Creating templates in Cloudstack - xen

I am trying to get a cloudstack environment up and going. I have managed to get a server up, and it is pointed to my XenServer to manage. I have been able to create a couple of instances as well. In those instances, I have added some software, and gone through the initial install, and would like to make that my baseline. However, the screenshot below shows what I can see in the Templates section. When I click on Register template, I have no options for being able to make a template from a Volume or a snapshot of the instances I have created.
Am I doing something wrong here?

You want to Create Template
Create Template starts from an existing volume. In contrast, Register Template requires you to upload a volume into CloudStack.

If you want create template of a vm then you will have to stop the vm and then you will have find the root volume of that vm ,you can in two way .First click on instances ,then click that particular instance ,then click on view volumes ,then select the volume whose name is starting with ROOt ,select fourth icon which is for template creation.Then fill the form and submit. Second one is go dashboard ,select storage then find the root volume which is having you vm name in vm display name cloumn ,select that root volume ,the click on fourth icon which is to create template.Fill the form and submit it.


VS2012 not showing images uploaded by controller

I created a page for uploading images,it works good,but when I want to show that uploaded image in a view I can't.
My images are stored in Images/products/{product name}/
In view I wrote
#Foreach(var item in product.images){
<img src="~/images/products/{productname}/" />
//my name spell are correct
In debug src has correct value but doesn't show image,
But when I give an URL from content folder it shows that image,
Even in solution explorer. VS doesn't show uploaded images and created folders by controller codes,
you might need to add permission to Images/products{productName} folder.
Open IIS Manager
Click on the web site or application that serves the images
Click the "Basic Settings link on the right - take note of the App
Pool name and cancel that dialog.
Click on Application Pools in the server tree on left In the list of
app pools - note the identity for the app pool with the name you
noted in step 3
Now in Windows Explorer, you can right click the image folders,
choose properties, and click the click the security tab. Find the
user associated with the identity used by the app pool. If it's not
there then there's no permissions If it's there, click on it and
look in the permissions pane to make sure "Read" is checked (or write/modify or even full control if you need).
you will need to repeat the step if you add sub folder manually on the Images folder
It's a best practice to save image on Content file since it by default already have read access. or another way is you could save your file on App_Data or hosting the file on cloud (with time limit to show for better security).

AllowOverride All Cloud Engine template

I am trying to run WordPress high availability on Google Cloud with the launcher and I get a problem with the AllowOverride All. I can set it manually on the content group instance but when another instance is created to handle the traffic, the new instance does not have the AllowOverride All on /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/wordpress.conf.
I tried adding it in the .htaccess on the root WordPress folder that will sync to all the instances but it does not work.
Is there any other alternative to add it to WordPress to get permalink working ?
You can set a startup script in your instance template. Write a script that overrides the wordpress.con file with the content that you want and it will get executed on every instance's startup.
As you are running the WordPress High Availability solution from the GCP Marketplace, so the instance creation is managed by an instance group using a template. The whole update process would be something like the following:
Go to the instance groups menu in your GCP Console, under Compute Engine.
Identify the instance groups that belong to the WordPress high availability deployment and click in the template name
Copy the template. Now you can edit the startup script under management. There might be a script already, just add yours. Give the template a name and save it.
Now, to update the instance group to use the new template, edit the instance group and change the template it uses. After that you'll need to click the Rolling update button to actually update the instances.

sulu cms set up multi port website

How can i set up multi portal website in sulu cms?
Example: I will have one admin panel from that i will manage content of site like,,
I try by make copy of file
and make file lilke app/Resources/webspaces/
And in i also add another portal tag in portals but had no luck...
but in admin panel left side i see just one site
How can i do that? Is there any documentation? Any link?
Multiple portals within the same webspace are not visible in the Administration UI, what you want are multiple webspaces. Just create a second XML file as described in our documentation, and make sure you have different URLs setup and both webspaces have a different value in their key tag. Afterwards you have to execute the bin/console sulu:document:init command once more to initialize some nodes.
Maybe also check the logs in var/logs for any errors and warnings, because if you have an error in your webspace configuration file, the new webspace will not show up in the admin UI.
Another thing that could go wrong is that you are missing the permissions to see the new webspace (that usually happens when you create a new webspace after you've executed the command mentioned above). In that case you have to navigate to Settings -> User roles -> Your userrole, and add the missing permissions in the shown matrix.

Plone 'member folders' option dont work

I've enabled 'member folders' in plone administration panel. Then I've created a context menu link in the ZMI (with url: string:${portal/portal_membership/getHomeUrl}) to make these folders easy available.
I've noticed, that .getHomeUrl() always returns None, and link looks like:
Do you have any idea what's wrong?
First of all, you normally enable that option in the Security tab of your Plone control panel:
If you set the option there, it'll also add a 'My Folder' action automatically that uses the .getHomeUrl() method.
.getHomeUrl() only returns a URL if the folder already exists. In your case it appears the folder is not yet created for the current member. The folder is first created when a member logs in but does not have their own folder yet. Logging out then in again should remedy this.
If you accidentally removed the Members folder from your Plone setup, you'll need to recreate it. Per-user folder creation would otherwise fail. If it is missing, simply create a new folder with the id Members in the root of your site.

Where is the JobScape preference file located?

Is there a configuration file for JobScape where I can specify which jobs to load on startup, the refresh interval etc?
Apparently JobScape that comes with AutoSys 4.5 has no user preference file. You can not specify default values for job specific parameters that you see from the View menu (like what jobs to load on startup, the view levels etc). But there is a preference file for X-Windows resources that you can manually edit to specify default values for X-Windows parameters that you see from the Options menu (like auto reload, refresh interval etc.) In Solaris this file is /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/Xpert
