) can be obtained by Ctrl+VCtrl+PageUp.
One additional important detail
On the other hand the best solution for me is the following
set <F13>=^[[5^
map <F13> :echo "hello"<CR>
which makes use of one of additional function key codes (you can use up to <F37>). Likewise, you could have a bunch of set keycode=escapesequence all together in a single place in your .vimrc (or in another dedicated file that you source from your .vimrc, why not?).
